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  1. In i12 Storm/nrg was a nice build, expecially withthe KB changes i12 brought. i13 hurt storms hardcore. I still play my storm/psi a bit, but he plays completely different:

    1. Since defender secondaries suck for damage, you really need to rely on your storm powers more. With hurricane being hurt because of DR and such, this makes it quite difficult. My storm/psi basically lives and dies by lightning cloud and turtling. If you can end drain the opponent enough to toggle drop him (The only way to toggle drop anymore), then that is your best bet. Get him toggle dropped, have aim+PBU ready and hit him with everything you have. Slot for end drain/acc/recharge.

    2. Tornado is almost necessary IMO. The i14 changes may fix this, but tornado's -def debuff (autohit BTW) really makes it easy to hit your opponent.

    3. Couple quick notes: If you take the toggle resistance shield from the epic and have DR on - steamy mist only grants you like 3% resist. With Global resist bonus and resistance shield, you are pretty much covered. If you have stealth in your build (for phase), then skipping steamy mist is viable (I can't beleive I just said that).

    4. I toggle off hurricane when mez supression wears off - that way its recharged by the time you get unmezzed. This is probably the most annoying part of storm and rad: the long cast toggles always dropping.

    5. Forget about snow storm, almost everything has slow resistance. My friends fire/em tank didn't really notice my slows.

    In my personal experience in i13 PvP..storms really took a beating. In the first wave of closed beta, storm was REALLY over powered because of the anti-spike code. they were then nerfed in the second wave, but still did well due to the anti-spike code. Once that was taken out, they really got hurt. Storm controllers are better than defenders because A)Unresistable debuffs are gone and B) the extra disruption utility of the controller set far outweighs the small damage defenders get from their secondaries.

    Some general zone advice: Team and team somemore. Solo storms (Even good ones) will just soften up opponent while other solo players clean up the kills. Your roll is disruption. Your goal is to be annoying as hell. In reality, a good storm is the PvP version of a herding tank. I Say this because if every opponent is totally pissed off at being disrupted by you, then they are trying to kill you instead of everyone else.

    Its very sad to play my storm now after seeing what a well balanced storm team can do - but they aren't totally worthless IMO. They are just not nearly as fun as before. But GL, feel free to PM me if you have more specific questions and ill try my best to answer them.
  2. Great video, I know its a big update. But I have one questions....:

    is there anything else in i14?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    clarity ftw

    [/ QUOTE ]
    can't buff, that breaks the truce

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Plus please allow 20 seconds for me to summon and buff meh pets...or youre a truce breaker
  4. EmpireForgotten

    PW's war journal

    PW's webnades were epic. Good matches lastnight
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    re: Web Grenade

    Can't you buy a temp power in Sirens' call that's Web Grenade? ((Sure pop some Yellows first)) I think the Arena also sells them, although only for use in the areana.

    I remember because I was on one of the SC skyscrapers getting harrassed by a flying tank. I webnaded him and he dropped like Wile E. Coyote over a cliff.

    There was much lulz to be had.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can only buy it if your faction has control of the zone in sirens - and you only get 5. In the arena, having perma webnades is a huge advantace.

    I would personally drop Trops or Shuriken instead of webnade
  6. There is no waiting period if they have never been on a roster before.

    If they drop from a team because that team disbands and then they join another team - They are eligble

    If they drop from a team that is currently on the ladder - they have to wait 2 weeks before they are eligble to participate in officials with their current team. That 2 weeks starts from the forum date on which they were dropped.

    thats how I see it...Im just lazy and never changed the official post.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    You two have terrible ideas...I'm cutting both of you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn...Cut from a roster that I am not even on, thats like double suck
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Flying ice/rad corr powers ACTIVATE!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and everyone called me crazy for thinking that Flying IceRad's were good....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What if they took TP and fly...that takes mad skills to evade wit that

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TP and Fly > SS and SJ

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TPfoe someone to the top of the map and then have them drop for massive damage!!!!1...better than spiking with blaze

    [/ QUOTE ]

    omfg, it will sooo work too, no one evar has Fly Paks

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You forget..the Person who gets TPfoed will be laughing to hard to hit their flight pack key, even if they did have it!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Flying ice/rad corr powers ACTIVATE!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and everyone called me crazy for thinking that Flying IceRad's were good....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What if they took TP and fly...that takes mad skills to evade wit that

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TP and Fly > SS and SJ

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TPfoe someone to the top of the map and then have them drop for massive damage!!!!1...better than spiking with blaze
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Flying ice/rad corr powers ACTIVATE!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and everyone called me crazy for thinking that Flying IceRad's were good....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What if they took TP and fly...that takes mad skills to evade wit that
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    ESPN saturday night is on right now, just starting again

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How do you think the top 8 will pan out?
  12. Bumping this so I can find it again...Its not showing up on the forums

    1. @Shu - Leader
    2. @Stella-Maris
    3. @Empire - Leader
    4. @Fue
    5. @Darque Duce
    6. @Slax
    7. @Slax2
    8. @WELLDONE - Leader
    9. @r0y
    10. @Uzumaki
    11. @Fire Assailant2
    12. @Skin
    13. @r0y2
    14. @Meta Rhyno
    15. @Fue2
    16. @Rapport
    17. @Bug You 2
    18. @Bug You
    19. @Skrongstar
    20. @Sir Godsmack
    21. @narkon
    22. @Knox
    23. @Knoxie
    24. @Azrhiaz
    25. @Drew Blood
    26. @Drew Blood2
    28. @Credz
    29. @Spiffytool
    30. @Brad D
    31. @A D S
    32. @Psoma
    33. @JaysunJay
    34. @Heroes Demise (Might need to change global name)
    35. @Chize
    36. @Aqua-American Man

    Added Heroes Demise, Chize, and Aqua-American Man - All should be eligble since they have never been on a roster before.
  13. Im real glad to see you back into test PvP kittah! you will definately be missed (now I need to go check our roster to make sure your off because we kept joking and put you back on so many times)
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Not the right place to post this but, if they close test again for beta and leave all PvP SGs out...I think the ladder will fold.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think they will follow through on what they decided on last time...

    The top hero and villain rosters get into closed beta. I don't think they will allow everyone in because the devs thinks it creates too much "noise" during beta testing.

    Its not necessarily the behavior thats the main issue, but the amount of posting that the devs and managers need to sort through to find the relevant comments. Its not that pvpers don't give relevant comments, many of us do... however, usually each relevant comment from a pvper (and pvers alike) are followed by 5-8 posts containing one to two phrase responses that the devs call "noise". Even though that shows our unity in disagreement or agreement to that one relevant post, the devs just want to hear the valid arguments, debates, and than decide the best course of action among themselves.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never bought that arguement because they could just close the beta boards (where all the discussion/debates takes place) to only their close few beta testers if they don't like the noise. But again, this post isn't the place for these discussions (maybe I will make one )

    WB lab and its good to see a lot of the old crew back ingame
  15. Not the right place to post this but, if they close test again for beta and leave all PvP SGs out...I think the ladder will fold.
  16. I think the reason that rule was put in was because I copied the original test rules (<.< oops) and forgot that we changed that rule on test.

    It might be time to change it.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    dUmb Roster:

    @ArcticShu - Leader
    @Jeridan - Leader
    @Slax - Leader
    @r0y - Leader
    @Bug You 2
    @Ghetto Bug
    @Unknown Hero
    @Shard of Night
    @A D S
    @Brad D
    @Chad D
    @Dj Trizz
    @Dj Trizz 2
    @Drew Blood
    @Eran Rist
    @Smilin Joe
    @Joe's 2nd Account
    @heroes Demise
    @sir fire
    @sir fireII
    @kitten of Chaos
    @Chaos of Kitten

    Removed @Fue - Always a spot for you here man

    WB Kitten - Eligble 9th sept

    [/ QUOTE ]
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    dUmb Roster:

    @ArcticShu - Leader
    @Jeridan - Leader
    @Slax - Leader
    @r0y - Leader
    @Bug You 2
    @Ghetto Bug
    @Unknown Hero
    @Shard of Night
    @A D S
    @Brad D
    @Chad D
    @Dj Trizz
    @Dj Trizz 2
    @Drew Blood
    @Eran Rist
    @Smilin Joe
    @Joe's 2nd Account
    @heroes Demise
    @sir fire
    @sir fireII

    Added Sir - Eligable 7th sep

    [/ QUOTE ]
  19. dUmb Roster:

    @ArcticShu - Leader
    @Jeridan - Leader
    @Slax - Leader
    @r0y - Leader
    @Bug You 2
    @Ghetto Bug
    @Unknown Hero
    @Shard of Night
    @A D S
    @Brad D
    @Chad D
    @Dj Trizz
    @Dj Trizz 2
    @Drew Blood
    @Eran Rist
    @Smilin Joe
    @Joe's 2nd Account
    @heroes Demise

    Added Heroes Demise
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    dUmb Roster:

    @ArcticShu - Leader
    @Jeridan - Leader
    @Slax - Leader
    @r0y - Leader
    @Bug You 2
    @Ghetto Bug
    @Unknown Hero
    @Shard of Night
    @A D S
    @Brad D
    @Chad D
    @Dj Trizz
    @Dj Trizz 2
    @Drew Blood
    @Eran Rist
    @Smilin Joe
    @Joe's 2nd Account

    Removed some people who don't play anymore.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  21. dUmb Roster:

    @ArcticShu - Leader
    @Jeridan - Leader
    @Slax - Leader
    @r0y - Leader
    @Bug You 2
    @Ghetto Bug
    @Unknown Hero
    @Shard of Night
    @A D S
    @Brad D
    @Chad D
    @Dj Trizz
    @Dj Trizz 2
    @Drew Blood
    @Eran Rist
    @Smilin Joe
    @Joe's 2nd Account


    Added Credz