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  1. Hmm indeed back on topic.

    Ed is a mythical beast (a demon) so he's unaffected plus he's already serving another God, so he would be fighting for his faith.
  2. I would just like to add there is also something known as 'player canon'.

    This isn't part of the official ingame canon but it's something shared between all the RPers and widely agreed upon.

    Dr Mechano sells a range of Walkie-toasters.

    Various heroes tutor at the Paragon Uni to make some money and it's often a highly regarded position.

    There's a club called 'The Pits' somewhere in Kings Row (I think it's KR) which is for the alternative crowd.

    Edit: If you go down that step then there's a whole new problem, do you call all the people in the UV crazy because Unity Plaza doesn't exist on the official map, do you call Edward crazy (alright he is but that's not the point) because his 'home' in Darwins landing doesn't officially exist?

    The thing is that with all RP you simply have to make the choice to agree on things, it also works the other way, what if Zortel and the entire UV/NV group decide Bill is just plain crazy and steer clear of him from now on?
  3. hmm God modding doesn't really apply to NPCs, they're just that, Non-Player Characters and with most forum plots someone is the Games Master, they're utilizing the CoX equivilent of the Monster Manual (NPC catalogue) to initiate the story.

    Attack on Unity Plaza: Standard character plot, not much altered about the NPCs and with a Games Master guiding said NPCs, so you're standard D&D fair.

    My Trolls: Trolls with an increased Challenge rating designed for higher level players (I.E. A level range bump) often used to surprise the players who have an expectation of how powerful something should be (nobody expects a Kobold to have a vast range of highly dangerous magical spells to hurl at the party...that was a particularly nasty trick pulled by a GM during a D&D play session once). The uber-Trolls aren't a new race, they're just Trolls but badder (alright so women keep their figure, that's about it). Also as mentioned, they're not official, they're there for me or anyone else to use but you wouldn't be encountering them ingame (apart from one female one) since their numbers are very few and most of them will spend their time hiding or helping out fighting crime.

    The attack on the zig: The event wouldn't be considered ingame canon of how hard it is to break into the Zig but judging by the fact every new player villain busts out of their with ease thanks to Arachnos, it can't be too hard...

    edit: Damn beaten to it!
  4. I know, I know...no Carp melee...<sigh>

    to be honest it was put in more as an in-joke than anything else.
  5. personally I'd love the following for Mace

    1) Stop Sign.

    2) Miniature car on a stick (requires the 'Solution' badge to unlock)

    3) a Sledge hammer that isn't held in the middle (seriously it would look a whole lot better if it was held near the bottom since Mace is one handed).

    4) an El-Kabong guitar.

    5) a Carp.
  6. The female Troll strolled out from behind the barrier, looking The Chief and shaking his hand. She smiled and gave the motion for everything to be wound up.

    the Truck flipped back onto it's wheels, the Trolls holstering their weapons, the truck driving off back down the junction, seems like The Chief had managed to halt the situation before it got bad.
  7. Ed smiled, "alright that is good news."

    He looked at Seven a moment, "to be honest I'm not really here to fight, though you may come at me if you wish, that offer extends to all of you...infact myself and the chaos that I created are merely to delay you hero types from a vault break-in at a Science tech business for an upgrade to my cybernetic arm..."

    Edward relaxed slightly, "oh and no use trying to stop it...it's already underway and probably nearly done by now.."

    He grinned and took up a fighting pose, "though I wouldn't think of getting out of here without some kind of battle, it is required after all..."
  8. This is where the good news with Issue 14 comes in, it will allow for more specific planning with regards mob types, boss chat, what the bosses look like etc.

    During the IC mission run of the RWZ last story-arc mission 'save the world' Ed mostly just used witty one-liners (such as telling Nemesis 'come on you big brass b***ard, I can have you!' and tanked him for a while before getting faceplanted (yay revive).)
  9. Edward was knocked back by the blast, digging his claws into the tarmac to keep him upright, he dusted himself down, the burn wounds healing quickly.

    Edward smirked, "you're not the only one who can wait that long...and my heart is pure, I know salvation will come to me..."

    He saw the brawl of heroes and grinned, "hmm time to make myself known perhaps..."

    Edward flared his wings, dropping into the midst of all the Skull gang bangers, "sorry boys, but I need a bit of your life force right now.." he brought his arms back and then threw them forward to his chest, a circle of nether-energy draining the nearby Skulls, causing them to pass unconscious.

    Edward let out a sharp whistle, "Hey...why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

    The smoke cleared, he seemed to have an eerie white glow about him.
  10. Edward closed his eyes, his armour of faith shimmering about him to protect him from any unwanted blows or blasts. He looked to the strangely angelic figure as he landed and reached out his hand, "all Angels fear damnation..." he smirked as the nether-energy welled up inside him and he reached out to touch the angelic being with the very fear of the dark itself.

    (Touch of Fear just incase ya didn't know :P)
  11. Above the chaos on a rooftop stood a lone figure, he smiled and arched his back, wings flareing with a smirk, "well now the chaos is in order...time to make my move..." he looked around for someone on thier lonesome, spotting the other winged man he chuckled, "you'll do perfectly..."

    He lept off the building and folded his wings, building up speed as he plummeted.

    "The Doctor will see you now!"

    As the streelight filled in his features, it was obvious Edward had come to play, he didn't get out enough so now was the perfect time, dark nether energy swirling around his fists, he had no intention of clashing with the other heroes, they would be too much trouble.
  12. 4am
    The many TV screens across Paragon City flickered again. replaced with the symbol the precluded the last instance of chaos with the new form of Troll that had happened.

    Once more Edward Johnson greeted the populous of Paragon City.

    "GOOOOOOD MORNING PARAGON CITY....there I hope that got you lazy tikes out of bed," he chuckled.

    "Now I don't want you to be treating the new C-Dyne Trolls so badly, I've been getting word some of you haven't accepted them into your society, how so very...what's the word...human..yes human. Now, not all of them are bad, infact most of them will probably take their gifts and use it for the helping of those not smart enough or just not fortunate enough to get to the new and improved Chronodyne before the so called 'heroes' managed to put a stop to it and confiscate what they could get their hands on. These wonderful green people are there for your benefit Paragon, not mine..."

    Edward rubbed the bridge of his nose, "now on to further matters, it's been a while since I last appeared on your screens and I know how you're all missing me, so here we are again with another unschedule timeslot of Mechano TV, bring fun to the lives of the hopelessly dull..."

    Edward raised his hand, in it was held a detonator, "now incase you wondering what exactly this is going to do...well..let's press it and find out shall we?"

    Edward pressed the detonator and for a few moments there was silence then a series of explosions begun to echo around the city. Cars laden with explosives bloomed into massive fireballs, the force shattering the glass windows of the shops they were parked next to. The din of various Car alarms, people yelling begun to fill the streets.

    "Ah...now sadly I can't hear that from where I am but I assure you that quite a few shops now have most of their security measures disabled which means that they're suddenly open for business, well I say business you don't have to pay for anything and you can take what you like, think of it as my gift to you Paragon City.."

    Edward chuckled, "so...who want's a shopping spree?"

    Through the city, the various criminal elements had taken note, Freakshow in Brickstown, Skulls in Kings Row and the Outcasts in Steel Canyon begun to descend on the area of the explosion, yelling and whooping as they begun to enter the stores from their blasted open store fronts, electronics, jewelry and even fast food stores where all open for business.

    "Man I don't know this guy but I sure LOVE how he operates," yelled a Freakshow Tank as he begun smashing open a Jewelry store safe in Brickstown, "smash and grab people, no doubt the PPD are on their way..."

    The Skulls in Kings row were making off with various sizes and makes of TVs, loading them into a van.

    "Well...let's see how this goes shall we...have fun and catch you next time on Mechano TV, bring you the fun because I can..."

    The TV sets returned to normal...
  13. The commanding officer, a pudgy middle aged man with a black mustache was yelling at the surrounding police, "I said hold fire damnit...whoever fired that shot you're in for a ball busting when I get hold of you!"

    There was a whispering from the Trolls huddled behind the Truck but it slowly grew louder.

    "Our Father, who in heaven, hallowed be name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will done, on earth as in heaven, Give us day, daily bread, forgive us trespasses, as we forgive who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. For you is kingdom, power and glory. for ever and ever. Amen..."

    The Trolls stood up from a kneeling position and looked out to the Police, "you got chance to apologise, if no say sorry, Trolls not help..."
  14. Dr_MechanoEU

    i13 Changes?

    hmm points of the changes to powers for PvP.

    1) Hard Mez will affect everyone (yay for controllers/doms/defenders) but will only affect people with no Mez resistance for 4 seconds-ish (boo! there goes my DM/Regen fear advantage ).

    2) Spike damage is being reduced apparently, Stalkers AS, Blaze, BIB etc appear to all be reduced in effectiveness...(yay for squishies, boo for anyone who has those powers).

    3) Melee apart from Stalkers (Scrappers/Tanks/Brutes) are getting a mahoosive damage boost for PvP and taunt is coming with a -75% range modifier (if you're an anything/EM blaster...this affect is null and void, seriously can't AR/EM shoot at a distance where you can't even see the target any more yet still have them targeted?).

    Over all it seems a mixed bag, as a very casual PvPer I'm looking forward to the changes, just curious what you guys are making of it?
  15. 7:10:0

    Edward wheeled out of the way of the rain of plasma blasts, seeing the unit vanish he sighed.

    "Damn, was looking forward to taking that thing on mano-a-mano.."

    Edward flew back into the building and landed, "as for you Bodi..." he held out his hand there was pampf of dark energy as a small potted black orchid appeared, placing it down on the ground, "enjoy my dear..."

    Edward tapped some buttons on his arm, blowing a kiss to one of the security cameras, "see you somewhere in time Bodi..." he stepped into the portal and vanished.
  16. The group of Trolls protesting stopped at a T-Junction a few blocks away from the PPD HQ, many of them had heard stories of Blue Steel and knew attracting the attention of a top hero even if the protest was friendly was a bad idea. The protest being so close to the PPD HQ had it disadvantages for the Trolls, they were surrounded on two sides by armed police in moments.

    The female Troll yelled into the megaphone, "Troll not here to fight, Troll here to make change, Troll here to extend friendly hand to Police, Troll are here offering to help clean up Kings Row!"

    There was a brief discussion between some of the uber-Trolls and one of them made his way slowly towards the police line, slowly extending his hand...

    However the Rookie cop must have lost his nerve, for a moment it seemed like all of Kings Row went silent as a shot ringed out in the air and the uber-Troll fell backwards with a grunt.

    "Cops firin on us, everyone, scatter!"

    One of the other Uber-Trolls quickly hurried to his fallen comrade dragging him away from the police line, the wound was healing bullets proved of little effect last time the new type of Troll and the police clashed...meanwhile the crowd panicked, the Female Troll flipped the Flatbed Truck on it's side, "behind here, now!"

    The protest signs were dropped, several of the normal Trolls pulling automatic weapons from underneath their coats, peeking out from behind the flatbed.

    "Nobody shoot, we not here for that, don't retaliate..."

    A standoff had begun...
  17. Dr_MechanoEU

    Day jobs

    yeah but 30 days?

    I could understand say, 10 days offline but 30 just seems a bit excessive to me.
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    Day jobs

    Sorry but did you see that required logout time for the badges?

    30 Days?!

    Sweet jesus...wont be using this feature that much then...sure some of my unplayed alts would use it but bugger that for my main ones...

    even with it being non-consecutively...it's still going to take a long while to earn one.
  19. 12:06:10

    Edward grinned, "impressive, scurrying like a cockroach...so you're a sinner AND a coward..."

    Edward flared his wings and dived at Shadow unit, claws outstretched, he was doing to rip this thing limb from limb if he had to. Dark nether-energy swirled around him a purely sadistic grin on his face, he was in his element and wouldn't hold himself back, they threatened Bodi..and nobody threatened Bodi...

    "It's a good thing you're not a woman...otherwise I might be having second thoughts about tearing you a new one cockroach..."

  20. Ed is with White Warlock and Liberty Girl outside the blast doors, yes he will be making a sharpish exit once this is all over but he couldn't resist helping any AI in distress, especially the loveable Bodi
  21. Dr_MechanoEU

    I13 screenies!

    in one of the many shield topics in the US BaB says something along the lines of 'adding in the correct requirements to getting the Blue Steel, Ascendant and Romulous shields next build' (meaning they will nolonger be seeable from the Character creation screen).

    Suggesting that it will indeed by unlockable...well hopefully.

    Also all the Roman shields have been confirmed as unlockable (so that's the normal Roman, Surgeon and Boss Roman shields) by BaB.
  22. ((yes I asked Zortels permission first))


    A familiar two diamond shape of the Oroborous Menders appeared next to Michael aka White Warlock...there was a flash of light.

    With a grin stood Edward Johnson, "hmm looks like you people could use a hand...a rather more...deadly hand," Edward cracked his knuckles with a chuckle.

    "Incase you're wondering I'm doing this to protect BODICIA and the few friends I have left in the Vigil...oh...and because I love to preach and punch at the same time..."

    He vaulted over the Magical constructs and headed straight for any heavily armoured foes he could find, dark energy pulsing aroun his fists, his skin rippled as if something was moving underneath, "sinners, all of you such sinners, you shall feel the dark mighty wrath of the Lord himself, you shall be smote down with his instrument of great and furious anger, you shall weep as the Alpha to your Omega descends among you, I am no hero, I am an instrument of pain and wrath, fear me for I know not fear itself, fear me for I am held by no code but the code of the Lord himself, fear me for I am your judgement and your executioner!"
  23. Inspired by a semi-jokey rant US side, been wondering, what are peoples favorite character names, how did you come by them and what inspired you?

    Get the ball rolling with a few of my favorites.

    Dr Mechano: First off every good mad scientist has to be either a Doctor of a Professor, just seems to be the rule of comic book villains. Mechano is a childs construction toy so that fitted the fact he was a Bots Mastermind.

    Amy Zon: Yes one of those names, a female 8ft tall Super Strength/invunlnerabily tanker. I went with it because it's just so very comicbooky.

    Piratey Pete: my name reserve character...it was too good to miss out on and is a dual blades/regen scrapper. Captain Pete to you, me friends call me Piratey Pete..because that's what I be...piratey...Arrr

    Currently debating what name to give my Troll hero, Atta Girl (pun on the phrase and also the name of the Troll leader) or simply Troll Princess.
  24. In Kings row ((yes it's my favorite place in CoH)) there was an unsual sight, a large gathering of Trolls, namely the Uber-Trolls that had appeared a week or so earlier during the distribution of Chronodyne, several other Trolls had gathered around them.

    Normally such a large gathering of Trolls meant just one thing, property destruction on a large scale and techno-pounding Rave music. However the female Uber-Troll was stood ontop of a flat-bed track, the suspension creaking under her muscular weight with a megaphone held in her hand to address the gathered crowd. The Truck also housed a several Troll drummers on the back, using drums of various sizes.

    "There's lot of us, we want respect, people not give respect, people afraid of Trolls, that make me feel bad, there quite a lot of us, so we go get respect, we take protest for Troll rights to big police place and make us get respect!"

    Now instead of the hurling of cars, smashing of buildings and the intentional intimidation of passersby (the unintentional intimidation was still there, large numbers of massive muscular horned green people gathered in one spot was enough to initmidate any civilian) there was now the hefting of protest signs as the truck begun it's slow movement towards PPD HQ.

    The female Troll called out, "What do Troll want?"

    "Respect and end of persecution," the crowd answered.

    The female Troll smiled, Edward teaching them fancy words looked like it paid off, "When does Troll want it?"

    The crowd answered with a bellow, "NOW!"

    The pounding of the drums began, creating the atypical Troll rave music but this time the bellows for respect almost drowned it out.
  25. There were no more reports of Troll activity, the chaos had been stopped for now at least.

    What little can be found on Dr Edward Johnson is mostly his PPD and Longbow file, stating his original crime of armed bank robbery, using an advanced attack robot classifies as armed under the Paragon City Laws. Born Eureka, Wisconsin and currently aged 61 years old.

    There's various youtube footage of the Prison break attempt (only of the plane crashing into the outside of the prison), A large army of walkie-talkie toasters fending off the Rikti in Galaxy city, his various adverts and rantings broadcast across Paragon City and the Rogue isles. There is also various newspaper reports on the last Chronodyne incident ((check out the Unionverse wiki for info)).

    The signal, when traced, leads back to the Rogue Isles, obviously bounced through several connections before coming in to Paragon City.

    ((this particular chapter of Mechano's revenge is officially finished, thanks muchly to everyone who participated and expect more Chaos within a day or so)).