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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    What's scarier? The fact that you might have copied that from a bookmarked website or the fact that you may have just thought it up off the top of your head? Or the fact that I got totally turned on by it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Edited for MY amusement.
  2. ...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Luke and Han stared at each other, naked, under the soft glow of the lumo. "Hey, kid." Han mumbled, more nervous than he would let on. "That's a pretty big lightsabre you've got there."
    "Let The Force flow through you, Han." The tow-headed Jedi Knight smiled.
    "The Force? Is that your nickname for your..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tonights' nightmare brought to you by the letters F and G, and the number £81.07
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Entered last year. Slammed into a block after chapter 2. Got a plan this year.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Copying "Mostly Harmless" verbatim doesn't constitute a "plan", you know. Just because very few people have read it doesn't mean you can co-opt.
  4. I'm keeping that tightly under wraps. Since I can't use my old pen-name (sodding rules of the Creative boards means NC Soft and Cryptic own it, now) I'm using my ooooold pen-name - the one I used for Star Wars fanfiction.

    Yes, SW fanfiction. Everyone can shut up.

    PM me yours, and I'll PM you mine.
  5. 50,000 words?

    I would enter, but I don't want to limit myself.
  6. This is why people companies need to let people install more than Doom 2 on their networked computers.
  7. Not a problem. Beware the M rated CoH stories by "BK Flasherman", though. The language!
  8. I use to post up my finished pieces, and it's a pretty handy site.
  9. I'll be getting one. I'm going to ask my friend Barry to burn a copy of XP Pro for me.

    Entirely legally, of course.
  10. Okay, a few quick updates before the cat realises that he's sitting on my feet and attack.

    1. Police
    I finally got a call back after leaving plenty of messages over the past few days. I have to make an appointment, next week, for the week after, with Occupational Health, for a re-examination. Oddly, they're not too concerned with my fitness level, it's more that I have a duff knee and I haven't been immunised against Hepatitus. They're going to stick me on a treadmill or something, so that's fine.

    2. PC
    My new PC has been ordered - in fact, I think it was ordered a few days ago, but nobody bothered to tell me (it's been ordered through my Dad's company, for tax reasons) so hopefully, in a week or so, I'll be back up and running, and then I just have to put my files onto it. I should, with luck, be playing CoH again by the middle of November.

    3. Other things
    Driving test next thursday. Also, I like bewbies.
  11. HAH! I paid for ALL THIS without batting an eyelid in 2001. Halloween's my favourite time of year.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Evo Radio's planning a huge cross-server party, as I understand it. I'm not sure myself, I'm going to a party with some hot hot girlies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or at least you hope they're girlies underneath the costumes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, considering I know the people who're coming to the party, I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference. I'm debating on a costume for myself - if I hadn't had my hair cut recently, I'd bleach my hair, dye it red, grab some dungarees, and go as Chucky. As it stands, I might have to go as a clown.
  13. Evo Radio's planning a huge cross-server party, as I understand it. I'm not sure myself, I'm going to a party with some hot hot girlies.
  14. I appreciate the sentiment guys, but the bottom line is, this isn't even my laptop. It's a "time share" until I get my desktop back, and there's so much [censored] on this laptop that I doubt CoH would fit.

    40 gig HD, and about 35 of that is Hebrew music.

    Just an update for you, whilst I'm still mildly inebriated, and of sense to find any of this remotely amusing, I failed my Fitness test. I quit smoking for that [censored], and I still don't pass? Nuts to that.

    Let me just explain that it isn't my fault. Anyone who knows me knows that I take my mistakes on the chin, and freely admit to [censored] up when I do. However, this was so ludicrous...

    I was told repeatedly that the fitness test was made up of two parts. The Bleep Test, and Push and Pull. I was also told that I only had to hit level four in the Bleep test.

    For those not in the know (i.e Golden Girl) the Bleep test is a pre-recorded test where you have to run a set distance from one 'bleep' to the next. You do this a number of times, and then the level increases, and the time between bleeps decreases. Level four is, quite honestly, ridiculously easy. It is, as I mentioned in an earlier post, a brisk jog. No worries there, as, all joking aside, I'm in pretty good shape. Hell, if I can pick up Weasel without running risk of a hernia, I've got no worries.

    I got to level five in the Bleep test with a slight panting, and decided to walk off, in order to conserve my energy for the Push-Pull test. Level five, remember, is one FULL level higher than I was told to hit. Job's a goodun, as we used to say at TrU. I did the push-pull, no problems (my average was something like 80 kgs both ways, spread out over five attempts - minimum is 35 kgs) so I basically had no worries.

    When I went to check out my average, I was slightly surprised to find out I'd failed. It turns out that the minimum level for the Bleep isn't level four, like I'd been told, but level 5.4 - the same for the Regular officers. If I'd have known that, I damn well would have continued.

    I got to a payphone and informed my mother, then my father, then my grandfather of this interesting complication. My Dad, who originally fully backed my entry to the police, and then had some reservations about my safety, was pretty sad for me. He's not the type to wait by the phone, but he was pretty interested in my results. The only time, incidentally, he's been interested in my life over my pain in the neck older sister (yes, that IS her, and no, I can't get you a signed copy. I haven't spoken to the money grabbing, patronising, holier-than-thou [censored] in nearly four years and that's how I like it). My grandfather, upon hearing my plight (as opposed to DW's "Plight") was more practical, and said something along the lines of "This is what you get for being too smart".

    Nice guy.

    So, yeah. I'm not in the police just yet. I'm going to speak to the people at Recruitment in the morning, and find out if and when I can re-take the fitness test. Hopefully in the next week or two, as I have something like 20 days before the training starts. If I can't, I'll ask them to hold all my details, and I'll re-take it at the next available opportunity.

    Oh, and it's been confirmed that I -will- be getting a new PC. However, it's being ordered through my Dad's company, for tax reasons, and the guy put in charge of the ordering...well, I used to work with him, when I was in sales at the company (private sector, very nice) so I know what he's like, and, with any luck, I'll be back up and running by the time I'm 30.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    So, I'll be sitting here on the Craptop, keeping you guys updated.

    I miss my music. I miss Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip. I miss DJing. I miss playing. I'm SO bloody bored right now...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isn't your laptop able to run CoH? Even if it was too laggy to actually play, you could at least still use the chat channels.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, it's ridiculously slow.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Holy carp, they let you in?

    *shakes with fear*...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not yet. I have my fitness test tomorrow at 6:30. It'll be a walk in the park...well, a brisk jog through the park.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Hope you get a decent rig (sounds like it, but beware the hand of Dell)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, I've been there already. 2001, I believe it was (I know I was living in my first flat) and I had a shiny Dell Dimension. Now, the "good" thing about Dells (at least, as they were back then) was that they had four little LEDs in the back. One day, those LEDs all went amber, and I couldn't do a thing with the PC. I called Dell tech support, explained my situation, and was told to hold.

    Literally 40-odd minutes later, I got through to Tech support, and spoke with a guy with a US accent. I didn't think anything of it, because of call centres, and whatnot. I was asked to give the serial number of the PC, and gave it - to which the man replied that that particular PC had never been sold.

    It turns out that I hadn't been passed onto a call centre in the US, I'd been put through to the US technical support. I was about three weeks out of warrantee, so if I wanted it repaired, that wouldn't be a problem. I'd just have to pay for the shipping to America on top of the cost to get it repaired. Apparently, I couldn't send it back to Dell UK, it had to be the US one, for some stupid reason I don't remember. The cost would have been more than the PC itself originally cost, so I laughed, hung up, and the next day cancelled the Student Union order for 10 PCs with Dell and went looking for a custom PC.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The Ghz rating means less and less these days. My AMD Athlon 64 runs at 2.4 Ghz, but is faster than an Intel Pentium IV at 3.4Ghz

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye. The Intel Core 2 Duo basically runs two dual-core processors at the same time, if I understand it correctly, so whilst it runs at 2.4 GHz, it's got four processors running at 2.4 instead of just one.
  19. Well, I've found a new computer.

    Intel® Core® 2 Duo® E6600 Processor (2.4GHz, 1066MHz, 4MB, and no idea if that'll run CoH)
    2048MB Dual Channel DDR2 (fun fun fun)
    500GB (7200rpm) Serial ATA Hard Drive
    256MB nVidia™ GeForce™ 7900GS
    128MB Ageia™ PhysX™
    Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music card,PCI w/Dolby Digital,7.1 speaker surround and THX certification

    And all for only £1,298

    The only real problem is, will it be bought for me, and if it is, then when? I can do my best to get it ordered for tomorrow (the one good thing about Dell being, all the "special offers" they throw in, making people think you're saving money) but there's no guarantee. I want to be running before the end of the Halloween event, so I can get my fifth slot, and so I can get back to DJing ASAP. However, this isn't the first time I've been in this position, and last time it happened (and, come to think of it, that involved a Dell PC, too) I had to wait four months. Come to think about it, I might be able to get it ordered on Wednesday (last day for the orders) as a "well done for passing all the tests to become a policeman" present.

    So, I'll be sitting here on the Craptop, keeping you guys updated.

    I miss my music. I miss Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip. I miss DJing. I miss playing. I'm SO bloody bored right now...
  20. The tally, as I understand it, is Motherboard, HD, graphics, and sound. Much as I appreciate the offer, Max, I might as well go all out and get a new PC. This sort of thing happens every few years, anyway. Seriously, every two/three years or so? Boom. New PC because the old one gets borked.

    I just wish this had happened -after- I could back up about 30/40 gigs of important files.
  21. My desktop's decided to call it a day, it seems, and no longer works. I had a similar problem, temporarily, a few weeks back, and this time it's permanent. The bad news is, I'll be offline for quite a while, until I can get a whole new PC. The good news is, it shouldn't be -that- long. I should be back at some point before Christmas. If not, then everyone take care, and I'll be back sooner or later.

    Who knows, I might even get that damned last story finished!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    2. Keep it original. You can submit the single best design in the world, but if it infringes on copyright, trademark, or intellectual property, we can't use it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do we have permission to use Cox Imagery dear?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would have to say a huuuge no to that. One of the things that's limited me in the Forumite shop is that I can't do any designs which utilise any CoX, NC Soft, or Cryptic imagery - including in-game objects. Since the shop isn't affiliated with NC Soft or Cryptic, it's understandable. Fan sites, however, do bear some affiliation. Evo Radio isn't a fan-site. We're a radio station that happens to service the community, but bear no real affiliation (other than, of course, our immense gratitude at being able to broadcast from certain events). As such I would say that if you really feel as if you want to use them, I can't stop you. However, from some of the designs that have been entered already which are 100% original pieces, using something which relies on some of the CoX set-pieces probably wouldn't rate as high.

    Basically, if anyone wants to send me pictures of their CoX, I wouldn't find it particularly amusing.