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  1. It's the Powers tab, then combat attributes. Right click on each one that you want in your display window and then you can put the window anywhere on screen you want.

    Edit: Squeakersman beat me to it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
    The Asian version of the game had a different flag
    I never thought about that, but it's interesting to know. I wonder if we could get players from different regions to take pics of the flag so we could see them all.
  3. GibsonMcCoy

    NEW Power Sets!

    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    On the note of the taunt aura, that solution is simple, give the tankers the Brute /sr power list. Brute evasion comes at level 20 and has a taunt aura effect, scale up the taunt effect and it should be fine.

    *After reading your your build*
    Ah, there's still the problem that Claws and Effect said without going into other powers at all. And no offense, but that did dip fairly heavily into power pools.
    No offense taken at all, but I'm just pointing out that it's easy to softcap /SR, but you have to dip into other power pools to so it. I'm sure some of the other regular /SR players could do it even better than I did without dipping so heavy.

    Of course, I play Scrappers almost exculsively, so having only one Brute at 50, who is an EM/SR, I'm not really up on what Tankers and Brutes have in the areas of Taunt.
  4. I'm surprised I, or anyone else didn't post this one earlier.

    Especially for a /regen or /wp or /inv scrapper
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Doesn't mean they'll ever show up at a time that I'm awake but not at work.
  6. Yeah, had to head off to work just as it started.

    Silly or smart Rikti, invading Freedom when Cheat Code wasn't around.

    I'm glad you guys had fun though, wish I could have been there.
  7. GibsonMcCoy

    The Television

    Aeon will fall before The Television's might!

    The Television has hordes of zombies, rabid fanboys, and the Mythbusters!

    And we all know that Aeon lost the Dance Gun years ago, his only superweapon that worked well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    That' just 'cuz hes Chaotic Good, rather than Lawful Stupid like States.
    As an Emperor, he'd be Lawful Evil.

    ... yes, I am such a geek.
  9. Welcome to CoX, Ilix.

    Sadly, I have to head out the door for work here in about 5 minutes, so I won't be on to help you, but feel free to add my global, we're always looking for more SGs to join our Coalition.
  10. Wow indeed!

    Lots of depth and sides of the character I didn't know about.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Ninja Run is the roof top to roof top style travel. Now only if we had an area that gave more easy to hit building to building action
    Heh, reminds of the first episode of The Tick.

    Run out of roofs, eh?
  12. GibsonMcCoy

    The Television

    Originally Posted by The Television View Post
    The Television is playing a show about a time traveling scientist and his holographic friend. The idea of the show is that the genius scientist makes the world better by traveling to the most formative moments in other people's lives, taking control of their bodies and making their life changing decisions for them. In this episode, the scientist has taken the place of a female rodeo clown who is in love with a bull rider. The scientist's job is to make the bull rider fall in love with him since the bull rider would have had no interest in the rodeo clown herself.

    'But I don't know the first thing about being a clown!' he tells his holographic friend while putting on a pair of huge suspenders.

    'It'll be a piece of cake,' councils the hologram. 'We spent a year together on the Montana Rodeo circuit right after I was released from the POW camp and before you got your 12th doctorate. It'll all come right back.'

    'I don't remember that. Oh Boy!' says the scientist as he is pushed into the arena.

    'Don't worry! You're just like forum posters. Sure, they say hurtful things about not hating books and the radio. They're just confused. They need to spend more time with a good friend. A friend who knows them better than they do. A friend like the television. Don't you agree, forum posters? You should watch more television. And play red side.'
    Ok, you brought back Quantum Leap you rule, my friend!

    All hail Televsion!

    I am having a creepy flashback from American Gods were Lucy is talking to Shadow from the TV though...
  13. GibsonMcCoy

    NEW Power Sets!

    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Then my copy of Mids is broken because according to that, I would still only have 34.6%.
    And the person who brought up that it was "disgustingly easy" mentioned "without dipping into other powersets or IO sets.

    Plus, remember that defense is centered around an average chance to get hit, and considering the numbers a tank usually draws in, SR might even be somewhat of a weak set for tanks.
    I have 3 active /sr characters, and I never suggested /sr would be good for tanks, but I would love a taunt aura on /sr much like WP has.

    I threw this together in 2 minutes on MiDs

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Only 1 IO, the rest are just basic SOs.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    Statesman punching himself in the face repeatedly while shouting "STOP HITTING YOURSELF! STOP HITTING YOURSELF!"?
    I would pay to watch that though.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Is that... is that something slung over his back? That looks like a handle...
    Is that a sword? Or War Axe?

    Love the new badges, and that costume and new tunnel are awesome as well. Now, I just need GR!
  16. Making zones Origin exclusive is a horrible idea.
  17. GibsonMcCoy

    NEW Power Sets!

    You can easily softcap with one Steadfast Protection IO in Tough and just common IOs, or even SOs in your other powers.
  18. This has been a problem on every mmo I've played, not just this one. DDO, WAR, WoW, EQ, MxO, AO, LotRO and CoX.

    I can't go a few feet in any MMO without getting constantly bombarded with blind SG/ Guild invites.

    So much so that I want to make a character called Blind Invites Suck and just walk around Atlas all day, global ignoring the people who do this.

    I don't join blind invite teams, why would I join blind invite Supergroups which would take up even more of my time than blind invite PUGs?
  19. A big congratulations to you, Melissa!

    I don't know if you can answer this or not, but one QoL improvement I was mentioning to my friends is making the world feel a lot more open when we're in an instance.

    Is it possible, or ever going to exist, when we can have some windows looking out into the world while in a mission, especially an office mission?

    I've never been in an office as closed up and stuffy as some in City. I'd like to have the windows there just to remind me that there's a world outside, that I can continue to avoid by being in a mission.
  20. GibsonMcCoy

    The Television

    Books are my friend.

    But I like TV as well.

    Can you renew Quantum Leap, Homicide and Strange Luck for me?
  21. I first heard of this game when it was announced and promptly forgot about. Back then was different for Anasthesia and I, and we both said playing superheroes sounded like fun, but we'd never ever pay a subscription fee to play a game.

    But I was reading back issues of Angst Technology, and there was a City reference. Then someone said I should read PvP and there, again, was a City reference.

    So, 6 years later, we both play City and DDO. She also plays WoW and I jump back and forth between LotRO and WAR.

    But the City always has a way of calling me back, even when I get the new shiny single player game.

    Characters I had made for the tabletop RPGs Heroes Unlimited, Champions, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness, and Silver Age Sentinels now live and breathe in City of Heroes and the Rogue Isles.
  22. A lot of my friends, even Ana, seem to think I loathe travel powers because most of my characters don't have them.

    It's not the case, I just do some very tight builds, and if I need to lose anything, the Travel Power is the first to go (Cheat Code, Imminent Violence, Single Drop of Rain) or they are picked last (Blends, a lost teddy bear).

    For the record, I don't have the booster pack yet, either.
  23. Oh wow, thanks for the memories all.

    I forgot how much I loved Freedom Force until reading this thread. I have got to reinstall and play them both now because "Your evil is not wanted here!"

  24. Put Cheat Code down as an alternate as well, please. I'll be on then if you get a spot open.