Grey Pilgrim

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  1. I think that can be helped by closing the MA window after editing (I think it causes it to refresh). At least it did the last time I edited something... I got the notice that the arc had been edited/republished/whatever immediately after closing the MA window, which had been open for about 10-15 secs.
  2. Yeah, it's a good idea to doublecheck things. Somehow the first mission of my arc had picked up a "defeat all" objective, though I have no recollection of ever selecting that or wanting it in the first one. It only makes sense storywise for two of my missions, and I set them up to be pretty easy to do as a defeat all.

    My arc has stalled out at 8 reviews/stars, so if anyone can run it, please do. I also tweaked my final boss to have Invuln as a secondary (rather than SS, as melee sets now have ranged attacks, yay), so I'd like to know if that made him too hard. I tested him with GP, and while things were a bit tough (he hits hard), I don't think he's too tough.
  3. You're on the right track, Viv. Scooter pretty much set the thread up as a place to post MA missions from people in Victory (which is why I'm sketchy on a post or two that seem to be people based on another forum). Which is great, I have to trim down the huge amount of missions somehow. If Scooter hadn't gotten it stickied like he did, I would have asked for a thread for the Victoryites to post their missions to.

    Obviously, people can interpret it different ways. It's not that crazy of an idea to expect someone to put a mission up that's well put together (for what it is trying to do... so make as good of a description as you can).
  4. I will PM this as well, but anyone can try it out if they wish and give me feedback- I'd appreciate it!

    Arc Name: Belated Justice
    Arc ID: 88003
    Faction: Heroic
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Grey_Pilgrim
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island find and defeat the murderer of his childhood friend. Fight the Warriors, Tsoo, and Family as you search for justice.
    Estimated Time to Play: 45-60 minutes
    Link to More Details or Feedback: Use the in-game feedback or PM me. Feedback is appreciated!
  5. Way to prove your name is oxymoronic. You're a fun player in COH and have wacky hero concepts, and your art is fun to see. Keep up the good work!
  6. This is not fun, but I have to vote for Crestent. I feel like Milk Weasel had a more complete idea and form, though both are very light sketches that are quite rushed and not nearly what they could be. Milk Weasel's idea also has a bit of "ouch" to it, as well as a sense of fun.

    I think both could have worked much better as pictures (the concepts in them could be very interesting/intriguing), so I'm sure that a lack of time is mostly what inhibited them (though if you're going to be in an art contest, even if it's fun, go for it! don't dally!). Execution and giving yourself enough time to work is a huge part of any creative effort, so I hope no one runs out of time anymore.
  7. QR

    Okay, with help from Scooter and Toril, I know have a selection of enhancements in the far left bin in our base (there are some higher level ones scattered about from old Isos, I believe). Scooter was very generous to Isos, so I shouldn't have any issues supplying us (thanks, Scooter!). Toril was kind enough to promote me, as I was too low to use the bins. Speaking of which, do we not have any salvage storage in base? I couldn't see it anywhere if we do, so point out where it is if you can.

    I'll hopefully be adding in some more as my bids come in... I'm shortest on defense and resist IOs, since I saved those for last and had used up most of my salvage to make the other stuff. But I have 15s and 20s of Accuracy, Damage, End Reduc, Recharge, and Heal in the bins currently. Let me know if you're short on cash and need something made specifically.
  8. I'd love to let Voo keep tormenting you, but I'm in a kindly mood today. I believe the message said target level 17/18 when I looked.

    And MP, I don't mind doing the shopping with this, it's kind of fun to keep track of prices (I'm the weird type that looks for gas prices wherever he goes). Not sure why that interest doesn't translate into me playing the market (well, I'll sell what drops for me, but that's it), but that's the way it is. I wish I could do it without asking for cash, but I just don't have enough villainside to get the job done.

    Of course, both of us doing some crafting would probably be better for all. I'm planning on making plenty of accuracies and damages, with a fair amount of recharges, end reducs, and heals. However, I'm not sure what else we really will need. Do we have many stunners/holds? Those IOs are usually pretty cheap to pick up from badgers, anyway, so I probably won't make those. Maybe a couple end mods, but the other exotic IOs are probably best made by the couple that need them.
  9. Egads, you're on a lot! Well, I'll try hopping on a little after 10 PM Central tonight (11 PM Eastern) to see if you're around. Can't stick around for too much tonight, but we can at least get the ball rolling (have a bunch of salvage and recipe bids going).
  10. Heh, I missed you both tonight. I'll probably jump on for a bit Friday, and maybe quick tomorrow night to see if either are you on. Let me know if you will be or not and we can sync things up, as it'll be best to work on this awhile before next Wednesday. There was a decent supply of things for level 15 IOs tonight, but I don't want to push my luck. I managed to start in on some crafting with what little cash this guy has, but 120k or so doesn't go far when each IO at 15 costs about 7k to craft.
  11. Hmmmm, not sure. I haven't seen as much what prices were on villainside since I14 came out... things used to be quite nice before it (got IOs, recipes, and salvage for a lot cheaper than I could blueside when my stalker hit 22), but salvage is worse villainside now than it is for heroes from what I saw last night.

    For 15s, though, I could probably make a fair amount for a couple million, I think, and hopefully have a good bit left for 20s and 25s (though I might just stick to 15s and 25s, other than what 20s are needed for memorization). If people do want me to do this, throwing extra salvage needed for common IOs that you don't need (I assume the base has storage, at least) into the bins could help out, too. Well, as long as we can get the permissions set up so we can use the stuff, heh.
  12. I'll be there as well.

    I think the enhancement bins in base are locked out for people still due to the base bug... or at least I couldn't access it with my villain. Also, is anyone taking on crafting duties for this run? I would do it if I had any villains with cash... my only other one is only 26 and hardly rich. Though I would be willing to craft some for everyone if someone without time was willing to pass on the infamy.
  13. I'm still going to roll with my Isos guy for about an hour, from 8-9 PM Central, if anyone wants to join me. I'll probably check out all the other craziness before that.
  14. Grey Pilgrim

    a new joke....

    That's why I like that MA creator Leandro made- you can move stuff around in there and get it all settled before you bring it to the game.
  15. Some nice submissions with this. I have to decide, though, so I am voting for Lousy Day- he's thinking out of the box with this stained glass piece, but it's also a well focused and developed piece that matches up with both characters very well (Gray Huntress summed it up as well as I could) .
  16. Eh, I guess I'll see what's going on. I'm not sure I like that it's starting during a work day... hopefully most of us won't miss out because we're working.
  17. Blech, I worked part-time night shift at Target the summer before college because the part time job I had at a bookstore couldn't be expanded to full-time. On the worst days, I worked 10 PM-6:30 AM, ate when I got home, slept 'til 4 PM, ate something, worked from 5-9 PM at the bookstore, went home, changed, and headed back to Target to start work at 10 PM. Yay, was that ever fun.

    At any rate, I'll probably run some papers and maybe start some contact missions Tuesday night to get caught up with the group, if anyone can/wants to join me.
  18. Grey Pilgrim

    a new joke....

    I've learned from other people in the MA section of the forums that it can sometimes be worth making multiple spawns in of your objectives, since the creator will spontaneously decide to move the "back" objective to the front, and so on. You can then test to see where things end up, and remove the ones that don't work.

    Not sure if you can do that with yours or not still. I wonder if maybe there are more unique spawns then the map can handle sometimes?

    I dunno, trying to think of something that might work. Good luck with it.
  19. Grey Pilgrim

    a new joke....

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Screw that! I want a drop down menu where the current Menu is with the following choices:

    Vangaurd Base
    Midnighter's club
    Crafting table

    Just... all of it right there, I want to zone into Atlas Pa... NO! Not even that, I want to zone into the AE Building FIRST! That's right, ALL new toons just right into AE... you never leave the building - EVAR!

    Yeah... that sounds... awesome.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uh oh, MG is getting really old and lazy. We should get him one of those old people go cart thingies and a reacher arm he can bring around with him- he'll never have to get out of the cart to grab anything off the shelf, get the remote, or pick up the garden hose to scare off all the annoying young people that are on his lawn (again).
  20. Yikes, what do you do, work 70 hours a week? I could do some catchup next Tuesday night as well, in the evening. I pretty much can only play evenings, so perhaps we're out of luck with this.
  21. Grey Pilgrim

    a new joke....

    [ QUOTE ]
    MA did eliminate one of my biggest complaints. Travel is now basically zero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I actually find the lack of travel rather... immersion breaking. Takes the RPG out of this MMO in some ways, since you're now just holodecking. You aren't a part of the city and saving it, you're just entertaining yourself. It's like... you playing yourself in a game, if that makes sense.

    I don't really care for it, and actually think MA missions would be a lot more cool, compelling, and interesting if they were incorporated into the game world better.

    I'm sure people will look at that and call me crazy, but come on, it's not like it takes long to get anywhere in CoX. It never did, and with all the teleporters, portals, etc., it's even easier to get around then when the game started. And at the start, CoX blew other games out of the water in terms of fun and easy travel.
  22. You'll note that I referenced Controller Empathy, which is also a secondary. Hence my curiousity.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Fun story: Team Des was doing fantastic until Masque joined. Then we wiped in like 8 seconds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was glorious.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Masque: master of the appropos avatar.
  24. I usually play on Saturday night, starting around 7-7:30 Central (depending on how RL things go), so I'd be up for running with Gunnerist for a bit if that works for you. I need a couple of missions at least before I can get a Mayhem and new contact in Cap, I know.
  25. If you set a custom group with one boss in it, multiple copies of him will spawn in. Trust me, I tried it countless times solo and there were always two, and if you were in a group, there would only be more than that (this could be fine if you don't want the bosses to be a unique opponent/character, but that's what I needed). This happened with an ambush, battle, hostage, etc. I couldn't get two unique bosses (they are characters in a storyline, if you play my arc, you'll know who I was trying to get fighting/ambushing) to spawn in together, or to have one ambush alone after beating the other boss.

    The alternative I had to go with was one boss spawning the other boss as a boss spawn. So he came in as unique and surrounded by Warriors, which worked okay for the arc. Still not quite what I wanted, but okay for now until the devs give us some more options.

    As for the other discussion, it seems odd to me to be flat out against an objective type when you don't have a context to dislike it in, but whatever. *shrugs* To each their own, obviously, but it is an odd criteria set.