311 -
Shane: Orphan, though does have an uncle. His mother died at birth and he was raised by his father and uncle. His father passed away much more recently.
Ella Parents? hmmmm hard question. If you ask her, she will say that technically she has DNA harvest from 173 different people, 37 or which are still alive, and 13 of those actually donated the DNA rather than having it stolen or approriated. Damn Crey <shakes fist>
Agent Immolate - Orphan
Shooter - Father unknown, mother deceased, sister deceased
Lotus - Parents deceased a long long long long time ago (She's old)
Rax - far too complicated
Sienna - Both parents living, but their fairies so what do they matter, figure they are more communal in the child raising
Midnight Dragonfly: Mother died, father unknown, step-father can go to hell and die sob sob...
As for some was in the past D&D characters.
Had two Elf brothers, one was very egotistical and arrogant (Sort of like Billyboy) the other was dark moody and sour (sort of like Ian) mostly due to sibling rivary. Both parents alive and well. -
'Strawberry Cheescake!!!"
Sienna'a wings fluttered excitedly but she couldnt lift off with her magic dampened.
She muttered excitedly in fairy language but it was barely audible with her sonic abilies.
So there were just a few chirps from the small faiery and she hopped around excitely trying to fly.
The kitchen was so far off for someone as small as Sienna was currently.
Hitchhiking was the ticket she started climbing up Burnings leg. -
Sienna feel from the air and bounced along the floor. She got up slowly and rubbed her hiney.
Sienna speed boosted both Burning and Jake then placed herself in their missile path activating her repel shield in the process. -
My Jounin are named 'Silent' and 'Deadly' yayy for fart humor :P
What really really sucks (other than the sappers) is those damn stun grenades. Those stuns last FOREVER. The only PvE that ever managed to detoggle my Invul tank. -
Anyone here read the Chronicles of Narnia when they were younger? I was a fan of that series in 5th and 6th grade and after seeing the movie, I went out and bought the books so I could reread them. I based Ian's general personality on my favorite character in the book series. Can you guess who?
It was that scrappy sharp-tongued talking mouse with the rapier and a plume behind his ear, Reepicheep. He's honor bound and demands respect dispite his size. He's afraid of nothing and never backs away from a challenge. It just so happens that I joined in SH101 not long after that movie released, if my memory serves me right.
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I didn't have the fortune of reading them while I was younger, but visted them after the movie came out.
Reepicheep was a awesome character -
"Eek!" shouted Muck as he was slapped.
Guck leapt on top of the two shouting, "Dogpile!" while smacking Stellarmare on the back of the head.
[/ QUOTE ]
Stella found herself speed boost as fairy sparkles rained down from her body. Guck on the other hand found his speed siphoned as his drift to the ground was comically slow. A tranference from Guck bottom out his endurance while topping Muck's and Stella's.
Then Muck in a shower of fairy sparkles found himself speed boosted too.
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Sienna cried as she speed around the room -
Sienna stumbled around dizzly after the teleport, cartoonish stars made of her fairy dust spun around her head till she stumbled too far and fell off the back of Burning's shoulder.
When she landed she realized it was getting very very cold. To combat the chill she started singing a fairy song. It was very faint at first (Since she is only two inches tall at the moment) but steadily grew in power so that everyone in the room could hear it clearly.
Though only Magda could understand the words the music was sweet, elegant and hauntingly beautiful.
Sienna was glowing warmly once she reached the second verse (only as strong as a single candle) and glowing brightly as she continued to sing...... -
Sienna started clawing at the air and swimming in place since she was only insect size at the moment, fighting the pull of the mercyless vacuum, wielded by the humorless blonde boy
He fell down, gripping his head for a moment before throwing the toy sword at Stellarmare.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sienna shrank in size and sprang into action, intercepting the plastic sword with her repel shield. It may have saved Stella from a plastic sword wound but it really ended up re-arming Muck as the sword bounced right back to him.
Sienna cocked her head to the side her antennae flopping with the lean wondering how in the world she manged that. -
Sienna flew over to Burning and grew to her full size. She helped him up but was giggling at him at the same time.
Burning's eyes went wide, seeing all the things the fairy was doing. He ran over to her, and said, "Superhewo! I wanna be a superhewo!"
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Sienna flitted over to Burning and started flying fast circles around him until multiple rings of sparkles surrounded him. Then with a playful tap on her nose and a wink the sparkles flashed brightly. Torcher glowed for a few seconds then the glow faded to just a dim aura. He felt faster and lighter.
((Speed Boost and Inertia Reduction or SS and SJ))
Sienna started to litterally bounce off the walls like a rubber super ball, with each bounce a splash of sparkles and some faint chime noises and giggling. -
Magda giggled and gave Anna an illusion of spiked, bright red hair, and a brief illusion of standing on a stage in front of a crowd, all the lights bright and focused on her.
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Sienna joined in by flying around Anna exploding in pyrotechnic sparkles and mimicing an electrical guitar. -
Shane was an a character I had back in the late 80s with the Marvel Superheroes RP game, before the ultimate powers book. He was redone with the ultimate powers book and main character. The RP game fell to the wayside but I never forgot the character. When the x-men evolutions cartoon was on, I modified Shane's backstory as if he were developing his powers in a high school setting. This made an easy transition to SH101.
Lotus was the last D&D character I played. Don't remember which edition, but she roughly translated powers wise into a stalker (though not alignment wise).
AH101 Ella is name stolen from my hero tanker Tankerella who was Ella by short. I carried the name to CoV but added Innocent-Ella the only background I had was stolen hero DNA. She was devoid of personality when she started in AH101 but has become fairly complex though still naive. She is my fun character to write (Usually if you're reading AV101)
Rax another marvel heros game character, though modified since.
Shooter was a Shadowrun character
Agent Immolate in game character with a background, that made a breif appearance in the arena. -
Sienna frowned. She didnt know how to summon actual critters. Her parents told her they would teach her when she was 300. She could however shape fairy dust into things. They were pretty much harmless but still fun to play with.
Sienna nodded enthusiastically to the plans just as a HUGE bullfrog fell at the two. Instinctively she turned on her repel field launching the illusionary bullfrog to land in Virelais police hat. -
Magda giggled at Sienna's fun, and shrank, the clothing dissapating in a shimmer, to shrink down to a tiny ball of white fire, and landed on Jake's shoulder, whispering in his ear. She sent a mental poke to Sienna to call her over as well.
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Sienna poked her head out of the flintlock pistol, and her antenna twitched as she got Magda's message. Sienna stole the inertia of Diamond when Ghoul tossed 'em into the truck and she shot out of the gun rapidly leaving a showering trail of sparkles. She zipped around the room twice before settling next to Magda on Jake's shoulder eager to hear the plan... -
Sienna flitted over to Feliks, growing to be about four inches tall she polished the metals on his military jacket. They sparkled with fairy dust for a few moments and she floated off looking at them proudly and smiling.
Seeing that Colbalt had joined the fun Sienna shrank back down and flew up the barrel of Colbalt's flintlock pistol. Making the appropriate sound for that and shooting out fairy sparkles from the barrel when even Colbalt made the fireing motion. -
Sienna zipped over to the phantasm, and made the noise of a heavy lasers firing for the flashlike beam.
'ZOOT' -
((Sorry I know this was late))
Sienna smiled at Magda, and floated left on her fairy wings that left a trail of sparkles. Sienna intercepted the ball with a volleyball style maneuver then sent it back to Magda with a small pulse of her repel shield.
They went back and forth several times until they heard Essex shout out activities. The ball bounced off Siennas head as she thought Activities! Generally to human children that meant games or crafts but to fairy children and sometimes the adults too it meant mischief and pranks.
Sienna flew to the front closet, once the sparkles stopped floating around her head from the ball strike. She shrank down in size to be just a pinpoint of light and zipped under the closet door to examine the contents of the closet.
Large trunk boring :P
Up on the top shelf there (inexplicably) was a bowling ball.
'This could be fun. Sienna grew slightly larger and started rolling the bowling ball forward on the shelf as Essex grabbed the large trunk.
The trunk, awww Sienna stopped pushing the bowling ball forward and it rolled back into its place. As Essex announced "The costume trunk!"
Whats a costume trunk??? Sienna listened to Essexs instructions and was still confused.
She already knew what she was going to be when she grew up. A fairy princess.
When Schizo emerged and announced himself a terrorist, Sienna as a small pin point of light again flew over and made very authentic, very load machine gun sounds as he mimed spraying the room. -
I hate to be a continuity stickler, just wondering if Longbow as an entity isn't too 'young' to already be able to produce ex members unless they're dishonourably discharged or invalids?
I'll gladly volunteer for the NPC for either Magical or Tech Medicine otherwise. (Giving preference to Magical over Tech, but both fields allow for enough technobabble to drown out lacking factual knowledge, so I should be safe with either. Just figure I'm better with the Magical er... cryptobabble? Thelemisnomenclature? You know what I mean.)
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Okay Eisregen has 'dibs' on Magical Medicine.
As for continuity on Ex-longbow, there could be plenty of legitimate reasons. Longbow could have existed for longer than anyone expected, or maybe the Captain had decided to settledown with a lower risk job than the regular Longbow ranks. -
Things are going crazy at work lately so I havent had much time to write as I would like.
Requesting NPC help.
The biggest problem with GM'ing is the cast size. There is no limit with open NPC's though you are still subject to the 2 post limit.
Some NPC's the Clinic needs are as below. Let me know if anyone feels like detailing them out and becoming 'owner' of the NPC. I have reserved the director of the Clinic George Henry.
Open NPCs
Head of Magical Medicine
Head of Technological and Cybernetic Medicine
Head of Mundane Medicine
Head of Psychiatric Care
Security Captain (Ex-Longbow)
Spa Manager
NPC's are certainly not limited to the above, as there is plenty of room for misc. doctors nurses, orderlies candy stripers (Hope I spelled that right) maintenance people, grounds people and the like.
I just dont want to personally manage a large cast myself, or all of these department heads will become reclusive figureheads.
Post or PM as you see fit. -
Sienna stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly to get Nagas attention then she used her repel field to launch a sandwich to Naga.
When she heard a tiny giggle and familiar bells, she immediately took flight to go investigate the newly arrived bubble.
Sienna shrank to be about the same size as the bubble, as she landed in a shower of sparkles next to it.
She leaned in real close to try to see in it but was unable to so she made faces at her reflection.
<<Hello?>> in fairy language -
((XD;; Holy [censored]. ))
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((Ditto)) -
I have to admit that I am stuck
I have about 2-3 pages of written material for the Clinic RP, but I don't think I have the time dedication to GM a thread.
ManySplinters has offered to co-GM if someone would like to take over as primary GM, I'll turn over my written notes and they can take it from there.
It is something I would like to partcipate in still, but cant foresee allocating the time as GM.
Post here if interested in the GM position and I'll PM over my notes.