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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I love it. Here is ONE power in the entire game that can allow a team a guaranteed way to see all Stalkers and people who play stalkers wanted it eliminated.

    Nevermind that it doesn't stop you from still getting AS crits. And god forbid a team should have a way to totally prevent you from sneaking up on them. Nevermind that AT's that can do it are totally susceptible to being one-shotted...regardless of whether they can see you.

    Stalkers have no problem with their entire AT forcing all the other toons to change their playstyle in PvP...but can't suffer one power set, causing them difficulty.

    Retro, I realize you aren't saying they "should" do this, but I have to laugh at the general sentiment in this thread that this is somehow unfair.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Relax there little fella.

    Seriously though, play a stalker for awhile. Nothing better to know how it plays and how to succeed/counter than to walk a mile in their shoes, so to speak.

    It's ok, breath. Clear-Mind or not, there are many other ways to counter a stalkers hide ability. I for one enjoy the dual between a stalker and their prey. Makes the game more challenging than "run in, fight, fight, till one falls".
  2. Damascuss


    All I know is that with buildup and two +ACC SO enhancements in my AS, I sure miss more than 5% of the time...
  3. As focus is a ranged attack, it’s no different than a blaster, or any other AT using a ranged attack. So I don’t see focus falling under the melee restrictions of jousting.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Bosses... Lts... Minions... Civilians... Phone Booths... Kittens...

    Its not temptation, its necessity.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  5. It's rare that I don't AS long bosses/mobs. If they're stupid enough to be standing around alone, they deserve it. ;-)