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The topics being discussed were both in-game and personal email notifications as well as in-game notices and forum posts. Not to mention the tiny notice on the launcher. I quoted two posts covering that in that particular reply of mine.
Gosh, maybe I wasn't clear enough and have encountered someone who's justifiably upset about an unclear communication.
Or maybe, as several others have have already so charitably pointed out, people are just lazy and stupid.
In no way could there be any shades of grey in the whole subject, right? -
Quote:I am actually surprized that they dont use the in game email for stuff like thisQuote:It won't stop people from deleting them unopened and still complaining they weren't told.
To this day I have yet to receive a single announcement email.
The first time the friend who got me into the gmae told me about one and I checked and realised i'd not received it I went in and checked to see if i'd missed anything regarding my email address or receiving upcoming/available announcements. Never have found a problem.
Regarding the not looking otherwise, <shrug> i'm on here daily usually and rarely miss anything that's posted. If it's right in the announcements section and I gloss over it I don't rail against the company for my idiocy, I just remind myself to keep my eyes open next time. This one was mostly my fault for missing it. I saw the title of the message, read through the bulleted section and completely glossed over the non-bold lower section detailing server transfers and name changes. The reply I got from the company did say it was on Twitter and Facebook as well but since i've never had anything to do with the former and I don't really use the account I keep on the latter, it's not a good way for me to get info. The reply also said, "but we could probably have been made more visible afterwards." Guess they realised that before the second sale's announcement as that one was bold and clear...or I was more awake or not skimming the forums at work...or being distracted by wife aggro...
Basically bad timing as well, as I was feeling crappy and annoyed and this issue provided a timely target. Not to mention the usual smug pillocks on here who have to point out how everyone but themselves are drooling idiots. -
While most days I do glance over the forums, weekends I usually skip as i'm more interested in playing the game. The thing most of us are here for.
If it was in the MOTD it didn't pop on my screen, though that certainly has been a useful tool in the past.
I don't recall EVER getting an email from CoH about anything to do with the game, despite using the same email I signed onto the game with. The friend who got me into the game still gets messages despite almost never playing anymore.
Like others the launcher blows past for me and I rarely see anything on that small box thatis briefly on the screen.
I finally caught wind of it late Sunday but was unable to do anything about it until the next day..oh wait, too late.
Luckily, now being aware of their advertising methods I was able to get the info about the second sale in time.
I emailed asking about the first sale and got the usual speedy response...yeah, about a week. Basically me telling the same line of BS the smug types here are trotting out. Honestly, I could care less about the first sale. I misread things at first and was po'd, but once I saw the second announcement I realised that that was the one I wanted. The first I may or may not have bought anything.
It definitely made me recall why I was thinking about not renewing my annual subscription last month. Not the players. Not the product. I can honestly say i've never had a decent or useful experience with anyone from the company outside of the GM's who help with in game problems. 90% of them have been pleasant and helpful. Too bad about the company otherwise. Too bad for me that I really do enjoy wasting tme here. -
Quote:Heh, my main badger is my first Praetorian!The only problem is that what you're saying is only "very likely" not "100% gauranteed".
In any event I have a Praetorian that curently has the few badges Primals can't get so I'm now "covered" regardless as far as that goes. I have no real intention of trying to get that Praetorian up to around 1,200 other badges at this point.Sitting in the low 900s right now...kinda slowed down on the badging with running three toons through the WTFs and continuing to indulge in restrined altitis.
Quote:Yeah, that truly bites...and definitely not in a good way!Sadly, a free activation weekend only help those that have an NA global to change.
Those, like me, that have no NA global to change and a pretty obvious name, risk losing the global to an active player who have had the account more than I had mine, an active player who have had the account less I had mine, an inactive player, a NA trial account owned by someone else, or a griefer who thinks that those whiney Euros should just open wide and swallow.
As a Brit I do of course endorse the term 'whiney euro!'But seriously, i've always thought it was a wee bit off the way the none NA servers appear to get treated. Of course, i have to listen to a lot of crap about how unfairly we're treated on the Eastern side with the West side being favoured. Sadly though the UK and Europe really do seem to get given the short end somewhat regularly.
Quote:As a Brit living in Canada I can sympathise with those in the UK and Europe who will actually lose their Global, but i've got little time left for the whiney types who've already been told that they'll have a free activation weekend to come on and change their NA globals.There has been a sense among EU players of being treated as less valuable customers for quite a while now. For instance, Going Rogue was only released digitally in Europe. If we wanted a box, we would have to import one from the US with an activation code that didn't work. Silly, perhaps, but there are these collectors, you know. But more importantly, there were not that many new EU players since there wasn't a box on the shelf at the stores.
All UK support, that was available at sensible hours, was killed off when NCsoft was restructured and the UK office all but closed down. Now we have to rely on overseas phone at higher rates and at silly o'clock, or about one mail cycle per day.
EU marketing is non-existent. EU shelf presence is non-existent. And so on and so on.
...yes, I think there's some form of consensus, perhaps not that "they owe us", but that we're definitely getting less for our money.
Will this be better with the server list merge? No, I don't think so, not much anyway. We will get access to more servers, that's true. There will be more official events in which we can participate.
But I really don't see how EU shelf presence or marketing will increase. On the contrary, I get a sense that marketing activities will be focused on NA now that they technically don't have to bother about Europe anymore. And we will still have to call at silly o'clock for phone support.
As for the implied extensive marketing here in North America all I can say is where? The only boxes i've ever seen on the shelves in any store have been older issues long past their best buy date. I've yet to see any advertising anywhere except through the CoH site.
I vaguely recall seeing the original box onthe shelves years ago but wasn't playing any games at the time. It wasn't until three years ago a friend got me into the game and he'd got an older copy he'd picked up out of the bargain bin.
Hell, the only time I recall ever seeing it product placed on any tv show/movie was in the background of the comic book store on The Big Bang Theory.
I never once saw GR on any shelf in any store. I ordered it off the website.
Funny thing is, every one one of the competitors have had their stuff on the shelves everytime I walk in any of the stores locally. New game or old. -
Game finally came back up...and landlord showed up to fix furnace and was here for 3 hours! :0
Rikti zone events i've found to be pretty good as well, usually 3 - 6 shards every event. Combine that with get mentoring badge time and the usual salvage/recipes and i'm surprised that there aren't even more 50's doing them than there actually are.
Quote:lol My 3 year has been inerested for some time...especially annoying are her 'helpful' keyboard slaps in the middle of a heated battle!Just wanted to let people know that at 3.51 GMT today, Pix and I had a baby boy.
Unfortunately, Pix said I wasn't allowed to get him his own CoH account from birth, so it'll be a little while before anybody meets him.
Aha, the truth is out there!I spent a LOT of time in the game during her 1st year, mostly due to being nailed to the ground with her crooked in one arm or on my shoulder sleeping while my wife napped elsewhere. These days i'm often lucky to get 5 minutes in at a time!
All that being said, congrats on the addition! -
Need this for Saphora Sure Shot, but - dammit - may be too tired after staying late at work due to upcoming move. Last time I saw it being ran on the weekend I was on another fruitless Hami-hunt!
Pencil me as tentative but definitely interested.
Too each their own. I stated back when the Party Pack was announced that i'd never be interested in it as it appeared at the time and still stand by that. I also said I knew many others who would be interested as they were into emotes and had characters those would work for.
Like I said, whatever rocks your boat, i'm not going to bash someone for wasting money on a game as i've already sunk enough into this one myself! -
Dammit, noticed I had $11 left on PayPal and in a moment of weakness - maybe I was hungry or just tired - I actually bought the damn thing! Oh well, least i've still bought that POS Party Pack!!!
Nice work, but pass for now. I rarely bother with cloaks or auras unless they fit a theme...weirdly I always do the damn missions! Hmm, hey Pavlov, I want to talk to a moment!
My one regret is being three sheets to the wind yesterday so I couldn't weigh in on this sooner [<sigh> schooner was already used!
]. This is just the kind of humour I was on the lookout for! Oh bouĂ˝, i'm still feeling kinda groggy so despite the first rate humour its time for me to cut and run.
Quote:So long as you recall that Soylent Green is people you'll be okay here...it's not like we everyone who vis...I mean we don't eat anyone. <slurp>Could be worse, coulda been Bowmanville. Even people from the 'shwa make fun of Bowmanville. Besides, Pickering is like a nice respectable gated community compared to Brampton.
Quote:Nice. I usually avoid playing around with the colours - at least of my name/info - as it is a minor irritant when i see it on somone elses toon.Suggestion: Color Code Team Member's HP bars
As of right now if you have the team-window open everybody's health is displayed.
Simply add a color-changing code to the HP bar. If somebody's mezzed, the bar turns from green to say... purple. There we go: even if you are in the simple HP bar mode, you can still see when somebody is mezzed.
Fair enough, this solution isn't really 100% proof since some anti-mez powers don't work on every mez. Dispersion Bubble, for example, won't do anything against sleep. O2 Boost won't do anything for Hold. Thaw won't help with Fear. So just because somebody is mezzed does not mean the anti-mezzer will actually able to do anything.
But that would actually be useful. -
Quote:Hell yes! I recall playing an Emp Def and having people yelling at me that they needed to un-mezzed.This feature is something we've needed since roughly April 2004 (if not before), so with all of the QOL improvements over the years, I'm a little stunned it's never made it to the implemented list. Simply phrased, some visible indication on the Team window when a teammate or pet has been inhibited by a status effect.
Since the game began, the teammate bars and pet bars have changed color to reflect current health, providing a very quick, easy-to-observe indication of when someone is badly wounded, critically wounded, healthy, etc. This quick feedback is very helpful for targeted heals. However, an equally-important bit of information is missing: whether the teammate/henchman is slept, stunned, held, confused, etc. To this day, after all this time, we're still stuck with typing "zzzz" into the chat window, or happening to notice that the guy next to you has pale while Z's floating above his head, dim rings encircling his head, or perhaps one of his two dozen buff bar icons is one that represents a mez attack.
I don't know what form it would take, exactly. I probably wouldn't change the bar color from green because that could conflict with the yellow/red health indication. Perhaps change the archetype icon to something visibly obvious or slightly animated (like the little skull that indicates a dead teammate regardless of AT). If all else fails, "target_custom_next friend mezzed," but that would be a last resort.
As the unappointed spokesman for buffers everywhere, I reiterate a polite request for a mez indicator that's long overdue.