Mistress Jade




Sorry it took so long, had to pick up the son from college, he was missing the folks, and then he dragged us to Best Buy... okay well it didn't take much persuading. Anyway, started at 8, and 4 hrs later... Tada!

Hope you like her LJ...

Basic concept is your mailman assassin:

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"

the other LJ



Hot DAMN I love it. I would have waited years for it. Thank you a ton both peices are more then I could have imagined.

I'll have to come up with diffrent toons for any others I get you to do. Each one is topped by the next. I love all the work you've done for me.

Thanks Muchly,

One of the LJ's (now I'm confused...)

Jade Pictures


Lady-Jade's Power Suggestion Thread




That looks fantastic! Both of the Jade pieces came out really nice



Booyah! Another winner!



Excellent work! Congrats LJ on getting an LJ work of art! LJ^2 rules!



*Strums fingers on desk waiting for DA to load*

*Looks at watch*


*Page Loads*

Hot ziggy! That looks great LJ!




Wow! that looks really nice. The face backdrop adds a lot to the image and the skin tone is just dead on. Wow!

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Nice, the head in the background is placed in a fashion that isn't really distraction, which is rare sadly, and she has that set of hawt.. um.. rifles.. yes. Damn nice work with the art and colouration

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Wow! that looks really nice. The face backdrop adds a lot to the image and the skin tone is just dead on. Wow!

[/ QUOTE ]

Extra points if you can guess which actress I used for the facial reference... here's a clue, she named her son after fruit.




Gwyneth Paltrow? I can see it.



Ding! We have a winner! Yeah I was originally going to use her, but I needed someone facing that direction, and her link popped up in my search, so I went for it. A good reference makes a big difference...