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  1. Independence Port

    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    Jumping into the air and transforming into her jet mode she fired her afterburners and burned it into the sky.
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    The SWAT forces were still engaging Lusca and looking set to fire on the Gonarov buggy, while the Protectors were attacking the crew, their leader digging his heels in and hauling back against the Cerosian's attempts to drag him closer.
    Too little, too late. The average Cerosian's strength already outclassed just about any non-super human, even those of natural origin in 'peak physical condition', and the wielder of this whip was certainly no exception. His Kazbek only further compounded the problem, turning the gap between the Protector's strength and his own into a veritable Grand Canyon. Without direct aid, the Protector would not escape the burning whip - not before he ended up in the demon's grasp, anyway. The Defender's darkness didn't really seem to bother it. Sure, it spat a cone of soul-chilling frost in return, along with a baleful bellow, but that seemed to stem more from annoyance than deep injury.

    The Summoner didn't keep his cool quite so well unfortunately, hauled off his feet and off the wharf by the fire blast, a flailing mass of limbs as he hit the water below. He stopped again a moment later though, noting with surprise that though he was sinking, he was pretty much okay. This Kazbek armor was tough stuff. The MPDAS sensors hadn't even logged anything greater than design parameters. He began to wonder if the rumors were true.

    Back on the quay, his tailless comrade appeared to have no such trepidations. When the Scrappers closed, the armored individual merely tucked the unconscious SWAT officer under an arm and endeavored to give the first a boot to the head that would've made Chuck Norris proud, aiming directly for the Protector's opaque faceplate. Regrettably, that that didn't much motivate his spine-studded fellow to back down.

    The slash went from stem clear across to sternum, leaving a long, nasty gouge in the formerly so artfully painted composite. There didn't seem to be any blood though, and it looked to have more ticked off rather than slow down its wearer, the second slash ending in a snapped-off spine in the Esertosian's four-fingered hand rather than dragging another gash into the armor.

    Half a second later, it came for its former owner's right lung like a jet-propelled Malaysian dagger...


    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    "Your friends seem to know a lot about this place. Is it part of that union thing you mentioned?" the halfling asked, "It's all so different from where I come from - we sometimes get travellers from different planes, but I've never been to one of them. This place certainly doesn't sound like any of the ones I've heard about. Are people with magic common here?"
    Kri seemed to think on that for a few seconds before replying with, "I...think so. I don't read as fast as they do, but from what I have, I believe it is, but there are other things even more numerous. People they call 'mutants' and 'scientists', for example. And machines. Many machines."

    "They seem to do much the same things regardless of the means, though." he added with a shrug, "Hence it often looking like magic, but not being any. And no, this world doesn't even really know about us yet. I think that'll chance, however. As I know Oxa-er, Captain Kalkartova, she's going to find sitting around and watching things happen just a little irritating."

    The lizardman had spoken those last few words with a sly, toothy smirk, and looked to Ineloo with much the same now, "I think you might like to see just what I mean. Do you want to go to Ops...?"
  2. Eden
    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    "How do they work? They look much to bulky to be wands and the design would make an awful melee weapon..."
    The lavender shaman couldn't help but smile at this, giving the halfling a beastly grin, "You know, I used to think so too. Then they showed me what a 'rifle butt' is. Trust me, getting clubbed by one of these things hurts."

    "But yes, it's not the main purpose." Kri stopped trying to make himself scarce, visibly more comfortable now, and explained as well as he could, "They shoot a sort of energy bolts they call plasma. And uhm...I don't really know how. They told me it's some type of machine, but it still looks like fire magic to me. Different worlds, different ways, you know. I'm from Rulus myself. They're from...let's see..."

    He counted off on the claws of his four-fingered hands, muttering quietly, "...I think about six or seven different ones. They have this big union of rule. It's really an amazing thing, you know."

    "Oh, I'm sorry." the shaman presented his palms to her apologetically, "I always seem to forget now. I am Kri. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting...?"

    Atlas Park

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Suddenly, the stalker appeared right under the Detective, one hand gripped him by the neck, the other reached for the gremlin woman. Then they were gone.
    Back on the rooftop, the sniper could've blinked...well, if he still could've. Lack of eyelids made that just a tad too difficult. The sense was there, however, and it certainly didn't take him more than the span of another to get the news into the network. The circle-rimmed image of the familiar oscillograph indicative of audio-only exchanged snapped into his vision only instants before he fired off the report.

    "That's confirmed." returned the wavering line of the observatory, "Log shows inbound, but we've picked up no outgoing. We're checking with Sarkh, just in case. Stand by..."

    ((Gonna wait a little longer for Independence Port to see if Mechano and Omega want to post something. If that's not okay, please let me know in PM.))
  3. Eden

    "Uhm...okay then." Kri regarded the oddly quiet Ineloo with trepidation, still feeling rather embarrassed even after he'd calmed down enough to consider himself decent again. He still retrieved a leather garb that formed some mixture of belt and kilt from within his lockup, clipping the piece of attire he'd heard some call 'Valkyre style' about his waist before trying to excuse himself from the barracks, "I'll just go now..."


    Independence Port
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    The man wound the whips length around his forearm twice, as the other four members of his group started to advance steadily, before he began to try and turn the tables, instead pulling the whips owner closer
    Half a second later, the man got his wish, though probably not in the way he'd expected. Yanked forward by a sudden, tremendously forceful tug, he skipped forward like a stone on a pond, directly toward the widespread silver claws of the armored crewman's other hand, palm open and sinister-looking fingers curled forward like some sort of diabolical catcher's mitt.

    Being a member of the GONAROV's Cerosian complement, the Summoner hadn't been sure how to react to the Paragon Protector catching a whip of such otherworldly fire. Even the rapid, wordless exchange with his tailless companion awarded by his link implant couldn't bridge that delay. Once he'd been advised though, he had no reason whatsoever to remain inactive.

    And neither did the forces at his call.

    But if the Protector expected that hand to catch him, he was sorely mistaken. Oh, something was there to catch him alright, but it wasn't the hand. Its purpose was but to call that something - and it came stante pede.

    The cold, biting nimbus of Hell's very deepest reaches enveloped the man in near-simultaneity with the heavily muscled, sinewy arms of the hulking demon that had veritably coalesced into being right before him, the fiery strand that so speedily hauled pulled him toward the thing going straight through the great beast's gut, its body seeming to offer no resistance whatsoever to the burning strand.

    It did, however, offer plenty of resistance to his.

    That didn't go to say the demon intended to crush him, though. On the contrary. The Summoner's comrade had replied with something along the lines of there being no need for them to be picky with which of these humans they abducted. One was as good as another. Thus the demon's objective was merely the same as what the Cerosian's shipmate had been: to try and grab a hold...and then squeeze the air from the man's lungs.

    As to why said tailless comrade had passed this off to the demon, well that was quite simple: they still needed a one of the signal-sending communications units these guys carried. With the Cerosian's whip occupied elsewhere, his fellow crewman took a more direct approach to 'obtaining' the SWAT officer who carried one.

    A dash and a choke hold...

    Atlas Park
    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Onwards he climbed, magically hidden by night and cloaked in shadow.
    And he wasn't the only one.

    Well, he was the only one who climbed. Just not the only one slinking about by the light of the moon. That little tidbit he shared with the owner of the eyes which presently peeped past the targeting scope of a long-barreled plasma rifle from a rooftop not too far away.

    Said owner, however, had no harm in mind. His orders were merely to observe. The rifle was just a tool at hand. Its magnification was simply better than that of his cybereyes, so if he needed a close-up, the weapon could deliver vastly better results.

    Of course, that didn't go to say he wouldn't use the thing if reason emerged...
  4. She did indeed, and in more than one way - and regrettably, most of them were more advantageous to Skycracker and the subverted humans than the two armored aliens.

    First, the attack of the tentacles and vortices made it much too dangerous for the humans to execute the 'two can play at this game' idea with which the GONAROV's EWD had been about to go ahead. Experience taught that when two voices barked orders in a human's brain, said human tended to either not do much of anything or turn into a spastic ball of twitchiness. Needless to say, neither was exactly desirable if one wanted the mentioned human to live through getting jumped by a water spout and/or hugged by a giant octopus..

    Second, it gave them a compulsion to not just blast Skycracker to smithereens. After all, unlike her, they had missiles aplenty. The Decepticon's gloating had given them more than enough time for their light launchers to bring another missile load to resolution. When her foot had come up, so had the many-celled barrels of their weapons, and if the tentacle hadn't entered their field of fire, the towering mechanoid would've been contending with enough raw explosive force to cause an entire Freakshow block party to swoon in euphoric bliss right about now.

    But of course, it wasn't all bad. All one needed was a little adaptability, and then Mirel's rescue was suddenly the most welcome distraction of all.

    So they adapted.

    Both light launchers clattered to the ground mere moments into the attack, their former wielders starting toward the SWAT lineup with surprising speed, the bulky weapons currently considered inapplicable to the situation.

    The silver-clawed individual suddenly held a long whip of some baleful, unnatural flame in hand, and wasted no time snapping the practically fright-green weapon toward the closest SWAT officer home to one of the signal-sending communications units, coldly intent on snatching the human toward them and into the waiting hands of his tailless comrade.

    Meanwhile, the satellite above the southern horizon turned the attention of its antennae to the Decepticon signals. The GONAROV's EWD had been tasked. They had three potential matches almost immediately. Unfortunately, none was exact, though the Macronet signals of Eluysik VI came rather close. Still, it wasn't enough. So they began a far more intense study...
  5. Independence Port

    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    Though the sound would be carried in the wrong direction, if Oxana were to listen she would be able to hear Ineloo's response to the current situation: "Funfunfunfunfun!!!"
    The Captain did indeed, but her only visible response was the slight tilt of a foot, promoting the little flyer to launch itself forward with another burst of speed, the dark waters below swiftly dropping away to make room for the myriad of twinkling city lights that illuminated nighttime Paragon. It really was a sight to see, though Oxana couldn't help but feel a twinge of disapproval in the back of her mind.

    But, she reminded herself, foreign culture, foreign standards. Maybe the humans here saw such things as desirable. Perhaps they even found the native nature of their planet detestable and sought to completely rebuild it. She'd heard of peoples that had done so. It seemed odd to her. But at least there was still one place in the jungle of concrete and asphalt where the wilds flourished...


    Kri let out a long, drawn-out groan of relief as he slipped his clawed foot free of the armored boot, setting the protective, yet rather confining footwear firmly into its designated slot of his designated equipment locker. The lavender lizardman smiled with satisfaction at the click of the clamp, letting his emerald eyes wander about the barracks' silver-gray metal; the rough plating of the floor, the smooth tiles of the ceiling, the rows of alcoves designed to hold all manner of gear, and the little name plates above each designating to whom they'd been assigned.

    His gaze stopped at the golden letters of 'Lodný Kapitán Oxana Kalkartova'. He couldn't help but smile as he placed the last piece of his armor into its holders. A soft sigh escaped his nostrils. His thoughts wandered. He remembered the first time he'd seen her. It seemed like yesterday. It always did. The training hall they'd called it. Some kind of fighting ring. And oh, how she'd fought. How she'd pummeled down that creature whose muscled bulk had held nearly twice the volume of her well-sculpted own, her body rippling like water with every move. She hadn't even worn anything but...

    "Heh." an electronic chuckle ripped the Rulusian shaman from his daydreams, emerald pupils darting to the door in surprise as he head, "It's purple."

    "Captain!" Kri exclaimed in shock at the armored figure that stood there completely at ease, hands even behind her back, then dove behind a stocked weapon rack the moment his legs obeyed the impulse to move again. Head and shoulders poked above the neatly locked-in rifles the lavender reptilian stammered hastily, "Uh, I...pardon, Sir. I didn't, uh, I was just, uh..."

    "Oh would you relax?" Oxana interrupted him calmly, "Not like I haven't seen before."

    "This is Ineloo." she introduced the halfling while she stepped to the side of the door to make room for her. The two had boarded the cloaked troop transport almost immediately after touching down in the dense woods of former Woodvale, the Captain having wasted no time in the deresolution of the small light flyer once they'd come to ground.

    "She'd like to enter the city hero registry, but I don't believe it's safe to bring her to City Hall currently." the Captain continued to tell Kri, "She'll need a profile first."

    "You're looking for Technician Kranadin." the lizardman realized, "Who..."

    "Has his S.L.I. link off again, yes." Oxana nodded with a grumped sigh, "Do you have any idea...?"

    "Chasing a giant mushroom." the shaman was the one who nodded that time as he answered. This in turn elicited silence from the Captain, so he explained, "He and some of the others were attacked by large, walking mushrooms shortly after we made camp. The cook made the comment that mushrooms would go well with the stew, then someone shouted to get it, and then the mushrooms started running the other way, prompting some of the crew to chase after them."

    "I see." Oxana remarked dryly, having to admit such was more or less par for the course, "Looks like I'm going hunting mushrooms then. Please keep an eye on her until I return."

    Before Kri could say anything in response, the GONAROV's commanding officer had performed a curt nod to Ineloo and marched off. The lavender Rulusian blinked at the halfling. No, this wasn't awkward. Not at all...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    "Thank you for everything Synchronaut Sarkh, have fun!"
    The Cerosian cracked a smile, but didn't say anything in response. Even had he wanted, he wouldn't have gotten the chance, for Oxana leaped from the dragon's shoulder the very next second, her jump gaining Ineloo and her some decent clearance from the Synchronaut's wings before the Captain took the baton into both hands and snapped the thing apart in the middle.

    From how easily it came apart - not to mention that the bright-white endpoints of the break were perfectly flat - it was obvious this was part of its design, and if that wasn't enough of a clue, what happened next could leave no doubt about it.

    No sooner had the Esertosian officer brought the halves now in her hands apart far enough than the very same sort of light grid appeared beneath the halfling and her with the characteristic howl of turbines, rapidly resolving into a four-winged little flyer that kicked them skyward again in less than half a second.

    The night air rushed freely through the open 'cockpit', the 'seat' mounted between the long, shallow-angled wings at the vehicle's front and the short, stocky stabilizers of the V-shaped tail being little more than a sort of saddle onto which the pilot could lie down in the fashion of riding a high-performance motorcycle.

    "Still with me?" Oxana queried of Ineloo not a moment after testing the footholds that had resolved beneath her armor's soles, breaking her usual routine of flooring it immediately after engine start in favor of making sure the halfling was actually still there and holding on.

    Meanwhile, the obsidian silhouette that was Sarkh went into a nosedive, wings folded and legs laid tightly against his long body. With surprisingly little splash, the Cerosian slipped into and beneath the pitch-black waters of Independence Port.

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    ++"Backup supplied, local forces fit for purpose. Referring command protocols to vox pattern, subjects should now be compliant. Resistance, futile. Terminate, with prejudice."++
    Over on the wharf, the 'missile launcher team' showed little outward interest in their potential new assailants, and in just about in the very same manner of the Complete Monster whom some unknowing, pitiable soul with a measly little handgun had the extreme misfortune of choosing for their next victim in a dark, bleak, and perhaps even fog-filled back alley.

    Still, they weren't quite that quick. Not only was Skycracker not exactly being idle out on the water, but their light launchers hadn't brought their next batch of missiles to resolution yet either. That would take another three to four seconds. So for now, aside from the silver-clawed half of the armored duo glancing back to the march-up behind them, they didn't do anything.

    At least not physically.

    The immaterial reaction, however, was speedier than the blink of any eye, and the Protectors, SWAT officers, and even the vans and every little bit of gear they carried was all at once subject to intense scrutiny.

    Were the foreign signals floating around controlling these people? Were they even still people? Or had they never been to begin with, their nature merely one of drone order takers built to abide and obey?

    What were they? And where was that signal coming from? Steel Canyon? Kings Row? Or somewhere else entirely...?
  7. Okay, nevermind. Just found a PM from Techbot in my mailbox, and it looks like he'll be able to post this next week after all - just not as often. Carry on.
  8. M'kay then...

    As much as I'm enjoying Techbot's Transformers plot, I have to admit that the idea of putting everything on hold for a week really doesn't appeal to me. I've PM'd him, but he seems to have already left, so I figured it best to ask this here:

    I'd like to scootch time ahead (by a few hours or so, maybe even to morning) and stick my characters where they'd be at that point - in Eden, at their camp. From there, yalls can decide where your character(s) ended up, be that with mine or wherever else you see fit. The transition itself won't be detailed, as I feel it's best left ambiguous as to how the fighting characters separated so that no one feels like they 'lost' anything. Later on, we can decide if we want to go back and insert some specifics that took place during this 'blackout period' for story purposes.

    Any questions/comments/concerns/objections?
  9. Independence Port

    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    If anyone had been in the position to look, they would have seen a massive grin plastered over her face as she watched the buildings pass underneath them.
    Someone was indeed, and with what was happening below, she gradually leaned more and more toward the conclusion that more direct involvement was needed - and that it probably wouldn't be the best idea to have the halfling spear-diving into the water with Sarkh.

    "Come with me please." the Captain reached out to Ineloo, intending to grasp a hand and thus steady her while she pulled the halfling from the harness pocket, "Synchronaut Sarkh has underwater operations to conduct. We'll be getting off here."

    The Cerosian in question meanwhile reached into a pocket on his other side, gingerly pulling out a thin rod roughly the size of a police baton with a pair of claws. Once in hand, he reached over his shoulder and held the object out to Oxana.

    "Don't worry." he told the halfling with a smirk as the Captain took possession of the short staff, "The Captain is an excellent pilot. She'll take good care of you."

    He didn't elaborate on just what he meant by that, instead giving the word back to Oxana, who instructed Ineloo to stand behind her and place both arms about her waist, finishing with, "Then lock your hands together and told on tight..."

    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    She waited for just the right moment and refired the engines, catching herself from hitting the water, she may not be as aerodynamic in this form but she was still fast, skimming across the water and now aiming towards the small creatures that had tried to bombard her with mini-missiles.
    Down on the wharf, said 'small creatures' hadn't been idle either. On the contrary. When they'd seen that the EMP bursts of their missiles had no effect on Skycracker, the two had immediately reset the launchers. By now, the light weapons had already resolved a new batch of projectiles, which in turn meant they were once more fully armed and ready to fire.

    So they did.

    And as Skycracker aimed at the wharf, the wharf protested. Another missile barrage screeched through the night at the Decepticon, and this time they packed enough high-explosive yield to blow a set and cured cement truck halfway across Canada - before it had to worry about the sticky, toxic, and quite caustic elements of those missiles' detonations...
  10. At the wharf, the light buggy came to a stop at water's edge. Within, the armored crewmen awaited orders.

    In the sky, Sarkh looked on with a curious eye, for once being patient and expecting the same. Atop his shoulders, Oxana considered what those orders should be.

    The broadband pickup left no doubt about it. There was a new force on the field. The correlation of the latest arrival's appearance with the increase of activity on one of the outlier bands spoke volumes, even despite the signals themselves being either encrypted, in a foreign language, or with greater likelihood, both. It didn't really matter that they had no idea what the chatter was saying. The observable reactions to it - Quicksilver's arming up, the new arrival doing the same - told the tale plain as day.

    The new force was hostile.

    Still, standard SSR contact protocol advised patience, insight, and understanding...well, at least so long as it was reasonable. Technically, she and her crew were neither being threatened directly, nor were they in any danger from the potential repercussions of the situation. As such, if protocol was to be followed, they were to stay out of this, observe, and most importantly, not initiate a combat engagement.

    "Captain?" the Synchronaut's rumble from beneath her feet pulled the Esertosian from her thoughts, "What do we do?"

    "My friend, I'm sorry, but I can see only one option." she stated solemnly, the electronic modulation of her armor pushing a crackle into Oxana's sigh. With firm, decisive tone she stated loudly, "Screw protocol."

    Down by water's edge, the gull-wing doors of the light buggy snapped open. Four armored soles made contact with the pavement. A pair of meter-long, square-sectioned weapon barrels raised their sights into the night sky.

    Man-portable missile launchers.

    Twelve dozen micro missiles screamed their way up into the air not seconds later, each of the launchers speaking in a staggered barrage in much the same manner as the Heavy Troopers of Cole's Imperial Defense Force. Indeed, the similarities didn't end there, for just as Praetoria's one-man artillery units liked to bombard their targets with munitions befitting the nature thereof, so did these two choose a type of missile they suspected would be more effective in dealing with Skycracker.

    EMP rockets...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    "Y'ello? This thing working? Gonna have to shoot the info back this way, because laser-pointer doesn't quite hack it these days," his response came through an occasional blip of static and white noise as the line stabilised.
    The occupants of the light buggy looked to one another for a moment, the somewhat unexpected style of the response briefly throwing off their focus. It returned posthaste however, and the two fired off their own reply stante pede. Once more the laser spoke.

    First it delivered a radio frequency randomizer sequence. Then came a pulse compressor and the correspondent decompression. Finally, a multi-layered cipher topped off the communication obfuscation. if Quicksilver was the suspicious sort, said nature might've been raised at this. These people treated this place as confirmed hostile territory. They were being beyond careful to ensure no one tapped their communications.

    "Comm. check." the silver-clawed passenger then sent via radio to the Cybertronian. Once they had confirmation, he went on to query, "We've convinced the local authorities that we're on their side - for the moment. How can we help...?"
  12. Meanwhile, the chase from Kings Row to Independence Port received a new element as the light buggy gradually managed its way past the PPD vans that pursued Quicksilver and his passengers. With the overhead satellite not having picked up any means to directly contact the Cybertronian, the light vehicle's occupants, now having an intermittently clear line of sight to the 'fleeing car', went to the next logical step.

    A laser.

    Unseen and unheard, the thin beam pulsed at several spots on Quicksilver's rear, each containing the same information in the form of a short binary sequence. While none of the GONAROV's crew knew whether the mechanoid could understand such a (for them) outdated system, they very much hoped he could, and would respond with some kind of confirmation thereof.

    High above, Oxana and Sarkh waited patiently for some kind of chance, the radio transmissions that they and others picked up not painting a very rosy picture.

    "Perhaps I'd better get back to the transport." the Captain brought up for consideration, "I don't think you really need me here right now, yes...?"
  13. "You're welcome." rumbled from Sarkh's throat with a guttural chuckle as he turned his palm and laid it before the Captain to make her a platform, patches of his obsidian silhouette once more appearing in sapphire luster as he spread his wings. Then he closed his claws about Oxana and took off, quick beats of his lifting membranes winging the dragon up and away into the dark night sky with speed greater than anything of his size and mass had any right to move.

    The light buggy he'd constructed proceeded to do much the same, the other pair of GONAROV crewmen entering the vehicle through its gull wing doors quite promptly after its appearance, and the construct hummed to life without hesitation, zooming off to join the phalanx of SWAT vans. It didn't take long for it to do exactly that either, the boxy, heavy vehicles in pursuit of the much nimbler Quicksilver actually forming more of a road hazard than anything of value. Thankfully, the two were decent drivers - but the Cybertronian still outclassed them by far.

    High in the sky, Sarkh now deposited his Captain on the base of his neck, just between the shoulders. He hadn't wanted to give the humans any ideas. Now that he was out of their view however, little more than a shadow against darkness above, he felt things could be a little more casual. Oxana didn't even need to grip the collar of his utility harness, the dragon's present glide stable and more than sufficiently even.

    "This certainly became a fine mess." she grumbled a sigh, staying with English for the halfling's consideration, "Keep with them. Maybe we can get a chance to get them out of this..."
  14. "I'll take that as a yes." the Captain gave a concluding nod to the mum MacKenzie, then uncrossed her arms and turned to walk in Sarkh's direction, a snap of her fingers prompting her other crewmen to attention, the two quickly falling into line to her sides. It was all show of course, the observable signal completely redundant, but the Esertosian felt that the humans didn't need to know that. No, it was better that they felt they knew what was going on. So she kept the act up.

    "Honorable guest Synchronaut Sarkh." she addressed the dragon's obsidian silhouette with a fist on her chest and a curt, respectful bow, "We request to trouble you for transportation."

    The sapphire-scaled dragon couldn't help but smile, and only barely managed to remain quiet instead of toothily snickering. In on the charade thanks to their network, it didn't take him long to find just what was needed. The Captain's instructions were clear enough - small, fast, local in some way, but still just a tad foreign - and he'd been datagliding ever since they'd gotten here, making the decision extremely easy.

    "Of course." he rumbled with a gentle and generous tone, raising a foreleg to spread his fingers across a clear space of pavement at a few meters altitude. Not a second later, nearly all lights in the area went dark, from streetlights to headlights to flashlights, and even the flashing light bars of the gathered emergency vehicles.

    However, that didn't go to say that the street went dark. Indeed, the case was quite the contrary. Not half a block up and down, the street lamps and all else shone normally, and the stars above twinkled their light down to earth just as always. All were eclipsed however by the bright-white luminance that had appeared below the Cerosian's palm, a line of purest light flickering into existence there, upheld by nothing but thin air.

    In less than two blinks of an eye, that line became two, and those two became four, then the lines became circles, then the circles cylinders, and so on and so forth in succession more rapid than that human eye could even hope to follow, shimmering into being as ever more complex components of a spontaneously expanding wireframe that bridged its cells with dull luminescence with near-instantaneous speed.

    In under a second, it was all over - and it was just there.

    The next moment, the bright-white aura vanished from the black-paneled vehicle, leaving it little more than an outline in the darkness, and then the area's previous lighting returned with the same suddenness with which it had previously departed. Signal bars flashed, street lamps shone, and headlights, flashlights, even the little red LEDs of radio transceivers in use had all come back in the span of a snap.

    "I think you'll find this to your satisfaction." Sarkh remarked casually as he pulled his claws away and set them back on the ground, giving Oxana a nod of his head that visibly conveyed mutual respect. It was both a demonstration as well as a warning to the humans. The GONAROV's captain just hoped they'd take it.

    Meanwhile, roughly 40,000 kilometers above the southern horizon, a lonely satellite brought its lenses onto the speeding Quicksilver, then locked the Cybertronian into its sights. Now came the hard part: figuring out some way to communicate with the mechanoid without tipping off anybody else.

    Thus the satellite began to scan, first and foremost for a potential wireless signal that could be used to latch on.

    Was there any to be found...?
  15. "Yes, no, and yes, in that order." the GONAROV's captain replied coldly, "And since you seem to be hard of hearing as well, I'll go ahead and repeat myself one more time before I get angry. As I've said before, the one who did the 'blowing into red paste' has fled the scene. So have a number of those involved in the altercation. We, who are both registered heroes of this city and did not arrive here until the gunman was already dead, would like to do our duty and stop them without escalating the situation."

    "So please, do tell me." she prompted MacKenzie, with an upturned palm toward the man, "Where is the logic in your desire to detain us? Because we are witnesses? Our records are public. You know where to reach us. Or is it simply because you know you've screwed up and are too much of a prideful idiot to admit that you need our help here...?"
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    - Ability to attach the floating power trays.
    This'd be a nice QoL improvement, aye.
  17. The amber eyes of Sarkh's obsidian silhouette snapped tetchily to his foreleg when he felt something brush up against him there, and his sapphire scales bristled in tandem with the low grumble that began to well from within his frame. It vanished almost the very next instant however, the Cerosian duly recognizing the figure there.


    She was trying to find a place to hide!

    Now this made him smile. With that he could help.

    The next second, the halfling was gone.

    Well, to be more accurate, she wasn't actually gone. Just invisible. True, the magic didn't have any engineering behind it, but it was still enough to shield her from any prying eyes that relied solely on visible light. It wouldn't fool an IR scope (then again, standing next to a dragon would've made that somewhat redundant), but with both the dark of night and attention-grabbing chaos elsewhere, it was surely good enough.

    Of course, that didn't mean Sarkh was done.

    "Ineloo." his voice whispered from the halfling's shoulder, "Listen closely. In a moment, I'm going to lift my hand to scratch an itch. Use it to reach the third pocket of my utility harness and climb inside. I took the Scream out of it earlier, so it's empty right now."

    A few seconds later, the Synchronaut huffed a bored and bothered exhale, grumpily scratching his shoulder.

    "I have to agree with our guest." Oxana stated to the Sergeant and Detective in much the same manner, "Now would you prefer to draw this stupidity out further, or are we, who're registered heroes of this city, going to be able to pursue these people and bring them to the proper officials without your nonsensical meddling...?"
  18. Oxana scowled behind her faceplate. So much for that idea. Too bad, too. A few more seconds, and the EWD techs would've been ready. She quickly canceled the operation. Better to not show these people all the crooked dice the Captain of the GONAROV still had in her pockets. As usual, her orders went with minimal signal, pulse delivery, and psychotically twisted encryption, making it damn near impossible to detect, let alone intercept.

    Not that they were really needed, that was. Common sense provided plenty of guidance. The only exception was a certain Cerosian, the sapphire-scaled Sarkh feeling deeply accosted by all of this. These vile little snacks and their toys were taking his self-enforced discipline as entirely too granted. For now, his self control and good will still outweighed his annoyance with them, but if one of them so much as touched him...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MTS View Post
    The old team interface was at least decent, if not terribly flexible. The new "classic" is ugly, and the team numbering is so tiny that it's unreadable.
    My sentiments exactly.
  20. "Captain..." Sarkh's voice rumbled in a tone even deeper than usual, his growing irritation at the situation made ever more clear with his piercing amber pupils regarding the approaching humans in a most disapproving manner, "They're being disrespectful. Very disrespectful."

    Oxana merely raised a four-fingered hand. The Cerosian's use of English and particular enunciation made it obvious his words were a warning, not an actual complaint, but she nevertheless felt addressed to her responsibilities. It was time to go to work.

    "Detective." Kalkartova stepped calmly before the conversing PPD personnel, looking first to the investigator, then the enforcer, and then to both, the electronic modulation of her voice obscuring some of its intent, but not enough to mask that the person inside was also quite dissatisfied - especially not with that heavy Slavic accent, "Sergeant. The rest of you. You'll do no such thing."

    "In case you don't recognize me, I'm the Crimson Captain, founder and leader of the Red Hammer super group." she stated colloquially, "I'm sure you can guess who else is a member. As for the others, not only've they proven their heroic nature by preventing further loss of life after the incident for which you'd like to arrest them, but you might also notice that the actual perpetrator of the murder with which you accuse them has already fled the scene in plain sight of all your forces."

    "As such," Oxana stated coldly, crossing her arms, "you've no logical reason whatsoever to detain them. I suggest you not try. Not only are you going to get trouble from then, but from our lawyers as well. I don't think I need to remind you of the FBSA's particular dislike of this subject. They've not forgotten the Might for Right Act - and neither have we."

    It was all a lie, of course. But the Detective didn't know that. Neither did the Sergeant. In fact, no one but Oxana's crew and those she'd spoken to on the tram did. As far as the rest of the world - not to mention Paragon's hero registry database - was concerned, Mulligan was indeed currently talking to the head of the Red Hammer, a super group founded in the late 1960s, when a cadre of the Soviet Union's lesser-known heroes, abused by their government in a series of deadly and deforming medical experiments, had managed to flee their country and sought asylum in the U.S.

    It had been granted - and thus, much like other hero groups small in number and not much in the public eye, they'd been keeping the Land of the Free exactly that for nearly five decades now.

    On paper.

    Oxana smiled beneath her opaque visor. They may have been average fighters, but the members of her EWD team were absolutely brilliant when it came to information warfare...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Also, quick question. Obviously for plot purposes but also out of cheer curiosity - putting aside creative licence, what would normally be the legal ramifications, in the United States of America, of a civil servant (registered or otherwise) killing a murderous gunman/terrorist? ...using high-explosives to the face, or not.
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    Reminds me of some Texas sheriff I heard about whose team shot dead a 'crazed gunman'. When asked why they'd shot him 64 times he replied

    "Because that's all the ammunition we had."
    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    So despite saving the day, unauthorised use of lethal force, property damage and murder would be punishable by Law. I'll go ahead and play it along this logic.
    There we go. Sorry I wasn't able to get around to this earlier. Now then...

    In the US, the law actually varies quite a bit on that. That there 'example' from here in Texas actually comes quite close to the truth, heh. However, in Rhode Island, as in most of the northeastern states, things tend to run a little less loosely.

    If Paragon resided in our world, police there would liely behave no differently then in New York, Boston, etc, where the general motto is 'lethal force is discouraged, but if it's him or you, make it you' - i.e. a recognized law enforcement official won't be penalized for using lethal force unless the circumstances clearly didn't call for it.

    In Paragon, the Citizen Crime Fighting Act essentially deputizes any registered hero, making them a de facto law enforcement officer. As such, they're expected to obey the same rules and regulations as the PPD, and (despite the 'rivalry' that Paragon's hero groups and the PPD have going) work together in essentially the same fashion as one another.

    Unregistered heroes, i.e. vigilantes, however do not enjoy this protection, and vigilantism is just as illegal and punishable by the law in Paragon as it is in our world.

    Now, this concerns the law as written. In reality, it's not always taken so verbatim. Generally, police (especially in an area with high criminality) won't bat an eye if someone on the street starts shooting and old Mr. Johnson comes out of his house with a shotgun and blows him away. They might interview him in an effort to figure out what caused the shooter to start - as they would with any other witness to the incident - but they won't detain, let alone arrest him.
  22. Weren't there free transfer tokens passed out at some point too? Or am I remembering something else?

    Either way, I'd definitely like to be able to swap characters to other servers without paying extra, but I think if it was just plain free, it'd create such a clout of data shuffling that it becomes unmanageable on a permanent basis.

    However, maybe pass out 1 free transfer token a month? Or perhaps have 1 day a month when people can transfer for free?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    “I mean we could camp out here, but the police are here, and guys in uniform make me nervous, plus we’d all get arrested for being a nuisance or something.” She flashes a nervous smile as the police arrive.
    "As I've said, I recommend you proceed to City Hall with us." Captain Kalkartova repeated her earlier statement, looking over the round, "It would of great advantage for any and all of you who have questions or desire something of this world, including information regarding a return to your own."

    "You're of course free to decline." she added, looking to Mirel and Quicksilver a moment, just in case, then turned to Ineloo to answer the halfling, "In either case, we are leaving now. How many more of you desire to come?"

    Her word choice clearly conveyed her acknowledgment of the little rogue's confirmation, as well as prompted Sarkh to stand again, since one way or another things would likely result in him being given the task of getting them there. Moving thus closer, the storm dragon bought his head to Ineloo's side to address her queries in a more quiet tone, so as to not draw attention away from the Captain's inquiry of the gathered.

    "It's the armor." he explained, "Though be sure to not let that fool you. She's not exactly weak without it..."
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    She grinned, "Never met a lock or trap I couldn't disarm before. I'd bet there's some real nice challenges in this world!"
    Sarkh's teeth appeared in a playfully malicious grin, the Cerosian follwing the conversations closely as they progressed.

    "Maybe." he told Ineloo, though whether that answer concerned locks or what she'd asked of him earlier in the palaver was a good question. He certainly wasn't dropping any hints while he introduced himself with a somewhat more amicable (and less toothy) smile, "I am Sarkh. Synchronaut 1st Class. Well...most of the time."

    Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
    “But, while we wait for whomever the ruler of this city is to send some men to reward us for our wonderful work here, why don’t we all get to know each other better, that’s good isn’t it?”
    "Agreed." Oxana looked in Mirel's direction for a moment, then guided her steps toward the spot the woman had indicated, "However, we'd do well to choose a more appropriate location. As those who stayed with us earlier, and probably some more of you, already know, your best chance of finding the answers you want is to come to a building termed 'City Hall'. We're currently on our way there and more than willing to serve to guide."

    "First though, what's it exactly that you speak of?" the Captain wanted to know from her as she picked from the street one of Esau's guns, the slightly singed firearm having skidded to a stop here after being thrown clear of the explosion, "If you mean the projection, that was immaterial. There's nothing there for anyone to move. If you mean these..."

    She raised the artfully engraved weapon laying flat in the palm of her hand, then without warning snapped her fingers about it and crushed the thing into a mangled mess of metal.

    "Toys." the words she spoke as she listlessly let the destroyed gun fall to the asphalt held an unimpressed dryness clearly audible despite the electronic modulation of her voice, "They're not worth our attention..."