Comrade Hero

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Gratzzz CH! Adam Van Wyk does some really lines! So who gets to colorize it?
    I haven't thought that far ahead. There's work from Ryan Stegman and a few other artists that still need to be colored. A lot of the commission sales have started already, ahead of the Holiday Season.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by airhead View Post
    The Adam Van Wyk piece is epic! I love the collar piece, perhaps inspire by the Lenin art mentioned. Great to see the momentum forming in unpredictable ways!
    Thanks Airhead, kind of chuffed that this piece was even there. Totally unexpected.

    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    I corrected this image a bit for you so that the inks are clean rather than streaky? is that the word? and the art board stuff is gone.

    looked on the artists site...wonder why he doesn't do this as it only takes like 3 seconds.
    I can't answer that at all. But thanks for tweaking the image. Much appreciated.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HYBRID_Z View Post
    i really like the four five two piece by Mark Williams. Congrats on the new old piece by what appears to be a very distinguished artist. The article was a good read too, I enjoyed the are you a communist question.
    Thanks chief. Mark Williams captured Four Five Two brilliantly. Love that piece. And I liked the article that accompanied the Adam Van Wyk's article as well.
  4. How groovy is this? I was doing an Internet sweep on Comrade Hero and came across an article and image that storyboard artist and cartoonist Adam Van Wyk did featuring Comrade Hero. The article is dated October 22, 2011 and was featured on Adam's website Literary Sketches.

    Had no idea it was out there, but it's made my weekend.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
    I went ahead and canceled my 6 month renewal and made it monthly. They get my money ahead of time but I don't get points ahead. No thanks I 'll just go monthly.
    I've always gone monthly, and tended to top this up extra time from Time Cards when they were on sale.

    I can't see myself purchasing a six or twelve month subscription. The cash discount might be a nice incentive if you're not cash strapped, but getting front-loaded Paragon Points and Reward Tokens with such a purchase would sure be some enticing icing on the cake.
  6. Well my Reward Token showed up today finally. Nice and shiny and spent now.
  7. Although I'm pretty sure the television series came before the comic strip, the British animated series Danger Mouse should rank up there with the best of them and DM had one heck of a long run on television from 1981-1992.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Those are some great pics, as usual for you. I think I'll be contacting Mr. Williams for Midday Chill.
    That's a great idea. I see other folks have started getting commissions of their original characters from Mark Williams, so that sounds like a safe bet.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Nice new pieces, CH! Mark Williams did a fantastic job rendering your toons! Gratz!!
    I'm a bad Comrade Hero. I didn't notice your reply VexXxa! Consider me admonished. And yes, I was very please with the work that Mark Williams did.

    What's next. Well - Ryan Stegman is finishing off a piece of gift art that's been years in the making, and I'm currently working with artists on sample pages and networking with the folks at Enterprise Great Lake Taupo. A local Council run think-tank in my hometown that teams up folks with ideas (like me) with businesses and enterprises.
  10. Billy Batson says SHAZAM! and turns into a female superhero version of Captain Marvel? Stranger things have happened. "Holey Moley! What are these!"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Chap with wings, there. Five rounds rapid.
    Trust the Brigadier to be eminently matter of fact with a rational explanation when facing a winged demon.
  12. I started watching Doctor Who with the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) when I was a kid. Not because I'm that old, but because the Doctor Who repeats started with the Third Doctor's adventures.

    Time travel? Who needs a DeLorean when you've got Bessie.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    So what is the max amount of given/included tokens one can get, if they have subscribed the entirety of the game, bought box sets before, etc etc.....I was under the impression it was 38. I am not talking about additional tokens one can get via paying for points.

    This post indicates this person got 39 via subscription/box purchases. Others have indicated 42, but it is unclear whether they bought additional ones or not.

    I have 38. I thought everything was square as I've been here for the venerable "forever" amount. Sounds like I need to get a support ticket going?
    My bad! I Should have clarified. It's 38 Reward Tokens.

    39 Reward Tokens is with the 400pt purchase I made to see if I would get an extra reward token.

    Apologies for any confusion.
  14. And may you have a most excellent Birthday!
  15. Senior Specialist at City of Heroes Support came through with answers to my questions about Reward Tokens. This is the gist of it, and now it makes sense to me.

    Any Reward Tokens that were due because of an active, paid subscription up through September have already been granted to the account. This happened in a lump-sum distribution when Issue 21's Head Start went live back on 9/13. This same lump-sum distribution was applied to all City of Heroes accounts that had played the game prior to September 2011. This fact eliminates the "Active account: July/August/September" portion of your calculation from earlier. The account already received credit for those months, as contained in the lump-sum 39 amount I just referenced.

    Going forward, Reward Tokens that are earned through having an active subscription/VIP membership are granted in arrears. This is because Reward Tokens earned this way don't grant until you've played through the game time that was paid for previously. They don't grant as soon as game time is applied to the account.

    On a side note, Reward Tokens that are earned from purchasing Paragon Points through the Paragon Market grant within 10-15 minutes of the purchase being made. This usually requires that the character log out of the game completely and then back in. At that time, the account status is updated and the Reward Token is granted.
    I have 39 Reward Tokens because I got an extra one with a 400pt purchase (I was curious to see if you did get a Reward Token for a first purchase of Paragon Points)

    The total without the purchase of Paragon Points is 38 Reward Tokens.
  16. William Joseph "Billy" Batson, Mary Willow Batson, and Frederick Christopher "Freddy" Freeman aka Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jnr (well, the new Captain Marvel) respectively.

    Without access to the power granted by Shazam all three are powerless - reverted back to being normal human children/teenagers.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Ignoring the consequences of the Time War for a moment it exists outside of space and time. Thats why it was always suppose to be impregnable.
    Ayup - one of Gallifrey's best defenses.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    Tokens for buying stuff are awarded immediately.
    I can confirm this.

    I was curious to see if a first purchase of Paragon Points gave you a free Reward Token as indicated.

    So I purchased 400 Paragon Points for $5 and lo and behold was awarded a free Reward Token.

    This can only be done once. But you can also get a Reward Token if you purchase 1200 Paragon Points - I haven't tried this yet, and probably wont.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rezarus View Post
    We've also seen that moving planets across time and space isn't that difficult. Time isn't really an issue here. If you were going to found a time-spanning society, where would you start?
    Information from the BBC on the Location of Gallifrey from the Classic Series:

    The Time Lord in Terror of the Autons says he has travelled 29,000 light years, which is about the distance from Earth to the centre of the Milky Way. Assuming he's come straight to Earth, this would indicate that Gallifrey is at the galactic core, or very far out on the edge, or above the plane of the galaxy. The first assumption seems the most reasonable.

    In Marco Polo, Susan tells Ping Cho that her home is 'as far as a night star', which, if taken literally, means that it's in Earth's galaxy. Gallifrey's star lies within the constellation of Kasterborous, as seen from Earth (see Mission to the Unknown). The galactic core is in Sagittarius, so perhaps Kasterborous occupies the same area in Earth's sky in the future. In Pyramids of Mars Gallifrey is said to have the binary coordinates of 1001100 by 02 (in Gallifreyan notation only the first part is binary). Gallifrey is a few billion millions away from Karn, putting it in the same solar system, with at least three other planets (The Brain of Morbius), possibly four (The Deadly Assassin).

    If Gallifrey is in the Milky Way then 'Mutter's Spiral' is either the Time Lord name for our own galaxy or a reference to the galaxy's spiral arms (they being at the core). Another name for Earth's galaxy is the Stellian Galaxy (The Trial of a Time Lord). The centre of human affairs, some centuries in the future, moves to the galactic core (The Happiness Patrol), which might give Gallifrey pause for thought.
    In the Doctor Who movie with the Eighth Doctor and the The Family of Blood with the Tenth Doctor, Gallifrey is mentioned as being some 250 million light years from Earth. Although given that Gallifrey itself is often reached through time travel rather than travel through space, the question is not just where, but when is Gallifrey.
  20. The problem with trying to pin down Gallifrey's history and origins is that the BBC and the directors working on Doctor Who are deliberately 'wibbly wobbly' with hard facts and figures. Stripping away the complete mystery and wonder of the Time Lords and Gallifrey isn't likely to be done.

    This is compounded by both canonical and non-canonical sources that compliment and contradict each other, and that there are few points of reference to accurately date historical events. Check out William Swift's attempt at making sense of this at Rassilon, Omega, and that Other Guy.

    If you just go by what is referenced on the television series, Gallifreyans are an ancient species, and one of the first humaoid species to evolve in the universe (The Beast Below).

    In Genesis of the Daleks it is mentioned that Time Lords had perfected the Transmat Beam when the universe was less than half its present size.

    Mentioned in The Runaway Bride is that Time Lords were engaged in interstellar war against the Racnoss Empire before our solar system was ever formed.

    That makes Gallifrey and the Time Lords one of the oldest known humanoid civilizations in the Whoverse. Fighting interstellar wars before our solar system was even formed, and hard at work perfecting space-time technology when the universe was half its present size.

    That roughly places Gallifrey and Time Lord civilization being active over 4.5 billion years ago (before our solar system was formed). It's anyone's guess as to the exact date the universe was half it's present size.
  21. The First Doctor never mentions that he's a Time Lord or states where he's from, although both him and Susan aren't from round here.

    At the end of the Second Doctor's run both the Doctor's homeworld (which isn't named) and the Time Lords are introduced during The War Games.

    Omega is introduced in The Three Doctors. Rassilon isn't mentioned at all.

    Gallifrey is mentioned by name for the first time by the Third Doctor in The Time Warrior.

    Rassilon is mentioned for the first time in the Fourth Doctor's adventure The Deadly Assassin.

    And then the decades roll past and you have a whole crudload of backstory and material on Gallifrey, the Time Lords, and Omega and Rassilon.

    I like the idea as well that the Doctor knows a lot more about the true history of the Time Lords, Gallifrey, and its founders than he ever lets on.

    The only ones who potentially know who the Doctor really is are Omega Rassilon. But Omega is a tad insane, and Rassilon won't be speaking anytime soon.
  22. Snow Globe posted this excellent breakdown. It's not the whole thread, which is located here.

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    What I've outlined below is taken directly from Zwillinger's post in the Issue 21 Open Beta Sections (his examples of what each tier gets) with a few additions and is formatted for an easier read.

    The basic cost.
    The following shows what a player starting in Issue 21 without any retail package will have to pay to fully unlock a Tier:

    Tier 1: $0
    Tier 2: Variable. Owning a Retail Code, or first purchase of Paragon Points.
    Tier 3: Approximately* $45 above Tier 2.
    Tier 4: Approximately* $90 above Tier 2.
    Tier 5: Approximately* $165 above Tier 2.
    Tier 6: Approximately* $270 above Tier 2.
    Tier 7: Approximately* $375 above Tier 2.
    Tier 8: Approximately* $480 above Tier 2.

    * Due to factors like buying Paragon Points in bundles, getting a bonus token for a year's subscription, and where you are currently in the rewards shrub, I can only show approximate figures.

    Each $15 can be either subscribing for a month or buying 1,200 addition Paragon Points. Note that any Paragon Reward Tokens earned (converted from the Vet Rewards Program, bonus for having subscribed for a year, or the additional Reward Token for owning a retail copy) will decrease the above by $15 for each Rewards Token you have.

    How to earn Reward Tokens.
    All players (Free, Premium, and VIP) will get 1 Reward token. Additional tokens should be granted by the following means:

    Before Issue 21 goes live, you will get:
    • 1 Token for having any type of retail edition you have. You can earn this token ONCE. So if you have multiple retail editions on your account, you only get 1.
    • 1 Token for each Veteran Reward badge you have.
    • 1 Token for every 4 Veteran Rewards badges. If you have 5 Veteran Reward badges, you only get 1 token, not 1.25 tokens.
    After Issue 21 goes live, you will get:
    • 1 Token for your first purchase of Paragon Points (little as $5 for 400 PP).
    • 1 Token for each month you subscribe.
    • 1 Token for each 12 months you subscribe.
    • 1 Token for each 1,200 Paragon Points you BUY (not the free stipend).
    • 1 Possible Token if you have not previously applied a retail code if you find a retail copy of the game that can upgrade your account.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan Reed View Post
    You should not receive a token for July, or August, for certain. Token accumulation does not start until after Freedom launched.

    September is a bit iffy, but if I get what Zwillinger said correctly you won't be receiving September's Token until your vet reward date comes up in October. Because you do not get your Reward Tokens until the end of the month of time.

    So your account should be correct.
    Ah right, I was under the impression that Paragon Reward Tokens would be awarded for players who purchased Multiple Month Subscription plans in advance from July, 2011 - in advance of Freedom going live.
  24. Last Veteran Badge awarded prior to Issue 21 was the 87 Month Tenacious Badge (remote access to personal storage with the slash command /vault)

    Anyone know what the total Paragon Reward Tokens should be?

    87 / 12 = 7 years
    87 / 3 = 29
    Box = 1 (only one box is counted)
    Account = 1
    Active Account July = 1
    Active Account August = 1
    Active Account September = 1

    Total: 41
    Actual Received: 38
  25. Quote:

    IMPORTANT: Paragon Rewards Program Update - 9/12/2011

    Since announcing City of Heroes Freedom we’ve been extremely excited to share all of the new features coming with Issue 21, one of the most exciting being the Paragon Rewards Program.

    We’ve fielded several questions over the last several weeks about the Paragon Rewards Program, one of which being about how Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded for players who purchase Multiple Month Subscription plans. Our original design, and what we’ve been sharing, is that VIP players who purchased multi month subscription plans would be awarded all Paragon Reward Tokens at the time of purchase. Unfortunately due to technical limitations that we have been unable to overcome, this will not be the case. Instead, VIP players who purchase multiple month subscription plans will receive their Paragon Rewards Token each month on their billing cycle, at the same time they receive their monthly allotment of Paragon Points. Please note that Paragon Reward Tokens granted by the purchase of Paragon Points will grant at the time of purchase.

    We do sincerely apologize that we were not able to launch Issue 21 with this feature and will continue to endeavor to implement it in the future.
    Is there any update on the awarding of outstanding Paragon Reward Tokens awarded for the purchase of multiple month subscription plans prior to Issue 21 going live? or has this already been resolved?