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  1. why do you have to dual box? while pvping.. I mean i have two account but i pvp with 1 account at a time. Its all good though... should pvp more often its totally fun once u get the hang of it.
  2. cool.... you taking it over... cause I was planning to take it over soon. i justed wanted to talk to few peeps first.

    PvP101 Channel

    I wish they fix mids
  4. Look yeah its suck to get pawned in pvp? and discouragement towards the nooby that trying pvp. I think everyone got pawn or farmed one time in the gaming time in COX. Its a learning curve. Getting pawned few time or testing toons help you make adjustment on your toon. So new pvper should feel discourage cause I seen nooby pvper become good pvper by keep pvping and keep trying. If have question you can always use arena chat or broadcast in Rv and even use the new pvp channel. PVP can be fun for those who PVE mainly. PVP is alway to see how it matches up in 1 on 1 combat or zone combat. I'm hoping to see new comer and ask questions.? If have questions feel free to ask. I pretty knowledge with the stalker and pretty much everything except PB,WS, few others.
  5. well I was going to the bar's when I was 17 and Kind sir I am old enough to do many things. Well recently people haven't been switching to help the other side. They been mainly been just camping the bases with a fire and marshmellow on a stick. Stalkers are fun and I reck people for many months...but Corruptor were more need on the redside. Even though Thermal is primary target for the heroes its fun to evade.Me evading helps my team pick up our targets. It would be nice to see some new faces in PvP scene. add that 101 pvp channel and test your luck in RV.
  6. You must have understood my last message. I came back from the bar when I wrote it. I'm not mad at all... and what I ment on IO satution was Heroes were recking the crap of the villains because most villains awhile back weren't spect out. Im not if you were around at that time... but Me and few other were only ones that had are toon spect for PVP. I can say this cause I PVP all the damn time. I guess pop your brakes to you kind sir. Again why are we talking about teh past? and what group use to be? can we talk about what going on now?
  7. "LOL PON" all you guys want.. but i remember wrecking alot of folks when I running with my blaster with those tags. I can at least say that PON,HOJ and Templar of Steel use to show up in numbers and all you old tymers saying that old pvp sg or Vori sg use to wreck people so what. where are those SG/VG at now? hmmm you keep living past... but present where we rocking.. F what you did... and show what you can do now. I seen Villains come up in RV. Alot of the villains few months ago were mainly SO' or wasn't a flavor of the month toon. AE help alot Villains players make PVP toons. The main reason now villains are kicking butt is alot of them got there toons IOed out now and not like before were you find alot Villains that were SO'ed out. ALL I CAN SAY IS I BEEN RECKING SH*T with my Melt Sheet in Zone and Arena.

    Any how we had a good kickball today and we should have more. New pvp players should come out and have fun... you might get wreck but at least you learn what you need to do.
  8. man damn dev's still havent gave me my code.... ! hellooooooooo
  9. Thanks was fun... and 2 vs 3 is no walk in part... the cave killed us badly...
  10. Hmmm.. wish I could of went.. but I have somethign else come up and Plus I don't Herocon is ready for ELF STALKER.. there would be alot of Bud smoking and Patron drinking and I probably would have A.S some of peeps at the Hotel. ANy how I would attend to the next herocon if its hosted in California.
  11. must smoking some of that good stuff
  12. so is this event going allow.. a whole stalker team? cause i can dust off my stalker...
  13. I be out... kicking it.. good luck peeps

    Champion PvP?

    Well it would be nice.. to see more new players in pvp scene... usually see the same Heroes over and over.. I pvp with corruptor which pretty fun. I been pvping with my stalkers for years but my corruptor is more dangerous and a game changer.!