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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darzer View Post
    Answer: Player.

    Sub-answer: A player who has fun whom people "ACTUALLY" like running around with because they have a attitude that no matter WTH happens in a mission or TF, they just have fun.

    ReSub-Answer: 85% of players fail that aspect of a fun player, trust me, I'm part of that and half all of you "old timers" in this game hit that, sorry to burst yur bubbles fokes. Too much time on how things SHOULD be tends to make you lose sight of the "just have fun with it" aspect. For example: L33t gamers. No names will be mentioned, just think about it for a moment.
    Whatever on the numbers, but I have to stand in the camp with Darzer... and what Stray responded also makes sense about how fun is subjective and if someone 'whines' avoidance will happen.

    In reference to snobbish behavior? Damage like WHF said.
  2. Dark_Friar

    Pocket Night

    Pockets Unite! Or is it Assemble...


    Undress! XD
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    Something I want to clarify about this statement, I'm not saying that any "perfect" players really are perfect and that they'll always be able to do better than anyone else.
    I was pretty clear on that, I just saw so many people saying that they'd always take a certain 'player' over a certain AT that I'd rather have a player that I know isn't going to freak out over one that will (And I'm guilty of this myself sometimes, freaking out over perhaps Detention Field... Not so much force bubble). It's about having a good time.

    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    Which would you prefer, a player who isn't that good but has the perfect toon to fit the team synergy, or the player who you know is a good player, but has nothing to bring to the table that promotes team synergy? I know there will be outliers (with MoSTF runs, you do need to specialize at least a little to ensure a smooth run for example) but just speaking generally.
    I'm always willing to give the player who has perfect AT build a chance. But it's never a question of am I going to ask that person first. I'm going to talk to my globals, then people on my globals that I know, then once I've filled most of the team, then and only then will I perhaps look for people I don't know.

    So Player First.

    However if someone else joins the team and suggests someone to join it as well and they have what I would prefer/want I will generally take them sight unseen. You meet new people that way or end up running with people you've known about but haven't teamed with before.

    To put it more succinctly, I'd rather have a Fun Player looking to have a Good Time, than a Well-Known Player looking to do everything Perfect, but I'll take Unknown to Me Players on occasion to meet New Ones.

    Edit: One last note, I've also seen that sometimes it takes a mish or two for people to synergize with a pre-existing team makeup. The ones who don't hang around long enough for that synergy to happen generally bother me because they've already made their mind up before the team has had a chance to work.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    If you're not entirely sure you're a good player, you probably are. I've found 99% of the time the more convinced someone is that they are a good player and could not possibly get any better the worse they are >.>
    This is one of those things that must be /signed and QFT
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    If I am not working on something new during this time.. I might have to get out my beloved Speedo wearing LifeGuard. He is pure sexy but a bit burnt.
    I shouldn't bring friar out in a raid-kini... he's pasty ... >_>
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    That, and what evil person in their right mind would do evil things in broad daylight? Silly peoples.
    The ones who want to get away with it. In fact, it's almost good practice to do it outside the police station.
  7. Personally, I'd rather play with people I know and like than 'perfect' players even. Because if everything doesn't go okay and I'm with those people, the ones I know and like, it's not a catastrophe.

    And while good players may know what to expect from certain ATs some of them can't play those ATs for ****. It may not be from a lack of trying but from a lack of patience for the AT.

    However it comes down to the player ultimately. When running say a MoSTF, the players you invite are more than likely to have the ATs necessary to get it handled. You don't have to be a perfect player, just one willing to work with teams. If you're not willing to work with the team you join, you may as well not be there.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I don't consider the asmodians to be evil. They just got the shorter end of the straw. >.>
    Why does everyone assume the darkside must be evil?

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    I had someone stop me and tell me my guides are unfunny and suck, does that count?
    Only if it was the person who said it on the boards XD
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    well if you think about it.. the arrogant self-centric kind are the elyos.. and those thinking about the greater good of their kind are the Asmodian just because one looks angelish while the other looks more devielish doesn't mean their nature follows
    Don't listen to him. We have cookies. XD
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    With the +5 powers when exemping, some of the best exp in the game would be in the sewers. get a team of 7 all exemped down and 1 low lvl to lead, and bam, the sewers are a breeze with extra powers and you get awesome xp's

    Yeah the more and more we play with the system the more and more I find I like about it. Plus seeing as I'm trying to get day jobs badges on my badger, I'm constantly playing other toons and they are constantly getting patrol xp. Together it all makes sense.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
    First was when i was holding a cc i got a tell from guy saying he wanted to see me in person anther time was today when someone came to RV to see my custome hehe thats it really
    I get whatcha mean. It's a cool feeling, isn't it?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wyattearp View Post
    Actually I am now on the Israphel server but Elyos, a quick decision I made before the game goes fully live on tuesday. My characters are Kaiba (Mage-Spiritmaster and Prizma Scout-Ranger).

    BOO! Join the darkside XD
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    damn have you guys seen the new website?

    If you log in the forum and click your login name you have access to all your character info ( gears, level, money, abys point, you can even read un-read mail.. etc)

    CoX really need something like this...

    Edit: you can access it from the main page also by clicking on "Live Status"

    I cannot get into my plaync account to give myself the bonus items!!!
    -keeps trying-
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wyattearp View Post
    I will be on the Lumiel server, already made my two characters yesterday.
    I heard that server is going to be the equiv of Virtue... The RP server. XD
  16. here let me fix that for you...

    Originally Posted by Saiko_Yuki View Post
    we're alone in the dark together...Im fine with that...sexytime
    That's much much better.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ltn. Frost View Post
    Israphel was open this morning for Asmodian, so I was able to squeeze one in.
    YAY! Now if we can put together some more flying acrobatics and such... Bwahaha
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Swupea View Post
    We created Asmodians on Israphel and Elyos on Ariel...What server were you guys on!?!?! and why didn't you tell me *sniff* I feel left out Yuki and Friar :-p LOL.
    We didn't start playing till the Saturday before the Open Beta closed. Seriously we were on for all of maybe 48 hours. XD

    Originally Posted by Swupea View Post
    But yeah on all seriousness the 3 of us chose toons on those sides on those servers. Ohhhh Shinobi! come join me Ang will not be, sorry to disappoint any of you :P
    Why no Ang? I just gotta deal with Sw***? XD

    Originally Posted by Swupea View Post
    I think that if we come to your legion on this side...you come to the one Frost will be making on Ariel server for the Elyos side!

    I'm game. We hadn't decided a server for Elyos yet and I did sort of want a West coast server for something seeing as Israphel is East.

    Good to have you along for the ride Swup
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilentSpy View Post
    Slider bars?
    Under options you have the ability to auto accept sk's or exemps from 1-50. It's a slider bar. Go check it out. First two options under General. Team Options.
  20. Dark_Friar

    Hero Con '09

    Originally Posted by iltat View Post
    i heard only the nerds post on the forums.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    by that list DF... he should still be able to create asmodian on Israphel.

    It took me an hour before I could do it myself so keep trying and you just might be able to
    The list keeps changing, so Frost keep at it. When I originally posted it said Elyos only but Ariel was completely open. Now Ariel is locked in one state I forget.

    Just keep at it, and you'll get your toons in
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ltn. Frost View Post
    Take a look at a few youtube videos on Aion. If you like the look of it, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy playing it.

    Back to the original topic:
    I tried creating an Asmodian on Israphel earlier, but during caracter creation it forced disconnected me. Now, I can log in...select Israphel and it tells me that I cannot create an Asmodian there. Pretty pissed off right now. Sent support and email to get that server cleared of whatever is preventing me to make the race I want.
    This doesn't bode well for you

  23. Dark_Friar

    Hero Con '09

    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    So it looks as though we might have 10-12 of champions own attending huh?
    Those are just the vocal ones. They probably will have more than that attending in all honesty. Not all of us live on the forums. You should know that, Bud.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ltn. Frost View Post
    Take a look at a few youtube videos on Aion. If you like the look of it, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy playing it.

    Back to the original topic:
    I tried creating an Asmodian on Israphel earlier, but during caracter creation it forced disconnected me. Now, I can log in...select Israphel and it tells me that I cannot create an Asmodian there. Pretty pissed off right now. Sent support and email to get that server cleared of whatever is preventing me to make the race I want.
    We'll be waiting for ya, Frost.

    It's better than GW in my opinion. Much better. But then it's supposed to be.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    damn.. can't create asmodian on Israphel gonna keep trying

    Edit: finally got my names : Joahuao ( warrior) and Abigail (assassin)

    Name sharing?

    I got Naamah - Mage
    and Sekhmet - Scout