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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't get me wrong...I don't actually believe that it has anything to do with pirates, it has just always sounded very piratey to me. Besides, I can't think of any justification for pirates being an epic archtype in City of Heroes anyway. City of Villains, certainly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Tsoo have ninjas. Isn't that enough justification right there? We know ninjas and pirates are eternally in opposition...

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    His other big nemesis, 'Arachnos', has a masculine version of the name 'Arachne', a mytological figure. Arachne was a mortal woman who challenged Athena to a contest of weaving and won-- with a tapestry that depicted Athena's father Zeus seducing various young women. Athena took offense at her for her presumptiousness and arrogance and cursed her to feel shame and guilt for offending the gods. Arachne suicided in her greif, but Athena took pity on her and changed her into a spider so that she and her descendants could be master weavers for all eternity.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, this would be a tragedy.

    Because then Lord Recluse would really be the Motherfather of Villiany.
  3. Heh. Ignore the joys of the Disney movies. Jack is a bit more into the really old classics. :P

    *spoiler notes*

    From the new issue #2 of the CoH comic, we know that Statesman was imbued with Zeus' spirit through exposure to divine powers (drinking from the fountain of Zeus).

    Right now, I'd say that gives Statesman plenty of divine rivals...including Prometheus.

    (And boooooy, does Statesman have some ego problems at times- and that's the hero, not the dev. :P )

    *spoiler over*
  4. Bo Bindel's writer and this thread get the 5-star treatment from me!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    The "leash" is an annoying attempt to check part of this, whatever it's successes are. I want to find ways to attack the root of what the devs find problematic. To me, PLing is a symptom of a lethal disease in an MMORPG- if untreated, the game suffers and dies. I enjoy CoH. I don't want it to become a victim of PLing, even if PLing will always exist to an extent. People will always find ways to enhance their character growth. I don't want that turning into a cancer. Cancers are unchecked and malignant things, after all. PLing should end up neither.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    I disagree. This post by Great_Scott is a good arguement why: #2925727 - 05/24/05 12:57 PM

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The "type 2" PL'er also damages the game. How, you ask does it do so? Let me explain.

    If you have to level your character up without PLing, you not only gain experience playing it, but you ALSO improve the game of those you play with by example. Where is this needed most?

    At the very self-same pre-32 levels you see "Type 2" players trying to avoid. Heck, you're a veteran player, you WILL level up faster. Even with bridging out of the picture, you can still sit there and suck up +9 level exp....if you're actually 9 levels below the mobs. You just can't sit there in PI at level 1 while someone bridges you to a Dreck mission.

    Treat the disease. It's incurable- as many people have noted, PLing is impossible to eradicate. But powerleveling also steals something important from the game- having veterans mixed in with the newbies, trying new things and leading by example. Instead, we have those vets begging for PL's in Peregrine Island. That means each wave of new high-level players will be poorer in skill for having had to blunder their way to the top. I mean, look at what kind of massive flaws of a build we got courtesy of the ultimate PL event, Winter Lords. To a lesser extent, "Type 2" PLers are causing that today. All it takes is no longer caring about what happens in the early stages of the game.

    Apathy leads to neglect. Neglect causes game quality to decline in the early levels. Poorer early game means fewer people come to play and stay. And new players are the lifeblood of an MMORPG. The less appealing that first experience becomes, the worse CoH becomes in turn.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think we all would have liked to have seen new content in i4 but it wasn't slated to be- would that have helped the PL issue? Nope, but we got lots of nerfs!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We got an issue devoted to narrow content, and in a sense I think it wasn't an issue so much as it was the alpha testing for CoV. CoH certainly feels that way right now, with the crashy lag fun we're all getting to enjoy these days. :P

    [ QUOTE ]
    I like the idea of my SK being able to contribute well to any team, not feeling gimped because I'm barely high enough, and as a result, he isn't. That it prevents bridging to me is a great boon as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not sure what you mean

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I have to sidekick to a level 46 in a level 50 mission, I am level 45 (or worse, depending on level)under the current system. That means I am minimally able to deal with the mobs, who are even tougher to me than the +6 or worse they are to my mentor.

    If SKing made my level relate to the top dog, that L50 leading the mission, I'm instead 49th or so- not quite as effective as a real one, but I'm certainly at a point where I can -actively- contribute to a team. In fact, the -worst- I could be is 46th.

    I think we all agree that a level 46 player can reasonably contribute on a level 50 mission, right? Sidekicking this way would always make sidekicks a worthy level for the team, rather than a potential gimp-in-the-making if you're forced to SK to the low man on the level totem pole.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Doing nothing to get +9 arrest exp isn't playing. It's sitting there drooling on your keyboard listening to the levels pile up and taking progressive screenshots of the "level up!" flashes.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So what? if that's what someone finds fun isn't that why they pay? I wonder if you understand the issue. No one I am aware of has said that PLing is the best way to play. The problem isn't that they are doing something about PLing, it's the fact that the Devs are now changing core rules in order to dictate how players play the game. It's as if you are playing checkers and, halfway through the game, about to triple jump your opponent and he says "Sorry you can't do that, that's too quick to beating me. No more triple jumps". If the game just came out, I could see something like this. It's been a year, so they can't say it was somehow missed in testing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once upon a time, my EQ character would have been considered insane by someone who only played the first year. You can't go over level 50, nobody can! What's an "AA"?

    Games change. Sometimes radically, but almost always due to players. If there is a change to PLing, it's part of the give and take any dev team has to do while building a game- which in MMORPG's is a constant. None remain truly stable, most end up with serious alterations to play.

    And "because it is fun" isn't always a good argument. I've known people who consider training large numbers of monsters on people trying to play as "fun". It got changed.

    After all, bad things can happen even if someone considers it fun and the game allows it. This leads to change.
  6. We're going to miss our Evil Bug Slayer very much. Lineage's glitches won't know what hit em, cause we're sending a superhero to clean em up.

    Thanks for helping clean up Paragon City of a great evil- the programming boo-boos that make it Not Fun To Play.
  7. It's truth.

    Blasters are the bleeding AT. Fights are always life-or-death experiences.

    If you want to live on the edge, play a Blaster. Pure and simple. You will learn control of your hero and what's around him better than any other AT in the game, because failure to do is faceplanting for debt.

    You have no real defenses to rely on. Your firepower over time becomes inferior to the enemy, counteracted only by your increased wisdom and skill in using it. You will become a fighting Blastard and if you ride the AT to the top without PLing, you will have earned the toughest 50 in the game IMHO.

    I'm weaker than other AT's in the end- and masochistic enough to be proud of making it work as best I can. Whee! :P
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It's good to have lots on the way, but PLing means people's desires for content is based on what their current, pumped up levels will be....not what's below them. As you said- you'd rather have level 50 content than level 15 content.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is based on the faulty assumption that the lvl 50 mission is somehow superior to the level 15 mission. If it was there wouldn't be a call for the "flashback" option.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most of the folks I see looking for lower-level missions are doing it to complete accolades/get badges and the like. The "good stuff" to most folks is looking ahead, not behind.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, if people are cheerfully skipping those levels and content with PLing, you'll have plenty more company soon. Flashbacks and exemplaring are wonderful things, but in most cases, people leveling through a PL are trying to skip those in order to hit the "good stuff", which they equate to as high a level content as they can experience. They want to be "uber", and do the "uber" stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    the only "uber" thing in this game is hamidon- and where the only uber loot is ( hami-os)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep. Part of why I find people PLing to 50 as fast as they can to be silly- but hey, that's my opinion. YMMV.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Personally, I'd be happy to see low-level mobs all over high level zones, sniper-perception and range, ready to fill under-leveled newbies in PI or FF or Bricks full of lead. I'd like to see SK'ed players leveled up to the point of not being able to bridge +9 arrests.

    Maybe then an "exp range" wouldn't be considered needed. It's explicitly put in the game to act as an obstacle to PLing, and if there's a better solution, perhaps the leash shouldn't be there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    If this was put in to stop PLing, it is about as effective as the bug on my windshield was at slowing down my car (which is to say, none at all). But like the bug on my windshield, its an unneeded annoyance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree. That's why I'd like to see other options instead. The issue seems to be that in whatever way you want to look at it, Statesman feels that people are finding a way to gain exp at a rate no hero that level naturally would, usually by bypassing part of the game entirely without any risk to their gains.

    The "leash" is an annoying attempt to check part of this, whatever it's successes are. I want to find ways to attack the root of what the devs find problematic. To me, PLing is a symptom of a lethal disease in an MMORPG- if untreated, the game suffers and dies. I enjoy CoH. I don't want it to become a victim of PLing, even if PLing will always exist to an extent. People will always find ways to enhance their character growth. I don't want that turning into a cancer. Cancers are unchecked and malignant things, after all. PLing should end up neither.

    I like the idea of having hunters come after me in higher-level zones. Not only are these ways to point out a zone is designed for tougher heroes, but if I want a tougher challenge myself, I can hunt the hunters- if I'm tough enough myself. I like the idea of my SK being able to contribute well to any team, not feeling gimped because I'm barely high enough, and as a result, he isn't. That it prevents bridging to me is a great boon as well. Doing nothing to get +9 arrest exp isn't playing. It's sitting there drooling on your keyboard listening to the levels pile up and taking progressive screenshots of the "level up!" flashes.
  9. Aww, that was sweet! Worth waiting every minute to DL off the mirror site.

    (Really, the last song I'd have expected on a CoH video. )
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    When large portions of your subscribers skip everything under level 40, why bother making more content for the lower levels?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because with the exemplar feature (or better yet, flashback or content with an auto-exemplar feature), all new content is available to high levels as well.

    I would like to have a new level 50 trial. But a level 14-20 Faultline trial would be almost as would still give my 50s something to do.

    Hmm, this thread is getting off topic. I don't think the XP range changes have made much of an impact on live, positive or negative. There's no one standing at the trams leveling up (real PLing takes place in missions, just like it always has), but on TFs with outdoor hunt missions I get screwed out of some XP. Not much difference really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pardon my devil's advocate here.

    OK, I've done the content from the lower levels. I'm 50 and I'm bored beating Hamidon all day.

    More content please!

    Multiply this by a good chunk, and you start getting problems. Exemplaring or not, people want to advance. To use the fullest abilities available to their character. To expand those abilities.

    Once you're there at the top, coming down isn't something you want to do 24-7, is it? Nah. So you ask for higher level content to match your level. Shadow Shard respecs. More epic encounters. And so on.

    It's good to have lots on the way, but PLing means people's desires for content is based on what their current, pumped up levels will be....not what's below them. As you said- you'd rather have level 50 content than level 15 content.

    Well, if people are cheerfully skipping those levels and content with PLing, you'll have plenty more company soon. Flashbacks and exemplaring are wonderful things, but in most cases, people leveling through a PL are trying to skip those in order to hit the "good stuff", which they equate to as high a level content as they can experience. They want to be "uber", and do the "uber" stuff.

    Personally, I'd be happy to see low-level mobs all over high level zones, sniper-perception and range, ready to fill under-leveled newbies in PI or FF or Bricks full of lead. I'd like to see SK'ed players leveled up to the point of not being able to bridge +9 arrests.

    Maybe then an "exp range" wouldn't be considered needed. It's explicitly put in the game to act as an obstacle to PLing, and if there's a better solution, perhaps the leash shouldn't be there.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's when you bring in someone in the teens and use a bridge to PL them a few zillion levels
    that I think we need to stop- and to a lesser extent, further down the line. Want to SK someone
    and wow them with a hunt in RCS, or PI,or Founder's Falls, or Bricks? Cool. Want to bridge them
    so they're sitting there eating cheesy puffs and reading dirty magazines as you teach them the
    joys of exp gain from the deepest of purples? Non-cool.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great! I respect your opinion, you're entitled to it.

    You, however, have utterly failed to explain how Powerleveling is bad?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Go back far enough in some threads like this one and you'll see a few points- like the fact that PLing skews content development, leads to a top-heavy game, and creates a newbie-unfriendly environment.

    When large portions of your subscribers skip everything under level 40, why bother making more content for the lower levels? And when all the new content is aimed at higher levels, the drive to PL is strengthened (as people like to play new things- witness Kheldians for a textbook example), which skews things further and further from a balanced content (that is, new content for all levels) to a game aimed at the top folks (ever increasing level caps, trivializing lower-level content as it's an "obstacle", and a general utter disdain for "newbies").

    PLing is a wonderful way to make a game anti-social. The more people percieve high levels as needed for "good stuff", the worse things get. CoH as it stands is a remarkably social game- it even put in sidekicking so people could be more social with friends despite level disparity.

    I don't want to see that ruined, or another game falling into the trap of uber-content = all like EverQuest did. PLing creates an increasingly newbie-unfriendly game cycle...and new players are the way a game survives and thrives.

    More content spread across all levels means people want to play...and not skip...all levels. PLing forces the average level of a game into an un-natural curve, placing larger numbers at the top and resulting in large chunks of the game not being used...unless the new stuff is all at the top. That, over time leaves the guy fresh out of Atlas Park to PL out of the "dumb stuff" ASAP or suffer in a gap devoid of most of the playerbase. Frustrated, they will leave and not come back...and tell others not to bother.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Given the choice between nursemaiding a PL exp leech or having someone who can contribute fully to a mission, I'll take the person that actually plays at the level of the mission every time. The latter gets my mission done better, faster, and with less debt AND pads the mission spawn exactly as much as the leech, but does much more towards whacking the mobs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    If the mission can already be done at maximum speed by the Heroes already present, there is nothing a capable person can add.

    It's irrelevant, for example, whether the Claws/Regen Scrapper in my Team last night was level 2 or level 40, the 3 Fire Tanks had things well in hand, regardless.

    The SK in question, far from being a leech, tried to help out, but couldn't target anything before it was dead already. Try another argument?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure. That combination would make anyone feel useless, right?

    Now change that to three Fire Tanks and a SK'ed Dark Defender vs. the Psychic Clockwork King. That DD just got a lot more useful, no? His Tar Patch amplifies your 3 Burn Patches with minimal level differential. Darkest Night's still Psi-shielding you.

    You can't change the effectiveness of one AT teamed with another on any given mission, but you can sure make sure level isn't a problem. After all, SK'ed or not under your example the Scrapper is equally useless or useful- heck, SK'ed he can gleefully start on the group next door while SK'ed to one tank as the other two melt down another. As two pairs, you might well have gone even faster.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I loved the idea of each player being able to sidekick one person- but the SK being leveled up to the SK level of the highest member on the team. Bye-bye, bridging. SK player gets to contribute at the level of the team, but can no longer be bridged into mega-super exp.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Given the typical "3 or more" level spread in a high-level mission, this is a horrible balance problem. After all, the SK'd Heroes will be too powerful relative to the mission.

    In fact, I can see this being expoited! Get 4 Heroes, a three 40's and a 46. Add 4 "level 46" Sidekicks, and finish all of the lower level missions.

    Congrats, now we're PL'ing the Side-kickers. And the XP for the Sidekicks won't be bad, either, as they need less XP to level, anyway...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course, the level 40's are at least within sanity's reach of the mission to begin with. Finish off the lower level missions? Okie-dokie...the 3 SK'ed 45's and the the 46 get next to nothing, the 40's get a decent amount of experience.

    But you don't have a low-level getting bridged up to a Dreck mission and dinging levels like a pinball machine on a steady diet of +9's. And those SK'ed (to 45) heroes are not going to be as effective as a full-power 45 in any case...the greater that divide between real and SK level, the worse it'll be in fact- exp gain will be slower with them along than a real group of 45's. But the SK's won't be getting a free ride. They'll be more effective, enough to matter- but can't turn that into a huge gravy train of experience. It won't be a pile of +9 exp kills for a low-level's be whatever the top dog in the team is getting, +1 level. Is this a bad reward for a sidekick? Is it somehow unbalanced?

    And how many people herd +8's to them here? Anyone? Take on large numbers of +8's regularly and with ease? Even 1 at a time?

    Sure, you can't remove PLing. But you can eliminate the worst abuses of it- and bridging is a good example of it. You want to take a 41-44 into a L50-53 mob mission with a group, be my guest. I'd like to see the change I've mentioned in SK'ing for folks like that, too. Go take on the big guys, have fun doing it without worrying about who SK's who so much. You'll be strong enough with a good top dog to play in the pack.

    It's when you bring in someone in the teens and use a bridge to PL them a few zillion levels that I think we need to stop- and to a lesser extent, further down the line. Want to SK someone and wow them with a hunt in RCS, or PI,or Founder's Falls, or Bricks? Cool. Want to bridge them so they're sitting there eating cheesy puffs and reading dirty magazines as you teach them the joys of exp gain from the deepest of purples? Non-cool.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    To the person that said that PLers just take up space ...
    PLers make the mobs larger in your missions and then add to your XP. Because of this they are contributing, even if indirectly. Everyone is benefiting from this if they take part of a PLing mission.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Given the choice between nursemaiding a PL exp leech or having someone who can contribute fully to a mission, I'll take the person that actually plays at the level of the mission every time. The latter gets my mission done better, faster, and with less debt AND pads the mission spawn exactly as much as the leech, but does much more towards whacking the mobs.

    I loved the idea of each player being able to sidekick one person- but the SK being leveled up to the SK level of the highest member on the team. Bye-bye, bridging. SK player gets to contribute at the level of the team, but can no longer be bridged into mega-super exp.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    As long as we're talking about holds, and non-damage powers, I have a question:

    Can anyone explain to me why, as a controller, my control over the mind of another which causes him to kill his comrade gains me no xp? I mean, confuse is what I'm talking about in particular, but any mind-altering power which deludes your enemy into being your friend is EXACTLY what an illusion or mind controller SHOULD be doing. It's a slow enough process (confuse, wait for recharge, confuse again, wait for recharge...) as it is that it could hardly be said to be an "imbalance". Even if a controller were to do this EXCLUSIVELY, which I doubt many have the patience for, what's wrong with giving them exp for foes they have defeated in such a manner?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No offense, but I play an Ill/Rad as an alt.

    I did the Positron TF twice last week. First time I went 14-16, second time it's not like I didn't rack up some nice exp.

    Three people. No tank or scrapper. In fact, last time I had a SK'ed 11th level Peacebringer and a 12th level Empathy/Rad defender paired up with me. We were getting Level 16 mobs. By the end of it, the PB and Defender were 15th, and I'd hit 17th and then some.

    How did we win? Confusion. I do not have Blind, nor Flash. Zero holds. The only time anyone died is when the PB charged ahead of me and started blasting in Nova....and ate Quantum or Void Stalker fire before I'd sicced the squid-killer on his own team, detonated all the walking bombs to AE the Vahzilok or CoT, and made the Clockwork bosses mangle his own people as we pelted him with single-target fire.

    Confusion let us move through faster and more effectively. My exp gain, as a result, was faster...and the TF would have been impossible to do without Decieve.

    If I got exp off confused mobs killing other mobs, I'd be the fastest AT to 50th in the game.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Personally, I would think that the more experience you have in controlling the minds of others, the more powerful you would become as a "controller" (i.e., you would level-up).

    Seems like an awfully arbitrary decision, especially since it only affects AT's that are not very solo-friendly to begin with. I know my tanker was solo'ing on invinc by lvl 24, but my ill/emp controller is capped at tenacious, any higher and death is all but inevitable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    By 24th, I expect to go far higher than Tenacious. Confusion is exactly how I intend to do it.

    May I suggest continuing this on the Controller board?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Speaking of which, I hear the new Star Wars movie doesn't hurt as much as episodes 1 & 2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It does not. Though it lacks ramen noodles. More's the pity. If Anakin had gotten more as a child, maybe he wouldn't have been so Sithy.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Bachelor Chow:

    Macaroni and Cheese
    Hamburger Helper with no Hamburger (Helper...)
    Chicken or Beef Broth

    There are more. Ramen is like the greatest thing man ever invented. Next time you make it boil the noodles then strain it. Next take butter, garlic seasoning and some milk and stir it together. Enjoy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good things can be done with a can of cream of chicken soup. Mix with some chopped sausage, warm in pan you used for ramen, then poured over said ramen...that's quickie dinner.
  17. *large numbers of postings in one response here, don't mind me*

    [ QUOTE ]
    Heroes die all the time, thousands died in the alien invade, and now just one more. At least this is a resonable disappear, personally I feel it's much better than the 5th column's leaving.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Erm, Synapse isn't dead. Red name posted and all.

    He's just doing the usual post-Blaster attack nap when you aggro an AV. I mean, if you want a comparable experience, go find Psychic Clockwork King or something and try getting too close.

    And blatant ramenphobia will not be tolerated on this, or any other forum I'm a member of.

    Without ramen noodles, a significant number of the heroes of Paragon would be AFK for a while when their owners fainted from lack of food...myself included. :P

    Seriously, the name of the game is City of Heroes. Statesman is the greatest living hero...but remember, it was a British hero that sacrificed himself to close the Rikti portals and save the world. Paragon is A city of heroes, not the only one in the CoH universe.

    We play in a small part of an entire world full of superheroes, supervillians, and the battles between them. Heck, many of the folks we play with in Paragon don't even have origins in the United States for their heroes, nor are many players from the USA, even in the US servers.

    Relish that. If more people worldwide find something to play together in and have fun, it's a much better place. I'm actually hoping that we end up with CITIES of heroes, not just localized copies of Paragon. Paragon has Statesman. Maybe we can see Korea's CoH have a different city name, different heroes instead of our Surviving Eight. Maybe even different bad guys!

    If over time, the other versions of CoH localized like that...we'd really have a world of heroes. And that would be a Cool Thing. Maybe some day I'd even be able to visit (transfer) and explore a new part of the world?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Synapse is not dead, he is still in the game and will be around to take a beating in the comic too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You realize you have the Blaster forum trying to respec Synapse as we speak.

    It's sort of a "Blaster Eye for the Synapse Guy". Please let him know that he has a caring, loving community that will accept him for the squishy he is and help him help himself. As a fellow Crey product, I'd feel his pain if they'd built me with any pain receptors.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Zeus' Lightning?

    How'd States get a hold of that? Cole ventured "to the far east" and "unlocked his inner will" IIRC.

    Which is it Manticore?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you are quoting the website the paragraph actually reads:

    Cole claimed to have unlocked the power of his own Inner Will, an obscure explanation at best. Whatever their true origin, it was undeniable that Cole possessed something that hadn't been seen since the age of the Greek Heroes: superpowers.

    Note the word *claimed*

    Statesman was clearly obfuscating there. As time has passed and he has shown no signs of aging, more questions are being asked. Issue 2 of the comic will give more details about Statesman and Issue 3 will bring the loathesome Lord Recluse's connection into sharp focus.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OK, well, THAT explains the helmet right there.
  20. Synapse is actually being smart.

    I mean, if you were being aggroed even when KOed (Whoops! Just got tossed into Positron. Respeced out of Mutate, you wanna-be Offender?) would YOU be popping the Awaken right about then?

    Standing up just makes you easier to grab again so Recluse can do his ventriloquist act again. Playing possum, smart guy.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I posted this answer on another thread, but I'll pass it along here. The new guy from the trailer is Foreshadow.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait a minute..... Aren't you dead? *glances around* Isn't War Witch dead? Never trust the word of a dead woman....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    She's not dead, just bodily impaired.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Now if only the went with a clone of Mai instead of Kyo

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There isn't enough enough bouncy in all of Cryptic Studios for Mai.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    WTH is a Mindrider?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Evidently it's a form of psychic power with which the user can send part of their conciousness into another's mind.

    IE, Sister Psyche took over Aurora's body.

    In the CCG, Sister Psyche will apparently be the Ditto of the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not quite the same- Ditto duplicates the opposing card exactly (unless there's a suppressor like Muk out).

    (Point of fame/shame: I was one of the contributors to the first offical Pokemon CCG book done by Prima,which got me working at a WoTC shop for years. )

    It sounds more like Psyche herself (her spirit, anyhow) can enter the target and assume control, manifesting some of her own power through the host body as well as it's own. See "skinriding" from the White Wolf game Wraith for a good example of this.

    Anyone want to ninja-sneak into Manticore's offices at Cryptic and learn everything you wanted to know about CoH?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    See my prior post for the correct answer. That's from Manticore himself posting the changes. All those body switches made Psyche's powersets a mite odd, IMHO.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are correct. Sister Psyche has always been a Mindrider. Her merge with Aurora Borealis was obviously the most extreme case, but she occasionally picks up other powers when she is riding with a super.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any day I manage to pick up a gleaning of knowledge is a good day. There's my learn something new for the day. :P

    *ponders* It'd make for an interesting EAT, having another hero's "psychic residue" left behind to combine with one's own powers in unusual ways...sorta like what happened to Psyche/Aurora.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    -Can a DEV please specifiy Sister Psyche's powers please, is she a Mind/FF controller, a Mind/Emp controller, a FF/Psy defender, or a Emp/Psy defender? She is all over the place, in the CoH trailer she lifts a villain in the air using a 'PINK' bubble, after shielding herself with a blue/green bubble. Then in the box art, she is blasting a pink blast. But alas, in the CoV trailer she is blasting a GREEN beam.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See my prior post for the correct answer. That's from Manticore himself posting the changes. All those body switches made Psyche's powersets a mite odd, IMHO.

    Likewise, the changes to Positron and Luminary are from Manticore's notes as well.