366 -
You need to e at least level 45 to enter the Hive (the zone Hami is in).
Ok I've got my toon made and I'll level him up a bit tomorrow.
Called him Antibody.
Decided I'm not going to take Stamina and get Leadership. -
I'm confused.
I've planned my first 20 levels and have worked out I only have one attack (which is not slotted). Would it be worth getting rid of Resurect and/or Absorb Pain to mke room for another attack? -
I'm able to make an Empath to join you on Tuesday evenings. I'm probably goin to take all/most of the primary and a selection of secondary powers.
Got a few questions though:
1= How many people have got leadership/plan on taking it, and should I?
2= Fitness pool? I know we'll have RA and Transference but these come up later on in the levels.
I'll roll an empath now and post again when I've decided on a name etc.... if you'll have me. -
I think managed ok against everyone bar that ruddy hurricane from Afro
[/ QUOTE ]
Hehe.... Hurricane for the win.
I'm surprised I wasn't targeted more due to me running in to mobs of villains and knocking them back all the time. -
Lots of toing-and-froing from base to base. Great fun.
Me roo. Thought I'd bring on some Stormie mayhem.
With the SNHS, apart from the fact you need to be a Defender, there are no big entry requirements.
Though it would be nice to have them team up with a member of the SNHS first to make sure they're a decent player/teammate/nice person etc. -
I was wondering if anyone is going to organise a coalition incursion into bloody bay?
Would be fun to have several coalition teams running round bloody bay giving the villains bloody noses. -
It's bugged at te moment and you need to send a petition for it.
Can I sign up my Dominator called Winterland please?
Want to say thanks to everyone that turned up.
It was a blast.
Our team worked really well together, and it was almost and anti-climax when the AV went down in under a minute. -
Hi davidian is now lv18 an rdy 4 action will try an get as close 2 20 as poss b4 we start, an where do we go to start.
[/ QUOTE ]
Far right of the Cap Au Diablo map... right next to the Mount Diablo dot. There's a contact there stood next to a COT portal. -
So far it's:
<ul type="square">[*]Mistress 13 - lvl 20 Merc/Trap MM[*]Alathar - lvl 18+ Dark/Dark Corr[*]Undead Deluge - lvl 16+ Nec/Poison MM[*]Nevernight - lvl ? Mind/Psionic Dom[*]Darkthing - lvl 18+ Spine/Regen Stalk[*]Doc Voodoo - lvl 21 [20] Nec/Dark MM[*]Davidian - lvl 18? Fire/Fire Brute[*]Chainz - lvl ? Merc/Traps MM[*]Black Vengeance - lvl 18+ Ninja/Traps MM[/list]
As close to 20 would be best so that the SF is not too impossible. -
Obviously if more people want to turn up then we can sort out having 2 teams doing the SF.
We have 8 at the moment but feel free to post here and I'll add you to the list... we can balance the teams on the day. -
So far it's:
<ul type="square">[*]Mistress 13 - lvl 20 Merc/Trap MM[*]Alathar - lvl 18+ Dark/Dark Corr[*]Undead Deluge - lvl 16+ Nec/Poison MM[*]Nevernight - lvl ? Mind/Psionic Dom[*]Darkthing - lvl 18+ Spine/Regen Stalk[*]Doc Voodoo - lvl 21 [20] Nec/Dark MM[*]Davidian - lvl 18? Fire/Fire Brute[*]Chainz - lvl ? Merc/Traps MM[/list]
As close to 20 would be best so that the SF is not too impossible. -
I think the thing with taking on AVs is for every MM to use the 'go to' command to spread their pets out, so theres no chance of them all gettting killed by a nasty AOE attack.
So far it's:
<ul type="square">[*]Mistress 13 - lvl 20 Merc/Trap MM[*]Alathar - lvl 18+ Dark/Dark Corr[*]Undead Deluge - lvl 16+ Nec/Poison MM[*]Nevernight - lvl ? Mind/Psionic Dom[*]Darkthing - lvl 18+ Spine/Regen Stalk[*]Doc Voodoo - lvl 21 [20] Nec/Dark MM[*]Davidian - lvl 18? Fire/Fire Brute[/list]
As close to 20 would be best so that the SF is not too impossible. -
So far it's:
<ul type="square">[*]Mistress 13 - lvl 20 Merc/Trap MM[*]Alathar - lvl 18+ Dark/Dark Corr[*]Undead Deluge - lvl 16+ Zombie/? MM[*]Nevernight - lvl ? Mind/Psionic Dom[*]Darkthing - lvl 18+ Spine/Regen Stalk[/list]
As close to 20 would be best so that the SF is not too impossible. -
You need to be the correct level range or higher, and have a certain number of team members to start it.
You actually have to approach the Strike Force contact to start it... so I take it quite a few new players would have no knowledge of them) unless they were told by someone or read the help menu). -
It's 6pm.
I was trying to throw you... honest. -
If you want to meet up at the SF contact (far east of Cap Au Diablo halfway-down the map) just before 9pm and we can get teamed.
Obviously if we get quite a few people we can split into more than one team, and try and balance the teams. -
Alathar, level 18 Dark/Dark Controller.
[/ QUOTE ]
Corrupter? -
Cathedral of Pain... I hope it's the COV equivalent of the Eden Trial.