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  1. Egos_Shadow

    Top Issues 8.10

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    I currently have a AMD Athlon 64 3500+ with 2 gigs of ram and a 7600GT graphics card and I have never had that much problems with lag. Sure, if I go into Atlas when it's really crowded, or in a Hami raid or something, I notice lag. But I am repeatedly seeing posts with people griping about lag on midsize to fullsize teams.

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    I have a slightly less beefy setup, and I don't have noticable graphics lag either... on large HERO teams.

    In the Rogue Isles? Well, crazy nuts lag is on the list of reasons I don't log in my villains much.
  2. Egos_Shadow

    Top Issues 8.10

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    As for players who think they will just be albe to drop every mission they get to PL off a contact... think again; we're crazy. Not that crazy.

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    Will we be able to drop... well, okay, let's be honest.

    Will we be able to drop the "hunt 10 thorns in Perez" mission and the "go run talk to the Hollows guy/the PvP zone contact" missions?

    Ie, is this for bugged missions only, or is a general QoL fix? I know that those missions in particular are really an enormous pain when I'm playing the early and mid-game hero side, and I'd much rather simply be rid of them.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Without this IoP aspect, raiding will surely die.

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    While I don't disagree that the Items of Power system will help base raids immeasurably, I would have gone with "Without a fix to the crashing/lag issues"...

    Priorities, man.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    This doesn't sit well with me in the slightest. This reeks of "catering to PvP", which I thought wasn't going to be happening here.

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    Considering that it will probably have taken over a year, when all is said and done, to even start seeing the item of power PvP system in live usage, I hardly think one can argue that they're spending all their development time on PvP...

    There are already in-game benefits you can only get by risking PvP, as well, and have been since CoV hit live.

    As long as they don't break what limited PvE functionality bases have, I could care less about wether some SG, somewhere, can work their butt off to gain a benefit smaller than what you'd get from ++ing your SOs.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Because all IoPs disappear on the same set date. They don't vanish 21 days after you get them, they vanish 21 days after the end of the last CoP season.

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    This does beg the question of how motivated mid-sized groups should be about this. Large groups would cheerfully raid each other anyway, but when you get to the point where the CoP trial is going to come around again shortly, who wants to put up 100k prestige for a real raid when your prize is going to vanish?

    I'm guessing that after the initial "woo! REAL base raids at last!" wears off you'll see a lot of "real" raids during the CoP week, and about a week after, then "instant" raids until the reset hits.

    It's one of those things where I'll be genuinely interested to see how it plays out when "real" base raids are live. Genuinely interested from my position a safe distance away, that is.
  6. I think it'll fall into the trap of empowerment stations and bases in general. Large time expense for small return. If I had to place bets, I suspect that the large SGs will take part in it, raids or no, if for no other reason than because they run organized TFs and events anyway, and this is just another one of those. Mid-range SGs will probably do it once or twice to say they've done it/earn the relevant badges and then never go back.

    It's definitely more geared towards large SG content in any event.

    It's always possible that I'll be wrong of course.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    From what I gather (I could be wrong), the 21 day timer will only be in effect until raiding is live. IoPs were designed with the fact that you can lose them (in PvP) in mind. It was never intended for you to get them and keep them forever. Without PvP in place, the loss of your IoP is now guaranteed ... after three weeks. Once PvP is running, I imagine that you'll get to keep your Items for as long as you can hang on to them.

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    The original intent described in Beta was that the Items of Power will still be reclaimed when the CoP trial period comes 'round again AND they can be taken in raids.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It will be PvE oriented and the trial will remain active for 7 days. (...) Then it will be off for 21 days, after which you will lose the Items of Power and this cycle repeats.

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  9. At present, there is no way to get an Item of Power on the live servers.
  10. The Cathedral of Pain is only available during certain time frames. It's not clear how this will be set up, as it has NEVER been available on live, but the current likely scenario is that the raid will be available for one week a month.

    Right now, you will not be able to do the Cathedral of Pain at all, being as it has yet to ever be enabled on the live servers.
  11. Still, you could pick the ones that would be most useful to you. It's not prohibitively hard to build and power two teleport rooms (4 teleporters). If it was to any 8 zones in the game, that'd still be pretty decent, and a significant step up from where it is now.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    The empowerment stations are only good for refining salvage and the "temp powers" are to weak to use... EVEN IF THEY WERE FREE. Even if it cost nothing.. no prestige... not infamy and certianly not slavage...

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    I dunno. I think the cost of placing the empowerment stations is about right... if the buffs they granted were free.

    Spending the salvage from an entire night's play on what's effectively a ten-minute duration stage-1 inspiration buff, not so much.
  13. I'd like to see these ideas tested - maybe on the test server where you can tear down and rebuild bases at will.

    The theories are all sound though. This is a pretty thorough list of all the tips and tricks I've seen for raid bases.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I wouldn’t mind if they lowered the requirement. Why? Because the effort this badge takes is virtually zero.
    I’m afk farming it while at work and asleep. When I want to play, I play. This cuts into my gaming time not at all. When I want to set the mission back up for farming, it takes at most 5 minutes for me to do so. Very little effort on my part.

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    The only downside for AFK farming is that sometimes with the global bug /ghide turns off while I'm asleep in a mission and confuses my global friends.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    i've been gunning for this accolade for weeks now on my brute and i was just starting to get my mind around how much damage that badge that actually is. i thought it was just me at first.

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    It's a big ol' mess of damage. You'll be lucky to get a full pixel of movement on the badge bar from an entire night of AFK farming.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Infinity's experience pre-I7 has been that about 30 trollers and 10AMs kept him held. I figure either your Victory server numbers were off, you had some weird server issues and/or disconnects, or they did more to the Hamidon than allow him to attack while held. Given the top-notch type of communication we receive from the devs, I wouldn't rule out the latter.

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    After peeling open several granite armored Stone brutes in Recluse's Victory, I'm starting to suspect that what the failed Hami raids needed is more Mind Controllers.

    I haven't done any tests, but I'm pretty sure that 30 Hami-slotted Mind Controllers under a decent amount of AM would be able to chain-hold God.
  17. I noticed this too; it was somewhat odd. The mitos had some powerful hate on for a dark defender and a controller in my group, to the point that they were pretty much constantly dead.

    To note of course, they were both lagging badly and seemed new to the whole deal so they may have inadvertantly targeted an inappropriate mito and thus been singled out for tough love.

    I did notice that my empath didn't take basically any aggro early on (when I was too busy keeping people alive to attack) but did get randomly singled out later once I started using attack powers.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Base costs are one of those rare moments when both PvE and PvP are simultaneously screwed, leaving even the conspiracy theorists genuinely stumped.

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    Maybe it's just that it's early and I haven't fully caffeinated, but this made me laugh out loud.

  19. Well, there's only but so many Hamis you can carry on you. I figure the server transfer will also zero out your inf counter...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    sounds good .but i would like to see a personal storage box for cross sever influence and stored enhancement's. Like in Guild wars.

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    I'm guessing that the chance of a _cross-server_ item transfer are pretty much zero.

    Although a cross-server Hami-O swapping network would be amusing, I don't think the devs would see it as a feature...
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder how long before Defenders start staying behind at the base, patching up the wounded so they can get back to the war ASAP. I know a few people who might really like this idea...

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    It's like a whole zone of people helping me farm the SG heal badges...

  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I seem to remember one of the devs posting a while ago, (Issue Five-ish I think) That with the inventions system would come an enemy group called The Batallion, which would be so difficult that the temp powers from inventing would be neccessary to defeat them. Maybe that group is coming with the universities being made useful.

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    Hey, yeah. Whatever did happen with the Batallion?
  23. You don't have to craft the basic "rez rings". Once you put a medical room in, you can just buy them like any other object in that room. If you have a medical room and you're set to place items there, make sure the list of object tabs is scrolled all the way over. "Tech Medical" and "Arcane Medical" are at the far left, so if you were scrolled into the middle of the tab list, you might not see them unless you go looking.

    The only medical room gear you have to craft is the improvements - insp vendor, rez ring booster, etc
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Not entirely true. Containment works off immobs, and those recharge very very fast. Dom immobs are rather worthless.

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    I can't recall the last time I saw immobilize actually stick to someone in PvP.

    I'm willing to accept the idea that it's possible though.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    A single Breakfree makes a Dom more useless than a troller. Either way a single breakfree doesn't deter the good trollers.

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    Right - Controllers have their secondary to fall back on, whereas for the Dominator, trying to use their secondary against an opponent under the influence of BFs is almost a liability. It's like self-pwning.

    Maybe Dominators just need a 3x PvP damage boost when the target is under the effect of a Break Free. We can call this new inherent "How Dare You?!"