727 -
Of course the nice thing about Freezing Rain is that in can stack. In ideal circumstances (see my guide for a greater explanation of Freezing Rain's "bug" and why ideal circumstances are almost never met) with enough recharge you can hit 90% -resistance. It's because of this stacking that recharge in Freezing Rain is so valuable. Of course, if you don't have the endurance to do it, or your play style brings you up against few enemies that are long fights, which it sounds like may be true for you, then being able to stack FR isn't particularly useful.
Although you have no to-hit bonus, you do have about 60% in accuracy bonuses, so I don't think you're going to have the to-hit problems you think you will. Especially when coupled with Freezing Rain/Tornado. I would consider shifting those kismet slots to conserve power or hasten. I'd also probably make the second IO in fly a BotZ for the bonus. otherwise looks good though.
Not having played a high level fire controller I'm curious if that much focus on recovery is really necessary given that you are slotting cardiac and have consume. I have a significantly lower net endurance gain than you do on my Storm Defender, but don't have any endurance troubles, but then I don't have a good sense of how endurance intensive fire control is (I know hot feet is expensive). If you end up finding that you don't need all that recovery, I would consider recouping some of the recharge bonuses that you dropped. (Dark Watchers were made for Hurricane).
Also, I would not slot the Kismet Unique. I only looked at the second build you posted, but I don't think you're going to have trouble hitting things. Just glancing at your build I see 39% accuracy bonus, and in general you haven't skimped on the accuracy in your powers. (Fire Cages and Lightning Storm could use a second look though)
I'm also curious about your playstyle. I don't see hurricane and hot feet playing particularly well together except in corners, so you could also conserve endurance by not running both powers all the time. But then my experience with Hot feet is quite limited, so perhaps that works better than it does in my mind. In fact, Cinders and Thunderclap won't play particularly well with hurricane either, so I'm not certain that you need to have the endurance capability to run hurricane all the time, but then maybe I'm missing the whole buzzsaw concept...
I'm not crazy about building this way for set bonuses, and most of what I would recommend would shift your set bonus focus. But there is at least one tweak I see that keeps your bonuses intact:
Cinders is overslotted for hold duration. You can do better by swapping one of your hold/x for an x/somethingelse. -
I wouldn't worry too much about whether other people tend to take Frost Breath and Total Focus or not, but rather, about how much you use them. If you find that you use them, then they're a good choice.
In terms of selecting other powers, hurricane is a truly impressive debuff and a valuable tool when you know how to use it. I would consider swapping in Hurricane for Total Focus (you have a stackable hold from ice for when you need to mez an enemy so TF's stun won't be as valuable as it might be on some builds).
Alternatively if you can find another power you want to part with you could consider going with the fighting pool for survivability but then you're talking about significantly more endurance use, so it might be right the choice. As always, there's the issue of trading off between recharge and defense, and the right ratio is really related to your playstyle.
In addition to the Zephyr tweaks I already mentioned there are a couple other small things I can see that pretty much keep this build.
1) You can pull the damage/range from Ice Storm with minimal impact and the loss of 3.13 toxic resistance. Perhaps shift it to Frost Breath if you use it.
2) I would consider replacing one of the shield walls in maneuvers with an LoTG +recharge. (Personally I don't find hp bonuses to help my survivability much. Either I'm not taking damage, or I'm taking so much damage I could have been killed three times)
3) I'm not crazy about devastation's set bonuses. I would probably pull them out and slot decimations for another recharge bonus.
4) Also the pure heal Numina in health will actually contribute more regen then regenerative tissue unless you already have 5, 12% regeneration bonuses.
If you decide you would rather hit the ranged soft cap, I would 1) see if you can be convinced to take weave and then look at three spots in particular for defense bonuses:
1) 6 lockdowns in a hold power
2) 6 expedient Reinforcements in Tornado
3) 6 Mako's Bites in Total Focus
In terms of slots you can pull, you can afford to take one from Stamina and one from health, and the Aegis global IO. With those changes and hover your ranged defense should be up around 40, but that's at a cost of 20% global recharge, and quite a bit of regen. with weave, you'd be at the soft cap. Not necessarily the right option, but certainly one that is open to you. -
No mids at the moment, so a more detailed look at your set bonuses will have to wait. I assume that you know this is very expensive build though, and that is your goal. (You're looking at 4 billion inf just for the shield wall and gladiator's armor) In general I don't see any obvious slotting issues. Initial things that jump out at me:
In general I would not recommend spending 2 billion on the Gladiator's Armor unless you're very near the soft cap. Will have to wait until I get access to see how close you are on this build. I suspect we can get you there without too much fiddling.
Winter's Gifts in Superspeed: Do you really find that you need all three slots? I suspect you won't find the movement speed bonus to be particularly significant and 5% cold resist is of limited use. If you're building for defense, I would consider the blessings of the Zephyr for the small defense bonus, and also consider swapping one of the IOs for a second KB proc from Zephyr.(it's another 1.25% if you need it)
I'm a little curious as to your thoughts behind choosing fly and superspeed. If you want the vertical positioning power, I would recommend you consider taking hover instead of fly (more defense, closer to the softcap). If you find hover too slow (which I haven't since they increased it's speed a number of issues ago) and run fly frequently in combat, I would recommend considering slotting it for more endurance reduction.
I will provide more thoughts later. -
Quote:I'm glad that you've found a system that works for you, and it's an interesting suggestion that the immobilize IO in tornado helps when pinning with hurricane. Count me skeptical, but intrigued. With the repel and KB from hurricane and KB from Lightning Storm, I find that keeping enemies pinned is not a serious problem, but I can see the potential of that being beneficial.I respectfully suggest you dont understand how the builds work for me.
However you appear to have missed part of my point on procs, which to be fair was rather buried and is spelled out in more detail in my guide.
Quote:Unless you're near the ED cap, Tornado will generally deal more damage from slotting more damage than it will from slotting a damage proc. The details are presented in my guide.
Quote:I understand that the accepted cookie cutter builds ore to go for max recharge or max defense. I dont see either working well for my controller. Defense is irrelevant. I can and do lock down x8 groups. My only real weakness is to status effects and break frees, which drop regularly eating x8 groups take care of that.
Quote:Recharge is an interesting problem for the build. More recharge does bring up hard hitting powers faster, it also increases endurance usage. As it is I can fully overlap two lightning storms full time should I choose. My damage output is significant. getting more recharge would mean taking away the set bonuses you missed. That is the +recovery and +max end.
Quote:The great thing about this game is that there are so many ways to build characters and have them viable and functional. -
Quote:Zep, I don't think this will work as well as you think it will. First of all, procs in tornado are a little rough to begin with because Tornado tends to run all over the place, so it is possible for Tornado not to be in contact with an enemy when the proc fires. In addition, this proc will not suppress knockback. Although it may be immobolized (3 chances per tornado, once every 10 seconds) the enemies can still be knocked all over the place, and tornado will have to go chasing after them. Not to mention that Tornado in general does not fixate on a target. As a result you will see minimal gains in Tornado's damage.Tornado can also take the Achilles proc. It can also take a stun set proc that will imob, this is a really good thing because the tornado will then sit on the target and eat it.
It is also worth noting that damage procs in tornado are often a poor decision. For the reason given above regarding procs and because Tornado deals an awful lot of damage on its own. Unless you're near the ED cap, Tornado will generally deal more damage from slotting more damage than it will from slotting a damage proc. The details are presented in my guide.
Quote:Steam mist and hurricane + leadership will eat a whole lot of end, even with a cardiac slotted. You may want to look at more end redux.
Also, looking at your set bonuses they seem to be a little scattered. My general advice is that there are two approaches if you want to maximize your benefit from IOs. This first approach is to focus on recharge. More recharge means more LS, more FR, more Tornado, more of all of those high recharge heavy hitters. The second approach is to focus on defense, and reach the soft cap (45%) for either ranged or smash/lethal (because we have hurricane, I recommend ranged on a stormy if you go that route).
Since these builds are works in progress I won't provide more extensive feedback, but I'm happy to provide it if you are interested. -
Consider me confused as to the grand prize...is the intent to discourage entrants? That doesn't seem like a good publicity decision....
Alright, so first, I predict this build will have endurance troubles, so you'll probably want to consider choosing incarnate abilities to offset that.
1) Given the cost of the gladiator's armor IO I would try to hit the soft cap to make it worthwhile. The difference between 39% and 45% ranged defense is huge (you will get hit only half as often), so I would go out of my way to try for the soft cap. That 5% defense will make a much larger difference than a significant amount of recharge. If ranged defense is so important to you, I would rework the build to take weave, or you can become more aggressive with slotting, (I don't like the idea of the knockback in thunderclap, but 6 stupefies there would you get another 3.13%, another IO in fly will net you 1.25% and another slot in hover (2 LoTG/2 Zephyr) can net you another 1%. I'm sure you can find much better options, but from a first glance there's 5+% that will only cost you 3 slots. 3 eradicates will also net you 1.5% defense, you get the idea) To do this you are going to have to choose some of your recharge bonuses to let go though, and drop down to 4 slots in powers that currently have 5 for the recharge bonus. I know it's a hard trade off. Personally I keep 2 builds. One puts reaching the soft cap and high resistance first, and the other puts recharge first. When I know that I'll be on a team, and won't need to worry about keeping myself alive, I use the high recharge build. If I'm soloing, or running content where I'm not certain I can stay alive (no tank or other support on the team) I'll use the survival build.
2) Hurricane and Oppressive gloom don't play well together, which do you tend to use? (I would consider taking slots from the other one. Other possible slots, snow storm)
3) If you want to deal more damage you should swap the Posi Blasts damage proc for any of the enhancements. I would consider swapping the acc/dam.
4) Another recharge IO in FR for another 2 seconds off recharge...I'd probably do it, but then I subsist on Freezing Rain.
5) going with my endurance prediction, I would find room for a Numina unique in health
6) +end Proc in Stamina will give you better recovery.
They are hard tradeoffs I know and a "correct" answer will depend on your playstyle. -
Nope, bank and mayhem missions require having someone in the right level range to get the mission. The devs don't seem too keen on making those missions available through Ouroboros.
However you can always have an alt get the misison, have a friend join you and enter the mission. You log out and switch to your badging toon, and then your friend invites you to the team and you enter the mission.
Or, you could create a second free account to level up and just invite yourself along on the safegaurd and mayhem missions.
But, it's probably faster and easier just to stay on the lookout for someone running it. -
Quote:What I thought Bubba was going to propose originally when he started talking about the point system for this year, was a system the removed the necessity of eliminations entirely. As someone who will never participate in the contest due to lack of talent, my comments should be taken with a grain of salt.I'd like to see the next one have like a 6month open submission window where artists who find the contest late can jump in and be competitive so long as they catch up on the entries before the first elimination month. But the trick is to find the right balance of letting late comers enter late and still be viable, yet rewarding those who were in from the get go and entering each piece on time...
If I were to run the contest, I think what I would do would be to have every month be open, and points would be awarded based on coming in first, second, third, and a token point for participating. Then at the end of the contest whoever had the most points wins. This allows folks that don't have the time commitment to just jump in for one month, or if one month become too busy, they can skip a month, but return to the contest once their life calms down. I understand there might be some sentiment that this was unfair to the folks who participate every month, but I figure they'd get an inherent advantage by having more opportunities to earn points.
I think the way the points worked this year, although intriguing, probably created more controversy than they provided improvement to the contest, although I did like the idea of being able to avoid elimination. But as I said above, I'm really not attached to the elimination concept. -
Quote:Just a quick note, on the synergy of /ice. If you go with /ice, the synergy is not so much in the slows (Storm can floor movement and recharge on non AVs enemies without a secondary) but rather because ice storm and blizzard use blaster modifiers and are therefore more powerful than they should be on a Storm Defender which couples incredibly well with Freezing Rain's resistance debuffs. As Rigel mentioned, storm's general ability to keep things in rains helps as well.As the title says, I'm considering taking another stab at rolling up a Stormie and wondering what, if any, blast sets have particular synergy with it. Dark Blast comes to mind due to Dark Pit + Thunderclap giving you a way to stack AoE disorient. Any others?
/dark also gives you additional -to-hit to contribute to the defense from hurricane + steamy mist.
Honestly though, as Rigel said, you can pick just about any secondary and be fine. I've enjoyed my time tremendously as a storm/psy, although its synergy is not as high as some sets. -
Quote:Beautiful piece Liz, and thank you for posting despite the drama. For those of us who simply observe, the real joy in the art contest is seeing beautiful art from all of our talented competitors. Thank you also to DD for posting even though officially you weren't in the final round, as other folks have said you've improved tremendously during the contest.Mender's Last Stand
I did take and use screenshots in the creation of this image so it would be more accurate.
It was always my impression that the purpose of the FArt contest was to give artists a reason to push themselves, especially those that were perhaps not as disciplined on their own, and that the contest was never actually about "winning". Thus I've been baffled and saddened by the drama that has occurred over the last two years.
But again, I thank all of the artists who participated for their excellent submissions this year, and perhaps next year we can get it right. -
No mids at the moment but here are some thoughts glancing over your build:
1) If you get mezzed you are going to squish. Yes, high defense is useful, but one little mez gets through and you lose most of that (Steamy Mist, Weave, hover, hurricane). Thus many controllers choose to pick up indomitable will or clarion. With this build if you try to switch to clarion, because you are going with spiritual instead of cardiac, I suspect you may have endurance trouble. So, just be aware that you will be susceptible to mezzes. This may be a non issue for (you don't mind carrying break frees, only play custom farms with no mezzing enemies, etc.), but beware of that limitation.
2) Seeds of Confusion. If you are going for defense, then this really needs to be 6 slotted. The 5% ranged defense should not be passed up.
3) Freezing Rain is horribly underslotted. Yes, if you keep both spiritual and ageless then you have sufficient recharge, but if you ever intend to exemp down for any reason, you will be disappointed that you did not slot it better. Even if you decide that you only care about having a build that plays at lvl 50, Freezing Rain can be loaded up with damage procs, and the achilles' heel proc. Take some of those slots out of those BoTZ out (AoE defense isn't terribly useful anyway) and put some slots in FR.
4) Tornado is autohit, so slotting accuracy does nothing. Dam/End is better than Dam/Acc in Tornado.
5) The closer you get to the soft cap the better your defense is. It would be far better to get ranged defense to 45% than to get both ranged and AoE defense to 35%.
6) I would find this build to be painful because you don't have a solid attack chain. even now that you have strangler slotted. I suppose you could be planning to rely purely on veteran attacks...but that probably isn't the best choice. Especially since you don't have an attack from your ancillary power pool, you really ought to take strangler and entangle. With this build I suspect you will find you spend a fair amount of time standing around waiting for attacks to recharge. Sure this build can take out enemies, but if you had a solid attack chain you could do it faster. -
Looks like you solved the anemic Freezing Rain slotting that you had in the first build, and I'm traveling and don't have access to mids, but there isn't anything that's jumping out at me.
However, you could pull a slot from Stamina with minimal impact if you were looking for another slot, perhaps to five slot Earth's embrace for a recharge bonus? (Switch Rock Armor and Earth's Embrace to have enough slots) -
Quote:Alright, you are very tight on slots, but there are 4(5) potential slots that can be moved while keeping your 56.9 second recharge on PA:I will be very interested to see your feedback when you get mids running. You are right, there is a lot of interesting information in your signature, some of which I am considering how best to apply.
1 (possibly 2): you can afford to drop one 7.5 bonus down to a 5% bonus and keep your 56.9 second recharge according to mids. granted it may be off by .05 seconds, but a .05 seconds won't make much difference as to how many attacks the AV can get off. (In fact, I'd guess with Arcanatime, things are identical, but I'm too lazy at the moment to check to see just how much leeway Arcanatime buys you on recharge.) Convert the KBs in Lightning Storm to Decimations. (You will then need to swtich the glimpse of the abyses to unspeakable terrors, or recoup another slot and drop spectral horror for flash, which you will fill with 4 basilisks. If you do that you can also switch from Gale to hover or combat jumping for more defense, might be worth keeping for the 3 points KB protection, hard decision.
2,3) I would sacrifice the two slots in fly, they are not getting you enough set bonuses to be worthwhile, and chances are you're hovering in combat, not flying.
4) the final coercive persuasion (hard to say on that one, and it depends on how much damage you find you need). You should rarely need to survive more than one hit so the extra 5% ranged defense should be mostly unnecessary, but it may make you feel safer knowing you have it.
Where to put those slots in no particular order (Don't have the energy at the moment to do specific numbers so these are very general and based on broad assumptions for simple calculations, and I make no promises these calculations are correct):
1) An Achilles' heel proc in Freezing Rain (+4% damage with perma FR, we'll say 20% of the time is a 20% increase actually slightly better than this since you'll have a chance to proc at 0 10, 15, 25, 30, etc, but you have to factor in the self suppression)
2) A damage IO in Tornado (+4 dps/ +8 if you have two out)
3) A damage IO in Water spout (Probably the Raganarok pure damage) (+ 4 dps / call it 6 because you can have 1.5 out)
4) Javelin Damage proc in spectral wounds (every 2.5 seconds is even better than every 5 seconds in LS) (+5.5 dps assuming used as soon as recharged)
5) The pure damage Apocalypse IO in blind (obviously swap in the other Apoc to spectral wounds) (+4dps assuming used as soon as recharged)
6) damage proc in Lightning Storm (every 5 seconds in LS is better than every 10 seconds in WS or Tornado) (+3 dps) (offered since the javelin proc is rather pricey)
My recommendation of swapping a Dark Watcher in Hurricane still stands, and depending on the AV, I'd likely run Steamy Mist over SI. -
The storm guide in my sig may have some information that you will find useful, but here are some initial thoughts. Unfortunately you need to make lots of unfavorable sacrifices in order to approach perma PA. Unfortunatley, I don't have mids available at the moment so I can't check where you stand on perma PA, but here are some things that jump out at me:
1) Gale: 6 Kinetic Crashes is an awfully expensive price to pay for 7.5% recharge...there has to be a better way to use those slots I would consider sticking them in hover and going for another set of red fortunes. If you actually use, Gale, then great, leave as is.
2) Superior Invisibility: Steamy Mist provides more defense if you get attacked, so I would move the red fortunes there (you'll probably have to leave one of your LoTG mules for lvl 49 to have the slots required for SM)
3) Fly: if you get rid of those kinetic crashes you can slot Blessings of the Zephyr for your KB protection
4) Freezing Rain: Another ouch. I suspect though that you need this bonus for your perma PA. In general, you will get far more mileage from FR from procs than you will for damage. Better to focus on recharge and damage procs, and the achilles' heel proc. At the very least switch the damage proc for the pure damage IO, and pull a slot from anywhere for achilles heel proc (a quick glance suggest a slot from fly, or a coercive persuasion slot since you don't really have enough defense for that to make a huge difference.) There is more discussion in my guide on damage proc/achilles' heel proc, but with all of your pets and against AVs the Achilles' Heel proc is the correct choice for the final slot.
5) Hurricane: It's unlikely with illusion that your playstyle will involve much pinning of enemies with hurricane, so I would say the -recharge proc in hurricane is next to useless, use one of the other Dark Watcher IOs. Not to mention that except for AVs, Snow Storm and Freezing Rain will pretty much floor anythings -recharge, and against AVs it will be more dangerous for you to try to use the proc than the meager benefit you would get from it.
6) LS: Although not great slotting at least you'll be using LS and kinetic crashes do provide some damage. I would rather go with 5 decimations although there's a 2.5% recharge loss, and frees up a slot for somewhere else, or a damage proc for LS.
7) Water Spout: again, damage would be nicer here, but you may not be able to afford the recharge reduction that would bring. -
Quote:Thanks for the recommendation. You can find the guide in my sig. It can be a little overwhelming but can hopefully answer any questions you might have.PS: I'd read Draggynn's guide if you really want more in depth information. He wrote his own thoughts and recommendations and it's all up to date and very detailed.
The revised build looks solid, a couple small things though:
Freezing Rain: I would swap out one defense debuff IO for an endurance reducer. 18 endurance is not insignificant, and although the extra debuff can be nice in FR, the base modifier is high enough, it's not a necessity.
I think swapping to electric mastery for electric fence, since it does -kb, is a fine decision. (Although personally, I'm partial to conserve power, and therefore usually give up the immobilize) -
Quote:Based on the way the proc behaves in other summon powers (my familiarity is with Lightning Storm and Tornado which are technically pseudopets and therefore obey slightly different rules) I would guess that there is in fact a chance for the proc to fire on you when you summon Phantasm.And I believe that since the summon Phantasm power itself has no knockback, the proc will not have a chance to proc at summon, either.
Regardless, the advice is the same though. Slotting the proc in Phantasm is mostly useless and there are much better ways to use that enhancement slot. -
Quote:The damage cap for a defender is 400%. Note that all powers start out dealing 100% damage. This means that the power a damage "delivers" can be no more than 4x it's base, and that it takes a 300% damage buff for a defender to reach their cap. If you have a 95% damage increase from enhancements, and then a 100% damage increase from another source (say fulcrum shift) then the attack deals 295% damage. Any attack that would "deliver" more than 4x it's base damage, will simply deliver 4x it's base damage. more info on limits hereIs was doing some reading and came across that there is a damage cap, defense cap, stun and slow cap. With that being said, is there a way to reach the cap for slow and -recharge against enemies with a storm/ice defender?
Also what does softcap mean, is that like only putting 3-4 slots into a power or 6 slts with only S/O's and not I/O's?
I say "deliver" because damage resistance effects how much damage is taken after the damage is received. Thus you can deal more than 4x damage by reducing an enemies resistance to that damage type. more info on resistance here
My guide goes into a fairly thorough explanation of slow and -recharge. As you can see from the earlier page the -movement floor is -90% and the -recharge floor is -75% (powers take 4 times as long to recharge) so the answer is that snow storm and freezing rain together will put enemies at both the -recharge and -slow floor unenhanced. Again, for details, see me guide.
The term soft cap mostly just applies to total defense and is 45% defense. Because of the way defense is calculated, in non incarnate (and non-tip Devouring Earth) content, having more than 45% defense does not reduce the chance that you will be hit. Of course extra defense helps if your defense is debuffed or if enemies have +to-hit (or you're in incarnate content where the soft cap is 59%) but because of this, many players target that 45% number and then stop. It is called the soft cap because your defense can actually go up to 175%, it just doesn't matter after 45. The definitive guide to defense in the game is Arcanaville's here
Honestly, my guide will answer just about any question you might have. -
Just about everything I have to say about Storm is in the guide in my sig.
As a quick note though, Snow Storm and Freezing Rain together floor just about everything's recharge and movement so it's usually not worthwhile to invest slots in slow enhancements (especially on /ice). -
Well, there are only two procs that can go in snow storm (Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage, and Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for Recharge Slow) both of which affect enemies. Although in almost all situations the chance for recharge slow is wasted.
The procs will have a chance to fire on all enemies in Snow Storm's area of effect when Snow Storm is toggled on, and then every 10 seconds afterwards, as Roderick said. -
Quote:Yep, as others have said, just about all debuffs (and buffs) in this game will stack from different users. Certainly all Storm powers will. Even different Freezing Rains from the same hero will stack. There are only a handful of cases that come to mind of powers in game not stacking from different users.If there are two defenders in a group, both running hurricane, will the debuff stack from each defender? Or will the debuff be applied only once?
The Achilles' Heel proc will not stack from any source, same user or different. And there is a limited number of times that the incarnate interface procs will stack. There may be other examples but none that are coming to mind.
Of course once the debuff floor is hit, additional debuffage will have no visible impact. However, the amount of debuff is still tracked, so that it may overcome subsequent buffage.
In the case of hurricane, regardless of how much you debuff to-hit enemies will always have a 5% base chance to hit. If you have debuffed enemies below that level, then it will take a more substantial buff to their to-hit until they are able to pick themselves off of the to-hit floor. -
This (the second post) looks like a perfectly acceptable build. I disagree with Rigel about Power Sink (especially if you're planning on running two leadership toggles) and find I can usually use all of the endurance I can get.
I would probably work harder on hitting a single defense soft cap, (ranged in general) rather than spreading the bonuses between all types, but that's hardly necessary. -
In general when posting builds for feedback it's good to post the short form of the build as well so that those of us without access to Mids at the moment can look at your build as well.