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  1. DarkLilac

    Mistress Jade

    That looks fantastic! Both of the Jade pieces came out really nice
  2. DarkLilac

    Vectorman WIP!

    Love the drawing, turned out awesome!
  3. Love version 2.0, that looks terrific!
  4. DarkLilac

    Over Speed

    Very nice. Smoooooooth coloring! Everything you test out turns up looking great. Really.
  5. Must...carry...portable...device...for Kiriban surveillance!

    Nice catch, congrats to the winner!
  6. DarkLilac


    Getting kinky in here...

    *waves hello*
  7. Congrats Darque, I bet this will be awesome!
  8. DarkLilac

    Kellina Darke

    Ooooooh, I love it! Thank you so much A bright spot on an otherwise dull day!
  9. Wow, that's really nice! I agree with Turbo, that is a beautiful face
  10. DarkLilac

    Gigasmash WIP

    Wow, that looks great so far!
  11. DarkLilac

    Gigasmash WIP

    For some reason I feel like I should have had the foresight to have screen shots for you, all things being considered...

    Thanks for coming to the rescue Teldon. This is so going to rock! I can't wait.
  12. Normally I don't dress up any characters for Halloween...bad enough some of the Paragon citizens think they are dressed for Halloween every day of the year

    But last year for the Halloween party on Test I did have a theme for Kandie Kane. The beloved candy corn

    She got kudo's from Arctic Sun and I'll probably repeat it this year.

    Cool costumes from everyone so far though
  13. That's looking beautiful so far. Love the design work on her top!
  14. DarkLilac

    Sketch Week!

    Always liked the portraits in the background. That's really looking great so far!
  15. Hope you have a nice evening, Happy Birthday!
  16. DarkLilac

    Sketch Week!

    I love the sketch, I say go go go! And if you want to toss in a unicorn, well, that's ok too. If you want to make unicorn thugs, go for it....hehe

    The stars above know my brain is malfunctioning this evening, heh.

    I do know this, that red on the color test is spot on! I likes it alot
  17. Meh, sounds like they just don't appreciate your art so maybe they don't deserve to look at it! People are weird as we all know...keep doing what you're doing. You'll shake it off in no time.
  18. He has some really nice pencil work, lots of details. Should look awesome when finished and it's looking very cool so far!
  19. I didn't know who 5 or 6 of them were but it's great group shot. Super!