366 -
So we can use existing chars for the arena battles?
[/ QUOTE ]
If you want to... with this new xmas pressie of a free costume change you don't have to use influence changing an existing character's costume. -
are those arena matches team matches or 1 on 1? Also is it possible to use diff chars for scavenger hunt and the arena matches? (probably wanna use stage for scavenger hunt and duke for arena)
[/ QUOTE ]
It will be a mix of 1-on-1s for the higher level characters and team battles... but for most who will probably roll a new lvl 1 or 2 it will be team based (eg: santa vs. elves etc).
No problems with the changing characters between events... aslong as I know your forum name if you win. -
Thanks for all the replies.
Time I'll be on will be a bit iffy ATM: betweeen 7 and 9pm.(christmas shopping)
I think you should keep cosmic burst. that power rocks.
Why do you slot snipe for range?
[/ QUOTE ]
I slotted for range to be able to pull from a distance. Didn't really want it for damages as it is interruptable. -
Sorry I'm afraid Rocker only gets an outing for a couple of hours a week.
Donations (inf and cardigans) are much appreciated.
As you may well know I am organising the Union Xmas Bonanza (see stickied thread).
Part of the prizes are of influence.
If anyone is interested in helping me earn some more influence I'll be on as Rocker on Thursday 15th Dec 7pm.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. -
Great fun tonight (as usual)... we totally owned them.
I've tinkled around with the Villain Planner and have come up with this.
I want this character to be very team-orientated. The trouble is the lack of attacks (so I can Scourge) but i'd also like to take every single Thermal power.
Worked out with this slotting I can give shields giving 30% damage resist and my forge +156% acc and +75% damage. And my AOE will heal 21% and healother will heal 48%.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://home.comcast.net/~SherkSilver/index.html)
Level: 41
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary: Radiation Blast
Secondary: Thermal Radiation
01) --> Neutrino Bolt==> Acc(1)
01) --> Warmth==> Heal(1) Heal(3) Heal(3) EndRdx(15) Rechg(19)
02) --> Fire Shield==> EndRdx(2) EndRdx(7) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(9)
04) --> Cauterize==> Heal(4) Heal(5) Heal(5) EndRdx(19) Rechg(23)
06) --> Recall Friend==> Rechg(6)
08) --> X-Ray Beam==> Acc(8)
10) --> Plasma Shield==> EndRdx(10) EndRdx(11) DmgRes(11) DmgRes(13) DmgRes(13)
12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
14) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(14) EndRdx(15)
16) --> Power of the Phoenix==> Rechg(16) Rechg(17) Rechg(17) EndRdx(37)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
20) --> Stamina==> EndRec(20) EndRec(21) EndRec(21)
22) --> Thaw==> EndRdx(22) Rechg(23)
24) --> Cosmic Burst==> Acc(24) Dmg(25) Dmg(25) Dmg(27) DisDur(31) DisDur(31)
26) --> Proton Volley==> Acc(26) Range(27) Range(29) Range(40)
28) --> Forge==> Rechg(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(31) TH_Buf(34) TH_Buf(36) TH_Buf(40)
30) --> Aim==> Rechg(30)
32) --> Atomic Blast==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(34) Rechg(34)
35) --> Heat Exhaustion==> Acc(35) Rechg(36) Rechg(36) Rechg(37) EndRdx(37)
38) --> Melt Armor==> Acc(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) EndRdx(40)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Scourge==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
I've never played a Stalker and have though about rolling one out. Also I have no experience using Martial Arts.
Using Villain Builder I've come up with a build which is very tight so I've left off Stamina til later on...
I thought with the low end cost of my toggles I might be able to get away with it.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://home.comcast.net/~SherkSilver/index.html)
Level: 41
Archetype: Stalker
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Ninjitsu
01) --> Thunder Kick==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5)
01) --> Hide==> DefBuf(1) DefBuf(37) DefBuf(37)
02) --> Ninja Reflexes==> DefBuf(2) DefBuf(5) DefBuf(36)
04) --> Danger Sense==> DefBuf(4) DefBuf(34) DefBuf(34)
06) --> Assassin's Blow==> Acc(6) Acc(7) Dmg(7) Dmg(9) Dmg(9) Rechg(11)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8) Rechg(11) Rechg(17)
10) --> Focus Chi==> Rechg(10) Rechg(13) Rechg(15)
12) --> Placate==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(15)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Kuji-In Rin==> Rechg(16) Rechg(17) Rechg(19)
18) --> Cobra Strike==> Acc(18) Dmg(19) Dmg(21) Dmg(21)
20) --> Kuji-In Sha==> Rechg(20) Rechg(23) Rechg(23) Heal(25) Heal(25) Heal(27)
22) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(22)
24) --> Hurdle==> Jump(24)
26) --> Crane Kick==> Acc(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(31) Dmg(33)
28) --> Smoke Flash==> Acc(28) Acc(29) Rechg(29) Rechg(31) Rechg(31)
30) --> Health==> Heal(30) Heal(37) Heal(39)
32) --> Eagle's Claw==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34)
35) --> Stamina==> EndRec(35) EndRec(36) EndRec(36)
38) --> Kuji-In Retsu==> Rechg(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) DefBuf(40) DefBuf(40) DefBuf(40)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Assassination==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
--------------------------------------------- -
I have no experience with the SS side of things but I strongly suggest you take ALL the Inv powers.
What will the Scavenger hunt be exactly?
[/ QUOTE ]
Basically there will be a few named people hiding around Atlas. From the start you will be given a clue to the next character's location. On some you will also be given a task or riddle to solve to be able to get the next characters location. -
Any chance of a reindeer outfit
[/ QUOTE ]
If you can make it on the character creation screen then by all means create a reindeer. -
I'll bring some Storm to the party.
Any chance you can sticky this please Rockjaw?
Hey everyone.
Christmas is upon us and I have organised what I hope to be a fantastic winter event.
This event will take place on Thursday 29th December starting at 6pm.
Here's a breakdown of the things we have on offer during the evening =
6pm - Start (Atlas Park).
6:30pm - Costume Competition under Atlas Statue (fancy xmas dress).
7:30pm - Scavenger Hunt starting at Prometheus Park dot (on bridge).
9pm - Arena battles in Galaxy Arena (Emerald section). EG: teams of Santas taking on Helper Elves.
11-midnight - Massive dance party on top of Atlas City Hall.
Music all during the event courtesy of The Redeemed Radio: playing a selection of Rock, Pop and Xmas tunes (http://radio.theredeemed.co.uk:9452/listen.pls).
Prizes will be in the form of special Forum titles courtesy of Bridger and Rockjaw, and influence.
Hope to see you there. It'll be a blast. -
As for the level 32 power - that's Lightning Storm. It's a summon (like a pet) but is stationary and can hit multiple targets if you can get them lined up. Also good for PVP as are toggle-droppers.
Great Storm powers that are a must-have: Freezing Rain, Snow Storm and Hurricane.
Tentacles are probably better used after a Freezing Rain/Snow Storm combo (just before the rain runs out). This is because being immobilised by the Tentacles nullifies the knockdown component of the Freezing Rain. -
Same thing I'm afraid... does not affext your teammates.