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  1. I don't think I've ever seen that ambush before, has it always been there?
  2. If I can get a few more levels on my bane (he's 43 right now), I can provide mild healing support for whichever SF I'm needed.
  3. Smooth sailing from start to finish. That was awesome! When's the next raid, Jim?
  4. I couldn't answer the first question. I neither have nor know things no one else knows. I'm average.
  5. Heavy note: Tia is human form. Closest she can come to tanking is sporadic Light Form shifts. And no taunt.
  6. And ranged damage, something Brutes rarely get. The point of proliferation is to add something unique, and claws would definitely be that.

    I'm still trippin' over BS/ for Stalkers, though. 'Bout as stealthy as a bull elephant.
  7. I'd like to bring my 47 Peacebringer, Tia J Locke. I'd like to come as Jill, so if someone else could come as Jack, that'd be cool.
  8. Very minor, but I've noticed there's an aerial version of the backflip emote for when a character is flying/hovering. Problem is, it will only play the second time you do the emote, the first time it just plays the regular grounded backflip.

    I can only confirm this happening on male models.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    logging in to a new character and being bombarded with SG invites instantly

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In direct response to the recruiters.

    Square - That Handsome Devil
    (The song is usually on their myspace page, but beware of mature language.)

    You think you're hanging with the winners, girl, cause you never seen 'em lose. I'm sorry, dear, you're way behind on where you choose to make your line. Don't bring your circle 'round here, they're all a bunch of squares.

    Level one sewer team actually makes it all the way through the sewer to Kings' Row without anyone dying.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    You get an email from NCsoft (Paragon) inviting you to Closed Beta.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Come as You Are - Nirvana

    You screw up an emote in the middle of a huge crowd of people.
  11. Demon_Shell

    Post your GUI


    That's also the general button layout I have on all of my characters.

    Also, I love that emote, so I took the picture on the test server.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Breaking out of the Zig

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ouroborous - The Mars Volta The whole song just screams "crazy new villain ready to assault the world".

    First time into Ouroborous.
  13. Still awaiting the restoration of the Crey Reverent Hero Project map and the addition of Peacebringer and Warshade pools for custom critters before purchasing any slots.
  14. I like this topic.

    Hero Man == Damnation
    Wraith-Blade == Blade-Heart
    Blunt Bear == Broke-IN
    Silent Bunny == Unseen Hand
    (Hero) Tia J Locke == Tia J Locke (I can't think of a reason why she would choose to use an alias.)
    (Villain) Tia Locke == Tia Locke (Second Verse.)
    Darkness of the Pit == (Given that he's already from another dimension, there probably wouldn't be one.)
    Demon Shell == Devil Shell
    Project SIN == Project GOD
    Ex-Arbiter == ISOT (In Service of Tyrant)
    Refrain == Solo
    Etona == Mental Anchor
    That Handsome Devil = Godforbid (Which is just the leader of the group, but he would likely have never formed the smuggling organization in Praetorian Earth.)
    Worm Synergist = Worm Thermalist

    I could give much larger explanations for every one, but meh, how many people are even going to read this?
  15. I used a free respec on thirteen of my fourteen characters on Protector. I was actually more prepared for this Issue than any previous one.

    In general, I use a free respec every five levels (22, 27, 32, and so on) to sell all of my old enhancements, to lessen the cost of buying the next set (I level up my characters as a group). In the process, I may drop a move I rarely used and try a new one, or adjust how I slot a power or two.

    It really helps me identify exactly how I want a character to preform, while saving some cash.
  16. Thanks to the people that supplied me with EoEs. That was my first Hami raid and I had a lot of fun.
  17. Appreciate the warning.

    I'll get the rest of my characters in order.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe Ishmael and his plot to enslave the mind of citizens (and everything else mentioned in the related history plaques, including the Grimm Fairy) was added off-the-cuff, primarily to rationalize a well-known glitch in King's Row. (The civilians would follow a path that had them bunch up and go back and forth at the set of slanted bunker doors that sits near the plaque across the street from the KR tram. Clearly, someone was mind-controlling them.) That's why she isn't mentioned anywhere else; unless she's a cameo of a dev's character, she was likely made up specifically for the Pariah history plaques.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was aware of that. It also rationalizes why the Hellions and Skulls, the two of the weakest villain groups, are so thoughtless as to fight each other when there are super-powered beings breathing down their necks.

    But the general rule of lore is that there can always an answer. If there isn't one already lined up, the author can make one. It's possible that whether or not my question can be answered depends on the author of the plaque still working on CoX.
  19. I've wondered about this for a long while. When Ishmael of the Lost tried to psychically control the city, a hero known as The Grimm Fairy discovered the plot and stopped Ishmael herself. Afterward, she appealed to the Freedom Phalanx for help in rescuing some trapped citizens (and Sister Psyche discovered the amazing scope of the operation). However, she stopped Ishmael herself. This one person stopped a Lost pariah who's power was so vast that the psychic residue he left behind in Perez years ago still fuels the gang wars going on today.

    What happened to her? She obviously had to have been incredibly powerful, but there's no mention of her anywhere else in the game.