8 -
Solid State Drives are definitely faster, however with gaming it is only one piece of the puzzle, if you're building a high end gaming machine I'd go for it, if not then the benefits in terms of game performance are not spectacular. It is my understanding that you'll see maybe a 4-5% decrease in loading times and maybe a 5-6% increase in frame rate. That being said, if that's worth the cost to you then go for it, otherwise I'd go with a decent speed drive like the 10,000 RPM Barracuda from Seagate.
Not much help there to be honest. According to some in the thread, specifically someone with similar power sets (Bots/Dark) they were able to get the badge/emote choices by doing exactly what I was doing... Healing and Debuffing with Secondary and Mastery sets. Odd thing was, my OTHER mastermind who GOT the badge and emote was doing pretty much nothing but standing there while his pets went nuts and had Leadership running... something is definitely off there...
Further response from Support (and I use that term loosely...) telling me that Mastermind characters will need to participate using powers other than pets in order to gain the rewards in Praetorian zone events. This is the way Development Team intended it to work and that it might be especially difficult for these characters to participate at a level necessary for a badge.
I was then recommended to take the issue to the forums.
Pretty much telling me, "Stop bothering us, it works the way it works, go whine on the forums."
This really ticks me off, I WAS using other abilities, the entire Dark Secondary and Soul Mastery... but no, apparently those don't count and if I want to participate in these zone events I have to rebuild my characters in order to meet the developers' idea of a Mastermind build? Seriously? Do you tell Tanks they can't Taunt or use their Toggles? Scrappers to not use their Claws/Broadswords/Katanas/etc.?
If I had a Mastermind on my team for ANYTHING that didn't have their minions out, they'd get booted... -
I too have recently encountered the same issue. Sent in a petition and Support replied with Masterminds will need to not use their minions during Praetorian zone events to gain maximum credit for participation.
Which was pointless, I had two masterminds in the event, one of which got both badge and emote. The one that got those options (twice, since we ran the event multiple times) pretty much did nothing but send in his pets and stand there with Leadership running.
The other mastermind that did NOT get those options (in fact, the only options he got were Dual Origin Enhancement, Information Bonus, and Medium or Large Inspiration) was in there using Darkest Night, Twilight Grasp, Tar Patch, Fearsome Stare, Petrifying Gaze, Soul Storm, and Oppressive Gloom. All in addition to his Robots and Dark Servant.
I do not take the offensive abilities on my MM's, preferring to rely on my pets for damage and selecting instead the buffing/debuffing abilities to maximize the effectiveness of both the pets and the team in general.
To make a Zone Event that negates the use of a Primary Power Set is ridiculous, and clearly the use of the Secondary Power Set was equally ineffective... -
Odd, had no issue with post-patch Trapdoor on my Ice/Rad Corruptor (the only character I had to do it on still). Did the clone kills as soon as they spawned and pounded away at him with no problems til he dropped...
Yeah, we had the same issue, ours was a mixed team of Heroes and Rogues, the Rogues got put into Mercy and the Heroes got scattered to different doors in Atlas.
Having the same issue on Guardian this evening, crashed the TF 3 times, one time when we logged back in, 2 of our team were on a separate team by themselves yet still on the TF. Everyone logged off again and logged back in and the team was reunited. Each time the TF crashed, and shards, inspirations and influence earned through the entire mission was gone.
Why not just make the Sidekick level selected at an NPC, just like the Difficulty setting? If you don't want everyone having access to PL'ing, then make the NPC accessible via a veteran's badge, like say at the 36 month mark have the NPC open up to set your SK level. That way only experienced players earn the right to PL.
Yes, I would like to change my Sidekick level to:
-1 Normal
-2 Rough
-3 Difficult
-4 Nearly Impossible
-5 Power Level
*gasp* did I seriously just suggest that "Power Level" be a choice?!?! Why yes I did.
I fail to see why there is such an outcry against this practice. Why does it matter to player A that player B power leveled? One of the more common reasons I have heard is the so-called "PL Noob". I guess my characters lack the super vision required to tell the difference between a PL'd player without a clue, and someone who is just plain STUPID. Honestly, I fear Stupidity is far more rampant than PL'ing, and a whole lot less manageable.
I pay my money too, I should be able to have the gameplay that I want just like everyone else. You're against power leveling? Fine, DON"T DO IT. Leave it to the experts... I have played many characters up on my two accounts. I have done every story arc, every mission, every TF/SF/Trial. I really don't like playing a lowbie, nor am I alone in this. The mechanic currently exists that let's me avoid this. Let me play MY game, and you can play YOUR game.
Then there are the people who say, "With this, maybe the AE missions will be more story oriented, instead of all these farm missions". Well, I briefly waded into the pool of AE missions just to see... maybe 1 in 50 was actually worth my time... maybe. Yes, I know they are "rated" to help better arcs rise to the top... but you're idea of "good" does not always coincide with mine.... obviously... In actuality, I have seen very few missions in the AE that I would consider "PL Missions", mostly what I found were... well... dull, crappy stories lacking in originality and creativity.
Oh and for those of you that say, well just raise the mob levels to 54, then you get your 5 level gap... the 5 level gap was between the players, not the players and the mobs. It was in this that maximum xp can be gained with maximum speed. Making the mobs 4 levels above the person doing the killing... excuse me, "arresting with extreme force", makes it WAY more difficult to clear a mission and significantly slows down the XP per hour... and just to clue you in, that would be the "power" part of "power leveling"....