986 -
The chars in my sig are likely to be my only Incarnates for some time, and have pretty much been my goto chars for quite a while so...I think I have 1 defender who's still in his 20's (made him day-3)...almost all my characters are damage focused, EATs or MMs.
As far as lambda, I just try to follow a tank type on the blaster or MM (both have some kinda stealth). -
You've got it backwards, at best. Christianity used the religions practiced by native peoples to explain the religion *to those people*. If it were an integration/merging, that would mean that when missionaries went to South America, they'd be talking about Ragnarok to the Incas, and telling the Zulu's about how Loki was trying to tempt them into evil deeds and thought when they went to Africa.
Sure, they may have said to the Norse "Yeah, Ragnarok happened, and then..Genesis!" but that's not merging Christianity with Odinism. That's just a practical matter of "how do we get these people to believe what we believe, without getting an axe between our eyes for insulting their gods?" If it were anything more than that, that's what missionaries would have taught everywhere. A merging, or integration would mean that the missionaries beliefs had changed to incorporate the beliefs of the natives they were proselytizing to...they did not. -
And how do you find those interesting cover/titles etc? How did the reviewer find them? Just scrolling through self-pub sites clicking things? I doubt it. Publishers are who gets that ball rolling. Sure some people have all the time in the world to search through the piles and piles of stuff people are putting out on their own (in any form, books, music, comics, etc) but for the vast majority of people, that time doesn't exist. And no-one's going to be making a living as an artist relying on people finding their work on their own.
So publishers exist to get art into the hands of people that would be interested in it, but don't have the time to find it own their own. It's not about *who* published it, it's that *someone* published it, and is putting it out there so that people can find it easily. Sure a new artist won't likely get heavy advertisement, but they will get their work sent to reviewers by their publishers. And because it's from a publisher, not "Joe with a Kinko's account", the reviewer will likely take it more seriously and actually review it, as opposed to round filing it. -
Exactly. When it was young, Christianity spread by incorporating the beliefs and practices of the people they were trying to convert. But as those earlier beliefs died out, they were dropped (for the most part...the date of Christmas, Christmas trees and Easter eggs and bunnies are still around). Although I'd say it's less of a "dropping" as I don't think they were ever an "official" part of the religion, and more used as a metaphor to explain the religion in terms that the new converts were used to.
Quote:No one in Westeros would side with the Dothraki if there was no Targaryens (ie legitimate claim to the Iron Throne) with them. Which, of course, is the reason Robert wanted her dead. That and no Targaryens, no Dothraki invasion in the first place.Its more than just the Targaryen angle. Theres 7 houses in Westeros, 2 of which (at least) would definitely side with Dany if she comes back. That means the Horsemen would have a place to land and stage from. Without infrastructure they are not a worrisome force on the same level they were before.
Quote:I am. The overall terrible-ness of those movies aside, the only time I really look askance at the casting of an actor that doesn't "match" the character as depicted in the source is when the "character" is/was an actual person. And even then, a good enough actor can get past that. Cate Blanchette played Bob Dylan in a movie not too long ago and pulled it off.So, you were fine with The Last Airbender, Dragonball Evolution and the upcoming Akira all featuring white leads?
"A racist clock is right twice a day." - Penny Arcade
(Just an FYI, I don't care that he's black, but I recognise this is a double standard at the same time) -
It is. The Dothraki use the term poison water when referring to seawater in the books.
Really? We're back on this again? Remember, folks. This isn't Norse myth translated to the screen...this is Marvel Comics interpretation of Norse myth translated to the screen.
The horselords *REALLY* don't like the "poison water". They don't trust any water that you can't drink, and have no ships. It'd take more than the death of Dany to get them to cross the sea to get to Westeros. I don't think they covered Dothraki culture enough on the show to get that across
Just finished book 4. Damn. I dunno how they're gonna get all of that on TV...here's hoping HBO sticks it out thru book 5
Quote:Part of what protects Asgard is Odin's power. When he's in Odinsleep, the realm is especially vulnerable to attack, as is he. From what I remember it lasts about a week, and he has to do it about once a year. He has to enter it earlier if he's injured or something like that, and it can last longer than a week if he's put it off too long, or spent too much time away from Asgard.Took my son to see it who enjoyed it alot, but he asked me a question to which i dont know the answer as i was never huge into Thor comics.
And honestly its pretty obvious question and surprises me i didnt ask it to myself. But in the movie i guess the suggestion is that Odin is passing on the crown to Thor. But if Odin isnt dying then why is he passing on the crown. If he simply gets weak, goes into whatever that sleep chamber is and comes out why is he never not the king? The movie implies that this isnt the first time he has taken part in the "Odin Sleep" or whatever they call it. Just that this is the first time he has waited so long to enter it, and being weakened they dont know how long he will be in it.
Can anyone out their explain this process and i guess the rules of sucession in Asgard? Why would they need a new king if all Odin ever did was to take a nap?
As far as Asgardian succession, well, they're not immortal (Asgardians are just *really* long-lived, they eventually will die from natural causes, and can be killed), so Odin does need an heir to pass the Odinpower to. I dunno if Thor is supposed to get the power on a temp basis while Odin's napping though...I think he has had it in the comics at one point or another, but I dunno if that was during regular Odinsleep or one of those more extended instances. -
Quote:It means they're working on something and need more people. It *certainly* doesn't mean a new game next year (*WAY* too short a turn around time for a MMO...even Cryptic's post-CoH games took 2, and we all know how those launched), nor does it imply that this game is going F2P.It's just a hunch, but I'm curious what you think the job postings mean. Care to speculate?
If you'd worded your OP more along the lines of "They posted this and I *think* it means (insert wild speculations here)" instead of stating it in absolutes, you would have had less people challenging your post. Barring that, it would probably have helped if you'd simply acknowledged your OP as speculation when challenged. -
Quote:I don't think you're an anomaly. What's the point of a new game if you start at the end? Sure, some connection to the old game would be nice (some badges, old ones transferred or new ones referencing legacy status, name reservations etc), but starting a new game with a level capped chars or even 1/2 way there seems...well, counter-productive.i may be an anomaly in this regard, but i would have no problem starting over from scratch if a sequel came out. Although i would expect CoH2 to be a significant upgrade to CoH to justify the change/switch. Not merely a graphics and combat engine revamp, but a total gameplay overhaul. i would hope that it would, for example, rather than archetypes use a powers framework system much like what you've mentioned before.
The major problem with implementing an overhaul of the combat system and archetypes within CoH instead of releasing a sequel is the possibility of a similar sort of backlash to what SWG had when NGE came out. Of course i don't think that the Devs here could so utterly bollix it up like that, any significant change to gameplay could prompt similar anger in a large portion of the playerbase who like CoH as it is now.
Since i've yet to see any convincing evidence of CoH2 or CoH2.0 being in the works i don't think anything of the sort is "Coming Soon" anyway. -
Quote:I wouldn't.
Frankly, the only things I'd even remotely expect to be carried over to a theoretical CoH2 from CoH1 characters are non-gameplay factors. It'd be nice, for example, if existing CoH1 subscribers would be able to reserve a limited number of character names in CoH2 which they presently hold on CoH1. It would also be nice if there were some way to import CoH1 costume data into CoH2 (probably from our saved .costume files), and maybe if there was recognition of old badging, or old story arc souvenirs, or that sort of thing.
But I would certainly expect, and not be offended by, having to start from level 1 again. The trick is, depending on a new game's implementation, that could even easily be done without making our established characters feel less powerful - it's all a matter of scale. Nothing at all says a hypothetical CoH2's level 1 characters would have to be equivalent to CoH1's level 1 characters in power selection or strength.
I still wonder, though, if they might not be working on a client revamp of some kind. I'm pretty sure EQ did that at one point - releasing a new client with better visuals than the original launch client was remotely capable of, and which interfaced with the existing servers. I'm not sure if compatibility with the launch client was retained, though.
Yeah...that's what I'm saying. People would be offended if a game studio were to allow original MMO customers to transfer their characters' levels to the sequel MMO. a lot of people, not just the ADD, 30days and done crowd. -
Quote:Ignored my point, though. You'd alienate a lot more than the 30days and done crowd by allowing existing customers to transfer levels from original MMO to sequel MMO. And if you're *just* going to retain your existing customer base (and the few people that wouldn't find that level of pandering to your old customers off-putting), why bother with the effort and expense of a new game?Originally Posted by NeonMan;3637752
Wait, why the hell am I replying to Arcanaville? [I*sigh*[/I] This can only end badly since I don't have limitless time to respond to bombast and certitude. I cede the point, you're right, they definitely shouldn't try to retain their existing customer base at the risk of loosing some customers who would cancel after their first month. -
Quote:Yeah, this is one of those things that "everyone should know", an accepted truth. Yet there's absolutely no basis for it beyond trying to duplicate the shortcomings of previous MMO sequels. There is no reason you couldn't transfer existing characters over to their closest equivalent in the new system, or just transfer levels over if the two systems are too widely divergent.
As for the the nerdraging newbies, I'd like to let you in on a secret: The people who buy every new MMO that comes out, race a character to the level cap, and then quit when their free month is up? They are not customers worth worrying about. I don't think the MMO marketing people have figured that out yet.
There may be valid reasons to start everyone out on the ground floor in this hypothetical sequel. However, what the customer who's just killing time 'till the next WoW expansion comes out thinks is not one of them.
I'd say *anyone* that didn't play the original, not just the "race to cap" people, would feel slighted by people being allowed to tranfer their levels from original game to sequel. -
Quote:They're just being faithful (well, faithful for a movie) to the comics.Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?
I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).
It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.
The Avengers have always been like that...granted this isn't exactly the original lineup (Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Antman/Giantman/whatever the hell Hank Pym's calling himself today, and the Wasp). Hulk splits in the second issue, Cap joined in the 4th, Hawkeye in the 16th and Black Widow not until #111
Anyways, they've always been a rather mixed bag of power levels and and skill sets. -
Quote:The thing is, save for a few select things, most of the things the Devs have said that they're looking into have been either fixed or changed. If you put the things on one hand that they haven't changed or fixed and put the rest of the things on another that they have you should be absolutely staggered.
Things that haven't changed that need it/or fixed: PvP, Base Raids, Bases, Stalkers, Shadow Shard
Things that they've looked into and changed: Stalkers, Blasters, Dominators, Defenders (solo damage buff), Side switching, Power Customization, Weapon Customization, Redraw (on some sets), CoP (even if I don't like it), Market Merge, Huge numbers of QoL issues, Inherent Stamina, Bruising on Tankers (minor, but it was a bone that the Tanks had been asking for in some form for a while), Server List Merge
There are some long standing issues, but the long standing issues do tend to get looked at, even if they don't get solved - PvP was actually looked at and changed (even if it was for the worse). Bases need love, and Stalkers need....something, but even Stalkers are on both lists for a reason - they've gotten an over haul even if it didn't completely fix the issue (since the issue appears to be systemic and conceptual, and therefore not easy to fix). When the devs declare they're going to look at something in the past few years they actually have a pretty good track record for being up front about stuff. It sometimes takes a while, but it does happen. I think claiming that you don't believe them when they say they're just looking at it is a bit ridiculous. Should you get excited? Probably not. But they're using non-specific language because that's how they talk, and that's how they're required to talk and if they're smart, that's how they have to talk. I wouldn't trust the dev team that speaks in absolutes because there's almost no way you can deliver on absolutes, until you absolutely know you can.
The devs have said that they're looking into it. I think they've at least brought themselves enough time to look into it without claiming that they're not going to try to make a fix.
This. People keep bring up the less-than-handful of issues that haven't gotten a lot of dev attention as "proof" that they will forget adding more types of incarnate content, while completely ignoring the rather large list of things they *have* fixed/improved/acted upon. They've more than earned the benefit of the doubt here, especially considering the investment that the Incarnate system is. -
Not accurate, true, but trying to shoe-horn words in a parody is a bigger no-no...mt. dew wouldn't fit the song
I disagree that the game has been built around this "sweet spot" of 2-4. Missions set at standard don't spawn enough enemies for my AoEs to feel truly useful. Granted, there's a slider to virtually pad a teams numbers, but that's not the standard the game was designed around.
And calling what the Trials bring to the game "raiding" is akin to mistaking "The Cat in the Hat" for "War and Peace"