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  1. I was thinking about this thread on the way into work for some reason and I thought of a memory that should not be forgotten and passed on to all newcomers.

    It's not about a thing but a person.

    For some people this is just a game and there is nothing wrong with that. But for many of us it's a community of friends. A community that began 4 years before the game hit the store shelves. The very first member of this community was Kiyotee.

    Kiyotee was usually the first person to welcome a new member and always took time to answer questions.

    Sadly, he passed away shortly after the game launched. Those of us that had been here really felt his loss and we asked the devs to honor him with a statue in the game. They went a step beyond.

    Now, just like the old forums, the first hero you meet in Outbreak if you are a new player, is Kiyotee(Coyote).
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Your signature, is that from Shadowrun? (now I do feel old)

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    Yep it sure is... one of my favorite games... (Ohhhh if only they could make an SR MMO that was done right... *droooooooools*) ...and it would so work as an MMO too...

    As an aside note, yes you are likely old, or at the very least feel that way... I am fast approaching 30 and find myself finding more and more things that I remember being cool being outdated, or even stranger... brought back in the current retro craze!

    Speed Racer
    MEGO dolls (Yes, before the 3.5" action figures, boys did in fact play with dolls)
    GI Joe
    Thunder Cats
    Tiger Sharks
    NES (8 bits of sheer POWER!)

    I may not be as old as some here, but I'd wager I'm as old or older than most...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I used to play SR3E; and I'm only 23 <;_;> damn good game; and yes - done right it would be a *great* MMO.

    *looks at Cryptic*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I GM'ed for the SR tournaments at the 2001 Gencon.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I remember...

    ...The Name Reservation debale, and the many accusations of those mythical "Name Thieves", and people offering to pay cash to get names they wanted.

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    Good old PuffyShirt. I actually miss him. He was my favorite troll ever.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    I remember people trying to get screenshots oh all the Testmasters in beta.

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    What do you mean... trying?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your point? Show me Testmaster 7. :P
  5. I remember people trying to get screenshots oh all the Testmasters in beta.
  6. I remember when Pets went bad.

    There was a bug where if a controller zoned with an active pet it would go hostile and start attacking any nearby players.

    I was witness to the carnage when a high level pet went on a murderous rampage at the Kings Row tram station.
  7. I remember Aura, before CuppaJo.
  8. I remember when Super Speed and Fly stacked.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    FINALLY! People remember the cows! Nobody else I talk to remembers *sniff*

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    I remember the stampedes
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    dinosaurs...? Well back in my days we did not even have a game.. we only had a forum... and we pretended we had a game.

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    I registered the 2nd day the original pre-game forums were up.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Ah, so it's not a necroposting so much as an exhumation. I won't be needing this pistol, then. Shame.

    *shoots off the rest of the clip wildly*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cuppa did it!!
  12. Gladius_NA

    Son of AASQ

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    AASQ #1 is causing all sorts of nasty browser problems so - it must die.

    Is it TEOTWAWKI? (The End of the World as We Know IT?)

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    A: For some people it will be.

    Q: Did I get first reply?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Is this the argument room?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't want to get hit on the head?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    LFT for tank to help herd posts PST

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    Sorry, you can only herd 5 posts at a time now.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ah, then you've been poisoning pigeons in Perez Park?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, as I hold your hand in mine, dear.

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    Ah, but his Elements song is a classic. I first heard of Tom Lehrer when my college chemistry professor played that for us one day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try this.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Ah, then you've been poisoning pigeons in Perez Park?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, as I hold your hand in mine, dear.
  17. Actually I'm a really big fan of Tom Lehrer as well.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    I still ain't made up my mind yet about Toledo...

    Oh, and most folks call 'em green onions, but they're really scallions.

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    EXCELLENT!!! I'm glad to see I'm not the only old fogey on this board!!

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    "I'm St. George maam. Homicide maam. I want to ask you a few questions maam. I understand you were almost devoured by the maam is that right dragon? "
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I thought "North Dakota" was a make-believe place like "Scotland" and "North Carolina".

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    I know Wyoming is an old indian word for "No state here"

    (Cookies AND pie to the person that can identify that reference))

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    Well, _I_ know that fire hydrants aren't actually connected to anything but instead filled with thousands of gallons of compressed water.


    Garfield & Friends FTW!

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    Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Here are your cookies, and as a special treat your pie is ala mode.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I thought "North Dakota" was a make-believe place like "Scotland" and "North Carolina".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know Wyoming is an old indian word for "No state here"

    (Cookies AND pie to the person that can identify that reference))
  21. Gladius_NA

    Thorn Casters

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    Yeah that's right, you NEVER listen to us!!!- oh wait!

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    I notice that this announcement didn't come up until AFTER the introduction of our *ahem* avatars...

    You know what I'm sayin'?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Avatars? What avatars? Does anyone know what he's talking about?

    You sir, have no avatar.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Umm, just FYI; if you still need a place to host; I'm sure the Liberty League server can accomdate it, as long as it's not graphics/media heavy. Let me know if I can help....

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    Hosting the CoV site and data isn't the issue. Plenty of space and bandwidth at Heroes Hideaway. I'm just having a few issues with the database and getting it to display properly.

    Honestly, I haven't had the time to do anything to resolve it in the last week or two. Possibly I can get things done tomorrow night.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    This is part of the reason I think it would be fun to have a website with "Troll Intelligence" on super heroes. Sort of a sister site to "Crey Industries". Except all surveillance photos would need to be stick figure drawing.

    If I new how to webmaster, I would so set that up, but I'm web illiterate.

    And I can't think of a good name for it anyway.

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    If anyone wants to do it I'll volunteer the webspace. This idea is hilarious Let Bo come up with a good name for it

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    I too would gladly set up something like this over at Heroes Hideaway.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Does anyone have a saved copy of the "Big Bad List of NPCs, Objects, and Actions"? Because the site it was originally on (Might have been is, of course, unavailable now.

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    I should have the CityofVillans site back up in some form by this weekend.

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    Or not

    I'm having some minor script/db issues on my server that are causing the data to not display. Site up when I get it resolved.