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  1. Actually there was a response by one American poster with regards why there wasn't any kind of info.

    Whereas with the EU it was War Witch who we had all the chatty non-sensicalness with, the Americans had it for both, they didn't hold a Q&A session like the EU community did.
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Couple of days later

    Edward was in his lab, having finally gotten together some replacement equipment. He saw down at his workbench and begun work on the holo-emitter belt. With this device complete he could pretend to be anyone or anything as long as he had three dimensional scans of them...of course convincing people enough to stand still so he could get three dimensional scans was going to be a problem...perhaps secretly installing it in the one Council bases shower rooms might do it...on second thoughts...perhaps a better plan was in order...

    He continued to tinker somewhat with the device, humming as he worked.
  3. Actually...Zortel didn't really rage at anything in particular in her leaving post, so I don't know why you're lumping her in with that particular group GG...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    And doesn't that make you mad? Doesn't that make you want to make a RAGEPOST ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not in the slightest, I'll be updating it every so often anyway
  5. Hey not all of us are being depressing...some of us are begining crazy ideas...they just happen to get scrolled off the front page by all the depressing stuff...
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    You know what...

    People want drama they can invite this monstrosity to a team without telling anyone else my build...other than that...no..
  7. Dr_MechanoEU

    You know what...

    Wow that got pushed off the first page pretty fast...didn't expect THAT many threads about doing a certain something to crop up.

    Anyway, yes I may have gone with nrg/elec anyway...I just wanted to get the ball rolling.

    Now on the question of power pools, 3 of the choices are really easy, Fitness, Fighting (not just for tough/weave but also boxing/kick) and Superjump (immob and KB protection and...Jump kick...hey I need attacks alright!) now the fourth becomes an interesting question.

    Do I pick Medicine for the healing, do I pick Super Speed for Hasten and...*shudders*...Flurry and Whirlwind, or do I take leadership for the defense/+dam/+tohit options...it's a curious conudrum.

    Also, other people should feel free to use this topic to announce any insane Iron Man challenges of their own they have planned, hell we could do a glorious gimp team together sometimes...just don't expect anything glorious apart from the randomness of our builds!
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    You know what...

    I'm going to do something very stupid right now...not I'm not going to drink bleach, whinge about Issue 15, or anything to do with a speech by a certain someone...no..I'm going to start my own Iron man challenge in a completely random idea for my own celebration of the 5th anniversery. City of Heroes has been here for five years, struggling against adversity of the bigger MMOs hanging over it. Therefore I need to make something that will, itself, struggle against adversity...

    I, Dr Mechano, want to know, what powersets for a brute, would be suitable for running the Power Pools only levelling challenge. Of course power pools start at level 6 SO I need to know what sets, up until level 6 offer the best goodies.

    Anyway, the rules:
    1) No MA farming or Power levelling of any kind whatsoever, if I'm going to have to level it's going to be through either solo or with teams insane enough to let me on them.

    2) I can, however, use the MA to level just no farming.

    3) I do reserve the right to drop out at any time if the situation is looking so bleak that it's unbearable but I will randomly pay whatever this alt has earned, in influence, for a level 1-10 randomly selected TO enhancement, if they end up earning 50 million through lucky drops, so be it, if they end up earning 500k, well it's still a nice suprise. I will not be allowed to keep any inf the character has when I quit the challenge.

    4) I can fund this alt using inf from another character but will not be able to trade it to any other if it's excess inf, it's going to be a struggle enough as it is without having to work up the funds.

    5) I must have atleast 1 Strikeforce badge by the time I hit level 50, hopefully I'll find equally insane people on Sals badgehunters to drag me along.

    So...those are the rules laid down, what powersets would you suggest for a Brute?

    My own idea run to Energy melee, provides good quick damage early on and Elec Armor, since it provides it's two main resist toggles early on.

    Also, going to need a name for a female character, was thinking Power Pool Gal!

    Edit: Meh decided to go with Nrg/Elec anyway...just can't wait to get started!
  9. ahem...Zortel is most definitely a SHE not a HE...
  10. You're really going to be missed Z, well I hope that Issue 16 is the one to lure you back, City of Heroes is the only current superhero MMO on the market, so I shall be here atleast until Issue 16 release.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Map editing is way harder than you might think - the current maps are not designed for it, so it'd need new maps to make it work.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Exactly. There's plenty of good reasons why it's impractical to make a map editor, so why waffle on about farming? That's just lazy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That actually is a good point, if he had said "look we know what you're after BUT the maps aren't designed to he hand edited, they're a set way, each map pre-laid out...it would take a lot of work to get them to be hand editable...more work than is worth the pay off" then I think a lot less people would have got miffed.
  12. As I said in the other thread, this does seem to be a real clash of dev opinion vs player opinion.

    The devs seem to think that revamping a zone is just a waste of time, after all they're old, they're not shiny, surely the players want shiny?!

    Meanwhile the players are going "well we don't so much as want shiny as...well...polished, Dark Astoria is a great zone but it doesn't see much use, why don't you actually revamp that and make it into an awesomesauce zone like you did with Faultline and the RWZ? Surely more zones are just going to make things worse?"

    It's like we can't quite see where they're comin from and they can't quite understand the reason for a revamp.
  13. You should have seen the amount of badgering he got for a Dark Astoria revamp.

    It was odd, Posi seems adamant that a zone revamp would be a waste of time compared to new zones, whereas almost all the players in the crowd would have rather seen Dark Astoria get a revamp...was a real clash of dev opinion vs player opinon...
  14. Your 'in response to noone in particular' would have been me asking him about Power customisation thank you RPGguy :P
  15. Well so far it's been interesting, a few things have come out of the conversation

    Two new powersets in the works.

    Rather large hint that the Reichsman is going to turn up for Issue 15.

    The coming storm isn't arriving for Issue 15, Issue 15 is STILL a filler Issue (it was whatever was ready in time for the anniversery bundled in).

    All I got out of him on Power Customisation was that it wasn't something they could do while working under Cryptic (not sure if that's a hint it's coming or not).

    He regrets the HEATs and would love to have done them differently at the time.

    The devs think Issue 13 PvP is ok, they loved it but admit it's flawed and needs more work (then the PvPers begun arguing and Positron refused to answer any more questions on PvP because he could see where it was going to lead).

    The devs are currently working on Issue 18!

    As said above, the vault has been shelved because it would have caused massively unplayable lag to live servers.

    The next booster pack is SUPERSCIENCE!
  16. I do love the way that everyone is vouching for a Dark Astoria revamp over a cool new zone...wonder if Posi is getting the hint that people do love DA
  17. Other information.

    I hinted, rather blatently at a Boomtown revamp, Positron asked me why Boomtown and not a new zone, my response was that while boomtown is underused there is quite a bit of history behind it and it's a shame to go to waste. His response was they prefer to make new zones than to revamp old ones since it takes just as much effort to revamp an old zone as it does to make a new one.
  18. I see what you're getting at Dan, I'm not going to mock you because you make a very good point it's just I really can't see why they would put all the work into the MA if they were just going to drop City of Heroes in (random timeframe chosen at random) a years time for City of Heroes 2.

    Sequals never really work in the MMO market place, often end up dividing the playerbase between 1 and 2 (as I beleive happened with Everquest 1 and 2) in order to faciliate a complete changeover they would have to not only stop supporting City of but also shut it down completely, forcing people to either run emulated version of City of heroes original or upgrade to City of Heroes 2.

    What's more likely is that they'll do a complete engine overhaul and have that slide in, effectively turning City of Heroes into city of heroes 2 without the need for shutting anything down.

    However even whether those going to be anything of substance beyond 'been here for five years, that's great, games doing great, you're all great, great things to come' in Positrons speech is still very much up in the air...please Positron, I hope so very much, so dearly, that you don't do that, that you say something big is coming and TELL US WHAT IT IS...soon doesn't cut it anymore, not with competition so close at hand...enlighten the players as to what it is you've got planned for the future, please I beg of you...
  19. The reason that most people are assuming it's for City of Heroes is because of one of the requirements being;

    An avid MMO player, specifically City of Heroes.

    Why bother saying specifically City of Heroes if it's going to be for a completely different MMO?
  20. Hmm you may be right Dan.

    A little voice in the back of my head is now going 'ok things HAVE been kind of spares with regard issues as of late for the past year...what is it that would take a year to make and would cause reduction in dev time/availablity'.

    Of course my hopeful thoughts then turn to the idea of developing a new game engine, strip out the old one, it's good but there's too much stuff bolted on to it however if this had been the case, why release the mission architect if they're going to gut the game and build from the ground up...so that's a no...

    Power customisation, technically this does require a whole new engine, however they could have been working on this in secret for the past year ever since Champions begun touting it which would cause a fall in the level of stuff available, it becomes a 'maybe' a possibility but may not be the entire reason.

    Graphical update, this seems the most likely but surely just making a new game engine would have solved the problem, though a graphical update would take a lot less work than gutting the game and starting all over, this too has become a distinct possibility if we follow the line of thinking.

    The most depressingly is 'nothing' they simply focused all their eggs in one basket in the MA, hoping that by allowing user created content it would refresh the game so extensively that any major overhaulage wouldn't be needed, I doubt this, they've seen the reaction to the MA, overall positive, quite a bit of fairly placed negative critic and a few shouts and rants to know that the MA probably isn't something they should hold up as being able to completely retain their playerbase.

    I hold out hope beyond all hope that Positron is making a big annoucement with regards either power customisation or a massive graphical update, after all it would explain why content had been sparse this last year or so.

    What I'm dreading is if he just does a speech, patting himself on the back and reassuring other people how wonderful they are and how great the game is right now and that there will be great things in the future but he won't reveal any details yet (aka the dreaded Soon).

    If he does do that speech then, for all those looking for a reason to quit, who are fed up with the game, it's pretty much game over, they're out of here and it's not going to win him any popularity contests EU side...
  21. Still any word on when the Devs are going to turn up on test or has all the hostility decided to make GR/Avatea tell them, "It's probably not worth turning up, unless you like being covered in virtual spittle of an angry mob..." as I seem to gather from the forums.
  22. Actually I read it as something different, non humanoid Player character rigs...but that's just me being pointlessly optimistic...
  23. Dr_MechanoEU

    i15 moaners.

    I agree with a note Shadowe makes in his blog.

    If Positron is going to annouce something else really major that's coming with Issue 15, they've done it the damn wrong way around...

    Let Posi do his big announcement proclaiming zone revamps/graphical update/powerset prolifirations/Powerset customisation (pick any of the following two) and then put up an article detailing what else is going to be in Issue 15, don't do the detail of 'well this stuff is in issue 15 but we can't reveal anything major otherwise it'll steal Positrons thunder when he does his speech' because, as shown, it's just hacking people off.

    I've got my fingers crossed for something major coming out of the announcement....ah..still 12 hours away though here (really, you should be doing your announcement at NOON US time, which is 8pm here, 9pm central Europe as mentioned).
  24. Well I've been having fun, taking a break from the madness now but I can understand the feelings, would have liked to have seen the Rularuu invasion (may have happened but as said, taking break)

    Still I has screenshot which I took for giggles.
  25. Actually might as well use this thread to ask since it's on topic.

    Do we know what time, roughly, the devs and your good selves will be making an appearance and where abouts, will it be Atlas or Pocket D (so those of a more villainous incline could come say hello)?