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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    BTW, FG... how certain are you that I *actually* have a heart for you to feast upon?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "The blood of the infidels shall taste as sweet as nectar to the bees. And lo, I say unto you, the one with the head of the Wolf shall be unto like that of the sweetest"
    - The Book Of The Guardian 14:63

    Since a wolfhead is the symbol for the Gangrel, it's pretty clear to me that eating your heart would be pretty cool.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    too much RSI from using the PS3 interface to reply to hug. Roll on Friday and the return of my PC

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Avoch! That sucks.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What, no hugs between you two?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hug by default in this thread

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, someone who gives love freely? There's a word for that.
  4. What, no hugs between you two?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Didn't think you'd be in to group sessions, GG.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Group sessions, solo work, animals...whatever they pay her to do, really.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    *hugs fire guardian*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will kill you and feast on your heart.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This is very unlike you uptight, reserved British types

    [/ QUOTE ]

    < < < welsh, not british *hugs GG*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isn't Wales part of the British Isles? Surely if GG had said "English types" there'd be a form of complaint there, but British? I think that counts, sadly.

    *abstains from physical contact*
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    *hugs Fire Guardian*

    [/ QUOTE ]


    *Hugs Stasis*
  9. Why? Why why why why why? I hope someone dies in a hole for this thread.

    And, I swear, if you hug me, I will hunt you down and shiv you when you're asleep. Don't think I can't do it. I'm the Goddamned Guardian.
  10. Well, if you're stuck on the Origins, it might be worth considering where your Alien would stand on others. We assume that an Alien would be technologically advanced, so that would open up Natural (to them), Tech or Magic (third postulate of Clark's Law) - but what would seem Normal to us would be Alien to them. The whole world gets topsy turvy, and what if the Alien isn't technologically advanced, but ended up in Paragon as a fluke? Our Tech would seem like their Magic, and what if they don't believe in magic? What if they think it's demonic possession, or something akin to it? They's run away from Paragon to somewhere they could fight the Demonic menace, and that would put you in the Rogue Isles.

    I think that over-thinking the Origin could be fraught with potholes, really. Just go with Mutant. Everyone loves a Mutant!
  11. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Photoshop Tennis

    Hmm, not my finest work, but it'll do.
  12. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dude.... wheres the hat?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's a good question. No, no....more than that. That's an Ask A Ben Question!
  13. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Photoshop Tennis

    I've been at work for most of the day, and just finishing up the next Ask A Ben. I'll get right on this.
  14. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Photoshop Tennis

    Statesman, fed up with over 50 years of the same colours in his outfit, opted for something a little more "fabulous".
  15. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Photoshop Tennis


  16. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good answer. However, I refute it with this:

    Ask A Ben: The Next Generation - Episode One

  17. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    I'm currently on holiday with Stasis, and she posed a rather interesting question to me last night, which I've been mulling over ever since. Her question was this:

    "Why don't you restart Ask A Ben?"

    It's an interesting question. On one hand, do I really want to subject myself to the old routine of making video after video? Sorting through "serious" questions alongside all the spamposts?

    On the other hand...since TGR petered out, and I have no real interest to get back into the Netradio game, I want something to sink my teeth into, and AAB might be the way forward. It'd probably include a slight shift in presentation and style, but I was wondering one very important thing: would people still want to watch them? If I don't have an audience, I don't see the point in it. Let me know!
  18. I hope everyone had a very happy New Year.
  19. Stasis (who, coincidentally is writing this post whilst Fire Guardian watches West Wing in his dressing gown (lazy boy)) is off to work in half an hour.

    But! This afternoon, we're going down to London to spend Christmas with my parents. There's going to be heaps of food (that we don't have to cook, hurrah!), Christmas films, music, games and my dad shaking the presents under the tree. No annoying family members here, my mum turns into Earth Mother at Christmas, and my dad turns into a little kid. I have no idea what Fire Guardian turns into, as it's his first ever Christmas!

    Have a wonderful, wonderful holiday everyone - and eat your sprouts, they're yummy.
  20. Aardy, very happy Cake Day. I hope this day finds you all the ants and termites you desire.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Have you been....stalking my girlfriend?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He hasnt....

    I have

    [/ QUOTE ]

    G-Man, I don't know how to tell you this, but...Avatea isn't my girlfriend. Hiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyoooooooo!

    ...Oh, wait. Sorry. I guess the pain of losing TR is still too fresh for you for me to make that joke. Hmm. My bad.
  22. Have you been....stalking my girlfriend?