516 -
Cant you only vote for people who have chosen the same song?
But if we have gotta pick three, I'll say....
Midnight Flux (song with two contestants)
Shadow-Rush (screenie just seemed to fit the song very well)
Kablooie Kate (song with three contestants) -
Did we three cheater-beaters just post all in a row? lol
But, heres my simple quote about being an the drawing...
O_O........Thats just pure awesome.......Thanks Gamma_Girl!!
((Had a pretty cool idea, so I hope yall dont mind me joining in))
El D turned a corner in Kings Row, and started to walk down the street when he noticed something odd.
There were no people around, no sign of the usual buissness of the streets in the normally crowded Kings Row.
The tall man was about to turn back, when he heard a portal sounding behind him.
El D slowly turned back around, and found himself 50 feet from a large, bulky armored figure, who had demonic wings arching up from his back.
And when El D looked closer, the armored figure had not one, but two axe handles raising from his back, a murderous glint in his eye.
"So you've done it then.....He didnt deserve what ever fate you gave him..." El D said to Infernal.
"My 'weaker' counter-part deserved nothing less than Death!," the Praetorian Infernal answered back, "and you will recieve the same treatment, puny half-demon..."
"Ahh thats where your wrong..." El D replyed.
"What!? My Army will tear you Appart!!" Infernal roared in anger, as his armor summoned up hundreds of the demonic souls it had gathered through the ages.
"You call that an army?" El D asked, as a towering wall of fire rose up from the ground behind him, the fire reaching over the tops of the apartments.
Then the wall of flames moved back down along the street.
When the blazed vanished, there stood behind El D a demon army that was almost an exact clone of Infernals.
Except for one difference.
Standing next to El D was a monsterous figure that loomed over the 8' 8'' hero, its evil eyes alight with fire.
The Baphomet.
"You will still honor our agreement?" El D looked up at the Baphomet, his own eyes also ablaze with flame.
"Yes....You may have the axe of this worlds Infernal.....But we shall have the Praetorians Head!!!" the Baphomet roared in its deep, in-human voice.
At that both of the demonic armys surged forth, their commanders leading the way.
Some time later.
El D stood in Williams Square in Founders Falls, infront of the large fountin that lay in the center of the Square.
The tall hero raised up Infernal's axe, looking down at the spot that the armored man had stood at for so long.
"My friend......I hope that you are in a better place....." El D said solomly, as he lowered the axe onto a specialy made platform that was now held over the waters of the fountin.
On that platform was also one of the few pictures of Infernal that had been taken over the years.
It was also the only picture that showed the big man happy, a grin on his face shown from under his helm.
El D bowed his head once more, turned, and started walking out of Williams Square.
"I hope you are in a better place...." he said again, as he finaly cleared the stone columns around the Square, and walked out of Founders Falls. -
cool...thats a sweet story concept you got Juggertha! Also, mega good art! The Iron Man Captian Aremica combo is friggin' awesome!
lol....thats good....Sands:"Uhh..Bring the car around..." = best quote ever
dang....thats a cool concept...and even cooler pose for the first picture!
hey, scince I'm the next poster, can I still get a drawing? (even though I'm about 3 and a half hours late, lol)
El D front
El D close -
For theme one, I have a pretty fitting costume (I think)
El D
If you need a better screenie, I'll post a better one (its actually supposed to be my avatar costume in-game, lol) -
OK....I've got a cool idea made up, but I need two volunteers for it.
One: I need an Storm troller or Defender, either one will work
Two: I need a Stone Melee tank
First two posters with screenies will be in the art piece (one poster has tank, the other has toller/fender)
Also, I dont have very good coloring programs on my computer (actualy, I dont have any, lol) so I will post a uncolored version of the picture up along with the hand colored version that I'll finish with.
If anyone would like to digitaly color the piece, I'd more that appriciate it. Same rule as before, first poster to color it can (and again, only one person can claim one thing)
OK, now that this is done, alls I gotta do is wait for the people to draw!
*/e waiting emote* -
cool, I get to talk to Snowman Frost......And I Haz MARSHMALLOWS!!!!
front view
back view
my personal sprite thingy
As for powers, Im a fire/fire/fire blaster with fly and superspeed. -
We have to stick a pirate, ninja, robot, monkey in there somewhere...
[/ QUOTE ]
*points at own avatar*
Dont forget demons!
But besides that....Nice costumes and very cool (if fairly lengthy) character bio/background thing. Probably makes for a lot of interesting RP. -
I got 8 levels from the last double xp event (went from 34 to 42) and have recently gotten to 43. (hey, I was getting a brute and a few other alts lvled up, so less time for my main)
But now.....
Positron, you sir, have just given me the gateway to my first level 50.
For that I thank you. -
just ..........
The pit that the goldfarmers put WoW in is now dwarfed () by this......
I'm planning on copying my main (El D) to Virtue when I can, so can I make a page then?
BTW, thats a cool picture of Mr. Psychic, Roxstar -
I think its pretty easy to guess who won.
I dont know how to make the bio show in the screen shot, but it has: Costume design by Frosty_Femme after the little bio I've wirtten (gonna put in more later) -
Hi all.
I'm making a new character on Virtue, but I cant seem to figure out a good, unique costume.
My character theme calls for a tribal-like costume, like a shaman straight out of the uncharted primordial jungle.
The best submission/s will be created on the character, and the forum poster will be credited with the suits design in the bio.
Waiting in the costume creator,
-El D -
Again, sorry for the hold up, but I have the next group done.
Snowman Frost (I tried to make it looks like you were made out of actual snow, and it actualy scanned in pretty well)
Hope you all like them!
Turbo Ski, I cant decide on which character of yours to draw.
I'm stuck on either Turbo Ski or Project Reaver, so which ever you would like a picture of, thats the one I'l draw.
Also, theres two more spots now open behind Turbo Ski, so if you want a drawing, post here quick!