
Caption Champ 4/23/10
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  1. I'm not responding to this to argue, so I hope it is read in a friendly tone...
    I see a mistake (that might be common) that could be the key in the divide some people seem to be expressing.

    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    To be fair, most people do. Unfortunately sometimes it's hard to recognise when you're part of a mob and then when it's suggested you might be you act all surprised and go on the defensive.

    I personally don't like what a lot of those who fly the SaveCOH banner have become and I don't think they're particularly trustworthy custodians of what the CoH community were supposed to represent. When the SaveCOH movement started it was a way of uniting the understandably disappointed playerbase and to give them a single voice.
    I don't think that the bit I highlighted is true.
    It gave us a place for all of our voices to be heard. At the time, we didn't know when the forums would be shut down or what was going on at all, really.
    It gave this entire community a single place to move to and to know we had no matter what NCSoft did. It gave us a single place to collect and represent ourselves - every single aspect of the same community that exists here, should they so choose.
    It was never, to my knowledge, about giving us a single voice.
    Now, most people tend to flock that way. Not I and not many many people that are amongst us in both communities, but it is true that the majority of people basically fall into being led (oh, how the English language makes puns all by itself).

    And it can be detrimental. I saw it being detrimental in a different way. While there were certainly other people besides Tony heading efforts to stir up support, publicize our concerns and reach out to NCSoft, most people only took action if Tony told them to (this is not a knock on Tony whatsoever! I'd even seen him trying to get people to understand this and move away from thinking like that). It just made things a bit slower, because until Tony pointed the way, a lot of people wouldn't go ahead with something that someone else had already put together (and it also hurt when people may not have gone ahead with starting something, because they didn't realize that... they can do it without waiting for "official" approval).

    Anyway, my point is not to criticize anything to do with the SaveCoH movement (nothing is perfect and I believe much good was [and still is being] created by us all gathering under the banner that the Titan Network helped us to create and maintain). My point is to criticize those that continuously lump SaveCoH/Titan as this hive-minded clan.
    It is no more so than any and every group that has existed.
    We have a ton of individuals over there (just like here) with a bunch of different opinions, ideas and ways of doing things and I imagine it will stay that way (and maybe even increase once the game goes down).
    It's not supposed to be anything besides what we have here... except that we're all there to take actual efforts in bending and shaping reality into what we'd prefer, no matter the opposing force's powers to bend and shape it to their will.
    That's tough stuff... and that's why the incessant negativity is so annoying... it's debilitating, honestly. When you're trying to actually, you know, do things... all of the why bother? Give it up! Not gonna happen! is just a complete waste of time and energy. And that is the only thing that has ever been universally dismissed under the SaveCoH banner.
    Anything else is fair game for discussion (within reason, of course, haha).
    And that ties into another aspect of what you've said here...
    Some people talk as though their ideas were not respected and there's no room for them there... If that is the case at all... it was more a matter of the majority of people disagreed with that "dismissed" argument.
    That minority can't dominate a majority with their views and opinions.

    I have no idea if people see me as a member of SaveCoH, a leader in it or some fringe outsider or whatever! I honestly have no clue. I don't really have any strong ties with anyone on either "sides".
    I know where my heart and mind lies and I stick to being me.
    And if something goes down that I don't like, I let it be known.
    And if I have ideas, I share 'em.
    I don't need any credit and I don't care about any criticisms.
    I recognize that it'll contribute to the whole in whatever way it organically comes about.

    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Unfortunately, as each turn left them with another further disappointment, the tactics employed to try and effect a change of heart just got dirtier and, frankly, more desperate.
    This is the part that I've seen repeated and 1) I honestly don't know what tactical shifts took place that they're referring to and 2) don't know that we'd all agree what was wrong or right.

    I didn't see any tactical shifts, really.
    I saw a pretty reasonable gameplan suggested in the beginning. And I'd say it went pretty well.
    We acted as respectful as a large online game community can be.
    We reached out, we demonstrated and our efforts and demeanor were recognized in the gaming community/media.

    However, NCSoft remained silent.
    That's cool... Things continued...
    People criticized the SaveCoH movement as being too polite and friendly and nothing would ever get done that way.
    When things were lining up to get worse for what we wanted, Tony made the move to release personal emails of NCsoft top execs...
    Other people criticized this as being too aggressive and unfriendly.

    That actually got a response from NCSoft. Seemed like the right move and as good of results as we could realistically hope for under the circumstances.

    People continued brainstorming different ideas for now and the possible futures.
    People kept up the heat, mostly with polite public displays of love for the developers and the game and the community.

    A minority of vocal naysayers and all that continued to criticize.

    We got NCSoft's "final" response.
    Blah blah blah... here we are.

    You and I can disagree on what is or isn't appropriate conduct, but who are either of us to tell anyone that?

    Save CoH is a group of people with different ideas amongst themselves.
    Most of the strictly following Tony died down some time after the "final response" and others took some initiatives in continuing exposure and avenues to sway things in favor of CoH returning.
    Not that Tony's efforts have stopped at all either. Just saying that the initial phase of waiting only for Tony seemed to lessen (a good thing... again, not because Tony is bad, haha, he's not... I think he's been great help beyond acknowledgment! It's just that I found people finally started doing more on their own... which I believe is a great thing as well).

    Titan Networks is simply a place for CoH Fans to gather in hopes that we will be able to play it (or something like it) again and that we may keep the community together.

    It's up to every single individual as to whether they want their aspect of the community to continue.
    And if they want to be a vocal dissenter among the majority of differently-minded people... they can go on and be that way, but don't run back here crying that they were unfair to you. You were just a tiny voice that wasn't praised. That's life.

    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    I don't know whether the people that are co-ordinating the efforts to save the game officially condone this kind of behaviour, but frankly, I don't think it does them, or us any favours at all.

    Whether you agree with AFs posts or not, one thing in that thread became abundantly clear very quickly. There was only one side avoiding the questions and slinging insults, and it certainly wasn't him.

    For those of us who don't form part of the highly prolific minority on these boards we see and have seen over the course of the last few years. I think it rather fitting that it should be highlighted in the closing weeks of the game.
    I didn't take part in any mob of attacks on anyone and I pretty much avoid the ridiculous threads around here (other than to maybe pop in and post some humor now and then... or maybe to defend someone that I just happen to see being treated unfairly).
    No idea who might consider me a part of what, but that's on them.
    I'm me and I tell it like I see it...
    And your last comment there about prolific minorities and all that just comes off as bitter resentment towards some aspect of this community that I really don't know about.
    I can;t imagine I am considered a part of any such thing... as I may post a lot, but I rarely am replied to and I generally only reply to respectful, good and/or funny posts... while the rest of a thread is centered around replying to the most aggressive chains of replies.

    Again, that is just part of human nature it seems.
    I've been tempted to post two threads of the same ideas, but one worded hatefully and toxic... and the other kind and respectfully... and show everyone the vast difference in the number of replies (no doubt, in favor of the negative one).
  2. Hip, hip... Hooray!!


    Hip, hip... HOORAY!!!!

    Yeah, that's better!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzraelVanth View Post
    I haven't played for a while (690ish days according to my Supergroup stats) and came back recently. I was actually going to start paying for a sub, but then saw it was closing! :/ Well anyways, I've been trying to get back into my base in CoH, but the rent is due and I get no options to pay it at the register. I checked permissions and every member of the Supergroup has permission to pay, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Is it because I'm not a paid subscriber? Yes I can still access my base in CoV, so go figure.
    Yeah, it's because you're not a paying subscriber. If you can invite a subscriber into your SG then they can pay the rent.
    If you can't find anyone else, I can try and hop for you on whatever server you need.
  4. Haha, Voodoo, we always knew you were a softy at heart though.

    Some of us are behaving the way we've always behaved. I need no rules above me nor future ahead of me to be who I am.

    I find it pretty sad when people think so mightily of themselves that they spew nothing but contempt and talk down to others.
    Once I really get to know you... then maybe I'll talk down to you.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Thank you so much for the kind words Scarlet, Lucky.

    I actually printed some of your more memorable posts and had them up on my wall, along with various other choice messages from players. Not because I thought you guys were being jerks, but because the intensity of your messages helped to keep me honest. You guys cared about the game and Paragon Studios, and I really appreciated that.

    I never took anyone's criticisms personally. All of you guys spoke from your heart, based on what you knew. And I did try to encourage the evil face of marketing image, so you both fell for my trap!

    If the forums suddenly turned into a place full of magical ponies and cupcakes, I'd actually be sad, because it meant that there was no diversity of ideas, but it'd also mean that some of the more passionate players such as yourself might have given up.

    And as much as I'm glad that I'm able to be more upfront with you guys, a part of me wishes we were back to the "Fire Black Pebble" days, because that would mean that we've reset the clock and everything's all right again.
    Well, I know it's not the same, but...
    If there's ever a continuation of (or a new) City of Heroes... I hope you get fired from your current job so you can come back.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quin View Post
    I only mention it after seeing this;

    Buh... wuh... wow... I don't think I'd seen that one before... I... uh... uggh... LOL!

    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    I think Cthulhu himself would take SAN loss from that.

  7. I honestly don't know what I credit Mr. Miller with (and I do not say that in the negative sense towards him! I'm just not entirely sure what of this game is entirely within his ideas and visions and what is not, if you know what I mean. I can't credit him with all of it, but I certainly am also not taking away any of it)...
    Disclaimers aside...

    1) The differentiation (and true differentiation with individuals power/skill sets within a group as well as through the various combination on top of that) of actual play-experience between characters of all the many options available (and, in may cases, even within the same exact choices). The wonderful customization of CoH is not limited to the looks; It spreads through every facet of the game, as true customization should, which enables the users to place their real own individual stamp on each of their player-creations in order to feel that greater connection to the game. That level of customization also includes the player's approach - solo, small team, full team, multi-team, min-max, super-casual, RP... The more variance that the game suits, the more options, the more happy players, the more change-of-paces individual players can go through to retain freshness and enjoyment.

    2) Hop on and play. Hop off and hop back on some other time, whenever I can... and never really feel like I'm falling behind or out of sync to ever hook up with others (baseline xp and difficulty curves aimed at casual players, sidekicking element to not cut options out). Really, this also fits into my number 1, but my brain is drifting away from the topic already...

    Whatever he gets up to... I hope it has that feel of a friendly gaming session that is there to have fun and not something that a corporate shill mandated had to require larger timesinks and/or efforts in order to possibly have fun some time down the (slightly) tantalizing road.
    There was a great element of friendly, down-to-earth, we're just like you, family-like, we're-all-gamers-at-heart atmosphere that was actually a decision somewhere along the lines that the people working on this game made and continued to uphold throughout my time here.
    That generally comes from the top down. And it requires people within to maintain that approach and mindset. They recognized that we're people and we recognized it back of them and it was mutually beneficial to all of us.
    Maybe that is the biggest factor I could hope for.
  8. I don't understand why people think that I post messages on message boards.
  9. I really regret writing that nasty letter, pretending to be the whole staff of Paragon Studios, and sending it to NCSoft in August...
    (Not funny?)

    Hmmm... while I really don't know that I could have done anything differently to avert what happened, I do so wish that the super mega awesome fun spectacular role-playing story and friends/SG-encompassing saga I had initiated didn't fall into derailed, delays of never returning due to my change in time and focus on playing/writing/gaming.

    I don't regret starting it and doing what I did, but I just wish that I could have either seen it through to fruition/conclusion or, at least, guided it to a better place of rest.
    Instead, I introduced a bunch of stuff and changes to my character, which many people enjoyed and got into... but then it kinda trailed off into delays and waiting on me (mostly).
    I know that's kinda common in the RP world, but I really didn't think that was going to happen with me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Soooo... Kingdom Hearts, the MMO?

    Or, really... CoH?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    When I heard Disney bought Star Wars my hope was for a new, better, SW MMO
    I'd settle for the old better one!

  12. Wait a few more years (if it takes that long) and just have Disney make a single MMO that has every single thing they own in it.

    I want to make a Force Sensitive Poke'Master from Toonville that travels with Dr Who to help Asterix The Gaul beat Ceasar's top guards from obtaining a Borg ship that crashed in the ancient Mediterranean...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    Only five? Yeah, that's just casual EVE-O player levels.
    *goes home alone... plots revenge*
  14. The Titan Network is where I'll be for CoH continuation in some form or another (even just for forum chatting/community).

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I know, that is unless something happens that is news worthy. ANd that is all I will be looking for. It happens, good. It dont happens, good.

    (facetious) But I can hope right?

    What are you telling me I cant hope? You're against hope! You're a hope hater!" (end facetious)
    Good to see you have a little bit of hope.


    Do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands.

  15. Hahaha...
    Hey, babe... I have five accounts in EVE. My place or yours?

  16. Heh, that's another thing though... are all of the players out there who want a modern mmorpg that does not follow the WoW model really only a niche?
    In marketing terms... perhaps. Numbers-wise... quite possibly not.
  17. Honestly, I think older/lesser graphics can be done quite well in ways that may be more appealing to some niches; more importantly, acceptable to most players so long as the game is good enough.

    There's a certain level of (what I'll call) generic graphics that can serve games very well. The hyper-realistic is not always best... and the hyper-stylized can have really bad problems as well (some will like them and some will simply not).

    Just as an example, the graphics of City Of Heroes was almost a nice middle ground... lookswise. It's really (mostly) the engine that is at fault for keeping the graphics limited.

    I think there's an acceptance of 16-bit-like style that could take off under the right direction. And, absolutely, 16-bit is obviously way too low, but I'm just using an extreme example.

    In the end, it's all about being clever and using and utilizing what you can to make the entire product something people will find worthwhile.

    Being clever, really, is the hardest part and the reason why the people with the money just want to use safe, proven formulas. Unfortunately, the people who want to limit their endeavors to safe, proven formulas want to be received as the next big groundbreaking phenomenon.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That might be because he doesn't know it yet
    A Captain needs to be on top of these things!
  19. Now I think we should help Captain-Excitement with his costume!
    I mean... c'mon:

    (Psst, I actually love his costume, but I feel like teasing him)

    Captain-Red-Pants could use some big boy pants!
    Anyone have any design ideas for him? Post 'em up!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    He's got a link.
    Very good!

    10 demerits for the Captain not informing us of his problem being solved... tsk, tsk, tsk...

    Thanks, heroes (and mad enchanters!)
  21. Exactly what I was about to post... While the question of paying more is an interesting one, it is not really the solution (certainly not the only solution).
    The problem in this case is really the numbers goal.

    Anyway, Tim totally beat me to the punch on this, so I'll not rehash it at length. Chasing WoW numbers is not necessary and the numbers involved in previous mmorpgs (and some current ones) are plenty profitable and capable of being successful and satisfactory.
  22. He asked this (and was never answered) in a thread that is now closed:
    P.P.S. This also means I need to know where to download the most recent client for City of Heroes.

    I honestly don't know...
    For the most recent client, I would have thought you just need to start up the launchpad and it'll download.
    Obviously the best thing to do is to copy it over from your previous installation, but if you cannot do that... using the launcher is the only way I know of (assuming the launcher still allows this and all).

    Help our friendly hero return to action within our fine city!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Niche just doesn't fit the modern popular definition of business though. A stable business has becoming nothing, even being called a poor business. It's only a business if it is always growing (or at least trying to). Niche 'anything' doesn't work for that.
    Very sadly, and misguidedly, true (as you well know).
    Perhaps, one day, it will come back to a climate where the success of profiting from the satisfaction of "small", steady niche customers will be recognized.
    You almost can feel a shift in a few areas along these lines... But I think it is more of a fringe and not in the realm of the kind of sustained finances game publishers are currently caught within.
  24. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    G'night, BP!
    Don't let the sparklies bite!!