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I was thinking that we should plan a server event for the Anniverasy Celebration. Something that people could take part in just about anytime and something we haven't done in awhile.
Here's my idea:
Clean Up Perez Park Campaign
Groups of heroes moving through Perez Park taking out ne'r do wells and making it safe again.
Basically we would start it at say noon and run til a predetermined time. This would let everyone who wanted to have a chance to take part in the event.
Different players would organaize different time slots so nobody gets overloaded with details.
Maybe a costume contest for the best Perez Park Themed toon with a nifty I/O and some influence as a prize.
It would be cool if there was a new badge for "arresting" baddies in Perez but I suppose there is no time to talk to the Powers That Be about something like that.
Anyway, just a thought and if we don't wanna do that, then let's come up with something else that we could do. Best if we could spread it over a wider time frame so more people can attend the event. -
Sign Up Sheet!
1. Mariko Blackthorne - Scrapper
2. Fathom - Defender
3. Uber Golem - Tanks -
The gripping story blunders forward! We seek to complete all the task forces needed for the Task Force Commander Accolade! Continuing our Non Speed run Task Force - Freedom Phalanx Omnibus, this week we will be seeing what the heck is up with the Fifth Column's not so successful replacement in villany, The Council. How you ask? By running Citadel's Task Force!
You must be level 25 to participate and will be exampled down to 30 if you are over the mark.
Where to meet: Talos Island in front of Citadel
When: 12:00 Noon CST on April 25th, that's 1:00 PM to you guys on the East Coast!
Who: Vets, Returnees, Novitiates are all welcome.
Length: Plan on 2-3 hours
How: Sign up Below or send me a tell @mwruger or a PM
Enemies: The Council
Reward: Fun and 40 merits
Please note that this is NSTF event. That means a Non Speed run Task Force. Everybody gets a chance to read the mission notes and clues. We won't be ghosting, but stealthy characters are welcome to scout the path out.
We experience the content at a pace that allows those who have never done the Task Force to get a handle on it. This means that we will fight our way to our objectives and help anyone who needs it.
Joking and in game chat welcome (except for bad puns)
Sign Up Sheet Below:
(Ok even puns) -
Flexibilty is a must. On the NSTF Sister Psyche I ran, one of the players was getting ready to have dinner with her family so we ghosted the next to last two missions. RL is always more important.
Besides as long as everyone is enjoying themselves, there is no problem either way.
I really started the NSTF thing because my sister was just getting into the game and was on a ghosted TF and it kinda soured her on TFs because she was really just there as padding and had no idea what was happening. Some missions completed before she even really knew what was supposed to be done. She got the badge, but she didn't enjoy the TF.
That's a shame, because they really are pretty much the kind of stories you read in comics.
Ideally, they really aren't meant to be run in one sitting. The idea is that your SG or friends agree to get togther over a couple of sessions. Of, course I don't think anyone ever does that.
My first ITF, the last thing I said before we logged was "don't quit the task force and we will pick it up next week." Of course one my RL friends/players did that for no reason that he could explain. He didn't even play the toon! -
I got to do 4 of these and they were great fun.
I also like the scout but not ghost method. One of the teams I was on, we voted and stealthers won mainly because the people who would have benefited from the XP said they didn't care one way or the other.
I certainly understand why level 50's exempted down prefer ghosting (the whole time/merit calculation) and people who are short on time would also prefer it, but I don't understand why someone who is still earning XP would.
Teams of 7 or 8 are harder to set at the moment and the chance to be on a team that is going to see plenty of combat, get merits and get a badge seems like a pretty good deal to me. But if the people that would benefit from the XP won't vote for it, they doesn't seem to be much reason to argue against the ghosters.
I use this method for my NSTF events and it seems a fair compromise to me. I also tell everyone before we start exactly what the deal is so they can decide if that works for them. I would rather have a smaller team then one where people aren't having a good time or feel frustrated by the style of game play that is being pursued. -
I was having dinner with the fam and couldn't make the reshoot but it looks like a better turnout so huzzah!
We had a team of seven for Sister Psyche
1. Mariko Blackthorne
2. Fathom
3. Nurse Wellbe
4. Agent Alaster
5. Trickster
6. Mr. Ice Tank Guy
7. Frost Faerie
We fought our way through the missions until the last three, then real life intruded so we stealth the two before the final one so that everyone could finish the TF. -
I'm down with taking it again if we need to.
I do have one question though. I had a toon yesterday who was clearly based on The Shadow. So do these need to be our mains or just any character we think looks cool? -
Sorry about that I need a copy editor.
I have run Positron 3 times in the past couple of weeks so I am game to lead a team if you want me to.
Legion of Steel would be interested in taking part as well. We are a smallish group but with a complete base whose members are active in the game. (we all play just about every day for a little while at least)
I did the Sewers and Cavern and had fun on both. Eden would have been nice but no time. Maybe next time!
BTW, I usually run a NSTF (Non-Speed run Task Force) on Sundays at Noon to help new players and returning players get an idea of what they are like. Speed runs are hard on new players and often leave them wondering what the heck just happened. You can add this to your calendar if you care to. -
Sign-up Sheet
1. Mariko Charbonnet (Katana/WP)
2. Fathom (Kinetics/??)
3. Nurse Wellbe (Empath/??)
4. Agent Thunderbird (lvl 40 Electric / Electric Tank)
5. Shield Of Strength SH/SS Tank -
The harrowing tale continues! We seek to complete all the task forces needed for the Task Force Commander Accolade! Continuing our Non Speed run Task Force - Freedom Phalanx Omnibus, this week we will be seeing what the heck is up with those self ressurecting Freakshow and the dastardly Council to by running Sister Psyche's Task Force.
You must be level 20 to participate and will be exampled down to 25 if you are over the mark.
Where to meet: Indepence Port in front of Sister Psyche
When: 12:00 Noon CST on April 18th, that's 1:00 PM to you guys on the East Coast!
Who: Vets, Returnees, Novitiates are all welcome.
Length: Plan on 2-3 hours
How: Sign up Below or send me a tell @mwruger or a PM
Enemies: Freakshow & Council
Reward: Fun and 50 merits
Please note that this is NSTF event. That means a Non Speed run Task Force. Everybody gets a chance to read the mission notes and clues.
We experience the content at a pace that allows those who have never done the Task Force to get a handle on it. This means that we will fight our way to our objectives and help anyone who needs it. I will be packing extra wakies for those in need!
That way when all you speed runners need to fill out a team, you have a larger pool of people who know what needs to done.
Sign Up Sheet Below: -
I should be there for this, at least a lot of it. I really need to run Sister Synapse before Sunday!
I had a great time and I wisj I could have done all three trials. Cavern of Transcendence was really helpful since My toon just finished the hollows story arc on Monday. It was a nice capper.
Quote:Exactly. Sometimes living is harder than dying. The idea of living a lifetime filled with shattered dreams and desperate longings doomed to be unfulfilled is hard choice to make.But how much harder would it be to live in the world if it wasn't you who surrendered to save it but the person you loved. Think about it they save the world for you. How bitter sweet the life you have left would be. Would you try to make their sacrifice worth it. Would you try to make it a world worth saving they believe it was That would be very hard.
They sorta have a story like this in the game. If you read through the text for the Midnight Archivist Badge, read about the fight with Red Scare and how Numina sacrificed herself to save her love and the world.
Very effective and I bet few in the game know it. -
Lady Mariko Charbonnet just completed the Hollows story arc and is anxious to save Sam Wincott from the Igneous! Apparently, the magic in his blood calls out to them. She is a Katana/FireShield scrapper and would love to do the Cavern of Transcendence trial.
Do we meet at Atlas or in the Hollows? -
We had a full team of 8 for this Sunday's NSTF Event. Perhaps not suprisingly, the Clockwork King was indeed up to no good. Our team, Taskforce Rapid Response, mentioned to subdue him and end (temporarily I am sure) his threat to the citizens of Paragon City:
1. Mariko Charbonnet
2. Fathom
3. Uber Golem
4. Radiant Rhea
5. Arch - X (who has a pretty sweet Darth Vader homage)
6. Occulted Missle
7. Shades of Mourning
8. Mystery Person (Not thier name but I didn't jot it down. If you know who you were please let me know and I will add your name)
We had a few coordination problems with the team spliting a few times but we made it through with very few deaths (4 I think). On to Sister Psyche! -
I think the question " does killing 1 person to save a world make that a world worth saving " really comes down to a question of absolutes. In superheroic worlds, things are pretty black and white. The real world isn't so simple. Everyone wants to do the right thing. It's figuring it out that is tough.
If you knew, without doubt, that a child was going to grow up to be a Stalin or a Pol Pot, would you be justified in killing him? Any of thier victims would certainly say that you were.
It's really an unaswerable hypothetical. You could arrange the question however you like. What if it was Hitler? Seems like that might be ok. Well, what about Chamberlin or Franco? How about Ghandi or Nelson Mandella? You could always find someone who thinks blotting out someone else is a good idea.
I think a more interesting question is would you sacrifice your life or ask someone that you loved to sacrifice thier life to save a world? If they did would you want to live there? -
Thanks! I appreciate it!
I am starting my Task Force early but it is long. Can I join a little late if there is room on a team?
I would love to this but I have been invited to cook a barbeque for friend.
I have recipe for a raspberry flavored barbeque sauce that I have been working on and I am going to try it out on some shrimp skewers.
RL wins again! -
Very nice indeed. My roman character Arius The Red Handed should do an ITF together sometime!