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  1. "Tell someone what?" said Reginald. This had to be what the Oracle wanted to happen! He was one step closer to his destiny. . . His jetpack activated, lifting him off the ground.

    "No matter. You are young for a hero, but I have never noticed that age has such a profound effect on one's abilities as many say. . . I will accompany you out of here."
  2. ((Sorry, didn't make that clear. Reginald is in a hall very close to the ceremony hall. That's where he's heading, but he's not there yet.))
  3. ((Heck? Why not. Never used him in an RP before, and he seems to be working well enough in game. . .))

    This had to be the place. A new page of his destiny would unfold here.

    "So," Reginald Gelato said, as he scanned the great Oranbegan hall he had arrived in. "Oracle. Why is it that I am here again?" He was a tall, muscular man, dressed in black tech armor of some kind, wearing black sunglasses.

    He had brought out a strange object, appearing to be a simple stone tablet, but no sooner did he speak to it than an image of a woman with short blonde hair and glasses appeared in its center.

    "Reggie, come on!" the Oracle protested. "I can't TELL you why you're here. May I ask how many times I have to tell you that telling the future changes it before it worms its way into your head?" She smiled.

    "Well. . . at least I know what my contact told me," Reginald sighed. "Baron Zoria himself is said to be in this section of Oranbega, at this very moment. If I can stop him. . ."

    The Oracle chuckled. "Yes! Yes, ah, excellent idea! Will fix everything. . ." She chuckled again, unable to help herself.

    "What the. . .Oracle, you know something, don't you?"

    "No, of course not," said the Oracle, recovering. "I was just. . .ah. . .remembering an old joke that amused me. And is it really so hard for you to call me Ruth? It's my name."

    Reginald ignored this last. He drew a bow and arrow from his back, replacing it with the Oracle, and set an arrow in it. "Well. Whatever it is you are hiding from me. . . I am sure it will be advantageous to rid the world of that Death Mage down there." He let the arrow fly.

    ((Bah! Forgot to describe him! Yeah, s'not that great of a description, but his costume is pretty simple. :P))
  4. "You mean, dis boy might huwt Essex?" Hal said under his breath, sitting in a highchair near Experiment. "Oh no! We gotta saver."

    A being formed of pure light and sporting a pacifier where its mouth should be appeared beside him.

    Hehe. Worry t'much.

    "But. . .but. . ."

    Aw, okay. You silly!

    Schizo cackled next to Hal.

    "Yay!" he muttered. "We ruin everything! Hehehehehe!"

    Moonscribe looked over at them calmly, trying to adjust his glasses, which were coming down his nose.

    "Hmmm. I come too. Weally no importance." A piece of his sandwich broke off and floated into his mouth.
  5. "Well," said Hallucinogen, "It never says the guards aren't willing to open the door. This is probably silly, but. . . maybe we should just ask to be let out."
  6. "Hmmmmm," Hal said, looking at the writing on the wall. "I think it's some sort of riddle, but. . ."

    Ugh. Didn't he already have enough complicated problems to sort out?
  7. ". . .Yeah, okay, in this room," Hal said, feeling embarassed. "I knew . . . okay, I didn't."

    He searched the area nearby for any trace of blood, or bullet holes, or some evidence of what this shot had done. . .
  8. "Okay," Hal said, wondering if she wanted him to take her hand again.

    "Uh. . . where is that. . . exactly?" he said, blushing slightly. "The lab or something, right. . .?"

    Hold on. . . wasn't that the place he had tried to send his Phantasm? His eyes narrowed.
  9. Hallucinogen had come to the wall of fire.

    "Hmmm. . ." the hero said. "I don't really have anything that can put that out. . ."
  10. ((I really don't want to do anything without seeing what Essex does. . . she's been interfacing with the robot for AGES now. Don't worry, I have excellent Poking resistance. ))
  11. ((O_O I shudder to think what he's like as an adult!))
  12. "Gotcha," Hal said softly. Radiation poured from his body, erasing all trace of their presence from the minds of anything else nearby.
  13. Green smoke burst into being next to Solar Freeze. Hallucinogen was standing there, having just become visible. He was breathing heavily, obviously tired.

    "Dangit!" he said. "I'm always late. Is anything still going on?"
  14. Something strange is going on.

    "What makes you say that?" Hallucinogen said. He was sitting in a long, white hallway, brightly lit despite the fact that there were no visible lights, and spotless to an unnatural extent. All around, on the walls, sat pictures of a hero clouded in green smoky haze, only yellow, wild hair and a gas mask clearly visible through the cloud. It was obvious who the pictures depicted, for the subject was the one sitting in the hallway, a being formed of light floating beside him. At the end of the hallway, though, a large picture of what appeared to be a little girl in pink clothes and armor rested in an ornate frame. There was certainly no one like that here.

    Haha. I know you sense something.

    "You would," Hallucinogen said. He got to his feet, standing only three and a half feet tall. "I have been trying to locate the source. I think I have."

    The source of what? You don't even know what you sense, do you?

    "I never do," Hal replied, walking to the end of the hall. "You could call it a hunch."
  15. Percy got out of his car. . . plain deep blue and relatively inexpensive, but almost frighteningly well maintained.

    As he walked up to the front door of his little house in Diamond City, easily the smallest and least impressive in the entire district, though fairly impressive nonetheless, he sighed and looked up at the moon overhead.

    That always calmed him down. There was something about it. . . it felt like a close friend, something that was always there when you really needed it. . .

    Haha. Silly. Percy walked through the door, but glanced at the moon one last time first.

    He thought, as he prepared to retire for the night, that it would really be nice, to make a difference. Yes, he was working for a powerful company on an influential project, but what would it yield? A single megalomaniac pulling the strings of the entire world? That seemed most likely to him.

    Maybe if he was a hero, like those from Paragon City. . . but there were so many even of them. And yet. . . with such ambitions, was he really so much better than Tharomar himself?

    . . . But what was he thinking all this for? He had a job that he enjoyed, that paid well enough. . . why did he need to change the world? Selfish, really, Percy thought as he closed his eyes, moonlight shining in through the window.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    As for the love interest issue, it may also be beneficial to consider the characters you're talking about. I'm going to take Hal and Essex, because if they're not the example, they're definitely an example.

    Hallucinogen has shown himself to be insecure and protective. I have seen him care for very few things aside from his own life, and even then not much for that. The fact that he actually cares for Essex makes it no wonder, to me, that he clings to her so badly. ((That's not to say he's not a great character. XP That's just what I see.))

    As for Essex, well...Essex loves everybody. XD; She has quite a bit of knowledge, but essentially her lack of experiences in the outside world and with the complicated emotional processes she's trying to figure out gives her the mentality of a timid child. Children frighten easily and gravitate toward what they know will protect them - in Essex's case, it may be Hal, it may be Toy, it may be Acid, it may be Reikoff, it may be Pstorm. In fact, she really doesn't know where she stands with Hal - She knows she feels very strongly towards him, but is unable to identify and isolate the feeling.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just felt I should respond to this. This is EXACTLY how I see the relationship, down to the last detail. So yeah. I agree with this.

    However, the suggestion I had. What if Essex, at some point, could give Hal some sort of transmitter or something, that would let him talk to her basically any time, and tell him if she was in danger. This would make him much more willing to do things without her, because he could just call her if he was worried. . . and as you may know. . . if you can do something ANYTIME. . . you often do it much less.
  17. Bah!

    Yeah, okay. Goodbye, Shinji. Too bad I couldn't have RPed with you more.
  18. ((Okay. . . I think I was somewhat confused, but. The Phantasm can't get where it wants to go. Thusly. . .))

    The Phantasm vanished; Hal had dismissed it.

    I cannot go any further. There is some sort of magical ward. . .

    "Figures. . ." Hal said. "Ugh. . . I wish I knew what was going on. . ."
  19. "Urgh. . ." Hal groaned, the bullets hitting him in the shoulder, the chest, and the side. He was shortly gone, having been teleported to the hospital.

    "No freakin' FAIR!" Schizo roared. "This SUCKS! Now I have to do EVERYTHING myself!"

    Thorns fired from Schizo's arms as though they themselves were a machine gun with the limiter removed. He pivoted them all around the arena, attempting to hit Ian and Marcus as they dodged his repulsive geyser. . .
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well... I didn't want to say this... but I planned to erase everyone's memory at the end of Final Fight anyway >.>

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Couldn't you have mentioned this sooner or something? That way some of us wouldn't have to worry about hatreds or alliances cooked up during Final Fight?

    Heck, if no one remembers FF, Ghoul won't remember Rosie, Archlich won't remember Blightlord, Toy won't remember any of youse, and interactions between people in SOOOO many other threads would be affected.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  21. I'm sure you aren't talking about me.

    Yeah, Hal tends to follow Essex around like some sort of green smokey shadow. But. I have an idea about this. Perhaps I shall posit it to Essex when she gets back. It might help the two of them split up occasionally in some threads.
  22. A wave of brilliant light surged through the room at the two strange ninjas. Hallucinogen's Phantasm had arrived.

    He is so lazy. He makes me do everything.