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  1. Count me in mate , want us to get nukes aswell or just shivans ? I will be on Nick so just PM me when ya rdy plz

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Jerry Atrik lvl 50 Brute
    Robin D'Rich lvl 36 brute
    Various lwr alts
  2. Evil_krom

    Hellion Badge ??

    I will be farming a hellion paper mission for the badge on sunday at 8pm BST time anyone interested in this plz leave a post here .

    There are 5 places left for this , plz only post if u are definatily able to make it .

    At about 7:50 i will start forming the team so when you are on pm me i will be on my brute whith the mission called Rob Anyone .

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Jeery Atrik lvl 50 Brute
    Robin D'Rich lvl 35 Brute
  3. Count me in to for the skulls , trolls and gears . Ill be on before 8 on an alt so just PM me @Nick Anything or il pm u when i see ya online if ya let me no name off toon ya on :-)
  4. Ill be on but only avialable for 2 hours hope thats ok , just pm me when rdy sazzy ill be on an alt but will change as soon as u want me to :-)
  5. Count me in for this to DW as long as i can make it , am avialable wednesday till 10pm and friday till late .

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Jerry Atrik lvl 50 Brute
    Robin D'Rich lvl 33 Brute
    Phill Fi'scoundrell lvl 14 Brute
  6. Hey , sorry i dint make tonight only just read ya reply about the decoys lol i would like to join in on this i am avialable wednesday till 10pm bst time and friday till late , ill chek back tomorrow see when ya arranging it for :-)

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Jerry Atrik lvl 50 Brute
    Robin D'Rich lvl 33 Brute
    Phill Fi'Scoundrell lvl 14 Brute

    Krom lvl 50 Blaster
    Piccollo lvl 50 Tank
    PLasticator lvl 30 Controller
    Chase lvl 19 Scrapper
  7. Would love to join ya with Nick as long as i can make it mate . Just let me no when ya wanna ya doin it and hopefully ill be there :-)

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Jerry Atrik lvl 50 Brute
    Robin D'Rich lvl 33 brute
    Phill Fi'Scoundrel lvl 14 Brute
  8. Jerry Atrik Brute Elec/Elec Scorpion patron

    Nick Anyhting lvl 50 brute SS/Fire
    Jerry Atrik lvl 50 brute Elec/Elec
    Robin D'Rich lvl 29 brute SS/Stone
    Phill FI'Scoundrell lvl 14 brute Nrgy/Invun
  9. if im on i will try join ya lvl 38 brute , jerry atrik . I need to do it but not sure if i will be bak in time :-(
  10. Do apologise

    Patron for Nick Anything is GW , didnt realise i hadnt posted it
  11. I think there is space in my vg if u are interested its called the antispandex corps , we tend to have an average off 6-8 members online and we have 2 coalitions with some actuve players in those vgs . Contact me on @Nick Anything if your interested . Would be happy to answer any of your questions

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Jerry Atrik lvl 24 brute (yes i like brutes )
  12. Good to see ya crossing over mate

    I have one suggestion make a brute and do some fighting for once ya Sissy

    Or make a kinetic corr so ya can buff my brutes
  13. Gratz mate , was good teaming with ya , apart from when ya run off cos ya pwrs dropped :-P

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
    Dartz lvl 20 Stalker
    Jerry Atrik lvl 7 Brute

    Krom lvl 50 Blaster
    Piccollo lvl 50 Tank
    Plasticator lvl 27 Controller
  14. Gratz mate

    Been a pleasure teaming with ya and couldnt of taken out half the heros/AVs we have without your holds

    Nick Anythiing lvl 50 Brute
  15. Count me in Cap , will bring either korm or piccollo dont mind which so depends on if ya need a tank or a blaster . I will need mal though if thats ok
  16. Gratz mate , although dint team with ya till 40+ was a pleasure and always fun

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
  17. Salther Dark hits the big 50 and can know celebrate with some of his favourite weak spanish lager

    Gratz mate , i finally managed to drag ya butt to 50

    Been great teaming with ya saved my butt on a number of occasions

    Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
  18. Nick Anything Dinged last night
    Brute SS/Fire

    Krom lvl 50 Blaster
    Piccollo lvl 50 Tank

    Nick Anything Lvl 50 Brute
  19. Evil_krom

    Best Defence

    I have a Fire brute at the moment and have established it offers i think the least overall defence . I was wondering if anyone knew what the best secondary for a brute was ?

    Nick Anything lvl 46
    Dartz lvl 20
    Jerry Atrik V low
  20. i would do 2nd respect mate , but dont this patch include a free respect from somet to do with patron pwrs .

    If not i will help mate so stop moaning

    Krom lvl 50 Blaster
    Picollo lvl 50 Tank

    Nick Anything lvl 42 Brute
  21. Count me in mate , Ill bring piccollo already got badges on Krom

    Just let me know what time

    Krom lvl 50 blaster
    Piccollo lvl 50 tank

    Nick Anything Lvl 38 brute
  22. Id be interested just let me know what time or if im on plz pm :-)

    Nick Anything lvl 36 brute
  23. Can someone tell me who gives ya this mish ? so i know wat to look out for please
  24. Count me in to , just let me know if ya want my blaster or tank . and is that uk time ? sorry i get confused easily

    Krom lvl 50 blaster En/elec
    Piccollo lvl 50 tanker fire/axe
  25. Evil_krom

    1st Respec ?

    let me know when and ill give ya hand if i can get on , personally i would prefer the quick way

    Nick anything lvl 29 brute
    Dartz lvl 20 stalker
    Mini Maniac lvl 19 mm