666 -
"Who on earth is that?" Hallucinogen thought to himself, hearing the ninja's voices in the distance. He swore he could see something, but his radiation was refusing to scan that area. . . although that was all the more telling.
Heh, seriously. How did you expect Essex to act?
. . .And that's SO not a stab at you, Essex. Really. -
Hallucinogen's bright little eyes narrowed, and minature red flames formed in them. "You not get anywhere near her!" he yelled, leaping at the spiders and trying to squish them under his feet.
Aaagh! Noooooooo!
. . . Heh. Well, your choice. I hope you do come back sometime. . .
But for now, the Angel smiles on you, blessed one. BOOM! Headshot! -
At that moment, Essex would hear a voice inside her head. . .
"Hey, uh, Essex. . . this is Hallucinogen. I'm kinda making you hallucinate so that you think you hear this, hope you don't mind. . . Well, but if you do you should really just stay away from me, since what I look like is basically a hallucination, but anyway, uh. . . Where was I?"
". . . Oh yeah. I kinda thought you should know. . . Archlich is here, disguised as a hero. I'm following him. Please don't try to stop me. . ."
And even then, Hal was creeping after Archlich, releasing twice as much radiation as usual to ensure that the ancient mage was tricked into thinking that his spells had not detected anything. -
Gabriel flew into a nearby wall, changing into his Dwarf form as the blow hit.
"Hmm, impressive, Pharoah," Moonscribe said, not sounding as though he thought it was remotely impressive. He typed, and the air around the Grandmaster became misty and foggy. Interestingly enough, though, everyone except him would see through it clearly. . .
"You wanna see skill?" said Schizo. "Watch THIS!" He began to burp the Star-Spangled Banner, which was made all the more ridiculous by the fact that he STILL had no head. -
((Yeah, it does. So in that sense it's better then ordinary invisiblity, even if it has no effect on machines. It's basically like, if you notice him, you hallucinate and think that you didn't.))
Hallucinogen tried to get a good look at the sack, but Andrew was already examining it. . .
Eh. He could come back to that later. . . He continued around the corner, and saw Experiment 2.0 and. . .
. . .Archlich?!?
Well, he was cleverly disguised, but his radiation scanning wasn't fooled that easily. Hal's eyes narrowed. What the hell was he doing here?
Hal reinforced his invisibility. He didn't trust his radiation quite as much around the powerful mage. . . -
"Nooooo. . ." Hal moaned. "Please, my headache is bad enough."
"YAY!" Schizophrenias yelled, floating out into the arena, still headless.
"Hmm, eager, aren't we, Pharaoh," said Moonscribe as he appeared beside the madman. His hands were poised on his invisible keyboard, ready to type.
"Enough of this," Gabriel said, flying in his Nova form next to Moonscribe. "The sooner this ends, the shorter a time I will have to endure this meaningless violence."
Hallucinogen facepalmed. "Why can't we just all play cards or something?"
((EDIT: In case it's not clear, Hallucinogen isn't fighting him.)) -
"HEY!" Schizophrenias yelled as he rushed out into the stands, although it was unclear how, as his head was still not there. He seemed to have decided it was some sort of fashion statement. "NO FAIR! I wanna fight the Grandmaster! I WANNA!"
Hallucinogen floated out after him, carried by his Phantasm. "Ugh," he groaned, rubbing his head. "For crying out loud! Just shut up already!"
The two of them took seats as far away from each other as possible, and waited to see what would happen. -
Reginald carefully set an arrow in his bow, and painstakingly aimed at the Kraken that the Dark Servant was attacking.
"A little to the left. . . to the right. . . just down."
"Yeah, that should do it!" said the Oracle from his back, as Reginald let the arrow fly into the Kraken, piercing it through the forehead. Reginald only hoped that was a weak point on these things. -
To quote a certain someone...
I'm sure he's shaking in his boots. Not.
[/ QUOTE ]
((Sorry. I'm in too many RPs.
"OW!" Schizo yelled, the grenade exploding in his face.
When the smoke cleared, Schizophrenias was floating in midair still, but his head was gone.
"Hey!" said Schizo as he comically felt around for his head. "You blew my head off!"
At which point the teleporter warped him out of the match.
* * * * * *
"No fair!" Schizo yelled at Hallucinogen. "Can't they wait until my essence is completely destroyed?" His head was still gone; he had neglected to reform it.
"Dangit," Hal moaned, "I'm trying to rest. Don't make me think about how the tournament rules apply to you. My head hurts enough as it is." -
I have to wonder if ANYONE, including myself, really understands the relationship between Hallucinogen and Schizophrenias. Some clarification:
Schizophrenias is an alternate personality inside Hallucinogen's mind. Hal's powers caused him to manifest, or he would not even have a physical form.
Hal and Schizo are the same person. They have the same feelings, emotions, and goals, despite being enemies and having radically different personalities. If you look closely, everything one of them feels has a mirror in the other (unless I messed up somewhere, which is perfectly possible).
Hallucinogen is suicidal, but tries to resist it; Schizophrenias is suicidal, and not only embraces it but is determined to take the world with him.
Hallucinogen admires Essex, and manifests this as relatively innocent love. Schizophrenias admires Essex, and. . . yeah, it's not so innocent with him.
Hallucinogen fears the world, and withdraws from it; while Schizophrenias fears the world, and strikes back at it vengefully.
And so on; those are the best examples I can think of. I can't say too much about Hal and Schizo, of course, especially with Crown of Thorns not being over yet. But that's probably enough confusion for the time being. -
"There are far too many of them," said Reginald. "I have an idea. . ."
He hoped he could pull this one off, he was still not fully used to his new weapon. . . but with any luck, Xander had the creatures' attention. He tensed, and then his hands blurred as arrow after arrow was drawn, nocked, and fired impossibly fast. Arrows rained on the Hydra below. -
A few of the Hydra seemed to be dropping for no apparent reason at all. Anyone who took a closer look, though, would realize there were arrows imbedded in their backs.
"This is far too easy," Reginald said to himself, floating invisibly in midair and preparing to snipe another one. "But I am sure things will get more difficult soon." -
((It means that you're cheating, as you both have a five of clubs.
((Pffft. Remind me why I had Percy go home for the night.
As the commotion nearby had surely stopped Andrew from noticing him, Hal crept further into the lab. He looked around the entrance carefully, noting the doorways that led further in.
((As in: Please tell me about them.))
"Hmmm," Reginald said. "I suppose I should use a little trick I learned from the Darkness."
With that, he disappeared. Thanks to the cloaking device built into his armor, Reginald was now almost completely undetectable. Unseen, he crept into the sewer entrance, ready to fire if something came at him. . . -
"Haha. I have never been impressed with this city's sewer systems," Reginald said as his jetpack activated and he rose into the air, out of the way. He readied an arrow with an explosive tip, preparing to fire it into the crowd of Hydra that was surely close behind the Hellions.
Reginald winced as Nena addressed him as "Reggie", but he had clearly heard the nickname before, and advaned into the sewer without another word.
Yay! No one ever uses that power combination!
"Hmmm. No fair," Moonscribe said, typing frantically in an attempt to make everyone float higher. "Oh well. . ."
His attempt to rewrite the local laws of physics thwarted, Moonscribe crawled into the pile of clothes and brought out a large Egyptian crown.
"I Phawaoh," he said, placing it on his head. -
"While he is being somewhat annoying," Reginald responded, "you are also being somewhat sensitive. I advise you both make an effort to get along a little better. I am sure you each have your own goals. . . your own destinies. Focus on them, not on getting the better of each other. We happen to be on the same side."
"Aaaagh!" Schizo yelled as the bullet connected. "I'm dying! I'm dying! Noooooo!" He sank to the ground. . .
And then abruptly shot at Marcus, thorns flying from his hands. "Or not," he cackled, his spit geyser coming around for one last run at Ian. "Sadly, I'm afraid my brain really isn't a weak point. Whatever the hell THAT is."