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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Slight spoiler for the previous posts comment, so don't read if you don't want to hear it (highlight below):

    Johnny is like Maestro on crack, and he will use Dreadful Wail and wipe out your party if your not careful, so bring someone that can rez/heal. And for god's sake don't stand near him, his Shout does disgusting damage.

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    Meh, two ninja MMs can take him on. Our Oni's chain Char'ed him....
  2. Actually, it seems that the first Cap contacts are outleveled at 15 at the least. However, they won't give their next contact until 16.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    In-between missions? I typically take about .5 hour per session to just solo street hunt because it's so fun as a stalker.

    I also like to TP mobs on to the side of tall building and watch them fall. I don't think this does any damage, but it just goes with my nature.

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    Oh it does damage if you're high enough. Can't kill them with it but yes, damage is done.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    How do you tell what salvage you have?

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    Easily. Look at your power tray. By the "Enhancements" button/text there will be salvage after you pick your first piece up.

    Remember, must be in SG mode to get it though...
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Great job on the FAQ!

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    Q11: Isn't that kind of annoying [to have to pay rent in person]?
    A11: Yes.

    [/ QUOTE ]We didn't want to deduct rent automatically, because if your SG went on vacation for a while, it'd slowly drain your coffers.

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    I was wondering if it would be possible to make paying rent an option from the SG Mission Computer, or make the rent contact callable somehow. That would keep the functionality of not automatically debiting the SG's account without user intervention, while still not requiring a random run to Atlas Park/Port Oakes every month.

    It'd be a handy 'quality of life' buff at some point in the future if it could be worked in somehow. In the meantime, well, at least we can Telepad to Atlas so I guess it's not TOO annoying.

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    We'll be able to tele to Atlas? Since when? Last I have heard the only city beacon floating around was Striga....
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Q3: How do I earn Prestige?
    A3: You earn Prestige by playing in Supergroup Mode. You can turn Supergroup Mode on by opening the 'SG' tab and clicking 'Enter Supergroup Mode'. At low levels, you earn Prestige and Influence in equal amounts. However, the closer you get to level 35, the less influence you earn, until after level 35, you earn NO influence for playing in Supergroup mode. The amount of Prestige earned per enemy/per mission does not increase by level like influence does.

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    I think there's a mistake here. During the Siren's Call beta event, the Arbiter was saying that after level 25 is when we no longer recieve influence/infamy while in SG mode.
  7. Enept

    CoH Binder

    Coming from the CoV website on the binder...

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    You'll also get in-depth Archetype strategies complete with sample character builds to give you the best build the first time, strategies for rapid leveling with little downtime

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    Wasn't powergaming one of the reasons for ED? Ya know, to keep people from utilizing the most effective cookie cutter builds? What the hell?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    That, right there, is all it would take to make a world of difference in the game. A little witty banter from your opponent. Or even some not so witty banter.

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    It's been introduced in CoV. Fighting Barracuda is particularly engaging for this reason.

    [/ QUOTE ]And "Duke" Moredeanor of the Hellions... more or less....

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    The duke did? Meh, first time I did that mission I ended up beating him before I realized he was even there. Second time(got DC'ed and had to do it again), I saw him but he dropped quickly to my ninjas.

    As for the dev chat, I enjoyed some of the banter, even to the point of trying to keep in character during most of it. However, we only saw Manticore(new favorite Dev hero after reading the CoV comics) and Statesman. Wa kinda bummed at how often State ran though. Called him a few names over broadcast for it. The "enema arrow" comment was quite amusing for Manticore though.

    As for the agents, are we sure that they were dev controled? I started getting the feeling every so often that they were AI. If they weren't, could they have been granted some more banter? It didn't take more than 3 minutes for them to start repeating...

    Plus the fact that the accursed Agent Jor would drop, and reappear in 5 seconds multiple times. That go annoying....