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  1. I still have "In Memoriam" (which is being simplified because it's becoming too time-consuming the way I'd originally thought of doing it), a vid for Ms Lackey (I owe her one), and *IF* I can manage it...

    CoVIDEO HELL. (For everyone who wanted a comedy from me.)

  2. There is now water ALL OVER MY DESK from spewing it out as I started watching that.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    An amazing video, thank you. And thank you for including one of my characters in the video. I saw one of my villains Arachnos Agent in the Pocket D sequence.

    And while I can't imagine him dancing, he's always been to angry for that, maybe it is time he did. Thank you.
    I had a bunch of random people dancing in there - you were just one of the lucky ones! (With over 8000 characters available for me to use, there's no telling who was gonna show up in the crowd shots.)

  4. Before I completely forget my manners amidst all this bathos (not pathos, mind you, bathos - enough tears to fill a bathtub) - thank you all again for the kind words, the repostings and reTweetings and all. (And the defending of this video on other forums where posters were, shall we say, not so kind about their opinions of this one.)

    I'm not sorry I made you all cry, because sometimes tears are good.

    I meant what I said at the very end of the video - this one is not just for the Paragon staff, but for the player community. I'd never have been able to make the videos I did without the help I got from you guys. (And I mean 'help' in every sense of the word.)

  5. *laughing*

    Very, very cool.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    Great video. It made me shed some tears.

    I also love the Babylon 5 music.
    I made a redname cry.

    Originally Posted by Will_Stomp View Post
    Back in Sep of 08 the only MMO I had ever played was Dungeon Runners - which was kinda hilarious and very free. My better half bought me the retail disk they released that summer. It came with 6 mths of premium membership and a stupid Bling Gnome.

    But ... It also came with a trial to CoH/CoV Good Vs Evil Edition. (I should mention here that this is a house full of various geek disciplines) The capes and masks had our attention, but several accounts at $15 a month almost kept us from even installing the trial.

    Then I searched YouTube and found this: http://youtu.be/rNGcWznDr4k

    We subscribed immediately and a 6 month subscription to Dungeon Runners went unused.

    So, D_R, your videos are now emotional bookends for 4 years of great memories and fun, alternately saving or plotting against Paragon City. Thanks.
    Ah, I remember making INVASION. So many great memories from filming that. The beginning of my five-year love affair with COH machinima.

    True story - I have now participated AND FILMED over three hundred and fifty Rikti invasions. No joke. I always wanted to make my own 'film' of the first Rikti War, so I shot as much footage of the invasions as I could, learning a little more each time so I could get better footage. (Also had a full-on music video storyboarded out for it, too - even contacted the artist but because the music was created for something else, they COULDN'T license it to me.)

    Then I lost over 10GB of demofiles when my hard drive crashed (and that was my backup/data repository drive, too - never mind everything ELSE I lost). I have no footage from before Issue 13 anymore. ARGH.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I cried. Honestly.

    To quote a famous Time Lord; "I don't want to go..!"
    As it happens, I *very* nearly used a mix of Vale Decim/Vale for this, but when I listened to it with the ideas of my video going through my head, I just sat at my desk and sobbed and knew I'd never be able to finish.

    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    Your best video yet. Thank you Samuraiko, for the videos you made all these years.
    Yay, a redname noticed! (Well, I know Hit Streak did from Twitter, but no one else has noticed.)

    Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
    Yup...that is how I would put it.

    Awesome work - thank you for your top-notch work over the years.

    As an aside, I totally gasped when I saw my main character (Doomsday Chicken) dancing in the video in Pocket D. I can not thank you enough for helping preserve him like this.
    You're welcome.

    Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post

    Thank you so much for making this. It's a brilliant video, and seeing that so many of those characters were your alts makes it even more amazing. It's lovely in a very haunting way, and it captures so much of what all of us are feeling now.

    I did, however, make the mistake of watching this at work, right before my first patient. Now I'm exerting some serious willpower to keep from crying in front of my staff.

    Beautiful job. You truly do make art in all senses of the word.
    Every single one of those alts actually has a full bio - and I have at least three times as many characters who did NOT make it in here because I didn't have enough time/room/whatever.



    And again, thank you to everyone for the compliments and kind words. I'm grateful this resonates with as many people as it does.

  8. I remember while I was storyboarding this, the ending was pretty much shot-for-shot what you see here. But I kept thinking that something was missing. That 'something' was the disconnect countdown.

    Another little bit of trivia - as Jo/Anomaly winds her way through Paragon, the time codes advance one hour per zone. Beginning at six in the morning in Founders, and ending at six in the evening in Peregrine Island as the sun starts to set.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shagster View Post
    I'm literally going to be late to work because I'l have to clean myself up a bit after crying.

    Excellent job, D_R. Lovely use of the music to enhance the impact of the images.
    I didn't mean to make you late for work! I really hope you don't get in trouble because of me...

    Originally Posted by Man_From_AUNTIE View Post
    D_R you need to have a warning at the beginning to about having Kleenex on hand to watch it. I felt it was a great farewell video and made me cry from the beginning.
    I've already been accused of singlehandedly driving up the price of kleenex with this one.

    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Absolutely amazing work! Sad to say it, but it's probably your best so far, 'Ko. Too bad the situation that inspired it had to be so dire.
    I know... major bummer.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mind Phobia View Post
    ]I don't post very often, but I am a veteran of the game since open beta. I will admit that I have enjoyed all of you outstanding videos, and this one was no exception. I too found myself sniffling at it.

    We will always have our memories and thanks to you and what you have done, we can visit CoH anytime we watch one of your videos. Thank you for all of them, I am not sure I can say that enough.
    Thank you for delurking to tell me. That may be one of the nicest things someone could say about my videos. Thank you for that.

    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    Loved it. And let me echo, watch it in HD. Really beautiful

    Got to admit, though - I'd love a version with voice over for those first few shots.
    Admittedly, I'd thought about it, but I literally could not get through that scene without my voice choking up.

    Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
    You and your touching videos! I made it through all this time without sniffling and now dang it...*shakes fist*
    Damn those ninjas slicing onions!

    Also, I was pleasantly surprised to see one of my banners, thank you.
    It fit so well... I didn't want to quite get 'meta' to the point of referencing #SaveCoH itself, but that banner just seemed to WORK.

  11. FWIW, I don't know about anyone else. But even if we can't save COH, the day that NCsoft goes bankrupt, I am throwing a party.

    I'm a bad person.

  12. This has to be one of the hardest videos I've ever made. Not just in terms of scale, but because of its origin... and I cried when it was finished.

    This is not my last COH video - I still have at least two more I hope to finish before the closing of the game. But it is my 'farewell' to Paragon City, my home away from home.

    YouTube version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9IFDGRp6tk (I advise watching it in HD if your connection can handle it)

    Downloadable version: http://www.wanderingcrane.com/Videos.html (400MB download - yes, it's huge)

    (PLEASE do not hotlink to the video file itself - if you want to share it, I'd prefer you send people to the YouTube link to save my bandwidth; otherwise, send them to the Videos page)


    For those who are interested in such things...

    Jo's path (and the alts of mine she encounters): Ouroboros (Mender Anomaly) > Founders Falls (Johanna Sinclair, COUNTERMEASURES) > Pocket D (Rhiannon Vendredi, Queen of Staves, Ante Up, and Andrea Blake) > Talos Island (Takimura Mayumi) > Striga (Profiteer) > Independence Port (Psychic Hotline and Cassandra Dunstan) > Kings Row (Temp Power and Father Lucas Vienney) > Perez Park (Cluster Flux) > Steel Canyon (Sorina Tavarisch and Chastica) > Atlas Park (Rabid Spoo) > Peregrine Island. And yes, each zone actually links to the next (with the exception of Galaxy City, due to its closure).

  13. I keep coming back to the thought:

    "But I still have videos to make."

    And it breaks my heart each time.

  14. Cheers for being generous with your time and what info you were allowed to share with us.


  15. Actually, there's another tie for 'praise a dev' for me, although this is more 'praise a mod.'

    Ex Libris and Lighthouse.

    Of all the community rednames, those two knocked themselves out for me when I was making videos - and Ex got me the gig of presenting (TWICE!) at HeroCon 2008. Invitations to betas so I could film, telling everyone in the Paragon offices as soon as a vid of mine went online, they were incredibly supportive of me (and of the other videographers as well).

    Another reason I mention them is because of their experience with me as a game videographer here in COH, they got me gigs for other games as well (PAYING ones, too!). Ex was the one who got me the contract videographer job at SparkPlay for Earth Eternal, and Lighthouse got me the ongoing contract videographer gig for Spacetime Studios (Pocket Legends, Start Legends, etc).

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    For my b-day lunch, I am thinking of chili dog, meatloaf or Mongolian BBQ.

    For my b-day dinner, I am going to have sushi.
    Sushi... nom nom nom. Can I come?

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Having heard from the 'small studio' that made an offer, I rather suspect that none of the offers made were credible.

    If they were, they could step up and say who they are.

    None of this is even faintly believable. It's right up there with the $80 million Trion offer. (Hey, for all we know, that might be one of the two this idiot is 'reporting.')
    I can say that one of the studios was told, "Yes, we are happy to open negotiations regarding the matter..." (and by the Director of Corporate Communications, at that) and was then stonewalled - no responses to phone calls, emails, clarification of whether other closed negotiations were taking place - anything. The rest of the details are not mine to give, but I can say that much.

  18. Gratz on your incoming teammate, the sonic/mental blaster!

    Baby should get a little Snuggy thing that says, "Character creation completed - Let the Tutorial begin."

  19. *grins* I think Chyll has the answer to this one...

    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    So there I am in Steel Canyon when a zombie invasion springs out of no where. We stand in the zone center valiantly fighting for freedom, safety, and the right not to be gnawed on and Positron stands and watches. Not lifting a finger to help.

    Heroes call for him, beseeching the mighty warrior to lend his aid. He never did. The battle drew me near him once. I could have sworn I heard him mumbling to himself, "She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me..."

    I may have misheard him... and the fighting carried me away too quickly to be certain...
  20. *hangs her head and sighs*

    Y'know, I didn't want to make this public, but...

    It's my fault. I'm the reason that they never advertised the game. They figured, "Hey, we've got this schnook doing it for free, why should *WE* spend money?"

    Public stonings will be held on December 1st.

  21. Make it Virtue, Freedom, Union, and Justice, and you've got a deal.

    But if there's even one server available, me and my videographer will be there.

  22. Unfortunately, none that I can think of... and no, Manticore's mansion does not have windows. The only existing maps I can think of that have windows are President Marchand's Office (overlooks St. Martial, I believe, available in AE), the room where you meet Odysseus and his Warriors (I think it's him, anyway - it's a mission map that overlooks Talos), and I think the Loyalist office in Praetoria has windows.

    The only playerbase I ever saw with 'windows' was someone's orbital space station room where they did a PHENOMENAL job of making it look like windows out into space, with small, medium, and large lights as the stars. Really fantastic job.


    You MIGHT be able to cheat by demoediting... I'm not sure if there's a hospital bed/stretcher/thing that's available as an object (this might work - V_OO_Vahzilok_Operating_Table), but if you could map that in, then you could maybe use Studio B in the AE building of your choice, put the bed there, put a medical station (which DOES exist as an object in as well - V_OO_Medical_Cabinet_01), and put said character on the stretcher.

  23. Although very NSFW, I personally feel that Foamy the Squirrel gets it 100% right when it comes to bullies.

    Teachers and Bullies

  24. Believe me, this is the ONE thing I really need right now. I have a fantastic shot imagined for the end of my Farewell vid, but it is going to involve like a hundred heroes taking off in all different directions at the same time, WHILE the camera is panning around. And I am NOT hand coding that.
