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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
    And put to work full time making CoH 2. Or even redoing CoH and CoV from the ground up. Or making some other game that I can play.

    Some difficulty issues aside, I'm enjoying really enjoying the missions more than what I have in most other MMOs. I can only think with a more up to date engine, voice acting, etc. what it would be like.
    Pretty sure War Witch was in charge of (most?) of Going Rogue and that Positron is in charge of City of Heroes 2.

    It doesn't matter though, it's all top notch talent at Paragon Studios.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    The more I read this thread, the more I'm realizing I'd rather have thorough zone overhauls than new zones...
    Me too, but the devs prefer making new zones to zone overhauls...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    I actually don't mind Zombies, or Demons for that matter. It is just the constant shoving of Arachnos down our throats that I despise. It is even worse then Longbow. I know a lot of 'Soldiers of Arachnos' would love to shed their Arachno-roots, and I would support them in this endeavour, even if it just gives them more options.
    Hah, my Night Widow is proud of her heritage and I rarely use her non-Arachnos costumes, so now you'll have to see a full blown Night Widow in official Archnos uniform running all over Paragon City.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClayPigion View Post
    I'm really hoping with the new zoning tech used in GR, and with the recent graphics makeover that it's a prelude to the war walls coming down in both blueside and redside and giving us a much more open world to play with.

    They have proven that the system works in Praetoria, it seems to me that they have already taken steps in that direction for the tech to be applied to the rest of the game as well.
    I suppose it is possible that they were just testing the tech for CoH2.
  5. I think Atlas Park needs a major revamp. There's far too much cement and not enough "park." City Hall looks very tiny for a mega-city like Paragon, I'd have a nice big edifice, like New York's city hall. The statue of Atlas is, and always has been, great, but I think it needs an upgrade because I know it can be even better. The globe can be more distinct and detailed. It'd put a big mosaic or something under Atlas and make that area a real plaza where the citizens and heroes of Paragon City can hang out, much like the plaza in the middle of the Magisterium in Praetoria. I'd put flowers and bushes around Atlas Plaza like is in the Magisterium, I'd move the parking to underground garages (like in Faultline) and put statues, park, paths, trees, bushes, fountains and flowers in the area where the endless parking lots used to be. I'd put all the warehouses and industrial style stuff in the same small area so it doesn't seem like Atlas Park is part industrial sprawl. I'd take out a few of the older buildings and put in modern style buildings as well.

    Atlas Park is one of the first impressions people get when they start up a new hero, and I think it's important to upgrade it to make a good impression on new players. The devs need to show new players right off the bat "this is what we can do" so that new players want to come back and try more of the game.

    In the Rogue Isles, I think the zones are mostly pretty good. I would clean up part of each zone and make that part a bit brighter and prettier, maybe actually let some sunlight hit the Rogue Isles every once in a while. As it stands now I think the only thing really wrong with those zones is that they can feel a tad oppressive.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    I did all of those with my MM Badger yesterday. The counter says 12 or 14.

    I Ouro'd Tina's New Arc, I got Maria as a COntact did her arc, did the stand alone Seige and Nightstar missions. I have a ticketed sitting with senior support right now.

    The only thing that disappointed me in the Arc is that Battle Maiden did not rez.
    My counter says 14, before I18 it said 12. I know because I had 11 before I18 and for the life of me I couldn't figure out who I missed.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarknessEternal View Post
    No they haven't.
    They have, you now must defeat 14 Praetorian arch villains instead of just 12.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    Give Studio 55 a penthouse view over Imperial City, like the AE Quiet Lounge has.
    Actually, I thought that the devs would use the "AE window technology" a lot more often in Going Rogue. It would have been awesome to have Studio 55 as a penthouse club with windows overlooking the city.
  9. Evilanna

    Is it confirmed?

    Yes, it is confirmed.

    I now feel safe making that assessment.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
    Oh man, the things you have missed! Let's take a look, shall we?
    • A new Time Travelling faction has been implemented, allowing you to fight against Cavemen cyborgs, Pirate Ninja Cowboys, Roman Soldiers riding dinosaurs, and a giant monster that's a gigantic T-Rex turned into a mobile weapons platform.
    They're turning CoH into Doctor Who now?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    Loyalist and Reistance factions have been replaced with Team Edward and Team Jacob factions.
    Hero and Villain factions have been replace with Team Stefan and Team Damon factions.

    (Hah, far more obscure...)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
    Same here. He started writing it again, then suddendly stopped just like he did last time.
    Probably cause he changed the premise and lost most of the old humour (in my opinion anyway.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I don't have a scanner that big, but I do have a camera. I took a picture of it at ultra high resolution and I've posted it here. Maybe someone with Photoshop skillz can clean it up. If so, I'd like to have a clean version to post on the Paragon Wiki. Maybe not at that high a resolution, but at least where the text is legible.
    I hate to break it to you, but I think some Resistance member had defaced your map.
  14. There's the new Going To Dinner expansion where you can choose to either dine or work at various five star restaurants and classy hot-spots around Paragon City.

    Some of the new archtypes include: maitre d', bouncer, busboy, or food critic.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    They're not the only thing that feels tacked-on, however, that's my main problem. Back during Beta, I mad a small rant/list of things that were really bad and I hoped they were placeholders, which people assured me they were. Most weren't, and are Live right now. The easiest example is the hospital in Nova Praetoria. When I first got into Beta, the hospital was using a copy-pasted interior from Paragon City, with four doors on the inside but only two doors on the outside. People assured me that this would be fixed, and what do we see right now? Four doors on the inside, two doors on the outside. Oh, sure, it got a few Loyalist posters and a new paintjob, but this still looks and feels like a placeholder.

    And then we have the new tilesets, right alingside the "new" tilesets and right alongside the OLD GOD DAMN TILESETS!!! The tunnels are GRRRATE! Love 'em, can't complain. They're amazing. The "grey labs" of Praetoria are very well done, if a bit cavernous and empty and with only ONE entry room. Feels like they should have more hallways and intersections and less a linear path through large chambers.

    Then we have Praetorian offices, which swapped the stone and wallpaper from the CoV tileset and swapped a few CRT monitors with holographic screens, but kept the gaudy redwood doors and railings, the 1980s towering copy machines, the 1990s PCs with floppy drives and, oh, the exact same rooms in what feels like the exact same layouts. And then we have the warehouse tileset from CoH which swapped... Nothing whatsoever at all. Not even the crates and containers have been rearranged. It's the exact same fed-ex tilesets, and one of the two people have been complaining about for as far back as I can remember.

    And if that weren't funny enough, the ONE tailor on the entire planet of Praetorian Earth spends her time hanging out in front of her store like she's handing out pamphlets, I assume because her store has no interior made for it yet. And there's still nowhere to change difficulty at all.

    I look around, and I see placeholder after placeholder. It's not that Fort Trident and the Crucible are all that bad, but it's just that they're one more place which feels like a rushed placeholder. I love the expansion and it's given me a lot of fun so far, but come on, now!
    I gotta agree, and add that I really don't like the grey lab interiors for Praetoria. The ceiling is way, way too high, they look very bland and empty, they're very linear and not at all interesting. If you compare this with the "tech lab" tileset from CoH that was put in the game years ago, it's apparent that the Praetorian one is severely lacking. The "university" in Praetoria uses this style and I think it just looks stupid and out of place as a place of learning, especially with all the default CoH stuff just jammed in there. I wish they'd just reskinned the regular university to look more Praetorian.

    I also feel that in some areas of Going Rogue seem rushed and not at the high quality other areas are. The missions are super well written, the city looks amazing, some of the little things blew me away when I first encountered them (like the roof access stairways!), but other things just seem so rushed and low quality when compared to the good things.
  16. I'm gonna have to agree with everyone here. I was excited to see what awesomeness Fort Trident would be only to find it was the same Longbow map I've been to about ten million times. I want our wonderful devs to design a really cool place for those who are heroes to hang out.
  17. Evilanna

    Hey everyone!

    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Ahem. It's not just GG yanno

    Welcome to the game link
    Actually, GG is the only player on that server. The rest are Nemesis automatons.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post
    I know this is about information and all that, but I have a complaint and I'd rather not start a new thread for it.

    People using Ninja Run. You look foolish. Please stop.

    But my character is a ninja-witch.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I did, but she toppled over. I blame high-heel shoes.

    Didn't War Witch say they'll be unifying all currencies into a singular INF currency?
    They already did, but it's still called Influence in Paragon, Infamy in the Rogue Isles and Information in Praetoria.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post

    Also, NuclearToast, it's not that money doesn't "exist". It does, but referencing something tangible steps on character concepts as well as various aspects of immersions.

    - "Le sigh. I am the angsty outcast villain that lives on the street, eats garbage and psychotically kills everyone that looks at me. I'm also level 50 and have 12 billion Rogue Isle Moniez."

    - "Behold! I am a wealthy playboy genius who buys all of his technology and arrests foes of King's Row. I keep them in jail by buying the legal system. I'm also level 1 and have six Schrute Bucks."

    - "Great job, boys! That Mayhem Mission allowed us to rob that bank clean! And for that, we get just as much money as when we kidnapped Amanda Vines just to scare her."

    ... if they call it something that can be defined, it's the first step in hindering character concepts.
    I agree, I like Information.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Redo-ing all the various loadscreens for widescreen would be difficult. Thinking about some targeted appliations of this though...
    Cool. Thank you Mr. Savage.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Antimatter's Orbital Space Platform needs a window to the stars...
    Yes, agreed. It needs something that says "oh hey, you're in SPACE!"
  23. I know this isn't a contest question, but...

    Any chance we can get widescreen loading screens any time soon for the game?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    His face is certainly the same as the Center's face, and the color of his suit is pretty similar too.

    EDIT: With no Kheldians or Nictus in the Praetorian dimension, the Council there was probably much weaker, and was either destroyed by the DE, crushed by Tyrant, or just absorbed into Tyrant's new world order, in the same way that the murder of Stefan Richter at the Well of the Furies has resulted in the destruction of the Praetorian Arachnos ebfore they could take over the rogue Isles, so Belladonna Vetrano is still running around alive and well with nice flowing hair, and Marchand is still alive and serving Tyrant.
    Except that you'd be referring to the 5th Column, not the Council as the Council sprung up from the 5th Column and wouldn't exist without it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    367 - Gatekeeper - Keymaster
    Hahaha! Cool.