574 -
Containment is fairly potent, but it's completely negated with a single inspiration. Wether we like it or not, when control powers are involved, PvP is balanced around the presence of buckets of Break Frees.
Dominators really do need higher base damage, though. -
Granted, that means only one buff every 5-10 levels or so, but isn't that the point of these things? They're designed to soak up the excess salvage in the market, not to actually give the players something useful.
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I just died a little inside.
The reality does seem to be cynically different from what we were promised. -
I would like to refrain from further dev-bashing for the sake of it. I don't agree with Statesman's position on the matter in the least - that's what I found disappointing to begin with. However, I'm far from asking for the guy's resignation or calling him names.
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This is true; there are a number of disappointing aspects with the Patron Pools, but this is complaining about one small part of an update that looks to contain a lot of other stuff that's really cool. We're not going to like everything in the game; it's best to just accept it and move on. Making minor parts of an update a pet issue that fortends doom for all and bringing it up constantly is a bit much.
And the people who actually go so far as to call for people to be fired over it... yikes! That's going way too far. It's just a minor part of the update. People don't need to be fired for the one part of an update you might not like.
Unless it's the guy who designed the base rent system. Rent... fills... me... with... hate!
Wait, what were we talking about again? -
I would also like to echo the idea of adding Patron powers to CoH and Ancillary powers to CoV. That would greatly please 99% of the player base, I think.
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It would certainly be one way of decisively testing the popularity of the various options, anyway. -
It uses too much endurance for the effect.
Wait, what are we talking about again? -
Alright BIG time base building noob question... I have started building my base, I have enough control and energy to work our salvage table, BUT, it keeps telling me I need to connect my power sources to another object (the control and energy). So, my question is what do I need to get this thing up and running? I have a pretty small guild (just some friends and I) so this has taken sometime to do (lol). Is there some way to connect those two things to my salvage table? Any help and I would be most greatful, thanks.....
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That's odd.
There shouldn't be anything to connect in the power room; the basic generator would be sufficient. Are you sure you bought the basic generator and not the circuit breakers?
If you've got the simplest base setup (control room, power room, work room) with just the basic items (basic generator, mainframe, basic salvage table) it should just automagically work. -
Either way, I don't like the implication that villains aren't good enough by themselves and are required to draw power from someone else to reach their full potential. It doesn't help matters any when many regard their full potential to be significantly less than what heroes are capable of reaching by themselves.
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A L50 villain will always be just a high-powered pawn, using some limited applications of their powers and adding handouts from more powerful villains. A L50 hero has mastery over their powers, accessing new combinations and becoming (in some cases literally) a force of nature.
Yeah, apparently going dark side doesn't actually give you more power. Odd that. -
Well, that's why offered it, as conjecture. Cryptic has one of, if not the most customizable character creators. The ought to know their player base likes options, the more options, the better. From that, I think the patron pools will have enough variability within each to make most folks happy, while the patron choice itself may be nothing more than the color and visual effects of the powers.
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I'd like to believe that, but I'd be really surprised that they'd spend so much animation time reskinning all the villain epics like that. -
Well, I don't doubt that'll be a common problem. What happens to pre-40 characters who switch sides?
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*switches sides to get access to hero epics*
*switches back after training to L49*
*laughs evilly, pwns* -
So you're going to make multiple copies to Test and play ten levels on each just to see if any of them are worth taking? Have fun.
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Do what I do and wait for someone to be obsessive enough to actually test each of the power pools, write up a guide, and document what the Devs refuse to in terms of power numbers.
I'm not happy about this, mind you, but I've come to accept that this is the way things are. -
What happens if I decide that I don't like that patron and want to respec into a different patron pool later?
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I think you'll find that people only leave the organization... through reroll. -
Now, with Prestige as a factor, we can not remove anyone from teh SG or all the Prestige they have earned will be lost.
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Quitting and rejoining zeroes their prestige counter in the DISPLAY. The actual earned prestige stays with the SG. Your individual prestige counter and the SG prestige counter are maintained seperately (as was discovered in the past when a bug caused the SG prestige counter not to be incremented properly but the personal prestige counter worked). -
It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.
You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.
You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.
A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.
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I'm looking forward to testing this out. -
Continually poking each other with sharp sticks may be entertaining, but ultimately the only benefit to arguing this whole point is to increase post counts.
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He's onto us! -
Empowerment Stations occupy the Empowerment slot, not a Workbench slot.
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Are Storage items their own classification as well, or do they fit into Empowerment or Workbench? -
Is this a different workshop than where you place your workbenches? If not, 30K to put this stuff in isn't bad.
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My read on that is that the emp station/storage items take up the same "slot" as a workbench would, which is what I've been positing all along. So they'd need their own workroom. -
Power and control needed for these? That would bump up the price a bit...
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They explicitly don't require power/control. -
Holy ****, numbers.
I'm... I'm dreaming aren't I.
The SG I belong to consists of 3 casual players, who hope that these empowerment stations are truly affordable even to us. Out base currently consists of the deafult room with some decorations, and we have approx. 300K prestige banked ATM.
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300k is enough to afford a functional room + items, so even in the most expensive case scenario we're positing, you'd probably be able to afford an empowerment station. -
Well then I guess what your saying is that this just speeds up the
inevitability of which everyone will have easy access to all sorts of
I still kinda see this as a problem in PvP zones.
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I'd rather the problem be that everyone has access to it, rather than only the hardcore having access to it. -
I think I've now been called "silly", "daft", and a "broody hen" for doubting the developer's definition of "reasonably priced"
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There's a point where you have to realize that you're not going to convince the other person, and all you're doing is restating the same opinions, with steadily increasing surliness.
You're letting the discussion get dragged from looking at what data we have, to a meta-discussion about the devs and other forum posters. Just let it go. Forum /ignore is there for a reason. -
I dont know if this was brought up already but to me it seems like now we can store a load of BFs in these containers for PvPing in WarBurg etc .
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If you just care about general mayhem or exerting zone control in the PvP zones, it's certainly a buff. Just make a note for any of your SG to deposit Stage 3 insps or break frees in the inspiration storage, and take them out when you need them.
Considering that there's already an unlockable item that lets you buy unlimited Break Frees in your base, though, somehow I doubt this is new doom. It just makes that ability more easily accessible to smaller groups. -
The problem, in a nutshell, is that some people don't think they really mean it.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem -
It is right and proper to express our concerns and expectations. It is also reasonable, not silly, to look at past history to determine future performance.
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You will feel differently when you accept Positron as your savior. -
And no way on earth is something accidentally going to cost more than they intended it to.
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Oh, ****, Murphy's law just got invoked.
We're doomed! DooOOoooOOOooomed!