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  1. It's looking really great! I love the shading you've got started!
  2. Dandy1

    So uhh

    Always so helpful, Moggie!
  3. Dandy1


    [ QUOTE ]
    very sweet! I'm adding you to my watch list!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sweet! Thanks, everyone! I'm glad it's so well received!
  4. That it really great, Shia. I've messed with flash a bit myself, so I know how cool it can be.
  5. Dandy1


    Thanks, Larissa!
  6. Dandy1


    [ QUOTE ]
    OH MY GOD!!! I am so amazed and awed by this...not just cause it's my toon, but how terrific the cut coloring is, it just blows me away, I love it, I love it, I love it... Thank you sooooo much. Off to fave it, and the close ups are great too! You sir, are a prince!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well LJ, I'm really very pleased that you like it. Like I said, initially I just wanted to do a new piece so I could practice this method of coloring.
    As a fellow artist, I'm sure you can relate to the feeling when I say that there was just something about the piece that whispered to me that it should be LJ. It wasn't even so much like I was creating it as I went, but almost like the image was there all along, and I was just helping to pull it's form from the pixels.

    Anyway, enough metaphorical mumbo-jumbo. I'm just glad that you like it. You've established quite a presence for yourself on these boards, and I felt you might appreciate some recognition.

  7. Thanks, you two. Coming from you guys, it really means a lot to me.
  8. Dandy1


    So, I haven't been around a whole lot, lately. What with taking care of my wife for the past few weeks (she's been recovering from pneumonia), I just haven't had the time to frequent the forums. I don't even think I've played more than an hour or two total in the past several weeks.

    However, I have made time to work on a bit of a surprise piece for someone who's fairly well known to the Fanart section.

    Anyway, I hope you all dig it.

    Who could it be???
  9. I have a surprise for someone, tomorrow.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Here is my attempt at drawing...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very nice, Lorik. The pose is natural, the dimensions are appropriate, and it's well detailed without being distracting. I think it's a really great piece. My only suggestion - work on your confidence with line length. Practice drawing long flowing lines till you feel more comfortable with it. If you do that, then I think that your already good talent can become really great talent.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Wouldn't we all?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  12. Heh, that's pretty funny. I'll bet he's popular with the ladies.
  13. Grats, Scarf! If your using any kind of digital illustration software, a tablet makes a world of difference.
  14. *WOOooooo!* (like a ghost).
  15. <------ My new "spoooooky" halloween avatar!
  16. Very nice! Good sense of character, and perspective. My only recommendation would be something that you could only do with Photoshop, or a similar type of program, and that would be to adjust your levels to darken up the lines.

    Other than that, it's great!

    For drawing and inking, I highly recommend Adobe Illustrator. If that's not available, or too expensive, then I might try Corel Draw, as it's more or less the same.

    Anyway, keep it up, you've obviously got lots of talent!
  17. Dandy1


    Freakin' sweet, LJ!