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  1. I think if you capture enough pillboxes so that the heroes win you have 5 minutes or so where RV looks like atlas, if you really wanted atlas as the background for both sides.

    Personally i think the best way to do this would be multiple photos, especially since zone cap is 50 anyway (i think), so if more than that show up, some will miss out.

    Cool thing about RV is you could form the photo like the Good vs evil edition Coh box, which i think would look awesome (reminds me of the first time I saw CoH).
  2. Would be happy to make you a build for this, but any build I made for a controller would be including purples (and ATOs too). Controllers benefit from high recharge bonuses, and the easiest way to get these is from purples. I would also recommend slotting for either ranged defense or s/l/e defense if you pick scorpion shield from the patron pools. A lot of kins pick the s/l/e route because its best to be in melee range when you use fulcrum shift, however I find that, especially in the late game, most attacks are ranged and so ranged defense is more useful. Also, if you slot for ranged, you'll probably pick a resistance shield (e.g. mind over body) from the epics, which is nice to have layered with the defense.

    Since you're on a kin, damage set bonuses don't really matter, so really anything to boost your recovery, defense, recharge would be a good idea.
  3. Hey folks, gunna be forming an attempt at the green stuff and no deaths and no terminals Keyes badges. No real prerequisites, but of course the more shifts the better. We have one emp to start with, but another emp or pain would not go amiss.

    1)@General Lieutenant
    2)@Celerity - Empathy fender
    3)@E.Normus - Invul brute
    4)@100proofHERO - Fire blaster
    5)@Fista - energy blaster
    6)@Grey Pilgrim - Fire tanker
    7)@Ineffablebob - Ill rad troller

    Thanks to all who attend!
  4. Fantastic job everyone who joined! Sub 10 minute time, awesome! Thank you all so much!
  5. I will be running another RHW attempt at 8pm eastern on Sunday 1st July. Here are the prerequisites:
    1)At least 7 Ultimate inspirations (2 astral merits in Ouroboros)
    2)Hybrid unlocked and equipped, either assault or support trees.
    3)Longbow Core lore pets preferred but not essential.
    Due to previous experiences I feel it necessary to state here that this run involves not using any of the temporary power called Quills of Jocas to destroy any of the wells. Please know this coming into this run.

    Sign up sheet:
    1)@General Lieutenant - Brute - Kinetic/Shield - here
    2)@Inquisitor - Controller - Earth/Radiation - here
    3)@CoffeeChicago - Defender - Kinetics/Ice - here
    4)@E.Normus - Brute - Super Strength/Invulnerability - here
    5)@sunnysprite - ? - ?/? - here
    6)@Ineffablebob - Controller - Illusion/Radiation - here
    7)@BuckNaked - Tanker - Willpower/Super Strength
    8)@Last Post - Blaster - Assault Rifle/Devices - here
    9)@100proofHERO - Blaster - Fire/Energy - here
    10)@Madame Pistacio - Something Debuffy - Debuff/Debuff - here
    11)@Celerity - Defender - Empathy/Energy - here
    12)@ir0x0r - ? -?/? - here
    13)@ROMzombie - Controller - Illusion/Radiation - here

    Please state your global name, your archetype and your primary and secondary powersets.
    We will need enough debuff and buff, at least 12 if not more, and some pure dps. Thanks to all who attend.
  6. GenLt

    RHW attempt

    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    I'm pretty consistently a Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday night player (night being nighttime for central and eastern folks in the US). I could make any of those. I would still say a run right after a Hami should get enough.
    The last run I posted was after Hami, and it got 10 people, which isn't even enough to start.
  7. GenLt

    RHW attempt

    Since the last attempt had some difficulty forming, I am going to ask before I announce the next attempt which day of the week people would prefer it on. Once a decent number have responded I'll see what the best day is collectively and form one then!
  8. Sorry folks, but due to a lack of interest, I have decided to postpone this, not sure on a date for the next attempt yet. (This is based off of previous runs, which have worked when we had the teams set up previously. And as it is, we have 4 debuffers/buffers, not nearly enough).

    I will (probably) be running trials after the hami raid though, if no-one else is (though they most likely won't be dedicated badge runs).

    Again really sorry, I guess either Saturday is a bad day or most people who need it already have it,
  9. Well in any case, every power set which has a large regen debuff also has a significant resistance debuff (rad, cold, thermal, traps) . . . traps can also get tyrant to do that vomit thing so it interrupts his lightning. So it's not like any of those are bad to have.
  10. This tyrant is designed to be completely invulnerable in that mission. . . how do we know this is the tyrant we are fighting in the trial ?

    EDIT: Scratch that actually, his invulnerability comes from that untouchable ability he has.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhantasmKing View Post
    Can I join on Maxwell Blast? Tanker +3 with ultimates

    Also what time is that hami raid so I know when to be online?
    You may, although as things stand this is looking fairly unlikely to get off the ground :/, hasn't been much interest so far.

    Hami raid is usually at 9pm eastern, so we will be forming from 9.30 onward.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I would be interested in those. Also a fear set would be nice
    Here could be a possible fear set.

    Unrelenting Torment:
    Chance for Dark Chasm (Effect fires roughly once per minute, summons a pseudo pet around targeted enemy, which unleashes a PBAoE which deals moderate illusory negative energy damage (i.e. like spectral wounds), as well as terrorizing affected enemies)
    Set Bonuses: 2 - 4% Recovery, 3 - 4% Damage, 4 - 4% fear duration increase, 5 - 10% recharge, 6 - 5% Ranged, 2.5% E/Ne
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
    Not interested in resistance set bonuses, at least not that the current numbers that Devs consider to be acceptable.

    That said, I think they look pretty neat. Maybe revise the AB one to something of lesser value that fires more often?
    The reason i didnt is it makes it too similar to numinas convalescence unique, i wanted this to be a larger, but rarer boost, like the one in the defense set. But like i said, I have no clue how balanced these would be, so no doubt tweaks would have to be made.

    Also i figured adding a regeneration bonus to the resistance one made it a little too perfect of a set lol, at least set bonus wise.
  14. Hey everyone, I had some thoughts on some new purple sets which could be introduced for healing/absorb, defense and resistance powers, let me know what you think (obviously any numbers would need balancing). They would work like normal purple sets, i.e. they could drop from any lvl 50+ content as recipes:

    Impenetrable Fortress:
    Chance for PBAoE -Damage, -ToHit (effect triggers twice per minute, -10% to hit, 15% damage)
    Set bonuses: 2 - 4% recovery, 3 - 3% max HP, 4 - 5% s/l , 2.5% melee, 5 - 2.52% s/l resistance, 6 - 3 points of hold, stun, sleep protection

    Feral Instinct:
    Chance for Feral Frenzy (effect triggers once every two minutes, a boost of 40% damage, recharge and movement speed for 10 seconds)
    Set Bonuses: 2 - 16% regeneration, 3 - 3% max HP, 4 - 4% damage, 5 - 10% recharge, 6 - 5% ranged, 2.5% e/ne

    Faathim's Safeguard:
    Chance for Adrenaline Boost (effect triggers once every two minutes, a boost of 100% regen, 50% recovery, 30% recharge for 20 seconds)
    Set Bonuses: 2 - 3% Max Endurance, 3 - EDIT - 8% heal bonus, 4 - 10% recharge, 5 - 3 points of terrorize, immobilise, confusion protection, 6 - 5% AoE , 2.5% f/c

    Certain these will never get made (or maybe there is something similar in the works? ) but just curious on your opinions.
  15. @Irish.Saint also had the same experience I did (i.e. dc'ing and not being able to get back in on the successful one). Think that bug needs to be fixed fairly sharpish.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Not entirely sure someone used quills on the 3rd run; someone made a gaspy comment but it was right after MP got murderized at the start of the fight. The Wells remained at 6 during that time. I don't know. And after someone mentioned that a Quill had been used, GL quit? Or got DC'd again. Trust me when I say I know a thing or two about sheer frustration with setting up badge runs and things going haywire.

    That 3rd run wasn't going to go off successfully without some quills IMO and was surprised we got away with the regular Hard Way badge. We had a lot of switching and lost a lot "useful" Lore pets IMO; I know I came back with a debuffer but she only had Seers and I saw a few other sets of Seers out there as well. Maybe it could have been done, but it didn't seem like it.

    As for the first run, I can't imagine someone intentionally did it, but who knows. If I was trying to set this up, I can certainly see it being intentional and more than one person doing it right off the bat But that's my paranoia......
    The quills were used just before the wells came back up. I noticed this because at the time I was targeting an olympian guard, and his con went from orange to yellow and then back to orange. So the temp was used and then the well came back almost instantly, meaning a lot of people missed it.
  17. 1: Hybrid unlocked, with assault or support slotted.
    2: At least 7 Ultimate inspirations to be brought along with you to the trial (the +1 level shift ones, 2 astrals in ouroboros)
    3: Longbow core Lore pets
    Also, any team inspirations (particularly accuracy/damage ones) will be appreciated.

    Here's the 'sign-up sheet':
    1)@General Lieutenant - Brute - Kinetic/Shield
    2)@E.Normus - Brute - Super Strength/Invulnerability
    3)@EagleEyez - Blaster - Archery/Mental
    4)@sunnysprite - Controller - Ice/Empathy
    5)@PhantasmKing - Tanker - ?/? (Maxwell blast)
    6)@Fista - Blaster - Energy/Energy

    11)@Crazy Badger - Controller - Plant/Time
    12)@100ProofHero - Corruptor - ?/Cold
    13)@CoffeeChicago - Defender - Kinetics/?
    14)@IneffableBob - Controller - Illusion/Radiation

    2)@Alpha XBS
    3)@Last Post

    Thanks to all in advance.
  18. GenLt

    Forum Cleanup?

    Yeah, I agree.

    Possibly make a thread for announcing badge runs on trials?
  19. I will be forming a MoLGTF attempt on Wednesday at 9pm Eastern, and here is the sign up sheet if you want in , we will need one or two people with holds, a couple of melees, and some ranged damage (and the ability not to die ):

    1)@General Lieutenant - Brute - Kinetic/Shield
    2)@Pattern Walker - Corruptor - Ice/Cold
    3)@Raging Nova - Brute - Super Strength/Invulnerability
    4)@Justaris - Tanker - Dark/Electric
    5)@Peppercat - Mastermind - ?/?
    6)@sunnysprite - Scrapper - Staff/Willpower
    7)@CoffeeChicago - Dominator - Earth/Fire?

    See you there
    P.S. bringing EoEs for the Hami bit would be very helpful.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_XBS View Post
    I'm pretty sure I can be there to help. However, if Longbow Lore are necessary, I can only bring my PB (used on MP's successful runs).

    If you rather have more debuff, I can bring my Ill/Rad that has everything except Longbow (she has Warworks instead).

    @Alpha XBS
    Madame Distress - Ill/Rad Controller
    Thunder Light - PB
    Warworks are fine, they have some - regen, and they do good dps. More debuff is all i can fit in now, so your ill/rad would be great. See you there
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Probably want to shoot for after the Hami, though I suppose that depends on what you mean by 8 PM. That's usually when I'm on for Saturdays, and should be easy to get people. Though maybe you meant 8 PM for some completely different time zone than I was thinking?

    If needed, I can always run my own. Might be easier, since I want to run it with my Tank that is a badger. Once I do that, I'll be fine bringing in my Time Controller for buff/debuff.
    8pm eastern as in the title, forgot about hami though . . . we can do one at 8pm, then another after hami if needed.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    You all need to do these runs on a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday when I can actually make it.

    GL on Tuesday. Tough badge to do, but we have the people to get it done.
    Whether we succeed or not, I will post another thread for Saturday at 8pm doing this same thing, bringing my rad/sonic if we do succeed. You are of course welcome to join then, or now if you can make it (i'll post the thread after these runs on Tuesday).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by makerian View Post
    Do you all think -regen works on Tyrant? My Surveillance data and anecdotal information indicate that he's 167% regen debuff resistant. I've never seen his regen be penalized.

    Note that his base regen is -0.07 and stays that way until he's 50% and then it steadily increases. So the initial "red" regen stats are not from debuffs. It would be interesting if his regen debuff resistance is overcome somehow, that could be huge.

    Good luck on the run!
    In any case, the successful runs have all incorporated a lot of - regen powers, and, although I haven't checked the numbers (and for the sake of sanity, most likely won't ), they seem to help. And i believe the player debuff resistance cap is 95% . . whether this applies to tyrant too would determine whether those debuffs are working or not. Let's hope they do something . . if not, MOAR BLASTORS =D
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I think he meant to say defenders = win
    You had a rad/sonic defender on your league. . . . I thought those were I WIN buttons?