Grey Pilgrim

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  1. I'll keep running in Isos with you all. Going to have fun playing the game while I still can, despite NCSoft.

    At least I can get a TA/Archery character to 50 before November... I've been trying to do that for years. Just sad I'll never get to play Martial Arts for Blasters... unless beta is still running.
  2. Grey Pilgrim


    You can friend me at gandalf_333

    Yup, I'm a Gandalf nut, but it's what I used since I started gaming online.
  3. Said this elsewhere already, but thanks to all you devs for your years of great work. It shows in the quality and fun of the game that I played since its release, except for one year (and that was more for financial reasons than anything else). I hope you all find jobs with employers that appreciate you and the product you create more than NCSoft apparently does.
  4. I'll hang around and play. NCSoft won't get any more money from me than what I have already given them, but the people and game I love are still here, so I'll stay with them as long as I can.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    LOL NC Soft. Unless they do COH2, they most likely will never see another penny from me for life.

    My superhero's is what I want. Not to be Batman's funky or some cell shaded punk, I want my City of Heroes period.
    As I said elsewhere, unless they use the same devs to make CoH2, I wouldn't touch it. They threw all of Paragon Studios under the bus without any warning (and you can't tell me there wasn't... I24 has been at full steam in community and development work).

    I was probably going to try Guild Wars 2, to be honest. Just to keep CoH fresh. But now? Not going to touch it in years, if ever. I don't care how good it is. I've been trying out The Old Republic Online a bit for the "free to 15" perk, and I may go there once CoH is gone. It's the only thing that feels as iconic to me, as STO and LOTRO just feel weird to me after playing them for free for a bit. And the other superhero games? Not even close to as good.

  6. Oh, carp. I started working on this and forgot about it. I wanted to give it a go, too. Oh well. Keen to see what other people came up with.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Good. Good. Now... where is my Optic Blast set? I need to make my Cyclops clone already!!!
    I actually thought last night that they should put in alternate animations for Beam Rifle and it would work great as an optical beam set. Yeah, yeah, it's called "Beam Rifle," but they could always rename it.

    But who knows. Maybe they want and could come up with some better ideas for an actual Optic Blast set.


    Completely random aside after seeing a bit of that Twitch video. Anyone ever tell Arbiter Hawk that he has a distinct Sabretooth vibe going on? Seriously.
  8. Is there a recap somewhere? *sighs* I miss the days when they'd actually announce and discuss things on the forums or website. Kind of maddening to try to keep up with all the outlets, and I just don't have the time to set through a whole Twitch broadcast.

    Excited to hear about this, though--I wanted this way more than a Dark Secondary. Wondering if I should reroll some Blasters with this secondary, or just use it with some brand new ones. Either way, more powersets feeds my altitis.


    Slight recap here, for those interested. Hawk's already found this thread.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Not going to make it tonight... and probably not next week either.
    Mental. You're letting the server down. What's wrong with you?

    See you when you get back!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I'm working on the writing contest as well, but it's going to be a bit later this year. You can actually use some of your writing talents with this in the "why" part
    You know me, the guy who hints not so subtly about everything. Just a little encouragement to get a fiction competition going.

    I admittedly don't have any ideas for this yet. I don't have the animal pack, so Swan and Bobcat are probably out, but something else should work.
  11. Pretty cool contest. I agree that they all need a makeover (heck, the Phalanx needs some tweaking as well).

    I'd say that behind another writing/fiction contest, I'm pretty interested in this one. I'll see what I can come up with.
  12. Grey Pilgrim

    Hey gang

    Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
    Yeah, in my (albeit limited) playtime so far, Victory seems like a ghost town.
    Where are you looking, the sewers in Steel? The one night I know you were on when we were all chatting in VF, there was a ton of stuff going on at the same time. There were trials, TFs, and Summer Events running last night as well.
  13. I prefer PI for Unveiler myself. FBZ is bigger and harder to get to, and I haven't noticed having better luck there, either.
  14. TA/Archery works better for me as a Corr, even though I know its debuffs are lower. I recall that it drove me nuts trying to solo it as a defender at these low levels, but he's been doing okay.

    Still going to pick up Water Blast when I can, but I may stick with this guy for Isos.
  15. Some others might suggest an active SG, but I'd say the best thing to do now to find consistent teams is to be active in the server's channels (you can find them listed in the Welcome to Victory Thread that we have stickied at the top of the Victory Forum). You'll see most teams formed there, and the most common/consistent players on the forum.

    LFG is nice and you can use it as well, but that's where most of the forum activity is, and where you'll probably meet people with active SGs as well.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
    Just rolled a Time/Water Defender named The Waterclock.

    Would be cool to join you guys.

    Ah, a witty name. I like it!
  17. I'll be rolling with my TA/Archery Corruptor this week, but I'll probably go Water Blast soonish, once I get the points after this weekend.
  18. Darnit. They finally put the frisbee on sale, but I won't have the points for Water Blast if I get it. Curse you devs!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Super heroes are modern myths. To say that something crafted a mere 60 years ago or less is outdated in its mores when Aesop, Beowulf, the Bible, Shakespeare and other 'timeless' stories deal with the same themes and tropes is idiotic.
    The better stories are timeless. And often many of the better comic book stories are tapping into those Campbellian parameters to be timeless. But there certainly things about comics that are more outdated or reflected the culture they were in to a negative extent.

    But yes, they seem more keen on shooting down what comics/comic movies can (and can't) do. Good example of that was mentioning X-Men First Class and not tangling with the Civil Rights movement at that time. I haven't seen the movie, but I can only imagine doing the origin story plus building up to Cuban blockade and then adding in Civil Rights references (beyond normal mutant stuff) would have hopelessly cluttered the movie and made it stagnant. These two would have probably (rightly) complained that it was trying to do too much.

    Like I said, these two don't seem to know what they want or what they are critiquing. It's a terrible article from that and a writing standpoint.

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Much like most conversations of Liberal Arts majors ... or Baristas (same thing really).
    Hey now... technically, liberal arts majors should be more clear with expressing themselves than those in the sciences. I know I'm more prone to give the latter a little slack.

    But really... writing clearly is something that any writer should be able to do, particularly for a prestigious newspaper like The New York times. A.O. Scott did sidetrack his review of Avengers to go off on comic book movies, though, so I guess it's par for the course with him.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Try Icicles in Ice Armor/* for Tankers.
    It would be nice in any damage aura, I would think. Not sure I'd have room for it, since I have so many powers with KB that needs mitigating to KD (not all, I do like KB, it just doesn't mesh well with most powers or mechanics in game), but we'll see.
  21. Water/Psy for sure. Coloring both silver for the already saved name "Silverlode." Coloring looked great on test.

    I may try water without coloring it at some point, since it looks so good and realistic. I couldn't think of a good concept for it right now or I would have done that.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    Yay! 1st run netted me Loves a Challenge and last run got me Green Stuff for Master OF! Thank you so much for running this. I would have had a good time either way but this was icing on the cake.
    Yup, it was a good group. All three run throughs were fast and smooth, and we had a good group other than the usual random one person out of twelve who would not hit that green button (happened each time!).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    4. Irony continues to be an art practiced by the people who least understand it:
    It's kind of funny how they're saying comics won out over the cultural elite and are no longer "on the edge." They're pretty much co-opting that for themselves: "we're smug an priggish about the genre, but we're the ones being sidelined now." They didn't come out and say that first part, but it's just dripping in the article (and A.O. Scott's review of Avenger's, which was basically an article about how he didn't care for superhero movies) before they get into that over the top last line of the article. If the article didn't have that smug, arrogant tone all over it, its criticisms would be much more strong.

    I do agree in part that there are some gender and racial issues with comic books and their movies, but their comments on those ignore what most movies have done recently (and I'm assuming comics, I don't read enough to know much beyond the using of Samuel L. Jackson for Nick Fury in comics as well). While most of the heroes are white and male, the better comic book movies out there make the most of their female characters and making them more than someone to save. Besides Nick Fury, Heimdall in Thor hardly had to be a black man, Hogun was more Asian than eastern European, etc.

    Their pooh-poohing of Scarlett Johanssen in The Avengers is a good case in point. Yes, she's going to be good looking and have that going for her, but they miss how the movie focuses on her ability to outwit her opponents and how she's able to take on Hawkeye, a similarly "powered" male. They're pretty much victims of the same male pandering that the Russian general early in Avengers exemplified: she's just a pretty face.

    In short, the genre has room to grow, but it has grown more than they're willing to acknowledge.

    Random tangent, they seemed slightly annoyed that comics movies were trying to be serious at one point, then were bored with Avengers, which seemed to balance lighthearted and serious effectively. I'm not sure they know what they want or what they're critiquing.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Any word if Nature Affinity is going Live on Tuesday as well?
    I doubt it. Nature Affinity came on to beta well after Water Blast (same with Bio Armor), and I believe it's still being tweaked.

    There's also the dev logic of wanting to spread out new sets more and not having a preview writeup like Water Blast got. I would figure Nature Affinity and Bio will go live before I24, especially since I24 isn't even in subscriber beta yet.