4379 -
I'd like to apologize to all of the people that my repeated avatar gives seizures to... However, I do get a kickback from the paramedic services incurred, so I can't honestly be that sorry.
Money trumps all... except for hair... money does not trump hair, clearly...
If you ever want to know whether or not there are truly good cures for male pattern baldness, just check rich people's hair...
In all seriousness, everything I said above is equal parts true and untrue and the various landscapes in-between.
If this causes you problems, you may want to send money to my paypal account and I will make it my priority to examine the possible errors that I made.
Also, I did not type this. I had one of my pygmy henchmen type it for me.
If there are any hidden messages within this text, it is entirely not of my doing. -
Quote:Indeed. I only wanted to share those pictures, because I just found them and anyone else who used to play that game may have gotten a good smile from them like I did.I'm shocked that you guys are bothering to acknowledge Brillig and Another_Fan. The "proof" that they are unicorns is in the level of their argument. If they had something more relevant than "did not" and "I know you are but what am I," then they would be somehow worth notice.
Then, I figured I'd just lay out my thoughts, since I was replied to.
Any replies I offer to the usual gang is not for them, but for anyone else who may not have followed the course of things.
It's like turning on a show or "news" and they're all talking about that thing that everyone already knows about... except for you, haha.Just figured I'd offer my recap of it.
For those paying attention:
- People from within Paragon Studios have claimed that CoH was indeed profitable and doing well
- Numerous people have stated that they've been told (by a reliable inside source) that CoH was more profitable than what the NCSoft financial reports show
- The people making these reports were not just GG and Mercedes Lackey
- The 800k gross revenue figure that some people keep throwing around is an outsider's view from the only information they have (understandable to cling to that, since it is the only public source)
- The people claiming that this, that or anything is true or untrue about the profits from CoH do not have the full information and have no right to claim knowledge on them, especially to the point to constantly badmouth someone that reported numbers they were told and certainly not to the point where they should be respected for claiming they know better than Brian Clayton or any other source.
- Lastly, none of this should need be said.
Additionally... did anyone else ever play Pigskin Footbrawl? -
I'm really shocked at what a thread started by Golden Girl quoting Mercedes Lackey has turned into!
Quote:LOLYou know, I was watching an argument between an awesome dude and some loser some months back when the awesome dude made an awesome quote: "Socialists are not defined as 'anyone with which you disagree'". I think exchanging the word "socialists" for "trolls" is pertinent here. Go away.
Yep, because people coming in and claiming GG and Mercedes Lacky are never to be trusted is so innocent!
Hahaha, oh sorry, I didn't go away. -
82 invisible platypuses, 82 invisible platypuses in my house, ah ha ha!
13, 28, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 75, 82, 83 -
Once again, thank you so very much for all the time and energy that you've spent doing this, CR! And the same to DD and all of the other artists that have contributed their talents.
It pains me to see this game shut down, but this series of contests brought back so much positivity and enjoyment surrounding this game for myself. And that is simply fantastic, so I am grateful to you (and to all of the community/contestants who made it so much fun to be a part of as well) for helping my CoH time be fun again. And I didn't even win anything, haha (except for the best rewards of fun and smiling).
Much love to you all! -
Rumor has it that it'll be three Ewoks dressed up in the suit!
(SPOILER: Jar Jar Binks is behind the entire plot) -
Taken: 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 27, 32, 33, 36, 37, 42, 44, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 73, 75, 88, 89, 99 -
I hopped out of town for the weekend, just checking back in!
Quote:Thank you so much! What a wonderful compliment.wow, Knight.....just wow. You are a wordpainter and total music man. Thank you for sharing.
I'm very glad that you enjoyed the music and the words.
Quote:that was awesome. good luck on the album. hope u have plenty more in the future.
Please do keep an eye/ear out, because there is plenty more. I hope you enjoy it as well.
Quote:Awesome potential there. Constructive: vocals are a little overpowered by everything else.Quote:I love that real musicians still exist. Music has always been a hobby to me since I was very little; violin and piano mainly. I enjoyed your musicality but agree that sometimes the music/instruments overshadow (drown out) your vocals. Overall though I enjoyed the song and your performance
And it's somewhat funny you mention the production on the vocals, because I was just talking about them during my ride home.
While the youtube upload may have caused some compression and degraded the sound a bit (I think I might replace the audio there with a better file) - Production/engineering is an intense art all of its own and one that I am definitely still rough at (and learning more and more as I continue), although I do think I'm getting there... but vocal production especially is really something I am not happy with my abilities as a producer/engineer so far. I mean, not that I'm all bad at it, but it's just something I have pegged as my biggest need of focus/improvement. Especially since I write music that's a bit different and making the words stand out while music is a bit busier than most rock songs shoot for makes it an even more difficult engineering task.
Still, I'm pretty happy with it (some final tweaks to come aside).
I think I just need to pull some of the different frequencies within the vocals, and some of the instruments, up and down to separate it all a bit more.
Just for info... Once I am done with all of the songs for the album, if I am still not happy with my vocal production capabilities/results, I may go in and have another engineer handle the vocals to finish it all up. I've worked with a few engineers that are truly just magician artists with ears that sometimes scare me, they hear things with such precision.
One last side note: This particular song/video is a bit of a strange introduction to me as 1) I don't always have a beard! (haha) and 2) it is somewhat of a strange song (one out of 24+ for this big concept album, story-telling big show I am working on). Then again, all of my songs are strange, in some way or another.
Anyway... babbling aside...
Thank you all very much and I'm glad to entertain ya!
If you truly like it, please follow along, pass it on and never hesitate to contact me to let me know and/or to get some more music of mine.
Now... maybe I'll find some time to make some CoH videos (I might have a small window coming up). -
Hehe, as soon as I saw this, I sent in Healix's answer on Healix's behalf. I wondered if someone had sent it in earlier than that post anyway.
All good... I just figured I'd try and make that entry official and make life easier (not make you have to disqualify and reward someone else).
Again, great job on these puzzles. -
Here's a bit of what I've been up to (and why I haven't been busy enough with my several CoH videos that I plan to make):
(I hope you like it, but I promise you that it does not suck)
I say a bit tongue-in-cheek that this shutdown couldn't have come at much worse of a time for me (really, couldn't they have checked with my schedule?).
Anyway, I never used these forums or this community to promote my own work, but I just thought I'd share this.
There are SO many things I want to do with CoH before November 30th, but I've been completely swamped with writing, recording, editing, mixing and various other aspects of work involved in getting this new album and project going where I'm going to be producing a large live multimedia show for the album.
Anyway, this is just the first song I'm releasing for now. Kinda weird how the recent power outages and storms in my New York area spoke to some of the concept of this song.
"Keeping Warm", a song from my upcoming album, Technology Dogs.
I've been trying to grab video of the recording of this album and thought people might enjoy seeing a bit of it.
Let me know what you think! And if you like my work, please pass it on!
The cold rain falls hard on the wind
And a warm home welcomes you in
Taken in by a stray thought
You pull your own leash taut
Leave behind the cruel dark night
And bathe in delight
You keep me safe and warm
You keep me safe and warm
From the storm raging outside
While we hide
I could not survive without my electricity
Without my GPS, how would I know where I'm supposed to be
My life is sustained by crafted works of art
From the sweet sounds of my music player, to the beat of my mechanical heart
You keep me safe and warm
You keep me safe and warm
From the storm raging outside
While we fly
Turn off the power
And I'll sit afraid in the dark
Jumping at every strange sound
Alarmed at my own dog's bark
Technology's prisoner
Now useless in the wild
Like an estranged visitor
No longer Mother Nature's child
It's getting warm
It's getting warm
It's getting too warm
As the storm rages inside
Where we used to hide -
Quote:If Superman wasn't in suspended animation during the trip, but rather using some sort of FTL method of travel, then depending on how old he is in the New 52 he might be able to watch Krypton explode and be unable to do anything about it.Quote:Putting aside a great many things... As I recall, it's a bit over 27 light years away, so if Superman got here via FTL travel in the new 52 and he's less than 27 years old I believe the planet would still appear to be whole from our perspective.
It'd be kind of cool for Superman to be able to see his home planet, even though it is gone. I think it could be a rather interesting story for him to watch (from our vantage point on Earth) the tiny dot disappear on the day the light stops reaching us.
A great dynamic of both that oddness of seeing the past and of being helpless to do anything about it, other than to possibly stand vigil.
I've always wanted to travel away from Earth quickly enough, along with an extraordinarily super-duper amazing telescope, so that I could watch the dinosaurs on Earth, hehe... -
He states suavely, "I'm not a pixie, but I played one at a table top for a long time".
Quote:Yeah, some things with design approaches and implementation get a little set-in-stone by the creators (it happens in every single case of game design... they're shaping what they want to see, after all). Most places never even look back or change these stances, but Paragon Studios was so much more open to being more balanced and accommodating for a wider appeal.(Again, I feel that, had the game gone on longer, we could have talked Positron around to at least removing the 20-hour gate on the arc rewards)
I do believe, over time, it would have been better for soloing and small teams. Sometimes it just takes a little more time for the designers to let go and adjust (and/or change their opinions). With Paragon Studios and these great people, we were spoiled with them being open to such changes against what they really believed was right... but they likely would do it eventually.
I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition... -
Quote:Seriously, the biggest obstacle (I suppose in every endeavor and not just in attaining artistic skills) is accepting a level of suck in your beginnings (I say that based on your helpful advice - not your sketch!).You are welcome HeroMaster.
You and BronzeKinght should try something that gets you drawing everyday. Even if it's just 15 minutes. It all adds up and you will improve over time.
Remember my quick sketches looked like this back in 2009 when I started here.
So many people want to play the guitar, as an example, but they don't want to play and suck at it... so they never push through that period by playing regularly and often enough, despite the lack of quality. I imagine many get discouraged by that lack of quality in their early attempts, but, indeed, you have to look past that and grow as you go.
I taught myself how to play guitar, drums, keyboards (and a mean kazoo) and you can't worry about how it sounds right now... just what you want it to eventually sound like. Same goes for drawing (and wicker-basket-ting as well, I imagine!).
Hope maybe that helps someone! -
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm...
Remaining (please remove your number as you post): 1, 20, 29, 32, 35, 38, 40, 48, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 78, 81, 85, 86, 91, 94, 95, 96, 100 -
2 - The amount of numbers I have chosen in this thread so far...
(Used so far): 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 56, 57, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 82, 83, 97 -
Quote:So, "the game as we knew it" would be acceptable and would prevent such an argumentative insistence that Ogi was wrong?Nope. I did find an error. Ogi was incorrect.
The game wasn't shut down the day of the announcement.
The servers are still running. The store is still running. SSA 2.4 became Live after the announcement. SSA 2.5 would have gone Live if they'd had the contact already in the game. It became active on Beta when it was scheduled to because the contact was already there.
I've been able to log in my characters and level them up as I normally would, take screenshots, get in game help with problems, create some demorecords, use an external tool to extract the character data, chat with friends and more.
If they had shut down the game the day of the announcement no one would have been able to log in to the game for any reason. The servers would have been shut down. We'd have never had an AP33 for Jessie to restart after maintenance. We'd have never had the coXso costume contests or anything else in-game.
Was the staff let go? Sure. There is no disputing that. That accounts for development and production.
Were account services changed so that no one could spend money on a game that was in the process of being closed? Certainly. They'd have been stupid not to. Especially since they were likely already planning their refund policies for subscriptions. You don't let people spend money on something you are about to give refunds for.
Were account services changed so that no one could buy points to purchase items. Certainly. They'd have been stupid not to. Especially since they were likely already planning their refund policies for points purchases. Again, you don't let people spend money on something you are about to give refunds for.
They gave about the same amount of lead time on the announcement as they did on the Tabula Rasa shutdown. They announced it in mid to late November and shut it down at the end of February, just a bit over 3 months. The servers were still up until the end. They didn't close the studio on the day of the announcement, but they shut down account services at that time from what I'm told by a few people that played it. They refunded subscription money as Gangrel_EU has regularly pointed out in addition to offering inducements to try some other games.
They gave more lead time on the announcement than they did on Auto Assault. They announced the closing in early July and closed it at the end of August. Just over a month's notice. The servers were still up until the end. They closed the account services at the time and I have no idea if there was even still a studio involved at the time. Again, they "reconciled" subcriber accounts (the wording I'm told was used at the time for refunding paid time) and offered inducements to try some other games including CoH.
The only real difference here is that they closed the studio that day (I'd have rather they let them plan a closing event as they did with TR) and haven't offered us inducements to play Guild Wars 2 or Blade & Soul, at least that have come through my inbox.
All that being said, they still didn't shut down the game the day they made the announcement.
Saying they shut the game down when they made the announcement is just plain false.