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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    As I still have never seen more than 3 people in any of the auction houses at once, I think people are making stuff like this up.
    Come play on Virtue, where at peak hours there can be DOZENS of shoppers in the Atlas and Talos WWs at once. Granted, it's usually closer to 6-10 characters but it's almsot always more than 3 =)

    Now granted, if you go to KR, that WW tends to be less crowded, and if you're going during slow hours then yeah you still won't see too many people around. But trust me when i say that when this sort of thing with the powers is a problem, it's a HUGE problem.
  2. Would anyone who's ABLE to open these files be willing to save them with maximized compatability and put them up for download elsewhere? Or should we wait until the devs get back into the offices on monday?
  3. YAR i cannot be openin' these files neither! Cursed, be they, and vexxed, be I...!

    In non-pirate speak: I'm using PS CS. Yup, the first CS. I know it's dated... but seriously, you couldn't turn on "maximize compatibility"? It's ONE CLICK!

    EDIT: Ok, so i downloaded and installed Photoshop elements from the link YOU GUYS PROVIDED... and it STILL doesn't work! I was able to see thumbnails but not open the files. Oh, and apparently that program likes to keep in constant contact with adobe and sucks up massive amounts of processor cycles and internet bandwidth just to do so which is far too weird.

    PS: Putting pictures on the war walls? really?
  4. I've been looking forward to this! Let's see what we got...

    And NO characters? I realize this is so that some overly egotistical goofball doesn't put their character in every shot, but what showcases AP better than a crowded Atlas plaza (besides which fact is, good luck getting atlas not-crowded on freedom or virtue XD), or IP better than a giant octopus? Can't you change the rule to say "don't make YOUR CHARACTER/supergroup the center of attention in any picture"?

    You guys probably had discussions in-office about all this though, so mweh. Good luck to everyone!
  5. Ill/Rad?

    I summon LOCAL MAN to field any further questions!
  6. EmperorSteele


    Is Snaptooth (Redcaps EB) not available in AE? I can't seem to find him yet i really wanted to use him for a mission =(
  7. This thread isn't about what I thought it was going to be about AT ALL.

    Leaving dissapointed.
  8. Snow: the two tanks and i were the ONLY ones fighting him, so we did 100% damage =)

    I sent a petition ticket, and the GM confirmed that an error occured and said he gave me the badge. And checking in-game, it seems i have it =)
  9. Don't you have to ask the SG/VG registar for a base before you can build one even after you've formed the group?
  10. EmperorSteele

    holy jebus!

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Improved Energy Turret base defence item.

    That's neither sad NOR funny. Why do ya gotta be like that, Snowy? WHYYYYYY?!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Okay, is there some way to implement power suppression so that it's actually JUST suppressing powers NOT SWITCHING THEM OFF?

    Sorry! I'm getting mightily annoyed at hitting the trading house (or another suppression site) then coming out and having to waste time turning all my toggles back on again.
    Well the rest of us were getting annoyed at the spines, stormies, dark tanks, sonics and other noisy and flashy power users making us not able to concentrate and lagging everything up so we make mistakes, so SUCK IT UP.

    ...Though suppressing the powers instead of turning them directly off -would- be an ideal compromise.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    You heard some other heroes asking around for people to help with a task Statesman assigned to them. You followed the heroes to Independence Port, only to find Statesman standing there, unharmed! Mystery solved!
    The worst part about this? They have tech in GR which can MAKE CONTACTS INVISIBLE TO YOU. I dunno if this can be made "temporary" but i think it's something the devs should consider doing to Staesplatesface, as well as blocking the character playing that portion of the story arc from joining an STF or LRSF, though that might be going a bit far to retain continuity...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    Here's how I usually roll:

    ST Hold
    First Slot - Acc
    Second Slot - Recharge (helps for locking down bosses)
    Third Slot - Hold
    Fourth Slot - Recharge
    Fifth Slot - Hold
    Sixth Slot - Acc (by now you're probably taking on higher level enemies, so the extra acc helps)

    Group Hold
    First Slot - Acc
    Second Slot - Recharge
    Third Slot - Recharge
    Fourth Slot - Recharge
    Fifth Slot - Hold
    Sixth Slot - Acc

    I never take the single target Immob, and I almost never slot for Damage (Hot Feet would be an obvious exception.)

    Soloing a troller feels ever so dull and painfully slow. I only ever do it to pass the time while waiting for a team, or to get through key missions. Its not unusual for me to get a troller to 50 with the cape mission languishing in my mission tray. Soloing a troller is like driving on a spare tire. Fine when you have to, but I wouldnt not recommend it all the time.

    There's a reason controllers are referred to as "support." Blasters and scrappers are my pets. They get knee-deep in the muck, I stay big picture.
    Maybe soloing a controller is "slow" for you because you're NOT SLOTTING YOUR ATTACK FOR DAMAGE /=O I mean seriously, with no damage enhancements you can't even kill a -30 minion (yes, MINUS 30 levels) in one shot. Of course soloing is going to be slow against an even-con mob!
  14. Actually it makes sense: your brain just got fried by a direct telepathic assult, you probably won't be able to think very quickly. Also, - recharge effects aren't present in mind control, so it's not an all-out thing with psi.
  15. ... i don't see where you get off basically chastising people for being silly when you have an avatar of your character doin' carmeldancin' /=.
  16. EmperorSteele

    holy jebus!

    if that's an item of power base decoration for that badge i'm going to laugh and cry at the same time.
  17. So yeah, some Tanks and I took down Deathsurge on our vigilantes and we totally didn't get the badge which makes me =(

    Guess it's a known bug.

    Wish I'd known that before i attacked him...
  18. I feel like I'm going to explode in rage....
  19. It depends what you're playing, really.

    Grav and Mind are very attack-focused. The first 3 or 4 powers help you simply kill things and should be slotted for damage.

    But then you got Earth and Fire and Ice which all have an ST immob, an ST hold, and a AoE immob with weak damage (fire dishes out slightly more damage). If you want to keep containment up on the now immobilized and cheesed off mobs, you'll want extra immob time there, and possibly more time on the hold power to prevent them from attacking. Plant has a similar theme, but its AoE immob does almost twice as much damage, so you should definitely take advantage of its higher base numbers and slot for damage.

    Illu has straight up damage, a hold, and Deceive as its first three powers, and since deceive doesn't do damage and you have no mez in your first power, definitely slot for damage. This is especially pertinent as illusion's damage is "fake" and some of it automatically heals back after a few moments.
  20. I am currently very annoyed at you people >=.


  21. EmperorSteele


    Might I make a suggestion, provided you don't mind shelling out actual money?

    The online NCSoft store has $10 items known as "booster packs". One of them is the "natural"-themed Booster Pack, which gives all characters on one's account the power of Ninja Run. You run faster than normal, jump higher than normal, and you do a flip at the apex of your jump... but it's not slottable and obviously not faster or better than either Super Speed or Super Jump... however it's an option to save some power choices and just go with fly for when she wants to... well, fly, and save NR for ground and in-mission travel.

    What ELSE is an option is in-game Jetpacks that you can get either as a temp power or a from a vendor in the Shadow Shard (using in-game inf). So you can just pick Super jump but have the jetpack for when she wants to fly.

    You can also get Jetpacks and a Jump Jet from Safeguard missions, though she'll have to team with lower level characters doing radio missions in King's Row to get these powers. they last "only" 2 hours, but that's in-game time and only counts down per use. I have level 50s that still have those powers >_>

    And that's just covering travel powers and their potential substitutes.

    Anyway, also invest in the Fitness pool. It helps survivability and a toon's basic ability to function (run, jump, recover endurance...), making it a lot more fun to play. True, you give up on 3 or 4 other possible power choices, but if you can't use those powers because your character is dead or tired or takes forever for you get to missions, what good are those other potential powers?

    I realize i haven't even gone INTO Mind or Sonic as far as powers, but it sounds like your kid needs more help with selecting pool powers than anything. Good luck!
  22. You want to be bad***?

    Then you have to go above and beyond whatever the normal role of your AT is.

    Taunting an AV and soaking up his damage so the rest of the team dosn't get hit? Par for the course for a Tank.

    Doing that on a CONTROLLER? THAT'S Bad*** (It's something i've had to do TWICE on my mind/kin when a Fire or Invuln tank couldn't stand up to psi-damage foes)

    Just something to think about.
  23. EmperorSteele


    Naw, you just stand around Atlas yelling obsinities in broadcast and doing costume contests.


    Or do stuff/visit places like in this video: http://www.vimeo.com/1235201
  24. EmperorSteele

    Justice Girls

    Yeah, they're one of the more active SGs around. They have a 20-day inactivity allowance period, which means whoever's there will msot likely have been on in the last few weeks. None of this "inactive for 300 days" thing you see sometimes. They also have a very active coalition... I had a friend in that SG for a while and she was pretty happy with them (until she got bored of the game itself). But yeah, they're active, you should be quite happy there!
  25. EmperorSteele

    holy monkeynuts!

    I'll see your "full virtue and freedom" picture and raise you a "ALL servers in at least the yellow" screenshot....

    ...oops, broke the forums o_O