
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. ((Yall better hurry up, The Invasions are getting worse....a LOT worse....

    But besides that, have fun raiding the Rikti Homeworld!! I'll be following along with the RP, so, *grabs popcorn* Make it Entertaining!!! Good Luck!!))

    -El D
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    You're my new favorite Role Player.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  3. El__D

    Free Art

    Man....That is AWESOME!!!!!

    Now, if only the Monkey Fight club would allow "gravity oppressed people" knife fights in the cage....If only.....

    Great pic
  4. El__D

    Power Sarge

    Now that the link works....I got 2 things.....

    1: AWESOME picture!!!


    2: Sarge has a sweet costume!
  5. *Hero walks out of a warehouse door holding a magic talisman*

    PPD Officer: Where did you find that?

    Hero: Oh, this? Found it on the ground. The Circle has a lot of them just lying around ya'know.

    PPD Officer: Oookay, but just so long as you didn't take it.

    *Officer walks away*

    Hero: (mumbles) Well, its not like the Mage was gonna need it again. He exploded himself!
  6. It seems I have found another great story being written up in the CoH Forums.....Another story that I'll have to keep my eyes on.....Awesome work BlueBattler, can't wait to see more!
  7. El__D

    Dr. Finite

    Thats pretty cool!
  8. Thanks, I'm checking out the GIMP site right now, so I might just have it up and running later on my computer sos I can finsih up the pieces.

    Thanks again!

    -El D
  9. I know a number of people who call things in a certin powerset something else. I even has a Warshade that supposed to use shadow to attack his enemies insted of negative energy, and it works out graphicly and RP-ingly.

    Really, if it sounds right and can be explained as to what the power 'actualy' is for the RP, then yes, you can call 'dark melee' 'poison vapor melee' (which is actualy a cool concept) and the travel power is fine. Until they actualy add a Player usable motorcycle in-game, RP super speed as one. Still works the same and has the same effects.

    Edit: Ha!!! I beat Devious AND Diov!!! That has to be some kind of record!!!
  10. Thanks MarDun, those show up alot clearer on my computer.

    As for the MS Paint thing...I tried it on the drawing of LoV and it's not gonna work....The colors (even when I used the fill tool) would just show up in small blotches inside of the lines, not even filling out the shape.

    Heres Lord of Valhalla

    I'm still up to draw all the characters, but the MS Paint part wont work out. I can color them with colored pencils though (ironicly), which I'll finish up on LoV later.

    Sorry bout MS Paint
  11. Ok...I gotta go to a dentist appointment atm, but I have a cool idea for LoV for Thor which I'll start on when I get back.

    Also, MarDun, if you could get a lighter screenie of...MarDun, I'd apperciate it because the ones you posted show up a little dark on my computer

    And All-American Lad....I have a cool idea for what to do with your piece aswell.

    Now, Off to the Dentist!!! *flys away*

    -El D
  12. Ok....I had an idea on using MS Paint to color in a drawing after I've drawn it in pencil and inked it with a pen/marker and filled in all the lines. I thought this might work out pretty well from two reasons...

    1) I dont have any other computerized coloring program (although I have a HP photoshop thing, I have no idea if I can make it color stuff) so at the moment, its the best thing I have.


    2) My coloring skills with pencils/markers are...well...they arnt that good. I mean, I could color something decently, but you would probably be able to see some scribble lines in it.

    Ohh...And the first three people to respond (and include screenies) will get pictures done of their characters (only note is wings....which I cant draw well...much less color)

    Thanks for reading!

    -El D
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    "I'm Cedric," the tanker reached over to the dark-armored individual with the shades, "Cedric Grey. I hit people with a big axe!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Hi, my name's Traven NightArrow, but most people call me the Elidolon Archer" Traven said, taking the offered hand in a shake.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Experiment 2.0, technological extraordinaire and Hero of the Day. Would anybody happen to know when I get to start beating up spider-people and saving cute hero chicks?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Elidolon looked back at the man in the shining red armour.

    "The first should happen soon after we leave....Not so sure when the second will be..." Elidolon said, wondering just how deep this rescue mission would go into the depths of the Rouge Isles.
  14. El__D

    Free Art

    Ok.....So was my guess on the 45th Street Busters right, or was it soo far outta the ballpark you couldnt see it with the Hubble Telescope?
  15. El__D

    Free Art

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was sold on the "free love city"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok....But I dont know what that is either.....
  16. .........

    I didnt even know we had clowns in Paragon!!!

    I mean yeah, I've seen Mimes around here and there, but never clowns........

    Oh wait....the Carnies arnt Mimes......No wonder I got confused all those times I thought they wernt supposed to talk......

    My bad.....
  17. El__D

    Free Art

    Jack Kirby and the 45th Street Busters

    I have no idea what this is but from my imagination, it has to deal with comics (from Jack Kirby) and possably the Ghost Busters, or the 45th version of them....Somehow......
  18. ((Note darkvaper, the Freedom Corps HQ is in Galaxy City, not Atlas, but I'm goin by us all being in the right place for continualities sake))

    Elidolon arrived just in time to see a man in brown armor teleport himself near the HQ and walk into the building.

    He didnt pay it much mind, scince these things were pretty common, and if the man were a villian, someone would have stoped him already.

    He finaly walked up to the door, pushed it open, and crossed the threshold.

    He saw the brown armored man again, aswell as an axe weilding man and another guy drinking a smoothie.

    "Hello. I guess were all here for the rescue mission huh?" Elidolon asked, looking from face to face at the people gathered around the room.

    ((ok, heres the screenie of Elidolon))
  19. A large, hulking figure towered over a captured civilian. It raised up one decaying arm, but insted of having a hand, there was a brutal, huge axe blade attached to the end.

    "What are you going to do, my once faithful Reaper? Save the civilian or Yourself?!" the evil Dr. Vahzilok roared down at the hero standing at the sewer gate entrance, where Elidolon Archer stood.

    The Archer had his bow trained on the evil Doctor, but he knew if he released the arrow, the Embalmed behind him would recieve their destruction order.

    And he knew that the single arrow would not be enough to halt Dr. Vahzilok's axe from killing the scared civilian.

    "What Will You DO?!!?" the Doctor raored, and he raised his axe few more inches, then sent in hurling down...


    Elidolon Archer sat up quickly in his bed, breathing heavily, and heard his police band going off from his bed-side dresser.

    He quickly lifted the small communications device, and heard an emergancy broadcast about a capture hero in the Rouge Isles.

    "Maybe this might be the redemption I'm looking for...." the dusky skinned, dark haired man said to himself as he got up from his bed.

    He looked over at the clock. It was just about time for the meeting to begin.

    He quickly changed into his black-leather/kevlar combat suit, pulled on his bandolieers of pouches, clipped a similer belt around his waist, and slung his modified, obsidion-colored Wyvern bow over his shoulder.

    Last but not least, he pull open a secret compartment on the top of his dresser and pulled out his favorite pair of shades, flipped them open, and slid them over his grey-blue eyes.

    Then he headed out the door of his Atlas Park apartment, and walked on to Freedom Corps. HQ.