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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    He found himself pinned inside the bubble and looked at Pistol.

    "I didn't know this way going to happen. I can help her Pistol...i can help her get a soul, i can make her what she once was...look at me Pistol, look at what i've become..."

    For once he could feel his own heat, trapped inside the bubble, his image shimmering as if he was surrounded by heat haze, the fire Pistol had started hadn't helped.
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    as the door exploded Edward turned to see Pistol in all her raging glory.

    "Pistol what the hell are you doing?"

    He quickly got to his feet and glared at her.
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    Edward sighed, "i didn't know what was going on alright, yes Pistol has got more reason than any before to come after me..." he paused a second, "perhaps i could make things right again...you need a soul yes, something that lets you feel emotions, that lets you feel alive, well.."

    He flexes his wings alittle.

    "I may be Edward Johnson...the crazy scientist but now i am also a monster, i killed four people last night, drained the very souls from their bodies, just because i felt like i had to, this new found power obviously comes with a heavy price..."

    He stared at her, "You need a soul do you not? I am quite capable of giving you one, it may be second hand and not your own soul but that is neither here not there...it is a soul none the less, you would be able to feel emotions again...and since this is all my fault there of course is no price attached...if you do not wish it then so be it..."

    he slowly stood up, "we both lost something that made us human last night...you've got a chance to be that way again...i'm not even sure they'll be able to reverse what's happened to me..."

    "The offer is there Falcon..."
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    sighs, "yes...an arcane ritual gone awry, shouldn't have jumped into it without learning the ropes first...now i'm young, red and demonic."

    He coughed, "erm...about last night Falcon...what actually happened...i mean i'm not the only one looking different around here..."
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    he noted the odd looks from the thugs as he shook his head, "yes I'm the Doc...don't ask what happened..." He followed them up to the office. He was giving off a strange smouldering heat haze, he guessed it came with the new look, his tail swishing backwards and forwards.
  6. heh congratz on completeing your ironman challenge

    Can't imagine life without my Bots to be honest, the respec trial was hell WITH them let alone without (30-31 at the time) although there were useful for absorbing the inital alpha strike from a large group of vines.

    Now fully slotted with SO's (foolishly i moved from TO's to DO's with my free respec, not realising i could have been buying SO's instead...i'm such a noob) they're heavy dealing damage machines.

    Can't imagine them not being there, but you proved it could be done
  7. Apart from the Doc he would take over the world if he wasn't so accident prone or fiddling about with science at the 'mad' end of the scientific spectrum...beside when Lunks around he's on his best(ish) behavior, most of the time...
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    Edward arrived at the mansion, looking about.

    Trouble was, Edward had a little 'accident' last night while fiddling about with the arcane and didn't look much like Edward at all.

    While he was youthful, which was a boon, he had long black hair and light red skin. Short black horns protruding from his forehead and large black demonic wings folded against his back, he'd had to cut a hole in his cargo trousers to make room for the nice new demonic tail, which he still wasn't use to being there.

    "Suppose this is what i get for messing with the Arcane when i'm a man of science...really shouldn't have tried that spell.."

    He buzzed on the intercomm, "Tell the Godmother that the Doc is here to see her, unarmed and unaccompanied," he doubted she would recognise him...but that was a boon.
  9. On behalf of those of us at EVIL (though i'm pretty sure Echo has already done this but it doesn't hurt to say it again) I would like to thank all those that attended the Merc ball you helped make it a great evening.

    you have my heartfelt thanks
  10. Dr_MechanoEU

    IC rumours

    Mysterious deaths of three female arachnos agents!

    Last night the bodies of three female Arachnos operatives and one female longbow operative were found unburied in the Vagabond hills of Cap Au Diable. Reports of the victims being left shrivelled husks are attempting to be denyed by Arachnos.

    Some claim this to be the work of the Circle of Thorns, having been known to operate in that area for quite some time, it is not known for the Circle to leave their victims like this.

    When questions an Arbiter who wished to remain nameless said, "Yeah it's like someone just sucked the soul of out of them...i mean the Longbow chick i don't care about, they can go to hell but those three poor ladies, i mean, they were just trying to help protect this city, they didn't sign on for this..."

    What kind of man or beast could have done such a deed so vile and wicked even by the standards set in the isles. Rogue Island Police continue their investigation...
  11. Docs plot recap:

    The doc spent most of the night drinking vials of his chemical formulas and switching forms, from dragon, to young self, to old self.

    He heard on the comms Pistol was 'doing something' to one of his bots he had stationed guarded there and quickly ran over accusing her of 'fiddling with the bots' to which she took great offence, a row between Himself, Pistol and Ben developed and Pistol left in a huff.

    He saw Falcon Blitz and she came over, at first she didn't recognise him (Dragon form...hey i need to make some kind of sense with having dragon wings) he switched back to his younger self and apologised to her for causing all the trouble for her. She collapsed and came to quickly, saying she that she was a spirit named Madriline and needed the Doc's youth formula.

    He explained to her that his permenant formula would bring about the destruction of our universe and as such was not to be used in our own but there were plenty of universes on the verge of dying which she could pick. The spirit left with the formula. He now only has 1 permenant version of the formula left (he had three, one was given to Eres, one to the spirit and one he's got for himself should he ever need it).

    Falcon collapsed again and was taken to the Medlab in Arcane wing, the doctor, finally back in his old self, needed the toilet (weak bladder and i needed a ciggie) when he returned Falcon and Rickman (who had been assigned to guard her) had disappeared.

    What followed was a frantic five minutes of searching to see where they had both gone and much chatter over the Comms, until Rickman said Falcon was fine...if a little changed, one could say left soulless by the experience.

    He spent the next few minutes stylin and profilin amongst the guests before someone whizzed past yelling "Stop that doctor" yelling about a fleeing Doctor Helios. Finding the robot knocked out and an Echo with a crumpled arm. The Doc, being the 'tech guy' was asked to call over his robot (Succubus) to interface with it.

    By Ritiki standards the thing was basic, a personality simulator and some stolen files on something called Icarus (the other EVIL members seem to know what it is but the Doc doesn't). Hatesman was interested in buying it but Ben refused to sell it.

    Just when that was finished with and the Doc was about to go help Big Game entertain the guests Axel appears demanding that the Doc pay a visit to the Mansion and also on a more private matter (i wont go into it here for ruining the surprise).

    All in all a hectic and tiring night for the Doc.
  12. Bah can't edit the post anymore...damn them.

    Fine here's the image of the Carnival lass with mask i tried, looks ok i think

    Carnival lass with mask

    Only the mask is in addition to the other costume parts picked out by Doctor Toxin (he's the originator of this particular outfit choice, check earlier posts, trust me, his designs are really good, as are Crius's).
  13. Unfortunately i don't think you can give people specific titles and it's done merely by rank.

    Perhaps the rank mirror the ingame bad guy rating system, seems fitting.
    Minion - Just joined the guild
    Lieutenant - standard rank
    Boss - For those who are 'bosses' of their own little sub sections in The reformed.
    Elite Boss - Admin and guild leader.

    Could also be used to reflect their old standing within the gang they use to belong to. Someone could stay a Minion if they feel it suited their character better.

    Shame there isn't more people interested, would really like to see this idea flourish, some real creativity has gone into those costumes designs, be a shame for people not to use them.

    Still the whole point of the thread was just to see if people were interested in the idea and we've seen some amazing work by several people on the costume creator front.

    Also thought about linking it to something else, i remember a character of Cindersnap and the behavior modifications for young offenders topic that a company had produced (not sure who it was that had the original idea, if it was you, please speak up) but have the fact that the people in the SG are also being monitored by the same system just incase they decide to slip into old habits (perhaps they got early release for volunteering for the operation and now being forced to 'work for the system' and have been lumped together, dirty dozen style).

    Still hope someone takes this up and runs with it.

    Edit: On a side note, following the parts used by Dr T for everything but the face i found that Masks with hair>Sightless>Makeup2 does a pretty good job of making up the mask and an as close to replica as we can get of a Carnival lass.

    Colours: Pure white for the mask (obviously) and blue for the 'makeup' i used 5th coloum along, 12th row down for the blue. I would take a screenshot but i don't know how.

    If i could find some way of covering up the neck area decently without obscuring the face then the hair would do the rest and it would look like a Carnival lass.

    Could someone with screenshotting facilities take a picture for me. I also used Long layers 1 for the hair (i think...).

    Echo, go on, give it a go, you know you've wanted to look like a Carnival of Shadows lass for ages now, trust me it looks good...try it..i dares ya, would also make for an interesting RP with Echo going all Carnival on us

    (wish i'd stop having random ideas about this, seems the fact i'm editing post after post with new and crazy things about this SG doesn't help).
  14. Not sure how they work either, need some authority on the subject to post.

    Keep up the good work on those costumes everyone.

    So far they've all looked stunning

    If you want to create the SG anyone just go ahead, especially if you got a case of altitis :P
  15. No the titles, idea few posts up.

    About if it got large enough each 'leader' of the sub-sections of the reformed would get their own special title, like Capo for the head of the Family/Mook factions etc.
  16. Heh very nice

    Might go back and edit my first post with all the links for all the costumes designed so far and group them under peoples names

    Wait...just realised, can't edit old posted...doh! silly me. So Doctor T what do you think of the titles idea and is it doable?

    Actually i might be able to...still not sure how theses things work.
  17. Hmm i think make the eyes and lips a medium/dark blue and you'd be as close as we could get.

    Looks good though, much better than i could do myself

    Heh go for the Strongman without the helmet, after all you'd need both sides of the carnival in there to make their little sub-faction of the Reformed SG work.

    Edit: I'll let Echo be the judge of this one, she's the one that really wants a Carnie style mask, she'll sell her soul to get one you know.
  18. seems like i started a little craze in making villain costumes in the character creator.

    Really like them Crius

    Now for the hardest challenge yet.

    A decent looking Carnival of shadows lass.

    Go on...give it a try...you know you want to.

    (really hope seeing this topic inspires Cryptic to stick some villain costume pieces in here, shows how much people want them...hey Bridger over here! Take a look and have a whisper in the Devs ears, see if you can shift them in for Issue 10...go on...please )

    Edit: If someone pulls this off and it looks pretty good i know you'll have one very happy Echo, just need to tell her how it's done and she'll be off.

    Also looking at Crius's family/mook guy it looks like one of the boss level mobs (specifically the Capo one) perhaps have different sub-sections of each group within the SG and assign them titles based on the group.

    Example: Leaders of the Family/Mooks factions of the Reformed SG would be granted a Capo title, The Carnival of shadows faction leader would be granted the Ring Mistress title and so on.

    Of course only people within the SG can see your titles and i'm not quite sure how titles work so this probably is an outlandish idea.

    Also predesignated 'friendships' are already established within the group as well as predesignated 'enemies'. Skulls, Trolls and the family are connected in the 'Superadine cartel' and would be more likely to get along with people from those factions than say a reformed Warrior, Outcasts and Hellions who fight against them.

    Heh just running off a few ideas and rambling on, sorry about that, the ideas just came to me while i was out having a cigarette after re-looking at Crius's work (which i'm still in awe of, as i am the work done by Doc Toxin).
  19. well that's one for certain.

    Any other takers?
  20. heh i hope it's some use to me.

    I play on villainous since i play the game to relax, yes i blitz through most things but hey.

    Already having to run paper missions on Sharkshead since i've used up all the contacts (including the guy you need the lorekeeper badge to unlock). Really should up that difficulty.

    I'm thinking about posting a list of parts to create, roughly each villain group as a character, to help those out who want one even if they're not up for making the SG.
  21. heh makes perfect sense to me...i might off to try it out myself now infact.

    Man this makes me want to level faster so once i get to 50 on my MM i can start this SG up.
  22. Nice not bad at all actually and about as good as we can get with the costume creator as it stands now.

    Which parts did you use, if you could list them, can't quite make it out as the picture is a tad dark.

    Your a villain costumey creating machine Dr T.
  23. Heh any chance you could work your magic on attempting to make a clockwork style character using just the character creator? You seem pretty talented at using it to the best of it's abilites Dr T.
  24. I have to say Phantasm, that...

    ...is damn sweet, you pretty much got an ordinary freakshow down to a T there and i love it.

    very well done
  25. Heh glad i'm not alone in that quest.

    Thanks Enty.

    But seriously anyone can take and use the idea if they want, it's not perfect but great for a group all starting out together.