3998 -
Oh, goody. So glad they're letting us have so many trays when they charge as much as they do per tray. As long as the prices stay as they are (and a 25% sale still keeps them over 1k points), this feature gets an "mmmhmm, that's nice," from me. I like having an extra tray on test, but it's not THAT nice.
Quote:By uber tough, what exactly do you mean? Do you mean your ability to take damage? That's usually what people mean by "tough," and SR is going to be weaker in that regard than other sets. It's trivially easy to build gobs of positional defense with it, but you are going to notice hits more when they get in. That said, my level 36 SR/Staff Tanker has had no issues tanking for large teams up until that point (on the TFs available to that point: most recently a Katie Hannon TF). At this point, getting Aid Self almost seems silly, but I'm sure he'll want it in Incarnate content so I'll keep it in the build.Hi Dr Gemini,
Teamed with you plenty on Freedom in the past (you and I have compared notes on ice tanks and discussed role of aid-self). I agree, tanks and brutes are different.
My issue is more of how I percieve this tank. My invuln/dm, elec/dm and even ice/fire tanks feel tough and very fun to play. While my staff/sr tank fully built (again with 2 procs in most attacks unless it gets the achilles or pvp -res IO) just does not feel uber tough like my elec/dm or higher dmg like /SS. I guess that is where the set bugs me. I can certainly take and hold aggro. Held LR tonight so that is not my problem. To echo the OP, it just does not feel like I am contributing as much to dmg as I should. Again, it could be perception b/c of all they tiny ticks of dmg but that is how I percieve it. It almost reminds me of energy melee...It is better BUT has the same kind of feeling after playing it for an hour or so.
Anyway, I am happy to hear from experts that AOE is above average. Again, may be my perception b/c DOT.
But you seem to be discussing damage more. Why are you just looking at what the orange numbers say (and by that, I mean the large amounts of orange numbers that add up)? Look at how many attacks you have to use. Between Guarded Spin and Eye of the Storm, +0 and +1 minions are dead or nearly dead (depends on procs and forms and all that). That's not quite as good as Burn + Fire Sword Circle, but that's still quite good for AOE. It's certainly as good and satisfying as Crowd Control + Shatter, which is a good AOE combo for War Mace.
I obviously haven't gotten to Sky Splitter on Live, but I did have it on Test, and I didn't notice anything out of line for Staff's ST damage in the 40s. It's not as good as Fiery Melee, sure, but that's as it should be. Nothing to cause the alarm I'm seeing in this thread. Yeesh, I get too busy at the end of the semester and the Tanker Forum has gone to the Americans! when it comes so Staff Fighting.
Seriously... Staff opens up its AOE and ST capability well before other well known tanker sets (War Mace is less than awesome for AOE before level 35, and ST isn't all that great for Fire Melee before 35), so that's one nice thing when it comes to leveling. And as I pointed out above, it's doing fine in its performance for me. Looking at its numbers in CoD, it doesn't seem particularly out of whack for its damage numbers, plus it does decent debuff and mitigation.
Really, my biggest worries are whether I should pick up Innocuous Strikes or not. I'd probably have to drop an ST attack for it, though, since I don't see its damage quite beating out the mitigation from Guarded Spin and Eye of the Storm, particularly for my SR Tanker. -
I'll put my money on: it's another boy MP!
Have fun in Jamaica as well. -
Gah, was going to answer that question but MP got in there since I opened the thread.
Slotting taunt is nice and you can get some nice bonuses in there, but you might have better options somewhere else. I agree with MP that you can get some nice bonuses there, but I don't much see the need to slot the power itself so much. Even a slot or two can give you plenty of improvement to range and duration (the main things you want in PvE, since you're bound to get a decent chunk of global recharge from elsewhere, particularly with EA).
Just for my two cents/approach, my StJ/EA Brute prioritized getting his defenses to 45% or as close as possible, +recharge, +HP, and +Regen. Works pretty well for me: he's soloed along fine through pre-50 and now DA content. I know his S/L defense is around 48%, though his dark is probably around 43% (Energy is really easy to get over the cap, but Dark lags behind it a lot). I'd post my build, but alas, the wonderful tech department at my university decided we'd all be better off not being able to install programs on our computers, so using Mid's in its current "need to run as an administrator" mode means I can only use it on my gaming computer, which I'm not often at. I'll try to do it when I'm on it again tomorrow. -
Quote:Not really, it's a typical Ham post.lol Am I the only one standing here looking at Hamsters last post and scratching my head going HUH? ;P
This comment is almost equivalent to wondering if Mental Giant will buy the next new item on the Paragon Market. The only people that would do such a thing are those unfamiliar with the player.
I responded via PM, but for anyone else that is curious, Fiery Aura is like Shield. Both powersets are offensively oriented, giving up some survivability to be able to dish out more damage. So if you want a more survivable character but also be able to dish out good damage, Shield and Fiery Aura are good choices for Tanks. Burn is crazy good for AOE and also helps with ST damage (low DPE as well), and Fiery Embrace gives you another damage choice option on top of Build up from your offense powerset.
The defensive build I have also has enough options for offense and recharges its powers well enough that I don't feel the need for Hasten (and I'm going more for survivability there).
I'll have to update things for ATOs and newer incarnate abilities, probably once my spring semester is over. Way too busy during the school year to update it right now. Though I would say you should get the incarnate abilities you feel would be most helpful to you after all your experience getting to 50. The Tanker ATO set is most worth it for Fiery Aura, since it can up your damage, S/L resist, and overall resists with the proc (best place to slot that proc is Fire Sword, as it procs more reliably there than Scorch and recharges fairly fast). -
I had to let my account lapse for a few days after my three months was up, and I seemed to get the points at the same time as I renewed, which was a pleasant surprise. The two times before that it was... some few days. So that part is nice. The transfer tokens do seem to show up on the first of each month... the reward token... some time late in each month.
I appreciate the apparent fixing of the PP stipend, Black Pebble, though I still find it troubling that support doesn't seem to know what players are talking about when they report this issue. Why is there such a huge disconnect between what you and they know? There seems to be a communication breakdown somewhere.
And I still want to know what is being done about the two tokens. Those should be rewarded at the start of the month as well: there is no reason for them to come in at later dates, and it's quite confusing for them to do so. I have a better idea of what's going on as a forumite and I still find it frustrating. If I didn't much read the forums (like I didn't for my first NINE months as a player), I might have given up on the game and NCSoft for not caring (and it still can come across that way as a forumite). That's a big issue.
Please, get this working and get the communication line issues fixed (as best you can, I understand human error)! We and you don't want this detracting from the game anymore! -
I don't have to change anything for my Peacebringer, as he has a Triform build. This change does have me debating a tri-form build for my Warshade, rather than a mostly human build with Dwarf as a backup for mez. Might just go with two builds.
Okay. I can't play on Fridays (date night for me and the missus! woo!), so I don't know that it's worth transferring my Warshade from Victory. I'll keep my eye open to see if you all ever do something on a night I can make.
Quote:Certain procs being worthless under the old formula is a kind of fair argument for the change, I guess. Some procs were bad with the old system because of how weak they were designed, but as you said, longer recharge powers made procs less worth slotting. That gives me more reason for why there is a good change to the system with this.Oh, and people do have a problem with the old formula. Namely that some procs were totally worthless under it. This system will make procs more powerful in all sorts of places. (Including, but not limited to, any single-target power with a without-global-recharge cycle time much longer than 3.2 seconds. Oddly, I seem to recall having such powers in a lot of my builds.)
However, the old system was a lot more clear and easy to follow. PPM and how it is described with procs is terribly done and confusing, and not all entirely because of the language associated with them. "Procs 20 or 30% of the time" is a lot easier to grasp than all the formulating going behind this change. I suppose it's inevitable to balance how differently recharged things are, but I guess I didn't have an issue with procs going more in low recharge powers and less in long recharge ones.
Is there any worry that this change will make procs TOO powerful? I see some of the rates being quoted using the formula, and they seem ridiculously high. Maybe it's just my background with procs, but having a better chance for it to go off than not (or almost 100%) seems a bit on the strong side. Just curious. -
When do you all play again? I seem to recall it only being Friday nights, which is no good for me. But if it was another night I usually can play (usually Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday), I could transfer my Warshade over. Probably the only way he'd ever make it to 50.
Quote:Those recipes that cap at 30 are really worth lowering a bit just for the price. Even though there should be more recipes at level 30 (due to how random rolls work), level 30 recipes are usually a huge amount more in cost on the AH.I'm pretty much the same way. If I'm slotting for a set bonus I tend to keep my sets under level 33. That way I can SK down to 30 and still keep my set bonuses. For a few sets I keep them at 27-28, specifically I'm thinking of basilisk's gaze, since it caps at 30, the difference between 28 and 30 isn't much. That way I keep those sets as low as 25. I do slot lvl 50 IOs when I am not going for a set bonus. So my builds tend to be a bit of each.
There are a few IOs where the IO level doesn't matter. The 120 second proc IOs are the most obvious ones, Miracle, Numina, and the stealth IOs. These all work as long as you have the power, the level of the IO doesn't matter. -
I don't really have any spoof characters. I get chuckles out of a few that I have made (I actually had a Thugs MM called Ba'al the Great that used the Stargate SG-1 team for his pets), but I get burnt out on them. They're just silly or lame to me after awhile. Not that others can't do it, it's just an issue with me.
Now homages? I can do that, for whatever reason. Not too often, but Grey Pilgrim is my first and longest lasting character. Ramandu is my Peacebringer and is a reference to the retired star in CS Lewis's The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Menelmacar, my Archery Blaster, is a reference to the name of the constellation Orion in The Lord of the Rings.
1.21 Giggawatts is technically an homage name, but he's not Marty McFly or anyone from the movies. Was just too good a fit for an E^3 Blaster!
Can't remember which Victory player has the Titan Weapons character "John Frickin' Henry," but I got a kick out of that. I have a character name saved for a TW character (not sure if I'll ever make it) called Titan Andronicus, which I rather like, even if I'm not sure he'll ever get made. Though I might lift the name for a Staff Stalker. -
Quote:I personally thought it was... weird (to put it nicely) that they even put the PPM system in place. Procs were well established, and other than well known procs that didn't work or work well, the system was fine. It seems like a lot of dev time is now being wasted on this system that could have been put elsewhere if they hadn't tried to add a new (and unneeded) system.I can kind of see both sides of this. People should have seen this coming since SBEs came out.
However, on the other side of things, the other proc system was in place for 5 years. I've been fairly active on the forums during that time and as far as I know, there was no word from the devs that they thought procs were a problem. There wasn't really even any significant amount of grumbling about them from players. I do think it's a somewhat legitimate question taking those factors into account.
I'm okay with the changes if it still allows for people to build and benefit from slotting for recharge and procs in a power. Frankly, I doubt most people are going to even notice a huge change with this, unless they were leveraging issues with how SBE procs were working.
All the same, I didn't and don't see the need for the new system. -
Having one team street sweep while another gets the turrets works pretty well for me. I know some people like to speed it more, but I generally like the IXP and drops (and it's the main way I get those), so that's how I usually do it. Though this reminds me I still need to get one of the annoying Lam badges on GP. Not sure if it's well-stocked or the other one where you don't use some type of nades.
I actually like Lambda more than BAF still. Feels like there is more to it, even if there is some street sweeping to it. I actually like the grenade collection phase and the idea of breaching a well defended armory. -
Even at 25% off, I doubt I'll ever have enough to buy another enhancement tray. 1200 points is more than I have ever had in one go with my account. Just never feels like it's worth saving up that much when there are other things worth getting that cost less.
Quote:I feel your pain, good sir. I teach, and I have had a student ask me a question that I literally just answered for the class when it was asked by another student. The ability of humans to misread and obfuscate anything they read or hear is beyond imagining.*sigh* Okay, I suppose I will be as vague and cryptic as possible then. That surely will do the trick...right? Right?
I may or may not look at things...
In all seriousness though Grey Pilgrim is right. I am going to go through the various procs and will test out those with a really low % proc chance and try to identify why they were set so low. If nothing scary happens (meaning I find a potential exploit) I will likely increase their performance. I can't say exactly what will change and by how much as everything involving these changes are simply on paper right now.
But hey, it's Friday! We can all breath deep and relax. -
Quote:Would a better phrasing be "if these procs are under-performing in comparison to other, similar procs after the switch over I will buff them"? That's a little more precise to what you mean, I believe. Otherwise underperform is subjective.Allow me to explain it in a way that cannot be picked apart or misinterpreted: if these procs under-perform after the switch over I will buff them.
On the mechanics of this, my two cents. I rather dislike that the proc system seems to be getting more complicated after all these years of being in another state. I'm sure we'll roll with the changes now (and really, a proc is often helpful in the old and new system, so you really only have to worry about the mechanics in extreme min/max cases), but it does bug me a bit.
I am, however, most in favor of all the procs getting looked at and making sure they work well. Some are just useless (Triumphant Insult's chance for a Mag 2 stun? Absolute Amazement's chance for -to hit? Besides others that have been mentioned) and have been needing a look for years.
Quote:I don't believe you. you and your dev team have destroyed PvP with i13 and never looked back at it, if the new rules for procs is going to work how I think it is you're about to destroy it all over again in terms of certain powers being useless again. how about you provide us an example of how flares, under PvP values will be effected by these changes if it were double/tripple proc'd. Same with neutrino bolt.
As for the proc changes and how it affects any gameplay, especially PvP, that's part of playing an MMO. Power tweaks affect everyone in any MMO I've seen, and especially so in PvP. If you're going to PvP, you have to adapt. Your post seems more like a "I wanna keep things the same no matter what," and not particularly adaptive.
And blech, if PvP is that focused on procs right now, I'm much less interested in it. Not my cuppa tea. -
Quote:Unless they are purples, ATOs, or store bought sets, they will stop working within three levels of the level of the enhancement. That's why I don't get why people like to slot level 50 (non-purple) IOs. I like to be able to exemp, and slotting 50s mean you are out of luck for a huge swath of content. I go for a happy medium between enhancement numbers and exemping, getting recipes in the level 30ish range. That lets me exemp from Moonfire up while still having access to IO boosts (I mostly play blueside).Yes.
I'm actually not even sure that it's possible to create a situation in which set bonuses don't function. As far as I'm aware they function while exemplared even when the enhancements they come from are grayed out. That could be wrong though. In any case, they do function while in forms.
Now, if by grayed out you mean "the power is no longer accessible and I'm no lower than three levels from the level of the enhancement" I believe you are correct. -
Just now saw this. Besides being way too busy right now, my appendix decided to go all angry on me, so I was in the hospital when all this went on beta. Back now, and this certainly makes me happy!
I'm sure Arbiter Hawk will be happy that I stop making comments about this change everywhere. (I'll hold off on the other PB and toggle changes that are needed for a little, just to be less annoying, hehe)
Soooo glad that I gave my Peacebringer a dual build, one tri-form, the other human (rather than removing the tri-form build). I'll probably be playing both more equally now (and man, will this be nice on the prisoner phase of BAF. I gave up shifting during it because it took too long. Now I can buff and use Nova!)
Not sure if I'll ever be able to get my WS out of the 20s, but this will be a great feature if I ever can make it work. Yay, Kheldians are really formshifters now! -
Um, okay. I see questions and build advice being bandied about constantly on the AT forums, and noobie questions answered quite nicely. If anyone is ever mean, CoH types tend to jump all over them for it. I've never had an issue going to any AT forum and getting build questions answered. And no, I'm not that awesome or well known. The CoH forums are quite friendly... unlike other MMOs, I don't hesitate to tell people to go to other server or AT forums: people are always willing to help you out.
Most of the guides I've seen have issue numbers attached to them (all the tank ones do, and others that I have seen), so you can easily steer clear of stuff that's too old. And Primary and Secondary powers are generally pretty static. It's not THAT hard to figure out what changes have happened, or ask about it and get a nice answer.
As for incarnate slots and what to do with them, you see talk like that all the time in the AT forums. Why wouldn't you want to go there to see what people are saying? Much of the time you can get answers without even having to ask anything, if you're willing to look through a few pages instead. And if you have a decent build already to get you to 50, it's not that hard for a player to look at the different Incarnate stuff and see if it'll help them or not. -
Think that's a quote from someone else. I've seen it around a fair amount. Quite funny and true, though!
When I went to Vancouver, I'm still not sure if a waitress was messing with us, but she seriously acted like she did not understand what I meant by soda, pop, or soft drink. Our B & B owner was wondering what was wrong with her, but the waitress never cracked a smile about it or laughed with co-workers, so who knows what was up with her.
By the by, I grew up saying pop, as Minnesota is definitely a "pop" zone. I say soda now because that's what my wife says, and it just sounds better to me. Not sure why... but "pop" just sounds lame or kiddy now. -
Quote:That's the thing, though, they could keep that aspect and still open it to teams. I wish they would do that.From a story telling standpoint, it's interesting. But from a practical standpoint it's a pain in the rear.
Quote:I am most excited for the new trial and the Hybrid slot. I have been itching for a new incarnate power to play with! I think this one has a lot of potential.
Quote:Gah. I hate the axe/mace. It looks awful as a mace and even worse as an axe. -
Quote:There are issues with them showing even concept art too early. If you saw a recent posting of the Celestial concept art, there are pieces there that were not implemented (there was a shield, and separate axes and maces). Seeing it just makes me wish there had been those, and almost makes it worse.They were posted by one of the art guys from Paragon Studios here in a WIP type thread like Dinks. For some reason Z came by and nuked the thread saying they were not ready for prime time and they were removed.
IDK, since they were WIP I have no idea why they were taken down they looked fine. Someone did suggest they may be holding them for some sort of contractual marketing release but IDK.
Still, you would think they would be ready. I23 is kind of weird, in that it feels opened to beta prematurely with them not showing everything. But then they seem to have a date they are really shooting for, from other posts. Not sure that's a good thing.
Quote:I know i23 isn't about the 1-20 Praetoria, but I really like the (1-20) Praetorian content from a story perspective. I like that you can make choices. I like that you can get little side missions when you're playing the opposite side of what you started as. I like that there's lots of cutscenes.
However, it's very difficult to team there in any meaningful way when every 5th mission or so in every story arc is a single player only mission. And there are no task forces or trials. You can't even access the new low level trials from there.
I've run a few characters through Praetoria. And have two left - one that started Loyalist and one Resistance, going through all the arcs. After that I'm probably done for good with starting in Praetoria.
As for First Ward, I ran through it with Isolators and would like to try the arcs out solo, but haven't gotten around to that yet. Will probably end up in the same situation with Night Ward.
My play time is mostly "iTrial, iTrial, iTrial, task force, iTrial, iTrial, etc.." with a smattering of "regular" teaming through Isolators and a static villains team I'm in. I do get to try new powersets but I don't get much time for new low/mid level content.
After leveling my last few characters through DFB and blueside stuff, I'm ready to try some Praetoria again. It's nice to have different options... just wish they were set up better.