Looking for a friendly, active Super Group
I think there is space in my vg if u are interested its called the antispandex corps , we tend to have an average off 6-8 members online and we have 2 coalitions with some actuve players in those vgs . Contact me on @Nick Anything if your interested . Would be happy to answer any of your questions
Nick Anything lvl 50 Brute
Jerry Atrik lvl 24 brute (yes i like brutes )
Greetings, my lvl 41 Corruptor Main is looking for a friendly, active super group. My current SG, Ainur, is inactive, and is "hybernating" whatever they mean by that. Ainur has been very inactive since forever and i have rarely seen any more than a few of them online ever, if at all, and so i am now looking for a proper Super Group.
Name: Lord Proteus
Origin: Science
Main Power Set: Energy
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Patron: Scirroco(pfft, who needs Patrons)
I am active, friendly, and often farm hard to aquire badges when a good, farming mission arrises.(i farmed Fake Nemesis badge, will be glad if i never see one again) and i allways have SG mode turned on. Though i wouldnt mind being able to place a personal item in the base :P
please contact me in game if u wish to add a corruptor to your ranks.
~Evil Lord Proteus
Future Dark Master of all worlds