35 -
Samuriko Making a Video is always the best treat, but I am sure the Devs have something planned, I mean they went big for 5 why not for 6, not many MMOs can claim they have held a nice player base for 6 years and still have room for more people with a huge interest in their next big expansion (Only one I can think of that ever made much publicity about that kinda stuff and I wont mention that name!)
Although I can imagine 6 years not being as big as 5 I still would think something will happen.
Edit: Even being on your friends list I can never spell your name right Samuraiko, Maybe I should just call ya DR. -
I could care less for the Rep system myself, though I am sure I got Half a Dozen -rep for my post backing up Manga with her Win7 isn't ready for CoH post, but then again I havnt checked and could care less. BTW I am very Happy with the Actual Windows 7 Compared to RC and Beta and how it works with CoH, very happy indead! LoLz
Sorry Maybe I shoulda Stated that NCSoft has the most Popular Super Hero MMO at the moment, thought with the way some people act I wonder how it survives....
(Dreams of what happened with SWG) Ohh Yeah now I know how it survives, we like our Devs though we don't tell them that all the time. -
Has anyone ever noticed that the last few issues of the game including this one were to fix Players issues with what was done to the game during the Cryptic Studios run of the game under Jack, so maybe CoH2 would be what Positron and Castle had wanted the game to be when they were thinking of the old Champions pen and paper game?
I mean that could be the whole thing, Lets get a fresh start away from the mess that was made when someone didn't want to listen to the players as much but just meet deadlines and push out stuff that is only what the Lead Designer wants at that time.
But then again CoH2 is just a speculation of someone at NCSoft throwing a quick register on the Sequal name to one of their most Popular MMOs -
2) "It doesn't work for me, ergo it's not ready" is a logical fallacy. And one that's been quickly disproven several times over this thread, and in the number of other Win7 support threads here on the forums. Now, you're finally coming around on this one. You said in your last post that "My point is, based on my experience I wouldn't recommend it." That's great, but that wasn't your point in your earlier posts. You said "It looks like Windows 7 is not yet ready for CoH", "The point, though, is that if I managed to have problems with a by-the-book install (thankfully I was able to *play* CoH at least) on a computer designed to run Vista, there will be a hundred times as many at the Windows 7 launch", "I didn't say "don't use Windows 7", just that it's not ready yet.", etc.
It's fine that you're now going to be basing recommendations off of your experience. You do need to remember, though, that other people's experiences do not mirror yours.
Actaully whats kinda funny is that CoH isn't really ready for Windows 7 Because of push back dates on release, even though they may be passing out RC's with computers now at some places. NcSoft and other people are working to make support availible to Win7 Users, but ya gotta thing the Actual Release date isn't for a while so they are still taking their time fixing current issues with the Major OS's that are covering the Market.
I'm sure though everyone is prepairing for Win7 to completely Take Vista off the Market (Since most people including myself got free upgrade from Vista to Win7 with new Computer purchase) So Everyone will come along eventually.
And right now, I am agreeing with the fact that Maybe Manga (DON'T HURT ME) shoulda called this Post Win7 Not ready For the Avg Gamer, Or something close to that, only because of certain issues people are having that are having to be explained by others. It was the same with Windows Vista though, Remember that annoying bug with CoH that had no mouse on Vista. That was great! Anyway they fixed it after what a week. We just have to wait for that.
So if you don't care for the tinkering and some of the delays, WIN7 Rules. Otherwise till March stick with Vista and XP, they work just fine.
DarkFaith Quote: And as for it not working for the Average Joe...well, no OS is ever going to work perfectly for every person and every setup, but that's why the various driver manufacturers and Microsoft provide support. Yes, I know you've been talking to a GM, but the GMs really don't have all the knowledge they need to make that kind of call...Windows 7 is not officially supported by the Dev team because it's not released yet, and even then it may be a while before the GMs are given the training they need about it. Vista wasn't supported for a very long time after release, but that doesn't mean it won't work.
Uhm if you payed attention I did say something about them Mentioning to me that they didn't support the OS yet because it keeps Changing. Which is also why Average Joe (Gamer W/e) should prolly stick with Vista cause it is easier until they Build the Support. WHICH will be soon. Sorry just had to add that. -
I know the Final Version Of Win7 is released, in a way, but people are still downloading the Beta Version not the Full Release. And the Drivers are still due to change. They always will be. And CoH isn't going to Compensate for those slight changes because they are almost weekly (Or were they slowed way down the last month)
The Nvidia Driver, newest, is unstable so they suggest to use the vista driver. So yeah I agree with the Fact some arnt having any trouble with the standard Win7 Drivers (I havnt had many) but My Suggestion was that if you really wanted to run the game and were having problem Download the Vista ones they are stable!
And on with this point, I love Win7 it's the best thing since Styrofoam Packing Peanuts, but the more direct point Manga was trying to point out is the OS isn't really ready for most people who DON'T wanna try to figure out why something isn't working.
And if this doesn't get across to you guys who just wanna flame on someone fine, Direct it at me all you want. I'm already telling you I love the OS, I upgraded my Laptop and Desktop with the Dev Build of it, plus My new Computer will have Ultimate. So I agree it's an awsome system, just not ready for some People which is what Manga was trying to say! -
Quote:The Vista Final Version of the Nvidia drivers is the most current one that CoH Allows at the moment. The Beta Win7 and Final Build ones have not been added to the list of drivers supported by CoH because of the fact Win7 is still in Beta Phase to October and may not release till March.You mentioned you were using some of the 185.XX set drivers? If I remember correctly that set of drivers was having problems interacting with City on certain setups, as are the 190.XX drivers. I've got a 9800 GTX+ myself, and I've been running the 181.71 drivers without so much as a hiccup myself, and I've been running Win 7 since the beta opened in January. With the nVidia cards you some times have to go back a few versions to find a stable version that works with City.
And if you don't believe me as a Red Name, I have been talking to a GM on the Support Pages since Win7 beta came out. Been watching these issues. CoH just hasnt upgraded to Support the Drivers because of all the changed that Microsoft keeps making. So Downgrading any driver that doesn't work on CoH to the Vista Final Driver works great. -
Quote:Yeah Manga has a heck of a system. It's all just Issues between Win7 and Manga's Computer along with the game. Since the Drivers that come with Win7 are all beta it makes it hard to run the indvidual things correctly so until Final Release there are going to be issues.Buy a new PC? Hardly. That's a beefy motherboard, and despite someone labelling you a Mac-only person, you clearly know your stuff.
It's rather odd that CoH doesn't work for you on Win 7. I'm sure we could fix it, but you aren't likely to reinstall it until it's done and done. We will see how things are then. -
I'm not even gunna read the Post. I'm already talking to Manga in Game. Heres the Skinny...
Windows 7 isn't ready for the Big Time game because of Drivers, only Cause the BIG TIME MMOs have not updated to the Beta Drivers and wont. So the problem is you have to downgrade the drivers to the more stable Vista Final Build Drivers. Which is an issue for some untech Savie Player. Your average player just thinks they can install the game and go. What no one seems to understand that even if you tell someone to Download a driver, WIN7 Auto Downloads the Newest driver!
So no Win7 is not ready for the Average Gamer and the Average gamer should stick With XP and Vista until the official Release of Win7 when the Big Game CO's will upgrade to the Final Drivers!. So Manga is right and wrong at the same time. It's not any individual Programs fault, just the fact no one can get through their head that Just telling someone to download a driver isn't going to work in this situation.
End Case, Win7 is an Awsome OS, just not ready for the Average Joe because of these little issues. So Tech people have fun with it. Average Joe, please stick with Vista for a bit longer, or go to XP (I HATE VISTA!) -
Name: Zodiac Hell
Currently Recruiting: We are looking for People who Wanna play villians. We have lots of room, Full running base, and our Leadership Staff is always on in some way.
RP Level: RP-friendly, or Non-Rp up to you. Your Leaders are a Rogue Longbow, an Arachnos Soldier, and an Ex Hero.
Theme/Concept: Not really much of a theme. Our Ranks are themed as Zodiac Symbols but other then that we are just a bunch thrown together just like the rest of the Rogue Isles.
Activity: Your Leader are all West Coasters but we tend to have a late night kinda stay so we tend to be on from 12pm pst to maybe 1am or later. Depending on whats going on.
Requirements for Membership: I would like it if you were able to stay fresh and not hit 100Day Log Off marks. I start Checking people at 50 But I'm not to picky.
Leadership: Rogue Longbow Brute, Akito, Lirim
In-Game Contact(s): @roguelongbowbrute, @toxicspirit, @deadpatch
Out-of-Game Contact(s): If you wish to contact me out of game you can reach me at Indyskeep@yahoo.com!
URL: Not Currently Availible!
Other Details: We are striving to be a family friendly group both on hero and villian side. We don't PvP much but you can catch me running around RV every now and then. We also want people who can handle a Joke, some people take stuff WAY to Serious and that can give us a few problems. But other then that I am VERY VERY Leniant in about every way.