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  1. Count me in as I have been slacking of late due to Aion.
    Dark Amp lvl 50 - Dark/Sonic Def
  2. Aion is in open beta until Sunday so there may be a few people there. Aion has been filled just about everyday however I'm not sure how many are from COH. What I will say is that Aion is beautiful. Play style, animations, and PVE are all great. First two days were lag hell untill they fixed it.

    I will continue to play COH however not to the same extent as I will spend most of my time in Aion when it goes live. I plan to keep doing the TF's that Luna and others plan. AE somewhat killed the game however that may change with I16.
  3. Hi all. Sorry but I won't be able to make it tonight (D Neb). Have a blast, as i Know you will.
  4. Count me in for both TF's. Static Hellfire Fire/Elec Brute lvl 34-36 I believe.
  5. Count me in for both TF's.
    Respec TF D Neb - lvl 50 Warshade
    Katie TF SSS' - lvl 31 Spine/WP Scrapper
  6. Count me in SSS' lvl 30 Spine/ WP scrapper
  7. Count me in Dark Amp' Dark/Sonic Def
  8. Count me in as well Dark Amp' lvl 50 Sonic/DarK DEF
  9. I had a blast on the Posi so Please sign me up.

    Dark Amp' lvl 50 Dark/Sonic Def Both TFs
  10. Count me in if there is still room.
    Dark Amp' Dark/Sonic DEF lvl ?? Trying to get to 50 by Monday.
  11. Any TF/SF is doable with any set of AT's as long as you are willing to grind it out! Most recomendations are just to make it easier.
  12. Thanks for the extra information. My brain was fried as I tried to remember everything. I did edit the original post to have the updated correct information. As for the Quarry we only had to fight one of them. In the past I remember there being 2 but we did not see the other one.

    I dont believe in having a mandatory 8 team like peoople do with the LRSF. Personally if the players are experienced and have the damage, heals and agro just about any mix up can do it. The only powers that is truly necessary is Empath and a Rad. It may take longer substituting in scrappers for blasters but it will work in the end. As you saw from my team we had a very diverse mix of people and talents. Also 5 of the 8 were exemped while the others were 39-41. One of our blasters had ice and the only other character with - slow was the rad and we ran thru it just fine. As a side note, not one of our team members died in the whole trial which was amazing.
  13. This is my first time creating one of these so bare with me and excuse all miss-spelling. Just completed the Eden Trial successfully as of 09/17/06 and thought I would share some of our team's findings and post some information.

    Contact Woodsman in Eden, Eden Trial lvl 39-41. Someone within this range has to be leader and start the trial other wise it will disband the team.

    Walls are no longer purple to exemped heroes. If you kill enough Greater DE, all members exemped or not will get ambrosia. You need at least 4 ambrosia if your planning to be in melee range of the AV. De do spawn ontop of you at the last wall and sometimes the first wall. Heroes with - slow attacks and rad are also highly recomended.
    Team Build
    Requires a team of 8 and you need to balance healing, agro and damage. Recall friend is really helpful. Our team had 2 tanks (stone), 2 Defenders (Empath), 2 Blasters, 1 PB, and a Controller. We did extremely well and finished it with a lot of time on hand. I truly recomend having at least 2 empaths and one rad (defenders or controllers) on the team. You will also need a lot of damage which is why you really need blasters. Scrappers, PB and warshades also are great for damage.

    Mission format/Guide
    1st mission is kill 200 devouring earth. Really goes fast if you have people who are exemped and a good tank.
    2nd mission is the final one. Time given to complete 4 hours which should only take you around 2 hours to finnish with a well rounded team.

    In the 2nd mission your map is is no good which is part of the challenge. You will see large holes in the ground that you will have to jump down. Low hp players need to be careful because you can fall a long way and loose just about all of your hp and die. In addition, when you fall you are dropped in the middle of DE. Having fun yet? Well someone with stealth, and recall friend really comes in handy here. However please note i had to range enhance and I still needed for player to fall down at least once in order to tp them.

    You will fall down at least 3 times before you see the wall ahead of you with a Rock monster or quarry I believe. I recommend clearing the DE on the bridge leading to the quarry however you can skip them. Fighting the giant monster seems like forever because of his hp and you really need the damge here. A rad is almost definately needed. First try no rad, 20 minutes later monster had full hp we started over and got a rad. With the rad we took the monster down in 10 minutes. Next step is the wall. I was exemped down and it was orange. When you attack the wall Have the tankers taunt the DE which spawn while the rest of the team works on the wall. Some people have a nuke in case a cairn spawns on the other side. We were lucky and none did. Once the wall is down I believe you fight your way on the bridge to collect Ambrosia all the way to the next wall / mould. Along the way you will fight lots of greater DE which will give you ambrosia. The greater DE are the onse who drop the ambrosia. Ambrosia is high resistence to the unknown damage the av haves. This provides you with super resistance for 60 seconds. In addiiton the AV has a killer foot stomp. 1 unknown no ammbrosia and your dead. 2 foot stomps and your dead if not a tanker or if you dont have buffs and heals. I recommend each member in melee will need at least 4 ambrosia.

    Once you finished collecting your ambrosia you need to head into the next room which have leachen snipers. Make sure to destroy them before proceding to the mould wall.

    The mould wall was red to me as I was exemped. The same way you dealt with the wall you have to beat the mould. The only change is that DE spawn like crazy by it and when it is less than half hp they will drop on your head. Once the mould goes down you clear the de surround the the big giant AV. Once they are dead, free the heroes in the cells, get your buffs, eat an ambosia and go kill the AV. Without ambrosia he will 1 shot the toughest of tanks. Also dont forget the monster foot stomp. Tankser should fight on the plat form with the AV, Blasters and Defenders can hover of jump up from one level below the AV Hope this helped, some minor detials may be missing but please feel free to add some.
  14. So any one ever roll a AR/Kin Cor?

    I'm thinking Assualt rifle has some really good single and AOE damage. And with kinetics you can not only buff yourself but also have one of the stronger heals in the game. Seems like a good combo which has fast recharges and is something different than what a lot of people roll. Any recommendations or comments?
    Oh Sgt 2 Face is the name and beware of my big gun!