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  1. Future reference, not everyone can easily use the Mid's links. You'll get more and faster responses if you post the entire build with the data chunk.

    BS/DA is one the sturdiest builds available to scrappers. You've really over slotted some powers and under slotted others. Specifically, you've over slotted your resistance toggles and under slotted Dark Regeneration.

    You'v skipped Parry, which dramatically improves your survivablility. You also skipped Death Shroud, and important source of AoE damage and endurance management.

    Much of your build is bit of a mish mash. You need to decide if you want to pursue a typed defense or a positional build. Either direction is viable but each has it's limitation. Both are very effective.

    While were at it, did you go Cardiac alpha slot, or do you intend to? Do you have Atlas and Portal Jockey accolades?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canine View Post
    I find my main trouble with carnies on DA is with Master Illusionists. Sine I've got a mostly generic IO build, then I don't have much in the way of defence, and I've been held more than once when a MI and her summons all unloaded Flash and Blind on me.
    Yes, this can be quite the challenge but it's not really unique to Dark Armor. If a MI gets enough of the right pets out, they can hold any secondary.
  3. In game date confirms ranged position and negative energy type.

  4. How much recharge do you have? I find recharge has a larger impact on your survivability on Regen. More recharge meaning Dull Pain and Reconstruction up more often. Weave may be worth keeping if only for muling Luck of Gambler +recharge IOs.