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  1. Gaelic_Reign

    My Post Count...

    Kind of like the Farming Thread.
  2. Gaelic_Reign

    My Post Count...

    I really have nothing to add to this, since it seems to just be another padding thread.
  3. Gaelic_Reign

    My Post Count...

    [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm waaaaaay behind.

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    Don't worry.

    We are in the process of his forum account frozen so he can't join the Car..pool.

    Yeah, the carpool.

    You will be able to catch up and surpass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only if I start posting in every thread for no reason other than to pad my count. And I don't like doing that, unless I have something to add to the discussion, or unless noone's posted in the thread at all. I feel bad for those threads that don't get any responses.
  4. But where were the brass balls? And why was Bumblebee there? Shouldn't he be in car mode, "protecting" Megan and Shia by making sure what they're doing in the backseat is safe?
  5. I've never respec'd. I choose my powers and IO's carefully. Not knocking respecing, but I've never found a need for them. Or the extra slots we have on each servers. I rarely play more than two creations at a time.
  6. Oh, and I need to get my only villain to 50, just so I can say I did.
  7. I'm sure I won't be able to log onto Virtue at least twice. But that's okay, my little girl can play her new arrow defender on infinity to her hearts content.
  8. I'll be off that weekend, woot! Time to get a couple of new alts off the ground!
  9. I'd like to change my Energy Melee Tank's pink pompoms to maybe blue or white.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Virtue has tons of real CC's. Marvel, best DC, these happen all the time. ...

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    I certainly hope not. That would be against the EULA and endangering our beloved game.

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    Maybe Marvel or DC Inspired?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, forgot to put inspired in my post. But yeah, they're a hoot. Some people bring some outfits so obscure, you have to use an encyclopedia to find out who they are.
  11. Ah, okay. Still, you'd think they'd want some minor signature trainers, instead of the generic arbiters.
  12. I wonder why they didn't do villain trainers the way they did the hero ones? Recluse can't spare Mako or Ghost Widow?
  13. In every SG I've been in, if we're hosting a CC, we don't allow members in. If they alt out to some other creation, then they are considered just like everyone else.
  14. I got to thinking the other day, I wonder who is the most popular trainer, redside and blue? And who's the least popular on both sides? Since I don't play redside all that much, I'd have to say that Ms. Liberty or Castle have to be the most popular, considering where they are stationed. The least used would have to be Proximo or Ravenstorm, right? And as an aside, who is your favorite trainer?

    I use whatever trainer of whichever zone I'm in. But for special occasions, 25, 40, 50, and my birthday, I like to use War Witch.

    How about the rest of you? Got a fav?
  15. Virtue has tons of real CC's. Silver Aged, Golden Aged, best Marvel, best DC, these happen all the time. But I usually only participate in ones given out by SG's I know that are reputable, and not griefers. Seen a few of those the past few months.
  16. Do we have screenies of this stuff?