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  1. More of a post, hopefully bring in to discussion any outstanding moments you've ever had in Paper and Pencil RPGs if you do them, just got off the phone with an old friend who use to be in the local RPG group.

    Our group has agreed never to do any fantasy based P&P games because we can never seem to take it or the adventure seriously.

    Some examples as to why:

    <ul type="square">From me, as the Barbarian, first off accidently offending a local then proclaiming in a loud Brian Blessed voice, "AS THIS IS YOUR LAND...YOU MAY STRIKE THE FIRST BLOW!"

    A Jules Vern style flying airship which ended up being christened "The Maximillion Blartey (pronounced B-lar-tae)"

    The panic of seeing a crate containing yellow mould promptly being met with the throwing of a torch...which set fire to the thatched roof of said church...while on a simple mission to procure holy water.

    And I wont forget the time there was only me, one other person and the GM, the other person being a thief who forgot to buy their thieves tools which resulted in us having to break into the house by tying a rope around what was essentially a can of spam, hurling it onto the roof to hook it around the chimmney. The thief already on the roof thanks to his climbing claws being brained by said can of spam on the first try thanks to a critical miss. Both of us removing the roof tiles and then me lowering him down, mission impossible style into one of the rooms[/list]
    Whenever we seem to try a fantasy genre game...it all ends up with us taking the mickey out of the genre or have it go horribly wrong.
  2. The meeting shall be tomorrow (the day of tues or Tuesday) at 8pm UK time.

    If we can't find anybody to host with an SG base, I shall create my own and we'll host it in there if there's not more than 8 people...if there's more...I suggest an arena match in Pocket D to host it or BeyondReach's base...
  3. It should hopefully be Tuesday but I have yet to get my work rota for this week, will find out today hopefully.

    If it is Tuesday I will probably say about 8pm, as for where, I'm not sure yet, perhaps someone has a base we can use?
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Edward let out a sharp whistle...the ground shook with dull thuds as a cybernetically altered Shivan arrived in the room, the balefire in its' eyes seem to glow when looking upon the agent.

    "Steve here will provide me with back up...I do not trust you one iota..."

    Mechano followed the agent to the portal, Steve sticking very close behind.
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Edward smirked, "hmm spill what the offer is and I may consider it...considering your a representation of law and order I can definitely say I might refuse you, you know I am an engine of divine chaos...I don't like things too orderly but I'm willing to hear you out..."
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    The Doctor return to his lab and smirked when he saw the gentleman sat there.

    ""ell congradulations on finding the location of my lab, unless you have something very important to say I suggest you leave quickly and quietly before I have my family deal with you..."
  7. Well Beyond Reach is probably going to be at odds with Edward and Spruk atleast if not a few more members, Edward believes humanity can only be strengthed through chaotic moments that break them from the norm of their rat race lives and Spruk is just a plain anarchistic loving villain, I can't speak for any of the others myself.

    He can make plans of his own just don't expect Edward or Spruk to be particularly happy if he objects to their plans on the grounds that 'chaos isn't to my personal tastes' since they probably won't voice any objections to his more orderly plans, especially since they would throw the heroes off guard if something is detailed and organised compared to the more chaotic rampaging villains "I thought of it a couple of days ago, time to get it into action" sort of plans.

    There are more order based organisations available, namely the Corporation, since they're mercenaries with a very clear command structure not unlike a small private army. There's also the Court of the Blood Countess who prefer to keep things in the dark, play shadow games and otherwise keep things orderly.

    The Corporation doesn't have any problems with Ed but his way of doing things is completely opposite to their way of doing things, they're villains for hire, any job at a price.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It didn't go down too well and if I recall, it was mainly due to Pistol's arrogance. Go me!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lulz, this always happens with these BIG villain alliances. Characters decide they don't like each other and explode all over the place.

    In my opinion you need to avoid 2 things if you want to succeed with this.

    1. Avoid Arrogant Villains being overly bitchy and dominating and megalomaniacle about the actual alliance. A power-struggle (even in character) is more likely to tear a group apart when it involves good RPers, because one side will win, and the other side will get owned. So, be nice to each other. You may be villains, but you've still got a common goal that's more important than petty squabbles.

    2. Don't RP too hardcore. The reason the Secret Society of Super-Villains from Justice League Unlimited worked so well is because the WRITERS wanted it to. Even when someone tried to oppose the groups leadership, taking a pot-shot at Lex Luthor, life went on as it did before after this oh so dramatic event. IRL or in an MMO, those Villains would've torn each other a new bung-hole and thrown in the towel when they realised they didn't share the same plan, ideology or style (eg. to kill or not to kill).

    Have fun. And Pious try not to bail on the group you form, in the first month, like you did with the LoRDs. &lt;3

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmmm in answer to 1) The group wouldn't be a traditional group in the same sense as LoRDs was, there wouldn't be a power struggle because it's just a collection of like minds wanting to spread chaos and anarchy, probably swap some tech specs, make sure the dates don't clash...that sort of thing. Every villain involved is free to do as they please while the organisation provides backup for any plans. Like when Ed hired Soren and Wild Red to bust him out of jail, it was a paid job and they did it.

    Rather than the LoRDs style shadow games and taking over islands, this organisation would be very loose, everyone has their own agenda, it just helps when there's other villains to turn to, nobody is really 'in charge' (yeesh Mechano can barely organise his own sock draw, let alone get other villains to listen to him).

    I picture it more as the villains sitting down, Edward with his glasses on going, "right, we've just had the minutes from last meeting, now if you have a plan you'd like to set in motion, please mention it now, I'm sure other members might be interested in paid work or provide any technology for a sum of cash...including myself," sort of thing.
  9. When would a meeting time be convient for people?
  10. Dr_MechanoEU

    New Archetypes

    One AT I've always wanted but understand would be ruddy hard to program (I mean really hard, next to impossible infact under the current engine and would require a lot of work to get going) would be a shapeshifter that gains the powers of the mob types they defeat it would be similar pattern to an MM primary but they would lack a secondary (more on the reasons why later).

    1) Personal attack.
    1) First form slot.
    2) Second personal attack.
    6) Build Up (or Aim).
    8) Third personal attack.
    12) Second form slot.
    18) Utility power.
    26) Third form slot.
    32) Fourth form slot form clickie.

    As you defeat foes (perhaps linked to badges) each form slot can be assigned a specific mob form, the tougher the form, the more defeats required. 10 for a minion, 20 for a lt and 30 for a boss. The fourth slot would be an acception, any defeated mob can be put it that slot from minion to AVs/Heroes however it only has a 1 minute duration with a long recharge.

    Each form (except the 4th) is a mutally exclusive toggle, like Granite in stone armor, you can't run other armors while it's running, you couldn't run more than one slot at a time. Each toggle could be slotted for acc/dam/end/defense/resistance. Selecting the 'form' for each slot would be a drop down menu of the available forms, the characters model would be replaced ala the Halloween costume temp powers.

    So your first slot could be a Damned Hellion boss with access to the powers and hit points of the Damned.

    So the shapeshifter would have access Flares, Fireball, Fire breath, Scorch, Incinerate and Combustion with a mild resistance to fire, effecitively turning them into a squishy fire/fire blaster. The enhancements slotting into the toggle would affect the powers used.

    The second slot could be a Freakshow tank and decide to 3 slot it for Resistance giving them around 50% resistance to Smashing/Lethal, 60% resistance to cold but still suffer the -30% energy resistance. They would also have access to the powers. Sawblade, Tank Grenade, Cybernetic hammers, Handclap, Dull Pain and Revive.

    By now it should be obvious why it's a one power set AT, the primary powerset, with the forms, can function as both a primary AND a secondary.

    Yes I realise in order to get this I'd probably have to go create my own MMO but still it would be awesome.
  11. For me it all depends on the team, pretty much like any team task in the game.

    If there's chat, generally joking around and people are having fun, it can be great, it's relaxing and enjoyable.

    If things go pear shaped and I'm on say my Dark/Dark corruptor, it's fun keeping the not so great team alive by locking down various spawns and then mass rezzing those that have died while locking down another group.

    If the team is all serious and nobody talks apart from "Gratz" then it gets dull fast and I will find a team who is more social.
  12. Hmm

    Exploit example one:
    The Lady Grey chance of Proc used for profit: This bug allowed you one shot anything, it dealed so much damage that it would kill Hami in one go. Using said proc to repeatedly solo Hami for the Hami-Os and not reporting it would be an exploit.

    Exploit example 2:
    Geometry jiggerypokery in PvP: Somehow finding a loophole in the terrain that allowed you to attack other players while they, because of the bug in the terrain, were unable to attack you back, this one is fairly obviously an exploit.

    Non-exploit example
    The Achilles heel proc bug: The achilles heel proc was bugged so that the additional -res NOT wear off on mobs even after the source had been stopped but could also be stacked if only for a very short window. This didn't allow you to one shot anything, the debuff only lasted 20 seconds anyway and stacking it was an extremely risky business since it required the power being toggled on and off to get the most benefit, if the proc was place in multiple attacks then yeah, you're relying on several sources to stack the proc which makes it fair. There was nothing you could do with this bug that made it so extreme as to be ludicrous, at most it was double debuff for about ten seconds.

    That more to your liking Singstar?
  13. Wow...Golden Girl...making a good suggestion...

    ...tis the apocalypse surely...

    But yes GG that actually is a really smart idea, it would keep people moving about, using the AE buildings in different zones.

    Sadly as Razor says, it'll take too much time to develop now for something that probably should have been in there in the first place but I beleive the reason it was left out is because they wanted people to be able to level exclusively using the MA without even touching normal content hence why there isn't such a restriction placed upon it.

    As for what is an exploit (to keep the post on topic) it would be something, in my mind, that makes a relatively hard task completely absurdly easy. Levelling 1-50 isn't a hard task, it just takes time is all, there's no hard thing about it...hell if Turtle man (a challenge build who never visits the trainer) can level to...I think 35 was the last post on the blog...without once visiting the trainer using only brawl and both tier 1 powers...then levelling really isn't 'hard' just takes longer.

    However the old kheldian bug (that never got out of test) or the Lady Grey chance of proc that let you oneshot..well...anything...and not reporting it, using it to gain much stoof to your advantage, that would be an exploit.
  14. well yes..if you've already paid you're stuck here and can complain but for those who pay monthly...well the option is there to cancel their sub at any time and upsticks.

    To be honest Posi is just as bad at PR as Jack, he really should get War Witch to proof read his statements before he puts them out.

    The thing is...complaining about it wont do the damndest thing in reality, you can complain but they're not going to listen to you. The only way complaining will get things done is if the massive majority (and I mean 90% of the players) all complain about the same thing at the same time, otherwise it's just white noise.

    It is quite funny seeing most of the people moan at those who left recently because of the way Positron handled himself on the test server are now themselves complaining about him...

    Feel free to complain, you have every right as a paying customer to complain but don't expect anything to change because of it sadly.
  15. Ech had to turn off Atlas broadcast because of the raging debate.

    Someone keeps banging on about creating a channel to petition the devs for a farm sever (not server, sever) and lodging protest.

    Look guys, if you REALLY don't like what Positron is doing, as those before you did, take your money elsewhere.

    I don't mean this as a GTFO kind of way, I mean if you want to show your real displeasure at the way Posi is handling this and I mean if it has really, really ground your gears to the point where it makes the game unenjoyable, take your money elsewhere as a protest...that's the only kind of protest that NCsoft would understand, lodging a petition is going to amount to bupkiss in all reality and I wouldn't be surprised if they authorised the GMs to teleport the protesters into space (joke).
  16. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    2am, May the 6th

    The tv screens flickered once more, the skull within a cog logo appears on the screens. Edward appeared, grinning like a maniac as he begun to address the people of Paragon and the Rogue Isles.

    "Welcome one and all, now don't worry your pretty little heads, chaos is not going to be unleashed just yet...oh no...why should I be the only one to have fun..."

    Edward chuckled, "Consider this an offer, all scum, villains and thugs, to take the chance to join a glorious alliance and teach those villains who play shadow games and hide in the darkness, afraid that some hero will make an end of them if they discover their frail little plans, how it's REALLY done, you hear me Bathory and Pistol, you hear what I'm saying, your days of hiding are done, nobody will fear you anymore!"

    "If you are dedicated to the cause of chaos and anarchy throughout Paragon and the Rogue Isles, contact me, if you are really dedicated, I'm sure you'll find a way to find me...once we all gather together, then the fun shall truly begin...live in fear Paragon, an army of darkness shall descend upon you..."

    The TV screens flickered and returned to their regular programming.

    "It is done, let us see how many people we get..."
  17. To be honest the Stateside version of this topic has more hubbabaloo in it then the EU version...and it's twice as long, so I don't think we have to worry about them taking us less seriously going by their own postings.
  18. The part that makes me chuckle though is "we knew it was going to be exploited..."

    So you knew...yet you thought people would stick to a gentlemans agreement and NOT use it in that fashion...really...

    ...people will ALWAYS take the easiest route if it means getting a leg up and a good reward and yet by some kind of mystical virtue you thought people would stick to just making stories...at what point did you not think that farming/PLing was not going to become prelevant...at what point do you see that it would be exploited and decide to do only things like removing a couple of mobs from it and that would stem the tide?

    If you knew it was going to be exploited from the start...well...perhaps you should have waited a little while longer before releasing it to iron out the exploits you KNEW were going to happen...

    Sorry Posi but that kind of descison has come back to bite you in the behind, as I said in other topic, you blew the lid off Pandora's box and now either you simply can't close it...or you're going to need a welding tool to get it shut...
  19. To be honest GG, as mentioned, I really doubt they will take it to the OMGZORS PWND ALL FARMORS! kind of level they're talking about.

    It's going to be a slap and a "Don't do that again...OR ELSE!" in a boom Brian Blessed voice.

    They will probably hit those that hit 50 in 6 hours playtime but those that hit 50 with 20-30 hours playtime will be left untouched...since you could kind of do that before the MA.
  20. Aye that's what I've been doing to be fair but the folks who are impatient and want to buy stuff straight off the market are paying 500k for a generic IO, I could probably knock up a set IO with decent bonuses for less or just over that even if I bought all the stuff off the market at the 'want it now' price.

    Using Focused Smite as an example, keep in mind memory is kind of hazy with prices and as such are struggling to remember:
    10k for the recipe.
    100k for that one white salvage that costs a bomb..
    300k for the rare.
    50k for that other white salvage that costs a lot...
    100k for the yellow that costs a lot.

    that's only 560k + a meager crafting cost, so lets say 580k for one set IO, that's only 80k more than some of the pre-crafted generic IOs on the market.

    Yes it works out to be a tad more expensive at 2,900,000 for a complete set...but considering that 5 x generic IOs will cost you 2,500,000...that's not too shabby for nifty set bonuses.
  21. Actually, in my view, yes common salvage my be insanely priced but it's balanced out by the recipes costing a hell of a lot less than they use to and the rare salvage price bomb as well dropping from 1-2 million down to 300k was a step in the right direction, overrall outfitting a character in set IOs (apart from purples but then they should always be pricey for what they offer) has become less grindy and much more freely available, this is a very good thing.

    I like being able to outfit toons at a fractions of the cost they were prior to the MA baby boomers.

    Sadly it'll be back to grinding merits for those lucky drops that net a sky high price or exchanging them for equally pricey IO recipes.

    Edit: Though I can tell there is a problem, outfitting a character in set IOs actually costs LESS than outfitting them with generic IOs...
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I think its a brilliant idea! if people want to farm and loose the sence of achievement with a game, well its simple. Go find a different game, and let the real good players plays this game, so we can enjoy it without getting spammed with "hi u wanne farm for money/fun/what ever"..
    Some of us do enjoy playing the game and having a sence of joy getting that one single lvl in a day or seeing your character build up strength and more powers over time. Its one of the best thing they made for this game, finally they taking action to people that exploit a thing in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You got those spams ANYWAY pre-Issue 14...yeesh I think I was level 45 on my invuln/SS tanker (was level 50 long before Issue 14) for all of 5 minutes before getting several 'want to join a farm?' tells.

    ...and give it five minutes if I log into a 50, once again, pre-Issue 14, I'd get multiple tells asking if I wanted to join a farm.

    It just wasn't in broadcast was all, admittedly it also wasn't as prevelant as it was today but by god don't gloss over the fact that farming spam only turned up waaaaayyyy before Issue 14 brought it in to the real mainstream.

    Once the changes hit, well, it'll be back to god knows how many fill/bridging/farm requests in tells on a nightly basis anyway...atleast it's out of the public view ahey...
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's not an exploit!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You don't get to decide that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes I do.

    It doesnt break the EULA, Its not an exploit!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, this is awesome So much [censored] being spouted by people who have no clue

    Srsly, like the Devs are going to perma-ban someone for getting an extra level or 2

    It's far more likely they will have a "sliding scale of naughtiness" - lvl 1-50 in 4 hours on one toon, get a warning, do it again and again, you get your character locked or deleted.

    Create a mission that's all the same mob that's known for farming once, get a warning and possibly the mission arc locked, do it again and again and get them all locked

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is what I suspect will happen, they wont go to the extent Positron is making out in his 'Daddy is mad at the kids' speech, it'll mostly be a "ok you've had your fun...now behave or else, especially now you've been warned!"
  24. Personally, the whole ban thing...it sounds like a lot of bark but I do suspect no bite, it's possibly an empty threat or greatly reduced threat, though I wouldn't be surprised if that was indeed the case but...

    1) Retroactively ban peoples characters, most likely a LOT of peoples characters, causing a [censored] storm and for the whole thing to blow up in Posi's chubby little face (hey I'm a large guy myself, I'm allowed to make fat jokes)...


    2) Make the threat, follow it through on those that did 1-50 in an ungodly time, show people that you're doing it but not in an overtly harsh manner and then use it proactively after the announcement.

    Option number 2 seems like the better way to follow things...