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  1. I'm interested. but I'm a lvl 40 Grav/Rad controller so I realise I might bork the TF a bit; no problem if you'd prefer to find people in the level range. I'm available Saturdays after 5pm, Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays after 10pm, any time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  2. Graviton_EU

    AV hunt in R.V

    lol, I didn't even realise this was preplanned. I just joined in as it started.
    Was great fun - got all the AV badges. Cheers all. - us beating up Recluse and Scorpion, the first time.
  3. I believe the debuff lasts while they have the blue 'chill' cloud on them.
  4. I've never teledroned on live, but I've done it in two specific instances in the Recluse's Victory test event. Both of these occassions were massive gank squads of villains sat right outside the hero base, mainly comprised of stalker after stalker. When it became apparent that the heroes could not break through, I droned a good amount of stalkers to even the situation out a little.
    The solution to this for the side getting teledroned is very simple indeed - break your lock on the other team's base. They can't teledrone you if you're not sat in a massive team right outside their gates.

    I probably wouldn't teledrone anybody on live though. I don't want to give anyone debt, even if they are playing in a way that sucks all the enjoyment out of the zone. The same applies to knocking people into mobs, etc.

    I think there are wider issues than droning, though. The first of these is stalkers - when too many enter a zone, it becomes dull and repetitive for all those not playing a scrapper. I can't count the number of times I've been one-shotted by AS, then I've left the hospital and it's happened again, and again, and again... that might be fun for the stalker responsible, but it sure is boring for me. The second of these is the people who spend all their time chasing the squishies. In particular, I have massive problems with one particular brute, who only ever goes for the squishies. Even in a large team, it's still a problem, because they wait until the rest of the team is occupied with others before running in and slaughtering all the blasters, controllers and defenders. The third issue is a very specific one - it's the towers right outside the hero base in Siren's Call. The brute I was talking about earlier makes a habit of occupying one of those towers which is just out of range for most powers. The brute stands in the small door area of the tower, which is the only way to exit it. They then teleport controllers/defenders (those who lack knockback fields) into the tower, and the troller/fender is unable to escape and is quickly pulped. They do this again and again.

    About 80% of the PvP population is great, and I enjoy playing with them. They realise that it's a game. They realise that both sides are supposed to have fun. If the game's heavily tilted to one side, some of them switch sides. However, there's that 20% who are more concerned with their own enjoyment than that of others. They're the ones that gank, the ones that hunt only the easy kills, the ones who only ever AS and run - they just make the PvP zones boring and dull for those of us who aren't playing specific PvP builds.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Grav does draw me.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So you might say it... pulls you in...?

    Bad puns aside, I would certainly recommend grav/*. It's quite easy to build a concept around (if you want to go that way), and has an extremely good pet in the singularity, which is a tanktroller.
  6. I far prefer City of Heroes to City of Villains. The main reason is that the scenery in CoV is so very dull. Everything's grey and brown. I appreciate that it's been made intentionally so, but I find it makes the gameplay equally as dull. If they brightened some of the areas up, and made them more interesting and characterful, it'd be far better.
    I'd also agree with the comments about enemy groups in CoV. My highest level on CoV is level 19, and I've faced far fewer enemy groups in that time than I have by the time I'm 19 in CoH. More diversity would be brilliant!
  7. Graviton_EU

    Teenage heroes

    My villain Darkroot is 16, and my main character Graviton Flux is just under twenty.
  8. I'm not keen on people using TP Foe, but I don't consider it bad form unless they're doing it when there's a massive team holding a few heroes/villains in their base. Often, heroes/villains simply won't come out of the base when there's massive opposing groups camping just outside.
    I realise that sitting inside the base taking the occassional potshot at enemies who come close enough is annoying for the enemies, but it's also not particularly fun for the one doing it, either. Teleporting them out is bad gamesmanship in my opinion - if you want to be able to fight them, pull back to the central fighting areas in Siren's and wait, and they'll come after a few minutes. Forcing people to remain in their base removes the fun for them, and for you. Teleporting them out when you've created the situation in the first place is just not right.

    As for stalkers, I don't think they're entirely overpowered. However, they need to be less of a threat to the squishies. Every squishy I've seen, including my controller - will fall in one shot from an AS. Those that don't will be killed by the stalker's queued attack. There needs to be something to discourage them from simply killing the same squishies time and time again - perhaps a travel power suppression for x seconds after they've used AS. Stalkers aren't meant to be able to take on big mobs, but they can because they can escape. Reduce their ability to escape in PvP after killing a team's squishy, and I think that mitigates their high damage and generally good defences.